

The Residents’ Living in the ecological environment of South China in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties

【作者】 连雯

【导师】 王利华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自从有人类以来,居民就与其生态环境构成了有机的统一体,居民在一定的生态环境中生活,环境在居民的参与下进行演化。本文尝试用这种观点对魏晋南北朝时期南方生态环境下的居民及其生活进行考察:及考察当时南方的生态环境对于居民及其生活的作用和影响,同时也考察居民的生产生活对环境的作用和影响,以期能对魏晋南北朝时期南方的居民生活做出新的解读。魏晋南北朝时期南方的生态环境由自然的生态环境与人工改造过的生态环境组成。自然的生态环境即自然形成并且依照其内在规律演化的环境,人工改造过的生态环境是人对自然改造后形成的生态环境。当时自然的生态环境总体呈现为:气候以湿热为主,地貌多样,水体丰富,河流众多,森林覆盖率高,动物种类繁多,数量众多。人工改造过的生态环境主要包括农田、水利设施、运河、人工培植的树木园林与牧养的牲畜。当时自然的生态环境比重远远大于人工改造过的生态环境。这种状况对其居民展现出机遇与挑战的双重面貌,一方面以其广阔的空间、温暖的气候、丰富的水体和动植物,为居民生产生活提供了优越的生态环境与生态资源,另一方面,其众多的山地丘陵、茂密的森林和潮湿的气候,又给当时的居民生产生活造成了很大困难。但从总体上看,人与自然的关系是协调的,人在适应与改造其环境中获得了发展,而自然依旧保持着良好的状态与内外部平衡。魏晋南北朝时期南方居民状况颇为复杂:人口数量与分布处于剧烈变化与分布不平衡的状态,居民来源包括土著居民与南迁移民;他们分属汉族与众多少数民族;这一时期形成了世族大地主与依附民两个新的阶层。这种状况的形成,除了复杂的历史社会原因而外,也与当时的生态环境有着密切关系。魏晋南北朝时期南方的居民生活具有明显的时代特色、地域特色、社团特色与发展变化特色。这种状况的形成,除了社会历史原因而外,还与当时生态环境及其变化具有密切的关系。这主要体现在饮食、服饰、居住状况、出行等四个方面。首先是在饮食。关于食材,南方各区域的居民都能就地取材,从自然界直接获取食物,同时人工栽培及饲养具有地方特色的植物、动物作为饮食资源;各地的居民也通过流通来调节互通有无;在饮食消费方面,不同地域、不同民族、不同阶层的居民,都有自己的特色;在饮食的消费观念上,他们也有所不同,这些差异,尽管有着传统、阶级、文化等各种原因,但都与各自具体所处的生态环境有关。其次是服饰。魏晋南北朝时期南方的服饰,依其所用的衣料与使用人数的规模及范围,依次分为麻类、蚕丝类、棉类、葛蕉竹树皮类饰和鸟类羽毛服饰等五类。这与居民各自自然环境密切相关:首先是取材于当地服饰材料资源,其次与当地的气候有关。魏晋南北朝时期南方地区所产的饰品主要由珍珠、翠羽、犀角、玳瑁等为原材料制成,以其数量稀少,所产具有地域限制珍贵。总之,南方的服饰使用,尽管因民族、阶级而有所不同,但它们都具有鲜明的地方特色,这在很大程度上与当地的气候条件及自然资源有关。再次是居所。这一时期少数民族的居住建筑以干栏为主,在山区、水域高低各有差异;在吴越、交广、荆楚巴蜀各区,形制稍有差异。汉族民居在形制、建材使用中,体现出阶级差别:皇室专用山区的贵重木材为木结构宫殿;世家大族所居则多为土木结构的瓦屋,形制较为多样;平民则多居于用以竹类、茅草建造的草屋;修道、隐逸之人也有居石室洞窟者。居所范围再扩大便是聚落,庄园与城市是聚落的不同形式:庄园为世族及其依附民提供生产生活场所;城市本为防御和交易而建,后来成为当地的政治经济文化中心。这一时期南方的民居、聚落和城市都带有明显的地方自然环境特色。最后是出行。南方的交通环境具有地方特色,北方多陆路,南方多水路。不同地域的交通工具不同,山地多乘坐牲畜,水路则主要是船与竹筏。岭南地区所造之船与北方、江南大有不同。交通设施方面,则逆旅兴盛。此时南方居民出行途中比北方危险更多,水路易遭船覆水溺,山路多有毒动植物。因而产生了相应的医药知识与文化策略,特别是《抱朴子·登涉篇》,详细记载南方出行所遇环境危险,及解决方法,不仅是修道人士必备,而且也为一般民众所依赖。这一切,固然带有社会、文化色彩,但也无不与生态环境相关。从以上衣食住行等方面可以看到,魏晋南北朝时南方居民的生活,既有丰富多彩的一面,也有险境丛生的一面,这是南方自然环境对当地居民的双重赠与。而居民们除了从中直接获益,同时也在不断发挥主观能动性去适应、改造自然,以得到更好的生活。这个适应—改造的过程,同时也是开发自然、发展经济的过程,这为唐宋以后南方地区的繁荣发展,奠定了坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 As the mankind born, the residents and their ecological environment constitute an organic unity. As living in the ecological environment, the residents participate in the environmental evolution. This paper attempts to study the residents and their life under the Southern ecological environment in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This paper not only investigates how the ecological environment influences on the residents and their life, but also examine how the production and living of the residents affects the environment of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Through this kind of study, we can make a new interpretation to the life of the Southern residents in the the Periond of Wei, Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties.The environment of South China during the Periond of Wei, Jin Southern and Northern Dynasty can be summerized as:Warm-wet climate, diverse landform including mountainous, hilly and basined area etc., numerous of rivers and abundent water resource, high forest coverage, a wide range and a great number of wildlives. To the-residents of this area, the environment is both a challenge and an opportunity: On the one hand, the abundent resources of south China offer them planty of resource, on the other hand, the environment brought difficulty and risk to their living and production.Under this condition, south China saw many waves of immigration. Northern people mass migrated southward, brought south China a big change. The old mode of scattered inhabited minority groups transformed to a new one in which Han People and different ethnic groups lived together over vast areas with a more frequent population movement. It provided a geographical possibility to change environment, use the natural resources and fuse different national or regional cultures.As the large immigrated northern Han people incorporated into south China residents, the southern way of life had been changed. In the new way, there are a reservation of oringinal residents’s life-style and the Han people’s new living ways which is based on their Zhongyuan culture and the local environment. All of them constitude the living condition of southern people during Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty, which is mainly expressed in four aspects:diet, dress/adornment, dwelling, and transportation.First, the diet. south China has a great number of animals and plants, so people can both get food directly from the nature and also develope some cultured animals and plants as another diet resource, based on their local envrionment. People could also adjust their diet by control the food circulation, on the basis of the possibility of climate-caused famine, local products difference, and different food needs among different cultural groups. In the respect of food consumption, besides those successful northern introduced species and those species exist in both north and south, south China products its unique regional food, on account of its particuly climate and environment. The southern diet method is almost the same with the northern one, but has its own characteristic. And the diet consuming concept developes some new ideas that time. Southern residents choose different ways of food production, diet preference, consuming concepts, etc., all base on the southern environment, although can be influnced by culture, class and other factors.Second, the dress and adornment. The southern dress and adorment of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty, on the basis of the clothing material and the wearers’ range and scale, can be devided into five kinds:hemp, silk, cotton, kudzu/banana/bamboo/bark and feather clothing. Dress and adornment are closely related with natural environment. They must be based on the local animal and plant resources and the local warm-wet climte which impels its residents to choose some relevent materials to resist the environment hazard to human body. In particular cases, different parts of south China also have slight differences. Southern region during Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty products decorations which are mainly made of pearal, kingfisher feathers, rhinoceros horn or hawksbill. The regional and scarcity of those resource makes them extremely precious. In conclusion, southern dresses and adornments have a distinctive feature which keeps close relevent with the local climate and the natural resource. By the same time, different clothing materials are used by people from different classes, which shows that different classes occupies different amount of natural resources. Third, the dwellings. During this period minorities mainly lived in stilt houses. In the mountainous area low stilt houses are very common, while in the waterfront area high stilt houses are widespread. And in the specific districts of Wuyue, Jiaoguang, Jingchu and Bashu, the stilt houses have some slight differences in shape and structure. Han people’s dwellings reflects a class difference in shape, structure and building material:The ruling class use rare kinds of wood from southern mountain area to build their palace, only for royal folks; the influential and privileged families can live in the tile-roofed houses which have more than3rooms, and the building structures are often Qvchi or Sanhe style, main building material is wood; normal people live in dwllings built of bamboo, and is roofed by thatch; there are also some stome rooms which usually owned by monks and hermits, that’s how they adjust building material to local environment and living conditions. Dwellings grew larger and become settlements. Manor and city are the two forms of settlement: Manor in the southren environment can supply the aristocratic family and their subordination population; the city can resist foreign invasion and enhance trading functions. in the south, the apparence of some central cities shows obvious local environmental characteristics.Forth, the transportation. There are local characteristics in southern land route and civilian trips. Water route transportations are basically ships and bamboo rafts, and the Lingnan shipbuilding technology which has an unique feature is different from Jiangnan and the north. The open up of new traffice routes on land and in water makes hotels become flourishing. During that period, residents getting around in the south is more dangerous than in the north, because southern environment is more complicated and has more poision animals or plants. So the residents use herbal medicine knowledge and cultural strategy to avoid the environmental hazard. Especially the chapter"Dengshe"in Baopuzi writes up the environmental dangerous of the trip in the south and the correspondent solution methods, which are adopted not only by monks, but also by common people.From diet, dress/adornment, dwelling and transportation, we can see the living condition of southern residents in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty. They have a colorful life on one side and a dangerous life on the other side. This is the double-gift to local residents from the southern environment. Besides those banifits they can directly get from the environment, southern residents can bring their subjective initiative into full play while they adapt and change nature for a better life. This adaption and changing procedure, by the same time, is a natural and economical developing procedure. This is the solid base of the prosperity and fast development in the south after Tang and Song Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

