

Shi and Several Related Issues

【作者】 曾骞

【导师】 沈家煊;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 系词一直是哲学、语言学中的一个重要话题,何为“to be”、何为“是”都是争议不清的话题。但现代汉语的“是”却因为过于寻常而被理所应当地得到了一些定位——只有名词谓语句和部分形容词谓语句中的“是”是判断动词;而动词谓语句里看似可有可无的“是”或被认为是语气副词,或为焦点标记。其他动词相比,“是”因为其动态性、及物性等明显的动词性特征,更加适合充当小句谓语。为什么从古至今,汉语的主谓之间都能见到“是”的身影?古代汉语中,所谓“是”虚化为焦点标记之前,为什么可以和其后动词短语连用?到底“是”是不是可有可无?“是”有没有语义价值?为什么汉语几乎所有的小句都可以插入“是”?这些诸多的问题都有待一个清晰的解释。本文使用传统句法层级分析、认知语言学的理论,并借鉴生成语法的一些研究方法和成果,期望对“是”及其几个相关问题做细致、可靠的研究。文章首先从“是”的语义价值入手,通过比较因“是”而语义不同的“只”和“只是”,尝试解读“是”究竟有没有为“只”向“只是”的演化提供语义和句法上的价值。随后,将“是”放置于含不同类别情态词的小句中,以“是”和情态词互动的句法限制为基础去探索“是”的语义内容。当“是”的语义真值得到确认,“是”的句法性质重新定位即是本文的下一步目标。如果“是”只是焦点标记,那么“只”和“只是”的语义区别得不到解释,“是”和情态词互动时的句法限制以及“是”与疑问代词共现时的所谓双重强式焦点矛盾也得不到解释。当我们回归“是”的判断动词定位之后,所以的问题都不再是问题。动词(短语)谓语前的“是”是焦点标记还是判断动词,这实质上关系着汉语的词类划分。为什么现代汉语几乎所有的动词短语都能充当判断动词“是”的宾语?名词和动词是相互独立还是包含关系?本文比较了以往关于动词和动词短语做主宾语时的所谓“名词化”、“名物化”策略,以及“小句投射”观的不足。在汉语名词和动词短语的平行研究中发现,动词(短语)不仅可以同名词一样无标记地占据小句的主宾语位置,同时,动词能受副词修饰这一被认为是唯一的、最可靠的名动词区别性特征却一直没有丧失。即是说,动词和动词短语在做主宾语时,语用上是指称语,句法上仍然是动词性,没有改变。名词和动词(短语)的唯一区别是动词(短语)能无标记充当陈述语。历时的语料观察也发现,动词短语在“是”成为判断动词的前后一直能无标记地充当主宾语。随后,动词短语做话题时的句法分析、以及VP短语做谓语核心的回指问题研究进一步验证了汉语动词(短语)既是陈述语又是指称语的观点。和“是”紧密相关的另一个问题是其“主观性”。语言的演变总是与说话人的语言的主观化运用相生相伴,“是”从其指代用法到判断用法的语义变化中,也伴随着主观性的增强。所谓的“不合逻辑”系词句是考察“是”主观性用法的最好窗口。既往关于“不合逻辑”系词句的研究,以“转指说”和“空主语说”为主,这两种说法都遇到一些不可回避的问题。“是”的主观认同义才是解决问题的关键。研究发现,不同语言中系词的来源和主观性程度不同影响了该语言对“不合逻辑”系词句的允准情形是不同的。汉语的“是”来自于意义本义很虚的指示代词,和来源于实义动词的意大利语系词“sono”、粤语系词“保”相比,其高度的主观化程度允准了汉语普通话里的“不合逻辑”系词句。当情态副词“梗”用于粤语的系词句之后,原本不合法的粤语“不合逻辑”系词句在“梗”的主观情态义辅助之下才变得合法。进一步关于“是”主观认同义的研究聚焦在“要是、若是”等假设连词中“是”的构词基础解释。无论是类型学的研究成果,或者是其他汉语假设连词历时虚化过程的回顾都说明,“主观认同”义是假设连词的最重要语义基础。“是”的主观义符合了假设连词的语义要求,判断动词“是”能以主谓小句为其补足语的特性也帮助“要”、“就”等单音节句中假设连词在和“是”的连用中从句中走向了句首,使得“要是、就是”出现在单音节假设连词“要、就”等不能占据的句法位置。最后,本文把研究拓展到了句末的“了”(即“了2”)。“是”和“有”所关注的“是非”和“存在”问题是语言中最基础性概念,也是人类认识世界的基础问题。句末“的”因为常和“是”一起连用形成所谓“事态句”,所以得到了情态语气词的定位。“了2”和“的”的平行研究表明“了2”和句末“的”有几乎一致的用法。“了2”也并非关注动词短语的时、态等“存在”问题,它所在小句的句法语义研究、否定形式研究,以及“了2”的历时研究,都指出,“了2”和“是非”问题有关。“了2”的情态语气词定位符合语料中“了2”被大量用于主观句和传信句的语言事实。

【Abstract】 The main aim of this dissertation focuses on the nature of Shi and several syntactic questions about Shi.Chapter I:It’s about how the present studies did on the issue and how I plan the whole structure in the dissertation.Chapter II:It is the basis part of the dissertation, which aims to find out if Shi is a declarative verb or a semantically meaningless stressing sign. From the semantic part, the syntactic representation from the occurrence of Shi and three difference kinds of modality verbs leads to show what Shi does mean. And about the syntactic part, this dissertation fixes the nature of Shi on declarative verb. The thought could solve some unaccountable problems, such as the syntactic limits of Shi and so-called "double focuses diploma" interrogative sentences, which both interrogative pronoun and shi are used.Chapter Ⅲ, Ⅳ&Ⅴ:Deal with shi and the lexical category. In modern Chinese, almost each VP could be the complement of the verb Shi. On the point, nouns and verbs present the undoubted consistency. No matter which syntactic part the unmarked verbs or verb phrases are on, subject or object, it never lose the most important categorical feature of verbs that verb could be modified by the adverbs. After debating on the nominalization research or clause projection analysis of the VPs which are on the subject or object position, the new conclusion is it is practical that the standard of how to deal with lexical category in Chinese should be from pragmatic view more than syntactic one. Verb is one of subcategory of Noun in Chinese, since the verbs could be the reference and the statement when the nouns could be the reference only.Chapter VI:Sentences which like wo shi niurou mian can mean "I have an order for beef noodles" rather than "I am the beef noodle literally". To explain this kind of copular construction with zero subject and deferred reference meets with many difficulties. Instead of these resolutions, we assert that there is no difference between classical copular constructions and the ones like that mentioned above. These copular constructions like wo shi niurou mian belong to a sentence pattern with its own constructional meaning of "subjective identity". Since the copulas in these sentences mean to carry the subjective connotation, the different copulas from various languages will be the key of to or not to set up the kind of copular construction with meaning of "subjective identity".Chapter Ⅶ:Another discussion about the subjective feature of Shi will be presented in the part. In Chinese, several hypothetical conjunctions consist of morpheme Shi. Based on the evidences from typology research, other kinds’studies of hypothetical conjunctions with difference resources, it finds out that the reason why there are yaoshi, jiushi or ruoshi with the morpheme Shi is the "subjective identity" meaning of Shi.Chapter Ⅷ:Extends the issue to sentence-final particle le2(了2) in Mandarin. The concepts of "assertion" and "existence" brought by shi and you(有) are very basic in languages. Many language elements are divided into two basic parts by these concepts. This study to contrast sentence-final particle le2and de (的) ends to a conclusion that le2is related to "assertion" as a modality mood particle just like de almost does.Chapter Ⅸ:Summarizes all the works and sketches the future study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【下载频次】383

