

The Mythology of Architecture in Consumer Society

【作者】 张希

【导师】 徐雷;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代建筑领域理论与实践的多元化现象以及设计环境中的浮躁情绪已经引起了诸多学者的广泛关注和深入研究,但绝大多数研究的的视角或出发点往往都局限在建筑领域,并对种种由浮躁情绪引发的弊端持片面的否定与批判态度,而事实上,在当代建筑领域所出现的现象和问题在其它生产领域也有极为类似的反映,这些现象是在当代社会环境下所有生产领域的共性特征。针对上述问题,论文将建筑视为一个受社会生产方式及社会关系直接影响的社会产物,以当代消费社会为背景,从商品交易的角度来解读当代建筑现象。将罗兰·巴特和让·鲍德里亚的神话学作为理论基础,分别从神话的成型步骤、神话的建构手法、神话承载社会运作三个方面讨论神话的属性,并将其分别应用到建筑领域研究:建筑神话的成型经历了功能化、大众化和等级化三个步骤。从摆脱象征性形式束缚、去除象征性装饰要素和讲求建筑的经济性三个方面来阐释功能化步骤;从重塑大众的精神归属、提倡公众关注、参与和注重建筑的商业推广三个方面来阐释大众化步骤;从以建筑奖项划分建筑等级和用建筑等级匹配权力等级两方面来阐释等级化步骤。建筑神话之所以能够完成以上的三个步骤,是因为其特殊的建构手法。通过分析建筑神话建构的三个转换层级——大众媒介转换层级、流行文化转换层级和符号价值转换层级以及经过建构后建筑神话的最终呈现形式——品牌符码,来解读建筑神话的建构对当代建筑领域产生的本质性影响。建筑神话化的结果是要承载社会运作,因此一个建筑能否最终成为神话必须还要通过社会的检验。建筑神话对社会运作的承载包括了文化转化为经济利益、消费背后的权力诉求和权力地位的文化标识三个方面。笔者以波兹坦广场重建项目和六本木地区再开发项目为例对这三方面进行了阐释。论文得出消费社会建筑神话化具有必然性的结论。在经济全球化的时代,中国当代建筑不可避免地受到了消费社会的影响,也在一定程度上呈现出神话的特征,因此本文对理解当代中国建筑也具有一定的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 The pluralistic phenomena of theory and practice in contemporary architecture field and the fickle emotion in the design environment have aroused many scholars’ extensive attention and in depth research, but the perspectives or starting points of many researches are restricted to the architecture field and people hold a unilateral negative or critical attitude towards various drawbacks caused by the fickle emotion, but in fact, there are also extremely similar reflections in other production fields as the phenomena and problems appear in contemporary architecture field, and these phenomena are common for all production fields under the contemporary social environment.Aiming at the preceding problems, the thesis considers architecture as a social product that is directly influenced by social production mode and social relations, and explains contemporary architecture phenomenon from the point of commodity transaction with contemporary consumption society as the background. Taking Roland Barthes and Jean Baudrillard’s mythology as the theoretical basis, it discusses the nature of mythology from three aspects, namely the forming steps of myth, the construction approach of myth and myth’s hosting the social function, which are respectively applied to the research of construction field:The forming of architecture myth went through three steps of functionalization, popularization and hierarchization. The functional steps are illustrated from the three aspects:releasing from the symbolic form, removing the element of the symbolic decoration and seeking the economy of architecture; The steps of popularization can be illustrated from three aspects:restoring the public spirit attribution, advocating public concerns, and participating in and paying attention to the commercial promotion of architectures; the classification step is explained from the two aspects of dividing the construction class by the architectural award and matching the right class with the construction class.The reason that why architectural myth can complete the three preceding steps lies is its special construction techniques. Interpret the essential influence of the construction of mythological buildings on the contemporary building field by analyzing the three transaction levels of the construction of mythological buildings--the transaction level of mass media, the transaction level of popular culture and the transaction level of sign value as well as the final presentation form of the mythological buildings after being constructed—brand code.The result of mythologizing architecture is to bear the social operation, so it also needs to be tested by the society before a building finally becoming a myth. The carrier of social functioning of architecture myth includes three aspects, which are the cultural turning into economic benefits, power demands of consumers and cultural identifications of power status. The author has given the interpretation of three aspects while taking examples such as the reconstruction project of Potsdamer Platz and the urban redevelopment project of RoppongiHill.This thesis comes to the conclusion that the mythologizing of architecture in the consumer society is inevitable. In the era of economic globalization, Chinese contemporary architecture is inevitably impacted by the society of consumer, showing a mythical characteristic to a certain degree; therefore, this paper will be of some reference value to understanding Chinese contemporary architecture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

