

Study on Method of Classification and Identification of Tibetan Medical Material in Blue Beryl

【作者】 米久

【导师】 尼玛次仁;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 民族医学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要以藏医论疏经典——《蓝琉璃》中所载藏药材的独特分类方法和特殊药材的品种鉴定为重点研究对象。《蓝琉璃》是对藏医根本经典《四部医典》的系统注释,是第司·桑杰加措(公元1653-1705)大师最具代表性的著作之一。第司·桑杰加措是公元17世纪著名的藏族医学家、天文历算学家、历史学家、教育家及政治家。他以非凡的智慧和才能,先后编著了《白琉璃》、《蓝琉璃》、《黄琉璃》、《藏族医学史》等大量著作。此外,亲自校勘了藏医名著《四部医典》,绘制了医学80副系列挂图—曼唐,创办了药王山利众医学院,从而为继承和发扬藏医药医疗、教学与科研事业作出了杰出贡献。《蓝琉璃》是历代《四部医典》注释中内容最全,篇幅最大的权威著作。该书的问世为藏医药理论教学、临床指导和医疗卫生事业的发展起到了前所未有的推动作用,尤其对藏药理论的完善与藏药材鉴别方法和内涵的提升与规范起到了深远的影响。本文在系统深入地研究和整理17世纪著名藏医药大师第司·桑杰嘉措为藏医药事业发展立下的丰功伟绩的基础上,综合运用了文献检索法、实地考察法、经典理论比较法、实物与标本对比法等研究方法,同时根据研究需要合理地借鉴和应用了显微、色谱等现代药材鉴定方法和手段,首先对《蓝琉璃》之药材分类方法的学术价值和独特内容进行了深刻挖掘与探讨,其次对该书所述历代本草文献中具有争议的藏药材品种进行了文献、实物和标本相结合的对比研究,此外,对该书为完善藏药理论体系和弘扬藏药独特学术思想,以及藏药材鉴定标准规范化所起到的学术价值进行了深入探讨。通过以上研究,进一步阐明了第司·桑杰嘉措大师关于藏医药学独特的学术观点和思想。根据研究,本文提出以下重要论点和结论:一、对第司·桑杰嘉措大师藏医药学贡献的进一步阐述和定位。桑杰嘉措大师通过著书立说、创办医学院校、配制新药、绘制医学曼唐等伟大事迹,较为全面系统地梳理完善了藏医药理论、提高了临床实践能力,并为改善藏医药教育体制和教学方法做了进一步的探讨。通过研究表明:桑杰嘉措大师是在师承北派的基础上,高度整合南、北派藏医优势特色,全面弘扬藏医药利他事业的特殊贡献。这是对认为大师仅是藏医南、北派之北派观点继承者的传统说法的进一步修正。二、对《蓝琉璃》所载藏药材分类及鉴定方法的进一步研究和拓展。1)以往《四部医典》注释中对藏药材分类中缺乏对树干类((?))、精药类((?))、灌木类((?))药材的详细诠释,本文围绕《蓝琉璃》中对树干类、精药类、灌木类药材的分类方法,进一步提出藏药分类学说的意义与内涵,为今后的研究奠定了基础。2)通过系统研究《蓝琉璃》内容,不仅全面研究了桑杰嘉措大师独特的药材鉴定理论和方法,而且对17世纪及其以前在藏药材品种问题上所存在的观点进行了整理研究,并对目前藏药材认药方法的统一和规范提出了新的观点,为藏药材的规范化鉴定奠定了基础。3)本文通过系统全面的文献资料查阅和研究,以及对《蓝琉璃》收载药材的标本、照片、图谱、实物等方面的对比研究,较为科学地阐明了大师科学正确的学术观点。4)通过对比《四部医典》与《蓝琉璃》中收载的单味藏药材品种和功效,剖析整理了大师针对《医典》所补充的单味药材及其功效部分,为进一步研究藏药材功效及科学的探讨藏药配方,开发新药奠定了研究基础,同时针对性地提出了个人创新性的观点。5)在充分探讨目前濒危药材新资源开发和改善名贵药材短缺现状的基础上,通过研究整理《蓝琉璃》中的收载确定的特殊替代藏药品,针对开展濒危、珍惜藏药材保护与替代品种研究方面提出了新的观点和内容。6)通过侧重研究和探讨《蓝琉璃》对完善藏药理论与规范认药方法方面起到的独特作用和学术影响,进一步论证了其不可替代的学术和应用价值。三、对《蓝琉璃》文本的现代价值做了初步的探讨。基于公元17世纪《蓝琉璃》木刻版印刷出版并确定为药王山利众医学院重要教材的历史实际,本文通过进一步论证《蓝琉璃》重要学术思想与教学价值,通过分析其作为高等医学院校专用教材的特殊作用,就针对性开发其教学价值,在我国藏医药高等教育藏药专业本科以及藏医药专业研究生教学中推行应用方面提出了初步的设想和意见。基于《蓝琉璃》在藏药学方面的科学性、权威性和特殊的学术价值,极力提倡将此著作作为今后藏药专业教学、临床、生产和科研方面权威文献与参考。

【Abstract】 This thesis is mainly concentrated on studying the unique methods of the classification and identification of special medical materials in Blue Beryl, a standard a commentary of Four Tantras. Blue Beryl was composed by famous Tibetan physician, astronomer, historian, educator and politician Disi Sangye Gyatso (1653-1705) in17th century. Disi, the well learned and capable scholar, also composed many other books, such as White Beryl, Yellow Beryl, and History of Tibetan Medicine. He edited Four Tantras and painted famous80tangkas which based on the contents of Four Tantras. He also established Chakpori Tibetan Medical College. Thus, we can say that he made a great contribution to Tibetan medical education, clinic practice and medical research.Blue Beryl is the most authoritative commentary on Four Tantras, which has most detailed and completed explanation for the root texts. The commentary has made a huge contribution to the medical education, clinical practice, and public health. Especially, the theory of Tibetan pharmacology and the methods of identification of medical materiel are greatly influenced by the text.In my thesis, I have carefully studied the methods of classification and identification of medical materials in Blue Beryl by bibliographic search, comparison of classical Tibetan medical texts, field work, as well as comparing medical materials. I have also used modern techniques, such as microscope, chromatograph to support my research. First, I have studied and discussed academic value of the method of identification of medical materials and unique contents in the Blue Beryl. Second, I have done comparison research on controversial medical materials by comparing medical text, medical materials and samples. In addition, I have studied the academic value of the text that how the text improving Tibetan medicine theory, enriching special academic thinking of Tibetan pharmacology and identification of Tibetan medical materials. Through above research, I further explain unique academic viewpoints and thoughts on Tibetan medicine.The following are main arguments and conclusions in my thesis:1. Further expounding and evaluation of Disi Sangye Gyatso’s contribution on development of Tibetan medicine. As mentioned above, Disi Sangye Gyatso composed Tibetan medical books, established Tibetan medical school, produced new medical compounds, and made Tibetan medical tangkas. Through his effort, Tibetan medical theory and skill of clinical practice were improved; in addition, the level of Tibetan medical education and teaching methods were also improved. Many scholars believe that Disi Sangye Gyatso belongs to the Medical Schools of Jang (the Northern School). According my research, having based on knowledge of the Medical Schools of Jang, Disi also borrowed lots of knowledge from the Medical School of Zur (the Southern School). Thus, I think tradition of Disi is combination of both schools.2. Study on the classification of Tibetan medical materials in Blue Beryl.1) There is lack of detailed explanation of medicine from trunk, resins, and bushes in previous commentaries on the Four Tantras, in contrast, Blue Beryl gives detailed interpretation about medicine from trunk, resins, and bushes. I highlight the value and significance of such classification in the Blue Beryl.2) By doing systematic research on the Blue Beryl, I show the Disi’s methods of identification of medicine and medical theory. I point out different opinions of Tibetan doctors about identification of medical materials before17th century. I also talk about how to make a standard for identification of medical materials in present time.3) By doing systematic textual study and comparing specimen, photos, material objects of Tibetan medical materials in the Blue Beryl, I show Disi Sangye Gyatso’s academic views.4) By analyzing and comparing the function of single medical material in Blue Beryl and Four Tantras, it laid good foundation for research on function of single medical material and compound. It also laid foundation for creating new compound. Finally, I share my viewpoints for this topic here too.5) By analyzing substitute medical materials in Blue Beryl, I discuss how to protect endangered medical materials and how to use substitute medical materials in the traditional compounds.6) By studying and discussing the unique function and academic influence of medicine classification in Blue Beryl, I proved the academic value of Blue Beryl.3.1evaluate value of Blue Beryl in the modern time. Blue Beryl was used as an important text book for Chakpori Tibetan Medical College and the text was produced as a block print. My thesis tries to prove that Blue Beryl still has important academic thought and value. I think that it is very important to maintain its value and it should be used as teaching materials for graduate students as well as undergraduate students. According to Blue Beryl’s authority and academic value, I strongly recommend that it should be used as a teaching material, clinical guide book, and reference for medicine product and research in the modern time.


