

Study on the Mechanism of Peasant Entrepreneurship Based on Social Embedded Perspective in Rural Area

【作者】 蒋剑勇

【导师】 钱文荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前,学界和政府对于农民创业给予了很大的关注。作为减贫增收、带动就业的重要力量,农民创业扮演着缩小城乡差距的重要角色;因此,鼓励农民创业已成为解决“三农问题”的一项重要措施。然而,已有研究对于“为什么有些农民能成功创建新企业”以及“在农村地区,农民是如何创建新企业的”等问题尚未给予合理解释。基于此,本文在一般创业规律研究的基础上,针对我国农村地区农民创业的情景因素,以社会嵌入的理论视角入手,构建了一个农民创业的理论框架;并利用实地调研数据进行实证分析,回答了阐释我国农村地区农民创业机理的五个关键性问题:(1)在农村地区,什么情况下农民更有意向成为创业者?(2)为什么在农村地区有些农民能识别创业机会而另一些没有?(3)在识别创业机会后,在什么情况下农民更有可能作出创业的决策?(4)农民创业者如何能从外部获取创业所需的资源?(5)影响农村地区农民创业绩效的关键因素是什么以及如何影响?通过对上述五个问题的深入研究,本文得出以下主要结论:(1)农村地区的创业氛围、农民的创业榜样、感知的社会网络支持以及先前创业经历对农民创业意向有积极的作用。农村社区一旦形成支持性的创业氛围,将增强农民的创业意向;社会网络中成功创业者越多,农民会表现出更高的创业意向;感知的强关系支持能提升农民的创业意向;有先前创业经历的农民更有意向成为创业者。(2)农民的讨论网规模、关系强度、销售工作经历和创业经历以及农村地区创业榜样是影响农民创业机会识别的重要因素。农民的社会交往越广泛,社会网络关系强度越强,越有助于其识别创业机会;农村社区成功创业者越多,农民识别创业机会的可能性就会越大;先前的销售工作经历或创业经历有助于提高农民识别创业机会的可能性。(3)农民的创业榜样、感知的社会网络支持以及先前管理和行业工作经历是促使农民作出创业决策的关键要素。社会网络中成功创业者越多,农民越有可能作出创业的决策,社会网络支持有助于提高农民实施创业活动的可能性,有管理工作经历或行业工作经历的农民更有可能开发创业机会。(4)农民创业者的行动网特征、社会技能以及网络活动影响其对创业资源的获取。农民创业者的社会网络规模影响资源获取效果以及物质和信息资源的获取,关系强度影响资源获取效率以及物质资源的获取;社会技能的提高有助于农戾创业者对创业资源的获取:农民创业者的网络活动投入时间对资源获取的影响是正的但是边际递减的。(5)农民创业者的行动网规模、强关系中的创业榜样、社会技能以及行业工作经历对新创企业绩效产生显著影响。给予农民创业者帮助的人越多,其新创企业绩效表现更好;家人、亲友中有创业成功者,农民新创企业的绩效更佳;良好的社会技能有助于农民创业者改善新创企业绩效;有行业工作经历的农民创业者,其新创企业绩效水平更高。总体而言,本文从社会嵌入视角审视农民创业,将理论分析和实证研究较好地结合起来,初步阐释了我国农村地区农民创业的内在机理。与以往国内外农民创业的相关研究比较,本文可能在以下方面有一定的贡献:首先,本文发现农村地区的创业氛围并不直接作用于农民的创业决策,而是正向影响农民的创业意向,从而揭示了文化作用于农民创业活动的微观机理,对已有的文献是一个补充。其次,本研究结果表明农村地区的创业榜样有助于农民对于创业机会的识别,而强关系中的成功创业者则有利于农民创业绩效的提升;这一发现有助于推进目前关于创业榜样与个体创业活动关系的研究,有一定的理论新意。再者,本文发现网络规模、关系强度对资源获取效果和效率以及不同创业资源的不同影响,这一发现支持并强化了有关社会网络作用于创业活动的理论判断,并在目前关于社会网络与创业资源获取关系的研究基础上往前迈了一小步。最后,本文验证了农民创业者的社会技能对于创业资源获取效率和效果以及创业绩效均有积极的作用;拓展了社会技能与创业活动关系的情景因素,也有利于启发未来研究进一步探索社会技能如何影响农民创业活动的内在机理。

【Abstract】 At present, both the academia and government have paid much attention on peasant entrepreneurship. As an important force to relieve the poverty, increase the income and employment, the peasant entrepreneurship plays a critical role in shortening the gap between urban and rural areas. Therefore, it has become a significant measure that the peasants are encouraged to start their own businesses to solve the issues concerned with "agriculture, rural area and farmer’". However, existing researches still cannot give reasonable explanations for the problems of "why can some peasants successfully establish new businesses" and "how do the peasants start new businesses in rural areas".On the basis of the entrepreneurship theory, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of peasant entrepreneurship from the perspective of social embeddedness theory. Meanwhile, empirical analysis is conducted with the field research data. This paper is to answer five critical problems in explaining the peasant entrepreneurship mechanism in rural area:(1) What situation can make peasants have more intention to become entrepreneurs in rural area?(2) Why some peasants can recognize entrepreneurship opportunities while others cannot?(3) After recognizing the entrepreneurial opportunities, under what condition the peasants are more likely to make entrepreneurial decision?(4) How could peasant entrepreneurs get external resources that are needed for starting businesses?(5) What are the critical factors that affect the entrepreneurial performance of the peasants in rural areas and how these factors influence the performance?This paper concludes the followings through the deep research on the above five problems.(1) Entrepreneurial atmosphere in rural area, entrepreneurial models, social network support and entrepreneurial experience have positive effects on peasants’ entrepreneurial intentions. Once the supportive entrepreneurial atmosphere is formed in rural community, entrepreneurial intentions of the peasants will be strengthened; the more successful entrepreneurs in social network, the higher entrepreneurial intentions will they have; strong relationship support can enhance the peasants’ entrepreneurial intentions; the peasants that have former entrepreneurial experience are much more likely to become entrepreneurs.(2) Important factors that affect opportunity recognition of peasants’ include the discussion network size, tie strength, sales working experience and entrepreneurial experience. The effect of opportunity recognition is associated with network size and peasants with stronger social relationship will be more likely to recognize opportunities. The more successful entrepreneurs in the rural community, the more possibilities the peasants can recognize the entrepreneurial opportunities. Peasants’ sales experience or entrepreneurial experience is helpful to improve their recognition possibility of entrepreneurial opportunities.(3) Important elements that push peasants to make the entrepreneurial decision include the peasants’entrepreneurial models, social network support and former management and working experience in certain industry. The more successful entrepreneurs in his social network, the more possibilities they have to make entrepreneurial decisions. Social network support is beneficial to improve the possibilities for peasants to conduct entrepreneurial activities. Peasants with management working experience or working experience in certain industry are more likely to develop entrepreneurial opportunities.(4) it is shown that the peasant entrepreneurs’network characteristics, social skills and networking activities play a vital role in their acquisition of entrepreneurial resources The effect of resources acquisition is associated with network size and tie strength is a major factor that produces influences on the efficiency of resources acquisition. Network size and tie strength exert different influences on the acquisition of different entrepreneurial resources. The former influences the acquisition of material resources and information resources, however, the latter simply acts on material resources. Peasant entrepreneurs’social skills also exert effects on the acquisition of entrepreneurial resources. It is also found that networking activities of peasant entrepreneurs bring positive but marginal decrease influence on resources acquisition(5) Initial entrepreneurial performance is significantly affected by the action network size of the peasant entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial models, social skills and working experience in certain industry. The more help the peasant entrepreneurs get, the better entrepreneurial performance will be. The peasant entrepreneurs would have better performance if they have successful entrepreneurs in their strong ties. New business performance will be improved if the peasant entrepreneurs possess good social skills. Initial entrepreneurial performance will be better if the peasant entrepreneurs have working experience in certain industry.In general, this paper examines the peasant entrepreneurship based on the perspective of social embeddedness theory and better combines the theoretical analysis and empirical study. This paper primarily explains the internal mechanism of peasant entrepreneurship in rural areas in China. Compared with existing studies of peasant entrepreneurship. this paper can contribute to the following aspects.Firstly, it is discovered in this paper that the entrepreneurial atmosphere in rural area will not directly affect the entrepreneurial decision of the peasants. Instead. it has positive affect on peasants’ entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, the micro-mechanism of culture influence on peasants’ entrepreneurial activities is revealed and can be a supplement to the existing document. Secondly, research results show that entrepreneurial models in rural areas help improve the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities for peasants and successful entrepreneurs in strong ties are beneficial to initial entrepreneurial performance. This discovery is helpful to promote the research on the relationship between entrepreneurial models and entrepreneurial activities currently with certain new theoretical conception. Thirdly, This research has discovered the different influences of network size and tie strength on the efficiency and effect of resource acquisition of various kinds. This discovery supports and strengthens the theoretical argument that social networks act upon entrepreneurial activities. On the other hand, it has complemented to the previous studies to some extent. Finally, this paper verifies that social skills of the peasant entrepreneurs have positive influence on the efficiency and effect of entrepreneurial resources acquisition and initial entrepreneurial performance. Meanwhile, this paper extends the situational factors of social skills and entrepreneurial activities relationship and helps inspire further surveys on the internal mechanism of how social skills influence entrepreneurial activities of peasants.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

