

【作者】 谭瑜

【导师】 常永才;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 经过30多年的探索与发展,高校中外合作办学工作在国家的扶持下已逐渐走上规范化和法治化的发展道路,在培养我国社会主义现代化建设急需的高素质国际化人才,推动我国教育国际化和传播中华民族优秀文化等方面发挥了显著作用。但就目前而言,高校中外合作办学项目在引进优质高等教育资源上还比较薄弱,对学生跨文化适应状况的了解与跨文化能力培养的重视程度还不够,尚缺乏系统、有效的跨文化培训方案与具体措施,在促进和保证学生的个人发展与健康成长方面还存在很大的改善空间。本研究便是基于这样一种现实之需,对高校中外合作办学项目学生在海外留学期间的跨文化适应状况、现存问题及其影响因素进行的一项探索性实证研究。本论文在对现有跨文化适应相关理论及实证研究文献资料进行回顾与分析的基础上,运用问卷、访谈与观察等研究方法对目前高校中外合作办学项目学生留学期间的跨文化适应状况、问题及其影响因素进行了深入调查与分析,并在此基础上对如何进一步完善高校跨文化教育培训体系,提高学生跨文化适应能力提出了具体的对策建议。本论文的研究结果表明,贝瑞等人构建的文化适应理论框架因主要以长期移民和难民为主要研究群体,其对国际留学生群体,尤其是通过国际教育合作项目出国的学生群体的针对性不够,对该群体的跨文化适应问题及其影响因素的解释和适用程度存在一定的局限性。本论文基于实证调查与深入分析,建构出专门针对中外合作办学项目学生跨文化适应的理论框架。该框架将留学动机与目标、国内阶段准备、社会支持、跨文化适应态度与策略及各种人口统计学因素列为影响项目学生跨文化适应的重要因素,并将适应结果分为心理、学业及其他社会文化适应等三个维度。此外,相较于现存的贝瑞等人的跨文化适应理论框架,本文提出的理论框架进一步强调了个体跨文化适应态度与实际策略之间可能存在的差异及其形成原因,指出对个体跨文化适应问题的考察不仅应关注其理想的跨文化适应态度,还应同时纳入对个体实际跨文化适应策略以及文化认同等方面的测量和分析。同时,该理论框架将个体跨文化适应过程视为个体对留学所在国社会文化与中国传统社会文化进行认知、比较与评估的动态过程,以及对自我概念与文化身份进行重构的动态过程。可以说,该理论框架不仅是国内首次专门针对高校中外合作办学项目学生提出的一个理论框架,同时也是对现存跨文化适应理论框架的有效补充和进一步发展,其对解释其他类型的国际留学生的跨文化适应问题也具有一定的参考价值和理论意义。本研究在理论和实践上的创新与贡献主要包括以下几个方面:(一)本研究通过量化与质性研究相结合的方法对现有涵化理论模型对项目留学生跨文化适应的适用程度进行了检验和补充,并在此基础上提出了高校中外合作办学项目学生跨文化适应的综合理论框架。这不仅填补了目前国内学术界对该类项目学生海外跨文化适应研究领域的缺失,同时也是对国际留学生跨文化适应理论模型建构的一次探索性实证研究。(二)本研究对高校中外合作办学项目学生的跨文化能力培养提出了切实可行的培训方法与对策建议,初步构建了一个针对高校中外合作办学项目学生设计的跨文化培训模型。该模型对双方合作院校开展阶段性跨文化培训具有较强的实践意义,尤其能够为中方合作院校制定相关政策、完善课程设置与跨文化培训以及提供学术支持与咨询服务等方面提供数据参考和理论支持。(三)本研究对涵化测量量表的设计与实施提出了改进建议。建议在对涵化测量量表的设计上(如本研究中用的涵化态度量表)应增加测量实际涵化行为与文化身份认同方面的题项,以便更加准确的了解个体跨文化适应状况与涵化策略(包括态度、行为与身份认同)之间的关系,为完善涵化研究方法的理论研究做出了一定的贡献。(四)本研究尝试使用了多种有效的网络通讯工具(如e-mail、QQ、MSN、 Skype、微信等)进行数据搜集并取得了不错的效果,这些新型的数据搜集方法应在未来的相关研究中得到更多的关注和应用。

【Abstract】 After thirty years of exploration and development, the Chinese-foreign higher education cooperation programs has marched on the legalized and standardized way by the encouragement and support of national policies. These programs are playing a significant role of cultivating high-quality, internationalized and versatile talents for China’s socialist modernization construction. However, the attention has not been paid enough by academic researchers and practitioners so far to the cross-cultural adaptation issue and the cultivation of intercultural competence of students under the cooperation programs which is essential for achieving and guaranteeing the sustainable development of the whole Chinese-foreign higher education cooperation programs. Therefore this dissertation mainly aims at making a meaningful contribution in this regard.This dissertation is an exploratory empirical study on the cross-cultural adaptation issues of Chinese international students participated in the Chinese-foreign higher education cooperation programs (hereafter C-F CP students) through questionnaire, interview and observation methods. It also provides practical strategies and suggestions on how to better improve C-F CP students’intercultural competence.The key findings include that the existing cross-cultural adaptation theoretical framework and models made by John Berry, Colleen Ward and their colleagues which are mainly based on research work on immigrants and refugees population have certain limitations on explaining the cross-cultural adaptation issues and its impacting factors of the international students’population. This paper, based on the empirical research and in-depth analysis, proposes a theoretical framework for C-F CP students’ cross-cultural adaptation. This framework identifies motivations and goals of studying abroad, preparation before leaving home countries, acquired social support, cross-cultural adaptation attitudes and strategies as well as a variety of demographic factors as critical influencing factors for C-F CP students’cross-cultural adaptation process, and divided the adaptation results into three dimensions including psychological adaptation, academic adaptation and other social cultural adaptation. Compared to the existing theoretical framework made by Berry and other cross-cultural psychologists mentioned above, this framework further amplifies the possible differences between cross-cultural adaptation attitudes and actual strategies and its causes.The framework also suggests that the cross-cultural adaptation process of C-F CP students is a dynamic process of cultural and social cognition and assessment for both home countries and host countries, as well as a dynamic process for self-construal and cultural identity’s reconstruction. Therefore, we could say that this framework is not only the first cross-cultural adaptation theoretical frameworks specially designed for the C-F CP students, but also a kind of effective supplement and further development for the current cross-cultural adaptation theoretical frameworks and models. It also provides valuable resources for studying other types of international students’ cross-cultural adaptation issues.The theoretical and practical contribution of this study mainly includes the following aspects:1. This study empirically examines the applicability of the existing cross-cultural adaptation frameworks and models in C-F CP students’population and proposes a cross-cultural adaptation framworks for C-F CP students, which can also be considered as an exploratory empirical study for constructing the comprehensive theoretical framework for international students’population.2. This study provides a practical exploration for the development of cross-cultural communication training model for C-F CP students based on the research findings which can serve as a meaningful supplement and extention of the cross-cultural training theory and practices aiming at the international students’population.3. This study contributes to the theoretical research of acculturation research methods and measurements improvement by suggesting that not only the acculturation attitudes but also the acculturation behavior and cultural identity dimensions should be included in the acculturation measurement scale design.4. From the methodological sense, various data collection methods based on network communication tools are utilized to conduct field investigation, which are proved to be quite effective and should be utilized more in the future research in this field.


