

【作者】 尹巍

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在两千多年的朝鲜封建社会的汉文学史上,金泽荣(1850—1927年)是点缀诗坛最后一页的诗人和文学批评家。他一生创作了相当数量的诗歌、散文等作品,并留下了卷帧浩繁的史学著述。他的诗歌内容广博,主要涉及咏史、爱国、忧民、山水等方面,这些诗歌或歌颂祖国悠久的历史与文化,或以中国古人古事为题材讽谏时政,或表达作者对历史、对时空无限的感慨,或针砭时弊的反映民生,或抒发对祖国山山水水的热爱。探究金泽荣的汉诗,不但有助于我们了解诗人生活的时代及当时朝鲜半岛历史的实况,更为重要的是,通过对金泽荣汉诗创作的系统研究,我们可以看到中国与朝鲜半岛在文化上久已存在的交流与互动,尤其可以考察李朝19世纪末至20世纪初整个朝鲜半岛与中国在近代文明冲击下对西方文明的接受情况,并将有助于推动未来中国与朝鲜半岛国家的友好发展。金泽荣所处时代,朝鲜半岛正经历着暴风疾雨般的变化与不寻常的动荡:不同阶级之间的矛盾与统治阶级两班内部矛盾的日趋激化,社会的政治、经济都处于极度混乱之中。朝鲜人民正经历着历史上罕见的民族受难期,朝鲜半岛和中国大陆一直笼罩在大国竞相角逐的阴霾之下,大国因素对于一个国家内政、外交的影响从来没有像在19世纪末的朝鲜半岛那样深刻。这种处境也直接影响着金泽荣的生活与创作。身为一介文人,金泽荣也有着强烈的报国之心,他用一身为文的实践履行了自己“以文报国”的理想,他以汉诗为战斗檄文,为正处于危难之时的祖国呐喊。可以说,动荡不安的国内外环境推动并丰富了金泽荣汉诗内容的创作。此外,李朝后半期文学创作领域的辉煌成就、实学思想的复兴、民族文学的蓬勃发展以及中朝友人的频繁交流、对西方文明的汲取与学习,无疑也为金泽荣汉诗创作提供了得天独厚的文化语境。本文采用古典文学诗歌批评理论方法、比较文学研究方法并结合接受美学、影响学等文学理论,以金泽荣汉诗创作为研究中心,阐述金泽荣汉诗创作特殊的时代背景及其对诗人的人生抉择——“以文报国”与逃亡中国的影响,探究金泽荣对中国诗歌理论的接受及其诗论的时代精神,系统深入地研究金泽荣汉诗的主题思想意蕴及其汉诗创作之艺术特色。归纳起来本文主要有以下几方面的创新:1、系统地分析了金泽荣的诗歌创作理念与意义,阐述了他对中国诗论的接受与继承,批判与发扬。迄今为止,尚未有人对金泽荣的诗歌理论体系做出全面细致的研究,本论文填补了金泽荣诗论研究的空白。2、详细论述了金泽荣在汉诗艺术上对地名、色彩的选择,对山、梅等意象的运用,并由此透视一位历经坎坷的诗人的内心世界与高洁情操。3、发掘了金泽荣诗歌主题意蕴,他的咏史、爱国、忧民、山水等都是极为优秀的汉诗作品,通过对不同主题的书写,多角度地反映了诗人对国家、对民族的热爱与担忧。4、通过金泽荣诗歌中新词语的使用、意象密度的降低、对仗的弱化等现象的关注,突出了金泽荣是位从古代到近代转型期进步诗人的特殊地位。笔者深感要全面地把握金泽荣所有文本,并对其进行系统地研究绝非易事。因此,本文只选择金泽荣汉诗文本作为研究对象,力求突破以往单一研究模式,主要运用比较文学的研究方法进行更深层次的系统研究,从而多维度、多视角地考察金泽荣汉诗创作。笔者相信本论文的研究成果能为中朝文学比较研究提供一个良好的案例,亦能为朝鲜汉文研究领域增添新鲜的内容。

【Abstract】 Kim Taek-Yong (1850-1927), a famous poet and essayist at the end of Joseon Dynasty, created a considerable amount of poems, essays and the like, and left the world volumes of history writings, among which more than one thousand poems survived today. All these poems are the creation with Chinese characters, mainly included in the work of Shaohutang (also known as Kim Taek-Yong’s Complete Works). His poems has a various topics ranging from history, patriotism, the people to landscapes and so on, which praise a long history and culture of the motherland, satirize and admonish current affairs by borrowing Chinese ancient people and stories, express infinite emotion for history and time&space, reflect the people’s livelihood by pointing out current problems, or express the strong love for mountains and rivers of the motherland.Exploration of Kim Taek-Yong’s Chinese Poetry not only helps us get ideas about the real condition in the Korean Peninsula in the poet’s ages, more importantly, gives us a view of the age-old cultural exchange and interaction between China and the Korean Peninsula, and helps us examine China and the entire Korean Peninsula’s acceptance of Western civilization under the impact of modern civilization at the end of Joseon Dynasty, which will contribute to promote the friendship between China and countries in the Korean Peninsula.Jin Kim Taek-Yong’s ages witnessed dramatic changes and unusual turbulence in the Korean peninsula and with the ever intensifying contradictions among the different classes of the Joseon Dynasty as well as between the two classes of the ruling class, the society was threw into a political and economic chaos. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the Korean people experienced rare ethnic difficulties with the Korean peninsula and China mainland being shrouded in haze under big country’s competition, and no such a profound influence of big countries on a country’s internal affairs can compare with the one in the Korean Peninsula in the late nineteenth century. Such a situation had a direct impact upon Kim Taek-Yong’s life and writing. As a scholar, Kim Taek-Yong also had a strong patriotic heart, he wrote Chinese poetry to call for the motherland in distress, practicing his ideal of culture serving the country. It can be said that the turbulent domestic and external environment enriched the content of Kim Taek-Yong’s Chinese poetry. In addition, there is no doubt that the glorious achievements in his field of literature at the late half of the Joseon Dynasty, the rise of pragmatic thought, the booming of national literature, the frequent exchange among friends from both China and the Korea, and the learning of Western civilization, provided Kim Taek-Yong’s creation of Chinese Poetry a unique advantage.In this paper, with Kim Taek-Yong’s creation of Chinese Poetry as study center, critical methods of classical literature poetry and comparative literature, and literary theories of reception aesthetics and affect learning will be employed to elaborate on the special background of the times of Kim Taek-Yong’s creation and its effect on the poet’s choice of literature serving the country and his fled to China, explore Kim Taek-Yong’s acceptance of Chinese poetry theory and the spirit of the times in his poetry theory, study theme implications of Kim Taek-Yong’s Chinese Poetry, and analysis artistic features of Kim Taek-Yong’s Chinese poetry in terms of verse, rhetoric, language arts, etc. To sum up, this paper will have such main innovation as the following aspects:1. Concept and significance of Kim Taek-Yong’s poetry writing, and his acceptance, inheritance, criticizing and carrying-forward of Chinese Poetics will be analyzed systematically. So far, with no one having made a comprehensive and detailed study on Kim Taek-Yong’s poetry theoretical system, this paper fills such research blank.2. A detailed exposition of Kim Taek-Yong’s choice of geographical names and colors, and the images of mountains and plum in his Chinese poetry will show the inner world and noble sentiments of the experienced poet.3. Theme implications of Kim Taek-Yong’s poetry will be expanded. His ode to History, patriotism, concern for the people and landscapes and so on are extremely outstanding works of Chinese poetry, in spite of different themes, reflect his love and concern for the country and the nation from many views.4. The paper proves that Kim Taek-Yong was a progressive poet in turning point from ancient to modern in terms of new vocabulary, poetic images, and antithesis weakening and so on.The author deeply feels it very difficult to fully grasp all Kim Taek-Yong’s texts and his literary creation. Therefore, this paper only chooses Kim Taek-Yong’s Chinese poetry texts as study objects, and at the same time, will employ the research methods of comparative literature so as to break the previous single study mode and study Kim Taek-Yong Chinese Poetry Writing, multi-dimensional and multi-angle. It is convinced that the achievements of this paper can provide a good reference for the Sino-Korean Comparative Literature Studies, and add fresh contents to Chinese research areas in Korea.

【关键词】 比较文学李朝金泽荣汉诗
【Key words】 Comparative LiteratureJoseon DynastyKim Taek-YongPoetry

