

Studies on the Thoughts of Platform Sutra and Its Variation and Influence

【作者】 金命镐(Kim MyungHo)

【导师】 赖永海;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 宗教学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 印度禅是基于奢摩他(Samatha)及每个瞬间在身心上正知醒悟的昆钵舍那(Vipasyana)。与印度禅相比,中国禅则更注重于自心上“自性是真佛”的佛性论,即“自见自性,自性真佛”的理念化和观念化,并在此基础上出现了自己感性领悟的顿悟禅,其标识即是《坛经》的形成。《坛经》是一部最具中国特色的佛教典籍。把中国僧人的佛教著述称为“经”的,这在中国佛教史上是第一部,也是唯一的一部。《坛经》传承至今已有一千多年的历史,积淀了深厚的文化底蕴。它在中国传统文化史上的价值已经得到充分的证明,其意义远远的超出了宗教本身的范围。《坛经》以其独特的思想体系,直接引发了中国佛教的革新,而且对其他文化也产生了深刻的影响。《坛经》的影响不仅限于中国,甚至波及韩国和日本。如果要在中国佛教史上选择一部影响最大的著作,则当非《坛经》莫属。即使在人类文化史上,《坛经》也是影响最大的著作之一。本论文试图在揭示《坛经》思想要义的基础上,对《坛经》后世的演变和影响(其中包括对韩国佛教的影响)进行系统的分析和论述。论文由以下七个部分构成:第一章主要论述《坛经》的思想渊源。从思想史的角度看,《坛经》思想既是对佛教本身传统思想的继承和发展,又受到中国传统文化和观念的影响。在佛教思想渊源上,《坛经》思想主要受到三个方面的影响,即(1)印度达摩禅师的“二入四行论”与达摩—慧可系的南天竺一乘宗;(2)道信—弘忍的东山法门;(3)六祖慧能大师自身的体悟经验。此外,中国传统思想,如儒家人性论及老庄思想等,也对《坛经》思想产生一定的影响。第二章讨论《坛经》的形成过程及版本。主要梳理慧能的弟子与《坛经》成型的关系。尤其通过与神会思想的比较,提示《坛经》与《神会语录》两者在思想上的相通性。并简要介绍历史上各种《坛经》版本的演变。在第三章中,选择《坛经》诸版本中最具代表性的敦煌本和宗宝本为依据,对《坛经》思想的整体特征进行分析。在《坛经》中,中国佛教的“佛性论”、“般若”思想以及“顿悟见性”等修行理论被充分地融合。本章在着重探讨“佛性论”与“顿悟见性”、“定慧等学”与“一行三昧”,以及“三无”思想等基础上,进一步阐明《坛经》的整体思想特征。第四章讨论菏泽神会对《坛经》的阐释与弘扬,其中探讨了神会的禅思想,及其对北宗的批判与南宗显彰运动。第五章着重探讨后期禅宗“五家”的法脉及其对《坛经》思想的演变。在深入分析“五家”宗风各自特点的基础上,进一步探讨了“五家”宗风与《坛经》的关系,分析《坛经》思想至“五祖分灯”时发生的变化,从另一个角度揭示了《坛经》思想的历史演变。第六章着重探讨《坛经》在后世的演变及影响。从五代、赵宋时期流行的禅学思潮、当时的社会背景、统治者的佛教政策等方面入手,探讨了《坛经》对默照禅和看话禅的影响。特别对大慧宗杲所创立的看话禅进行深入细致地分析与论述,指出看话禅对默照禅的批判正是基于《坛经》的立场。这从某种意义上说,正是向《坛经》思想的回归。关于《坛经》对“理学”和“心学”的影响,本章也进行了一定的探讨。第七章探讨《坛经》对韩国禅的影响,首先从文献学和佛教史的角度,探讨了“惠能顶相东来说”及其信仰在韩国的兴起;并梳理了韩国对于《坛经》的信仰及《坛经》在韩国的刊行、流布等情况。为进一步阐释《坛经》对韩国禅的影响,本文选择了高丽时代的普照知讷、朝鲜时代的西山休静,及现代的退翁性徹三位禅师的著述和思想为例,分析不同时代的韩国禅学思想与惠能禅的关系。本论文在《坛经》对韩国禅的影响方面进行分析和探讨,属于开创式的研究。

【Abstract】 Indian Chan is based on samatha meditation (Samatha) and Vipasyana, which means that in each moment the righteous awakeness in minds. In contrast the Chinese Chan is based on the the theory of Buddha nature which announces that self-nature is the True Buddha".As it announced that only you reach your self-nature which is true Buddha,you will really get the ultimate truth and the thorough freedom.Just on the basis of such philosophy and ideas,Chan of instant awakeness started its routine whose milestone is the formation of "Platform Sutra.""Platform Sutra." Is regarded as an Buddhist classic which best represent Chinese characteristic.It is the first and unique work named as sutra written by Chinese Buddhist monks."Platform Sutra." has its history of Inheritance for over one thousand years and embrace the tradtion of the deep cultural heritage,whose values in Chinese tradition culture has been fully proved, and its significance far beyond the original scope of religion.With its special system of thoughts,"Platform Sutra" directly enlighted the revolutionary reformation of Chinese Buddhism and has greatly impacted on other culture,which can be found in its effect in China as well as in Korea and Japan.If we wish to choose one classic which most influenced the Chinese Buddhism,it’s no doubt that "Platform Sutra." Even in the whole history of human culture,"Platform Sutra "Is one of the most influential works. In this dissertation we try to focuse on the systemtic analysis on the evolution and impact of "Platform Sutra"(especially the influence in Korean Chan)on the basis of its thoughts.Seven parts comprises this dissertation: In the first chapter,the origin of Platform Sutra is discussed, from the perspective of thoughts, the thoughts of Platform Sutra is the inherence and development of Buddhist thoughts.Mmeanwhile,it was impacted by Chinese traditional culture and traditional viewpoints.Three aspects can verify its formation:(1) South-India Sect of one vehicle from Bodhidharma-Huike based on the theory of "Four ways and practice and two entrances to enlightenment proposed by Bodhidharma;(2) Sect of Eastern Mountain from Daoxing-Hongren;(3)The experience of awakeness by Master Hui-nenguda.Due to the impacts from Chinese traditional culture,we choose the theory of human nature from Confucianism and the thoughts from Laozi and Zhuangzi as examples.The second chapter describes the process of the formation of Platform Sutra and its different editions in history.the relation between the formation and the displines of Huineng is discussed.By the comparation with the thoughts of Sheng-Hui,it indicated that Platform Sutra had some connection with the Dialect Records of Shenghui.And the variation of different editions of Platform Sutra also have been discussed.In Third chapter,we choose the two editions(Dunhuang edition and Zongbao edition) as the most representative to analyze the characteristic of thoughts in Platform Sutra.This work deal with the pratical theory on the basis of combination of different theories in Chinese Buddhism,including the theory of Buddha nature,Paramita thoughts and the theory of instant awakeness and so on.This chapter mainly focus on the discussion about the relation between the theory of Buddha nature and the instant awakeness,between the balance of Samatha/Paramita and Samatha,and the discussion on the thoughts of Three Nonexsistence.On these basis,further exploration about the general characteristic of thoughts in Platform Sutra has been discussed.In the fourth Chapter, Shenghui’s esplanation and development to Plantform Sutra is discussed.it focus on the thoughts of Chan from Shenghui and his criticization to the Northern school of Chan and the aspiaration to the Southern school.Chapter Fifth focused on the five generation of Chan and its lineage with the thoughts of Platform Sutra. On the further analysis of the characteristic of Five Sects,and their variation in characteristics compared with the Dunhuang edition has been discussed and indicated how the thoughts of Platform varied in the time of Five Sects,and from new prospective the variation of Platform Sutra thoughts in history had been clearified.In the sixth Chapter,Discussion on the variation and influence in the generation sects from Platform Sutra.From the perspective of Chan predominant in Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty and social background,and the policy on Buddhism from the government,the impacts on the Mo-zhao-Chan and Kan-hua-Chan is discussed. Especially focus on the detailed discussion and analysis on the Kan-hua-Chan initialized by Da Hui Zong Gao by the criticization to the Mo-zhao-Chan on the basis of Platform Sutra.In this meaning,it means the returning trend to the thoughts of Platform Sutra.And the impacts on the Li-school and Xin-school have also been analyzedIn the last chapter, The influence on Korean Chan by Platform Sutra is discussed.In the prospective of documentary and Buddhist history,the belief of Orient-Origin From Huineng appeard in Korean and its relationship with the worship of Platform Sutra and the publication was clearified.Three famous and representative monks,Bojojinjl in Koryo era,Seo-san-hyu jeong in North Korea times and Teo-ong-Seong-cheol in contemporary time and their thoughts have been analyzed and discussed in order to indicate the relationship with Chan of Hui-neng in Korea.In this dissertation,The spretion of Platform Sutra and its influence in Korean Chan has been detailly discussed and analyzed,which initialized the relative studies in Korean Chan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】B942
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】620

