

Research on Tanjin Peiyang Pictorial News in Period of Republic of China

【作者】 王晏殊

【导师】 耿传明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 画报研究,可以有两种不同的研究路径,其一杂采众长,选材广泛;其二是专攻一家,深入考辩。本文选取后者作为研究方式,这样做的好处是,可以使画报的整个生产过程以及作者与读者之间的关系更为清晰完整,便于作者深入考辩与分析。当然,前提条件是,作为立论根基的研究对象,必须有足够研究的“分量”,包括数量和质量。在现当代文学多元化研究的格局中,本论文选取了《北洋画报》作为研究对象。1926年7月7日,《北洋画报》在天津创刊,1937年7月29日抗战爆发,画报终刊,经营长达11年,出刊总共1587期,在民国时期,是北方出版业中的佼佼者,办刊持续时间最长、出版期刊数最多,且为个人独立经营起来的、涵盖内容广泛的综合性画报,可视为北派摄影画报的翘楚。《北洋画报》的办刊宗旨是要有“报”的新闻时效性,又要兼及“画”的唯美风尚感,“传播时事、提倡艺术、灌输常识”即为该刊的口号。《北洋画报》在风格上追求简净而纯厚,使用现代视觉技术并因采用铜版纸彩色页印刷而引领北派画报之风气,无论内容亦或形式上都对民国时期北方现代都市文化观念的普及具有引导意义,为考察天津及北方的社会文化氛围提供了有意义的史料文献。《北洋画报》上刊载的以刘云若为代表的“北派”社会言情小说,在文学史上也有不可忽略的地位。本论文试图通过对《北洋画报》的研究,揭示其所代表的市民文化特性及其在中国现代化进程中不可替代的、独特的价值和意义。本论文根据《北洋画报》创办人冯武越所设“封面、时事、艺术与小说广告”这四个版面,重点选取了几个最有代表性的内容——社会网络与办报人群体心态、“提倡艺术”与编辑者的自我调适、“家国叙事”下的女性现代性想象、刘云若与北派社会言情小说等四个方面来作为论文的主体章节。意图通过这样的研究路径,来摸清《北洋画报》如何在天津这座历史上具有特殊位置的城市中确立“趣味”与“品味”并重的文化定位,又是如何在“时尚”背后感受到时代所赋予报人群体的内心焦虑和纠结。《北洋画报》是编辑者在权力场和社会场中自我调适的产物,论文在剖析《北洋画报》内容本身所承载的丰富内涵的同时,其实也把这一图像画报当成了社会思潮、政治、风潮及编辑人群体之间的集体“在场”,其丰富性和多变特征均是这些力量间综合作用的结果。本论文尽可能丰富地运用文化研究的思路和方法,在基本掌握画报历史(尤其是民国二、三十年代第一次“画报潮”)的前提下,考察民国时期社会文化以及区分图像与文学的互动关系,同时以大量其他史料对研究对象加以比对印证。在论述策略上采取对视觉图像及广告等亚文化文本的解读;对画报营销策略、印刷技术、印刷材质等的关注;对媒介特性、受众群体等文化机制方面的分析等等。本论文认为《北洋画报》研究的意义在于它是对既往只注重精英文化、文学的倾向的纠偏,是对于现代文学研究的另一种补充。《北洋画报》的发生恰恰经历了近现代中国城市文化发展的过程,在这其中充满着传统和现代两种质素的相互交织,二者在大众媒介的城市文化生产场域中被合理地想象与呈现着。在大都市的现代化背景、新派商绅和本土平民相结合的编辑群体、新风尚和传统文化相交融的办刊理想等综合质素作用下,《北洋画报》形成了天津近现代城市文化演变中传统与现代之间矛盾的、共生的、相互依赖的特有风貌。

【Abstract】 There are two kinds of researches above Pictorial. Firstly is based on a widely spread material selection; secondly is focus on a definably field. This paper adopter the last research method, therefore, the entire relation network between the whole production processes could be illustrated and the principal of the network such as the relation of the authors, the editors and the readers could be demonstrated more clearly and completely, thus the study and analysis could be performed deeply. Of course, this kind of research must has un prerequisite that there must be sufficient research component with grand quantity and high quality as the object of study basis. As this contemporary literary diversification research pattern, we choose the Peiyang Pictorial News as the research field. Peiyang Pictorial News published In July7,1926, in Tianjin City, broke out in July29,1937because of the World War II, its operation lasting11years, published1587periods, as the longest existing leader in the north publishing industry among period of Republic of China. Peiyang Pictorial News has many special characters, such as covering a wide range of comprehensive pictorial and funding by private leaders, made it be regarded as the outstanding leader in North photography pictorials.Peiyang Pictorial News has both of the timeliness and aesthetic fashion sense which belong to newspaper and painting collection. Under the "communication events, art, instilling knowledge advocated" slogan, Peiyang Pictorial News finds the balance of the pursuit of simple and prudent, use modern vision technology by using the colorful coated paper which was used primal, it surfs on the North china publishing industrial in the period of Republic of China. Peiyang Pictorial News presents a novels pictorial culture, regardless of the content or form of north china urban modern life, it also plays a very important role as provides plenty of historical literature to review the social culture atmosphere of Tianjin and other northern cities. Liu Yunruo, whom as the representative of "Northern School" social romance novels, published his novel in Peiyang Pictorial News as series form. That makes Peiyang Pictorial News taken an important state in the history of literature. We attempt reveal the unique value and significance of the characteristics of the public culture in north China and irreplaceable in the process of modernization through study Peiyang Pictorial News.According to the instruction of Feng Wuyue, the founder of Peiyang Pictorial News, the Pictorial set up four sections which are the front cover, the current affairs, the art and novel, the advertising. These sections published magnanimous articles about "modern art","modern women imagine" and "social romance novels" which are the reflections of the mentality of the Peiyang Pictorial News’s editors. We try to select the most representative the social relationship network of the whole players as the breakthrough to sort out the evolution of Peiyang Pictorial News, and find out why but not other pictorials has a special position in Tianjin history. These editors not only live in the politic power field but also exist in the citizen living field, they always feel the pressure of outer society and inner anxiety. They must master the ability of self adjustment which enriches the connotation of them. All these experiments help the editors of Peiyang Pictorial News establish a "Tianjin style culture" as a kind of cultural oriented taste and make it form a culture fashion successfully. All the manuscripts, which published in the main four section, are enlighten of aesthetic of the citizen of Tianjin, and synthesize the trends of social thought, the power of political and the spirit of the editing group.This paper not only for the confluence of fashion logic, not only directly mapping to political or social thought in1920’s Tianjin but also analyze the editors and the reader comprehensive demand. The paper also comprise the interpretation of the sub culture of images and text advertisement, the marketing strategy, the printing technology, the print material innovation, the analysis of culture interaction mechanism. We focus on exploring the social culture of the period of the Republic of China and analyzing the interaction of image and literature by the method of cultural studies. All be done under the premise of a basic obtain of pictorial history (especially in the first pictorial tide of1920-1930).Present researches mostly concentrate on the study of the elite culture and literary tendency. Our work could be seemed as a correction to the previous studies, it also could be concerned as an complement of modern literature study. the Tianjin style modern and native culture background resulting in the Peiyang Pictorial News’s editors whom showing a content oriented modern feelings and traditional cultural symbol interleaving visual representation and image representation. Peiyang Pictorial News present an insistence of traditional cultural codes and conservative ideology in the impact of modern lifestyle, urbanization and artistic entertainment. This paper is very usful to understanding the role of Peiyang Pictorial News in the formation of the contradiction, coexistence, mutual dependence between the tradition and the modern evolution of Tianjin style culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

