The Influencing Factors of Consumer Broadband Adoption in China Rural Areas
【作者】 谢海先;
【导师】 于良芝;
【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 图书馆学, 2013, 博士
【摘要】 近年来,我国在社会主义新农村建设中非常重视农村信息化工程,农村信息基础设施建设也不断完善,将近90%以上的行政村已经通宽带,但是,农村地区居民的宽带采纳率却非常低,增速也非常缓慢。为此,本研究考察了我国农村地区居民采纳宽带的影响因素,希望能够对促进农村地区宽带的普及和发展有所启迪。宽带采纳的相关研究中,一部分研究按照创新扩散理论的研究思路考察宽带鸿沟,即宽带采纳的城乡差异。这类研究主要通过城乡的人口学差异来解释宽带采纳差异,但是对农村社会系统内部的宽带采纳差异认识不足。另一部分研究按照技术采纳的研究思路,建立了家庭宽带采纳模型,考察家庭用户宽带采纳行为意向的影响因素。这类研究中的模型是基于发达国家情境的,缺少发展中国家的有效验证,在普适性方面有所欠缺。为此,本研究设定了两个主要的研究目标,第一是比较我国农村地区宽带采纳者与非采纳者在人口学方面的差异,检验性别、年龄、教育、收入、教育这些人口学因素对我国农村地区居民宽带采纳行为的影响:第二是修正和调整家庭宽带采纳模型的理论构件(construct),使之更适合我国农村地区的情境,并且将人口学因素作为调节变量纳入模型,建立我国农村地区居民宽带采纳行为意向模型,并对模型进行检验。本研究使用了定量研究的方法,根据从河北省农村地区收集来的数据,对宽带采纳者与非采纳者在人口学方面的差异以及宽带采纳行为意向模型进行了检验。本研究发现,我国农村地区社会系统内部也存在宽带鸿沟的问题,年轻的、学历更高的、收入更高的农村地区居民更容易采纳宽带,从事农业生产的农民是所有职业中采纳宽带可能性最低的群体。对宽带采纳行为意向模型的检验结果显示,农村居民对亲戚朋友等熟人影响的感知、对宽带实用效果的预期、对其娱乐效果的预期显著影响他们的宽带采纳行为意向。本研究还在宽带采纳行为意向模型中增加了性别、年龄、教育、收入等调节变量,对调节作用的检验结果显示,性别、年龄对第一影响感知与行为意向之间的关系具有调节作用,年龄越大,越容易受到身边亲戚朋友的影响,女性比男性更容易受到身边亲戚朋友的影响。变性别对实用效果预期与行为意向之间的关系具有调节作用,男性更容易受到宽带有用性的影响而产生更积极的宽带采纳行为意向;年龄×教育对实用效果预期与行为意向之间的关系具有调节作用,学历低的年轻人更容易受到宽带有用性的影响而产生更积极的宽带采纳行为意向;性别×年龄×教育对实用效果预期与行为意向之间的关系具有调节作用,学历低的年轻男性更容易受到宽带有用性的影响而产生更积极的宽带采纳行为意向。与以往的城乡数字鸿沟研究不同,本研究直接考察农村社会系统内部的宽带采纳差异,发现了农村地区宽带鸿沟的存在,发现从事农业生产的农民处于宽带鸿沟的最底端。本研究首次将调节变量引入到宽带采纳行为意向模型中来,考察性别、年龄、教育、收入等人口学因素对宽带采纳影响因素-宽带采纳行为意向之间关系的调节作用。有调节变量的宽带采纳行为意向模型的解释力相比没有调节变量的宽带采纳模型有了显著提高,而且调节变量使我们对宽带采纳影响因素-宽带采纳行为意向之间的关系有了更为细致和清楚的认识。这些理论上新的认识可以帮助我们更好地推动我国农村地区宽带的发展,为政策制定者和宽带服务商提供实践方面的启迪。
【Abstract】 Although the construction of ICT infrastructure has attracted an increasingly large investment in recent years, which makes nearly90%of the rural households connected to at least one broadband service, China rural areas demonstrate a slow adoption of broadband. In order to enhance the adoption of the broadband, this research examines the factors influencing the decision of household consumers.Two existing models explaining broadband adoption are most well-known. The first focuses on broadband divide by analyzing the demographic differences between urban and rural areas; the second develops a Model of Broadband Adoption(MBA) which is based on the TRA(Theory of Reasoned Action), TPB(Theory of Planned Behavior), TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), MATH(Model of Adoption of Technology in Households) in technology adoption domain. The MBA is the first model to study the influencing factors of consumer broadband adoption. Most studies so far are either based on developed country experiences or exploratory; it needs more confirmatory researches in different context.This research aims to address two main areas of concern:first, to testify the demographic differences between broadband adopter and non-adopter in China rural areas, in order to find out if there is a broadband divide in rural context; and second, to build on the Model of Broadband Adoption intention by modifying its cunrent constructs to suit the context of rural China and to include moderators. This research adopted a quantitative approach and the data was collected in the rural areas of Hebei province.The findings suggested that there is a broadband divide in China rural areas as well, with the broadband adopter being younger, more educated and earing more income; agricultural farmers are least likely to adopt broadband.This study also finds that the constructs named primary influence, utilitarian outcomes and hedonic outcomes significantly influence the consumers when adopting broadband in China rural areas. The influence of primary influence on behavioral intention is moderated by gender and age, such that the effect will be stronger for women and for older people. The influence of utilitarian outcomes on adopt intention is moderated by gender, age and education; the effect will be stronger for men, for younger people with less educated and particularly for younger men with less educated.The contribution of this research towards existing theories is that it is the first to integrate intervening variables into the MBA; it also modified the constructs of MBA to suit the new context. So this research enhances existing knowledge of broadband adoption from the consumers’ perspective in rural context. Given the slow adoption of broadband in rural China, this research can also draw implications for policy makers and broadband providers to encourage and promote broadband adoption among Chinese rural households.
【Key words】 broadband adoption; influence factors; rural context; empirical research;