

Gender Research on Contemporary Chinese Mongolian Literature Narration

【作者】 包天花

【导师】 乔以钢;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 由于社会和文化语境的不断变迁及“多元化”,当代蒙古族文学有关性别的表达与思考显示出相当丰富而复杂的面向:部分性别书写已然涉及到民族意识与国家认同的博弈,知识分子对民族历史的重估,对民族传统文化的扬弃等关乎本民族生存与发展的重要问题;不同时段、不同性别的作家对这些问题的看法也有一定的差异。简言之,当代蒙古族文学创作中的性别表述传达了一些富于当代性及民族特色的文化信息。本文意在运用“文化持有者的内部眼界”深入探究当代蒙古族文学性别书写所包蕴的民族、历史、文化内涵;同时以社会性别视角、女性经验和女性立场为基本出发点,以是否有利于“人的发展、人性的完善”为标尺,分析和探讨当代蒙古族文学创作的人文精神价值。本文除引言和结语外,正文为四章,分别从不同的方面对研究对象展开具体考察。各章排序的内在依据是相关创作在当代蒙古族文学中的地位和影响。第一章以当代蒙古族革命叙事为具体对象,剖析其再现、建构或拆解各种性别形象、性别秩序时所透露出的时代信息以及独特的民族文化内涵与审美诉求。本文认为,以建构新型民族关系为主旨的蒙汉民族关系书写,真实地反映了特定历史时期内两个民族之间多层次、多维度的关系,其中一些“性别化”的表达也折射出蒙古族知识分子在民族关系变迁过程中的复杂感受和深层文化心理。蒙古族革命叙事对几类典型女性形象的塑造,在许多方面呈现出与同时期主流文学“同质化”的特点。其对女性“雄强美”的强调有回应时代风尚的意义,同时也是蒙古族女性审美传统的体现;关于“坏女人”.的描述则映现出主流政治话语对民族传统文化的规训与挤压。蒙古族革命叙事对英雄史诗“战争+婚姻”结构、女性外貌描绘等固定程式的承续与改造,使相关文本形成了“传统”与“革命”既相融合又不无分裂、冲突的复杂局面。第二章主要是在性别视野中对当代蒙古族文学的民族历史题材创作进行探讨。以重铸民族精神,探源民族文化为主旨的民族历史叙事,在对民族历史的回溯中,强调、张扬了蒙古族传统性别文化。在这一叙事空间,不仅以勇武、强悍为核心标示的传统男性气质被描述为民族崛起、发展的积极因素,获得了历史合法性,智慧、坚韧、奉献等传统女性品格也和族群复兴、民族统一大业有了直接联系,备受褒扬。不过,一些文本在建构男性气质时,对战争、暴力、权术的肯定态度,深刻地暴露出其人性建构方面的不足。那些创造历史的女性人物亦未僭越传统性别权力秩序。在“民族大义”式的表述中,她们作为具体的人的生命缺憾被理所当然地遮蔽和忽略,深埋于历史的褶皱之处。从性别角度考察当代蒙古族文学有关诃额伦、术赤、朱博儒等历史人物的书写,可以洞见潜隐于其间的民族历史观以及某些民族集体无意识。第三章论述蒙古族生态文学的性别表述与民族认同问题。蒙古族生态文学的女性想象高度理想化、诗意化。相关文本充分运用女性这一性别的象征意义,在生态叙事空间中完成某些特定意义的生产,也呈现出民族认同建构的一个结构性特征:复归传统并挖掘其在现代价值框架内的意义;而生态守护者形象作为传统游牧文化的人格体现,不仅提供了一种丰富的“地方性知识”,也展示了蒙古族男性精神生态与自然生态、人文地理之间的重要关联。于此同时,这一类人物身上也凝聚着作家关于本民族安身立命的重要形而上依据即传统游牧文化的复杂认识和思考。第四章重点阐释蒙古族启蒙写作中性别因素的体现和影响。80年代蒙古族思想、文化界对新启蒙主义人性话语的引介,对蒙古族文学有关性别问题的思考产生了深刻影响。启蒙作家关于喇嘛爱情故事的讲述,呈现了僧侣——蒙古族历史上曾长期存在的一个男性社会群体的性别境遇,当中有对佛教压抑合理人性的批判,亦有从人性终极需求出发对宗教精神价值的不自觉认可或理性体察。在“把人当做人”这一启蒙思想的影响下,蒙古族文学发现了蒙古族妇女“非人”的生存状态,并试图指出其深层文化根源,部分地达到以妇女的历史和现状批判、清算传统的目的。启蒙语境中有关女性主体性的书写,展现出的则是蒙古族妇女努力冲破身心牢笼谋求自由与解放的社会文化图景。当代蒙古族文学叙事关于性别的思考和表现呈现出丰富多样的形态,同时又都具有一定的民族特性。相关创作对某些性别问题的关注和提出,与蒙古族独特的社会、历史、文化境遇有着深刻的内在联系,反映出蒙古族人特有的文化心理、思维方式或民族无意识结构。当代中国蒙古族文学的性别书写不仅生动地再现了与性别相关的民族文化习俗,还触及了当代蒙古族文学、文化的深层次意义和内涵,再次表明人类性别的“社会构成”特点,显示出民族学及文化人类学的深刻意义。

【Abstract】 With great changes and diversification of society and culture, descriptions and thought of gender in modern Mongolian literature become very complicated——some have discussed problems like the game between national consciousness and nation identity, how intellectuals revalue national history, the sublation of traditional national culture and so on. Writers of different genders in different periods have their own opinions. In short, there are culture information with mational features and contemporaneity in modern Mongolian literature. This paper study the multiple connotations in gender texting from the view of intellectuals.The paper is aimed at presenting multiple connotations of modern Mongolian literature by focusing on gender narrative and analyzing humanistic spirit value from the view of female, gender and female experience, with the standard of human. Besides introduction and peroration, this paper will unfold its discussion in four chapters.Chapter one analyzes modern Mongolian literature’s revolutionary narrative, dissecting unique national culture connotation and aesthetic appeal which appear in reproducing, building and disassembling the gender image and system. The narrative on the relations between Mongolian and Han reflects their multidimensional relationship. Some stories reflects how Mongolian Intellectual feels about national relation’s changes. The typical female images in Mongolian revolutionary narrative have the same characteristic with main literature of the times. Strong lady images reflect the fashion of the times, and the aesthetic tradition of Mongolian women. Bad girl images show how main political discourse influence traditional culture. In these texts tradition and revolution’s relationship is complicated.Chapter two probes into the historical stories in modern Mongolian literature from the perspective of gender. They aim at highlighting traditional gender culture of Mongolian by recalling the history, which focuses on rebuilding the national spirit. In this field, the traditional character of men, such as bravery and tough ones are taken as positive factors for national development. So are traditional outstanding women. However, some stories affirm war, violence and power tactics, which reveal their shortcomings. Female images are still in the frame of traditional gender system, while their shortcomings as human are ignored. Historical figures, Ke E lun, Shuchi, Boru Zhu reveals collective unconsciousness of a nation.Chapter three focuses on problems of gender narrative and national identity in Mongolian ecological literature. The imagination of female is quite ideal and poetic, revealing the characteristic of national identity. It traces back tradition and takes it as great source of national spirit. Images of ecological heroes are the represent of Nomads, which show great connections between Mongolian men and nature, and the necessity and urgency of nomadic culture identity in current society.Chapter four discusses how gender factors work in enlightenment literature. New enlightenment has a great impact on Mongolian literature after it was introduced in1980s. Love stories of Lama reveals a long existing male group gender circumstances, critiquing Buddhism’s depressing of humanity, subconscious acceping and reasonable observing of Buddhism spirit from ultimate demand. With the trend of enlightenment, Mongolian literature finds Mongolian women’s bad living condition and reveals the prospect how they liberate themselves.The connotation of gender description in Mongolian literature is rich and complicated, revealing the profound meaning of ethnonymics and cultural anthropology. As a Mongolian woman, I hope to propel the understanding of my nation and expect a multivariant and humanized culture construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

