

Civil Officials System and Literature of Ming Dynasty

【作者】 李军

【导师】 陶慕宁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 明代是我国封建社会的后期,制度相当完善。研究明代文学,当措意其制度。君主专制之下,明王朝强化对知识分子的控制,要求士夫为君所用,传统儒家观念士人也以从仕作为人生价值的实现途径,因此明代士大夫阶层从士人到官员,其行为及意识都受到王朝文官制度的规范与影响。所谓文官制度即文官管理制度,指王朝对文职官员从选用到退休的一系列人事管理制度,包括入仕途径的制定、出身类型的划分及认证、职位的选授、任职期间的考核、致仕管理等。本文即从明代文官制度入手,一方面研究文官制度对社会价值观念的引导、对士大夫作家的行为规范,以及对有才华者的文学活动的影响。另一方面,通过文学文本的分析与解读,研究文学是如何对文官制度元素进行文学化处理与表达的。通过对文学事实的发掘与文学现象何以存在的探究,寻找文学发展的深层影响要素与存在规律,也争取为研究其它朝代的制度与文学的关系提供一定的思路与经验。全文由引言、正文与结论组成。引言主要界定了相关概念,论述了选题的价值与意义,介绍了研究的思路、内容、方法与创新及不足等基本情况。正文分六章。第一章总论“文官制度”的内容与性质,分析了制度与文学之间的双向关系模式:制度通过影响作家的行为与情感而影响文学活动,文学在反映生活的过程中,也对影响与引导生活运行的制度进行文学化的反映,所反映的是制度在作家心灵中的折射而非制度本身的条文形式。第二章至第四章,论述了王朝的出身—授任制度与明代文学的关系。出身制度提供了入仕的途径,决定了文官是进士官、举监官还是吏员官的出身类型,具有资格认定制度的性质。官员的出身与授职紧密联系,从初选到迁转都以出身为授职资格的基本组成部分,出身制度与授任制度相结合,形成明代授职中的出身歧视现象,从王朝的仕途管理到社会的主流观念形成了“进士至上”的价值判断。第二章以进士出身官仕途之优为中心,指出进士官出身——授任的制度规定与运行现实倒逼士人首选科举入仕,至无奈地步方选择以监生历事的方式入仕为官的社会事实,揭示出明代诗文记录了他们为了官场前程而在科举之路上的动摇与坚持、成功与失败、喜悦与沮丧等生活形态与心灵体验,小说与戏曲寄托了他们的白日梦,起到了心灵补偿的作用。对于已获出身的进士,形成了这样的文学事实:作家本身的任职历程与心态、送赴外任的诗歌形成“盼归京职”的写作模式、叙事文学人物的仕宦履历与追求等元素。第三章以举监出身官仕途歧视为中心,分析在举监宫出身——授任制度下举人、贡生型作家的入仕心态分析,重点分析了小说中监生官的地位、监生的形象,探讨了入仕环节的文学表现及其意义。第四章以吏员出职制度为研究对象,指出吏员出身之难、授职之低的影响:明代文学创作队伍里无吏员身份的作家,文学作品里,小说出现吏员迅速获得美职的故事,以此作为文学典型而进行劝善。第二至四章围绕出身—授任制度的研究,揭示出了该制度运行之下由出身歧视现象带来的种种文学表现和文学对该现象的反映与改写,是明代文学与此前诸代相比所独有现象。第五章研究了明代考核制度与明代文学的关系。考核制度规范了官员接受王朝考满与考察,其行为具有预期性,在抒情文学中形成了考察、考满之送行、纪行诗文,叙事文学中借考察、考满行为叙述人物的行为与心理。第六章研究致仕制度与明代文学的关系,通过分析制度内容,揭示了致仕制度在官场退出性质之外,明代中期起增加了具有朝代特色的惩罚性质。这影响了官员对致仕的态度,在抒情文学中,后期致仕题材诗文明显减少;叙事文学则以其退出性质为基础,通过致仕情节展示人物性格,或安排为人物的完满结局。结论是全文的总结,回顾了各章的重点内容,从宏观上概括了文官制度与明代文学的双向关系中的要点与各制度影响的不同表现。

【Abstract】 Ming dynasty is the later stage of feudal society and its political system has been quite comprehensive. Therefore, study on literature of Ming dynasty should pay close attention to its system. Under the regime of autocratic monarchy, Ming dynasty strengthened its control over intellectuals by requesting scholar-officials to serve the monarch; meanwhile scholars influenced by Confucianism also take the way of being an official in the government as a means to realize their value of life. As a consequence, the civil-officials institution has exerted great influence on the thought and behavior of Ming literati class, no matter scholars or officials. The so-called civil-officials system refers to a range of regulations on personnel management, from election to retirement, which includes enacting the method to be an official, classification and registration of identity origins, election and delegation of official post, evaluation during his tenure and retirement from an post, and so on. From the angle of civil-officials system, this article deals with its guidance in the social values, its regulation on the conduct of bureaucrat scholars as well as the influence on talented writers’literary activities. On the other hand, from analysis and interpretation of literary texts, the article presents how literature deals with the civil-officials system skillfully. It also tries to find out literary facts and explore why some literary phenomenon exist, and in turn helps to understand the rules and deep factors which affect development of literature, at the same time tries to provide some thought or experience in researching the relationship between literary works and their corresponding civil-officials system.The article is made up of introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction part mainly defines some relative concepts, discusses the value and significance of selection of the topic, and presents some basic information about ideas, content, method, innovation and its insufficiency.The main body consists of six chapters. Chapter One deals with content and nature of " civil-officials system " in general, analyzes bidirectional relationship between the system and literature works:The system affects literary activities through exerting influence on the behavior and emotion of writers; while in the process of reflecting life, literature also reflects the system literarily, although the system is shown in the form of writer’s reflective recreation instead of provisions it regulates.Chapter Two to Chapter Four discusses the relationship between identity origin-investiture and literature of Ming dynasty. The identity origin system provides the access to being an official, which defines the types of identity origin, Jinshi-officials, Jiansheng-officials and civil-servant-officials, and embodies its nature as some kind of recognition of qualification. The identity origin is closely related to investiture, which is the basis of qualification for investiture, from primary election to promotion. The combination of identity origin and investiture leads to discrimination against identity origin in election of officials, and it consequently gives rise to the concept of "supremacy of Jinshi" in the minds of official management class and mainstream concept in the society. Centering around the concept of " supremacy of Jinsbi" Chapter Two points out that the regulation of Jinshi official----investiture and its operation in reality forces scholars to prefer to begin their official career by way of becoming Jinshi first, while the choice of becoming Jiansheng and then serving the government has been the last one. This chapter also points out that literature in Ming dynasty record those scholars’ various lives and spiritual experiences on their way of taking imperial examinations, such as their indecision and persistence, success and failure, joy and frustration. For those Jinshi officials, it has become a literary fact that in the poems of seeing people off who may work outside of the Capital, the theme of "whish them back to serve in the Capital" has become some kind of writing pattern, while in the novels, the subject of county magistrate’s recommendation to take part in imperial examinations appear repetitively. Chapter Three focuses on the discrimination against Jiansheng officials, and analyzes the minds of those Juren or Jiansheng who want to enter official career. What’s more important, this chapter analyzes status and image of those Jiansheng officials, and discusses the literary manifestation and meaning of their stories. Chapter Four researches on civil-servant-officials and points out the difficulty of their promotion and the lower position they may acquire in the government. There is no such writer in Ming literature as is the petty civil-servant-official. In literary works, there may have stories of those people’s acquisition of better official position.However, it can only be served as some kind of typical case to instruct people to behave in a good way. Chapter Two to Chapter Four displays various literary depictions about discrimination against identity origins and its reflection in literary works, which is unique to Ming literature in comparison with previous dynasties.Chapter Five discusses relationship between assessment system and Ming literature. Assessment system regulates officials should subject themselves to assessment and check-up, which is predictable. There are poems about seeing people off for their assessment in lyric literature, and in narrative literature, there is description of mind and behavior of people who would be assessed.Chapter Six deals with relationship between retirement system and Ming literature, and discloses retirement is different from quitting the official post. In the mid of Ming dynasty, retirement system has got another meaning of punishment from the government, which affects official’s attitude towards it. At the later stage of lyric literature, the theme of retirement has decreased significantly; while narrative literature makes use of retirement to display people’s character or to arrange a perfect ending for the figure.Conclusion serves as a summary, and reviews key information in each chapter. It generalizes essentials in bidirectional relationship between civil official system and Ming literature and different effects of the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】D691;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1303
  • 攻读期成果

