

Research into Undergraduates Students’ Learning Practices in the View of "Field-Habitus"

【作者】 吴俊

【导师】 闫广芬;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 与传统大学生学习研究大多采取实体性思维方式不同,布迪厄的社会实践理论为我们提供了一个独特的基于关系性思维方式的观察视角。运用“场域”、“资本”、“惯习”和“策略”等开放式概念,本研究形成了关于大学生学习实践的分析框架:将大学生学习视为一种对个体的认知、思维、情感和行动产生持久的、实质的和深远的影响的社会实践活动,即“学习即生活”、“学校即社会”,分析大学场域与外在社会的结构对应关系,探寻大学场域是如何作为关键性的中介环节,来同时发挥社会性变量和个体性变量的作用共同建构大学生学习实践的,从而揭示大学生学习实践的生成性动力机制、运作逻辑及其在社会、历史变迁中的变化机制和演进逻辑,以及大学生的学习实践对个体发展、对社会发展的作用和意义。从工业社会向知识社会的转型,业已成为社会发展的一种客观存在和必然趋势。一种生成的、不确定的建构主义知识观正取代以往普遍的、确定的客观主义知识观,这一变化对人类的认识论也产生了深远的影响。在社会转型的外在支持机制和知识转型的内生动力机制的双重影响下,大学也将朝着知识型和学习型组织的方向演进。无论是知识社会的变迁,还是学习型大学的创设,都意味着人即将成为知识社会和学习型大学中的核心主体。基于此,对未来的大学生学习改革而言,“人的主体性发展”已不再是一个“是否需要”的问题,而是一个“如何实现”的问题。如何建构一种基于大学生主体性发展的学习实践,是当前大学生学习改革中亟待探索的一个“真”问题。从当前我国大学生学习实践的现状来看,大学场域仍然沿袭着与工业社会相对应的科层型结构,这一结构又进一步巩固和强化了大学生在长期制度化学习经历中业已生成的以“顺从”和“服从”为特征的常规性学习惯习,从而不断形塑着他们的应试性学习策略。尽管知识社会的转型以及高等教育大众化进程的加速,在唤醒大学生主体性意识的同时,也导致大学生常规性学习惯习的滞后效应及其所固化的应试性学习策略同知识社会的发展需求之间呈现出一种“不合拍”甚至“脱节”现象。对此,本研究从大学生学习实践的生成性动力机制、演进逻辑出发,结合当前大学生学习实践中存在的问题及原因,来进一步探讨如何在知识社会的转型背景下构建基于大学生的主体性发展的学习型大学场域和反思性学习惯习。本文一共分为六章进行阐述。第一章,导论,介绍了论文选题的缘起和研究意义,在进行文献回顾的基础上提出了本研究的核心概念、研究思路、总体框架、研究方法和可能创新点。第二章分析了大学生学习实践的生成性动力机制。本章力图突破以往大学生学习研究中主客二分的认识论倾向,转向一种综合了“结构主义”路径和“建构主义”路径的社会实践理论,对大学生学习实践的生成机制和变化机制进行全视角的诠释和解读。第三章从社会转型的视角出发,采取了历时性分析和共时性分析相结合的研究路径,通过大学场域的中观介入,探讨社会的结构性变迁与大学生心智结构的生成和变化之间的关系,分析大学生学习实践的发展进程、运作逻辑和演进趋势。第四章借助问卷调查和个案访谈的方式,针对当前大学场域中大学生学习实践的现实境遇,分别进行了描述分析、比较分析和综合考察。第五章在前述理论解读、实践探索和现状分析的基础上,进一步审视和思考制约大学生主体性学习实践和发展的问题以及成因。第六章围绕大学生学习实践研究的基本结论,立足于知识社会转型的背景,结合大学生学习实践的生成性动力机制及其面向未来的研究趋势,尝试构建基于主体性发展的大学生学习实践的现实路径,以期对当前正在进行的大学生学习改革提供可供参考的有益借鉴。

【Abstract】 Differing from the traditional substantial thinking ways of most undergraduate students’ learning studies, the social practice theory of Bourdieu provides us with a unique perspective based on the way of relationship thinking. The use of open concept of "field","capital","habitus" and "strategy", this study formes a analysis framework about undergraduate students’learning practices. In this thesis, the undergraduate students’learning are regarded as a society practice which has a long-lasting, substantial and profound impact to individual cognition, thought, emotion and action. That is to say,"learning is life","school is society". On this base, we analyze the corresponding relationship between college field and social structure, then explore how the college field as a critical intermediary link plays the social variables and the individual variables role to construct students’learning practice together, so as to reveal the generating dynamic mechanism and the operation logic of undergraduate students’learning practices under the background of social transformation, and the significance of undergraduate students’learning practices for the development of individuals and society.The transformation from industrial society to knowledge society has become a kind of objective existence and an inevitable trend of social development. A new view of constructivism knowledge is replacing the previous view of objectivism knowledge, which also has a profound effect on human epistemology. Considering the dual influence on the external support mechanism of social transformation and internal dynamic mechanism of knowledge transformation, colleges will change into a knowledge and learning organization. Both the transition of knowledge society and the construction of the learning colleges mean that the human will become the core subject. Based on this,"the development of subjectivity" is no longer a problem of "whether or not", but a problem of "how to realize". How to construct the learning practice which based on the undergraduate students’ subjectivity development is a "real" problem to be solved for the learning reform of the undergraduate students.From the current situation of Chinese undergraduate students’ learning practice, the college field still follow the hierarchical structure corresponding with the industrial society. Then the structure further consolidate and strengthen the students’ conventional learning habitus of "obedience" and "obey" which were formed in the long-term institutionalization learning experience and continued to shaped their learning strategies for examination. Although the knowledge society transformation and the popularization of higher education awakes the undergraduate students’ subjectivity consciousness, it also shows a phenomenon of "off the beat" even "disjunction" between the learning strategies for examination and the subjectivity development because of the lag effect of the undergraduate students’conventional learning habitus. Therefore, this study starts from the generative mechanism and evolution logic of undergraduate students’learning practice, combined with the problems and reasons existing in the undergraduate students’learning practice nowadays, to further investigate how to construct learning college field and reflexivity learning habitus based on students’subjectivity development under the background of knowledge society transformation.This thesis is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is introduction, which introduces the reason for the thesis selection and its research significance, and puts forward the core concepts, the research thinking, the general frame, the methods and the innovations based on the literature review. The second chapter analyzes the generative dynamic mechanism of undergraduate students’learning practice. This chapter breaks through the epistemological tendency of "subject and object dichotomy" in the past learning research, then turns to a social practice theory which combines the methods of structuralism and constructivism, and gives a comprehensive explanation for the occurrence and change mechanism of undergraduate students’learning practice. The third chapter starts from the perspective of social transformation, stands on the college field, using the united methods of diachronic and synchronic, to explore the relationship between the change of social structure and the generation and development of undergraduate students’ mind structure, analyze the development process, the operation logic and the evolution trend of undergraduate students’learning practice. The fourth chapter exhaustively analyzes the realistic conditions of learning practices of the undergraduate students, based on the data from the questionnaire survey and individual interviews.The fifth chapter further explores the problems and reasons for restricting the subjectivity learning practice and development of the undergraduate students. The sixth chapter tries to construct the realistic path for the learning practice of the undergraduate students based on the development of subjectivity so as to offer beneficial reference for the ongoing learning reform of undergraduate students.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

