

From the Perspective of Correspondence Principle: Vocational Education and Production of New Chinese Industrial Workers

【作者】 严霄云

【导师】 仇立平;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 研究农民工问题的立意要与中国特定的工业化过程相联系,而具体工人的生产与不同管理制度和生产关系的工厂制度相结合。中国农民工向新产业工人转换有着特殊的社会背景,但与世界主要国家工业化相比较也具有共同点,都是符合工业化进程对劳动力有着数量和质量上的需求这一客观规律。自工业革命起,工厂制度作为资本积累方式和劳动生产组织在国家干预、市场力量、劳动过程共同作用之下发生着变迁,根本目的在于控制经济系统的稳定性和社会阶级结构的再生产。鲍尔斯与金蒂斯归纳了美国历史上工厂制度变迁与教育制度改革之间的相互作用,提出了联系教育过程与劳动过程的“符应原则”。狭义上的“符应原则”指学校教育的社会关系与工厂劳动的社会关系之间的对应性,而广义的“符应原则”指国家通过学校教育将潜在劳动力统合至社会经济结构中去。中国的中等职业学校是为工业化提供产业工人的教育机构,近年来农村户籍的学生逐渐成为中职教育的主体,毕业之后成为企业一线用工的主体。但鉴于工业社会中教育层次与职业层次的联系,中等职业教育一直存在“阶层再制还是劳动力提升?”的争论。学校和工厂都已成为培养产业工人的地方,本文应用“符应原则”运行机制从知识技术、个性品质、阶层意识三个方面对杭州下沙经济技术开发区的中职校工(生)在中职学校、制造业工厂接受的训导进行分析,应用“符应原则”传送机制对这一潜在劳动力成为产业工人的过程进行区分,从中反映出国家意识形态、工厂制度的强制与同意因素。在工业化的推动下,劳动方式的转变主要体现为农村剩余劳动力转向现代化的工业劳动。但在改革开放之前,中国的工业体系基本上对农村劳动力采取封闭措施,建设社会主义市场经济和发展劳动力市场才使得农村劳动力成为产业工人的一员。与这段历史相似的是,中国的中等职业教育一开始只招收少量农村家庭的精英子女,1992年之后开始对农村人口放开,但之前的分配工作、落户等政策不再具备,中等职业教育逐渐成为一种生存教育。工业生产体系内部是多元化的,即使是在制造业工厂,工作岗位也分若干层次,而教育与职业之间的联系在所有工业社会中本质都是一样的,有着很强的相关性。“符应原则”的传送机制就是要将社会身份不同的潜在劳动力分配到分层化的教育格局和劳动格局中去。中国建立了不同层次的教育机构,对应着不同职业发展的可能性,并通过教育分流进行分配。农村家庭子女由于受限于各种资本,客观的结果是其进入中等职业教育的比例逐年扩大,而其毕业后从事的职业层次有降低的趋势,难免引起教育再生产的讨论。工业化带来的另一相似影响是企业与工人之间是资本--劳动力的市场化劳动关系,在国际分工领域,中国位于产业链的中后段,国际资本强调的是弹性的积累,在劳动领域表现为低层次工人工作的临时性和不稳定性。中国制造业需要在竞争中壮大,提升产业工人的人力资本成为转型的关键,这也对中职校工(生)提出了更高的要求。现代工厂往往通过劳动分工和等级区分对企业进行复杂控制。统治阶级在教育政策有两大目标:一是劳动力的再生;二是生产关系的再生。“符应原则”在学校层面的运行机制在中国的中等职业学校也显示了它的作用:在知识技术训导方面,中职学生由于性别、家庭经济条件、个人喜好等因素,选择的专业也不尽相同,这对其进入制造业一线生产岗位产生了影响;在个性品质训导方面,中职学生特别强调纪律约束和规范内化,这与之后的工作要求是对应的;在成层意识训导方面,中等职业教育宣传的是蓝领文化,通过隐性课程来塑造学生的价值观,中职学生在此训导之下分化为积极、消极制造两类群体。进入工厂之后,极大多数中职校工(特别是流水线生产上的用工)被安排在劳动等级制分工的较低层次,工厂对等级制分工所需要的知识技术、个性品质有着更为明确的要求,中职校工(生)必须接受工厂的再次训导,职业教育再次发挥了作用。与学校教育的相对公平而言,工厂的训导更带有技术、官僚控制的意图。在结构的限制之下,部分上进的中职校工(生)寻求工厂外部的职业教育资源,通过提升人力资本达到符合职业层次提高所需要的条件。工厂制度的物质基础是资本对生产资料的所有权和对劳动过程的控制,与发达国家的工厂制度的变迁相比,中国沿海开发区的制造业工厂在劳动分工、管理制度、劳动力市场分割等方面呈现趋同性,当然也有自身的一些特点。下沙开发区的制造业有四大行业,每个行业的一线生产的工种基本上可以分为普工和技工。“符应原则”的传送机制在中职校工(生)被分配至东部沿海开发区时出现了新的内容,与制造业专业关系不大的中职校工(生)主要通过劳务派遣形式来工厂充当普通操作工人,地区差异成为异地工作制造同意的基础。在市场环境下,劳动力在工厂内部转换为劳动,光靠强制手段是不行的,必须结合同意才能达到有效生产的目的。技术控制和官僚控制成为下沙制造业工厂普遍采用的控制方式,这一控制方式的合法性来自于工业社会普遍适用的技术决定论--选优任能论。工厂对处于劳动等级制分工不同位置的中职校工(生)进行再次整合,并促使其形成与工作相联系的阶层意识。而整合的过程同时也是分化的过程,中职校工(生)发挥个人主动性追求个人的利益时也在维护着工厂的利益。由于企业职级的金字塔结构是既定的,中职校工(生)最终成为一线生产的主体,部分中职校工(生)经过时间磨砺成为技术工人和基层管理者,从而实现了中等职业教育的培养的目的和“符应原则”所反映的劳动等级制分工的再生产。农村户籍的中职校工(生)要成为真正意义上的产业工人,需要一系列稳定性因素的保障。受葛兰西思想的影响,鲍尔斯、布洛维从教育过程与劳动过程两方面探讨阶级结构稳定化的作用机制,强调国家干预导致霸权制度的出现。将青年人统合到社会经济结构中去是“符应原则”传送机制的功能,而这一功能的发挥与工厂制度的变迁紧密联系。下沙开发区的工厂制度正发生着重构,这一案例体现了政府、资方、劳工各自的变化情况。总体上说,开发区的工厂制度是向着好的方面发展,当然,在发展过程中也不可避免出现若干问题。职业是工业社会中进行社会分层的主要依据,教育--职业--阶层是分层与流动的逻辑。调查数据显示:中职校工(生)在下沙开发区制造业初步形成了稳定的职业群体,标志着这一群体向产业工人进一步的转化,从而说明中等职业教育的有效性。整个工业社会都力图将工人变为具有权利与义务的工业公民,而不是阶级的一员来建构,但“符应原则”最终揭示的是“少数人控制着大部分生产资料,大多数人只有劳动力”的社会现象,对这一社会现象的理解必须重返

【Abstract】 The conception of studying peasant workers is associated with the specificindustrialization process in China, and the production of workers is combined withdifferent management systems and factory regimes of production relations. Thetransformation of Chinese peasant workers to new industrial workers occurs against aspecial social context, although it is similar with the industrialization processes of othermajor countries in the world in that it also complies with the objective law that theindustrialization process raises both quantitative and qualitative demands for labor forces.Since the Industrial Revolution, factory regime, as a means of capital accumulation andorganization of labor production, has been subjected to changes under the combinedeffects of state intervention, market forces and labor process. Its fundamental purpose isto control the stability of economic system and the reproduction of social class structure.Bowles and Gintis, who summarized the changes of factory regime and its interactionwith the reform of education system in the American history, suggested“Correspondence Principle” that combined the educational process with the laborprocess.“Correspondence Principle”, in a narrow sense, refers to the correspondenceof social relations between school education and factory labor, while in a broad sense itmeans how the state integrates potential labor forces into social-economic structurethrough school education. The secondary vocational schools in China are educationalinstitutions that train industrial workers for the goal of industrialization. In recent years,rural students have been the mainstream in vocational education and also the key components in enterprises after graduation. Given the relation between educationallevel and professional level in industrial society, however, secondary vocationaleducation has always under the debate over “reproduction of social classes orenhancement of labor forces”. Both schools and factories have become cradles thatbreed industrial workers. Applying the operating mechanism of “CorrespondencePrinciple”, this paper analyzes the education that vocational school graduates inHangzhou Economic and Technological Development Area (HEDA) receive fromvocational schools and manufacturing factories in three aspects, namely, knowledgetechnology, personality traits, and strata consciousness. The application mechanism of“Correspondence Principle” is employed to identify the process in which thesepotential labor forces become industrial workers and reflect the state ideology and thecompelling and agreement factors of factory regime.Under the impetus of industrialization, the transformation of labor is mainlyreflected in the transition from rural surplus labor to modern industrial labor. However,before the reform and opening up, rural labor forces were mainly confined in rural areasunder the Chinese industrial system, and it was not until the construction of a socialistmarket economy and the development of labor market that they were transformed intoindustrial workers. As a similar case in this period of history, only a small number ofelite children from rural households were admitted into the secondary vocationaleducation in China. The general rural population did not have this educational chanceuntil1992, and they no longer enjoyed the job arrangement and residence registration policies as their predecessors did. Secondary vocational education has become a survivaleducation. The internal industrial production system is diverse as the positions arehierarchical even in manufacturing factories. The relation between education andoccupation is essentially the same in all industrial societies and it is strong. Theapplication mechanism of “Correspondence Principle” is assigning potential laborforces with different social identities to hierarchical educational structure and laborstructure. China has established different levels of educational institutions thatcorrespond to different possibilities of professional development, and has assigned theseresources through educational streaming. Due to limited capital, children from ruralhouseholds usually end up in secondary vocational schools in annually increasingnumbers and the professions they are engaged in after graduation are deteriorating. Thisinevitably leads to the debate of educational reproduction. Another similar effectbrought by industrialization is the relation of market labor, or capital-labor relationbetween enterprises and workers. In the field of international division of labor, China islocated in the posterior segment of the industrial chain. The international capitalemphasizes flexible accumulation which is reflected in the temporariness and instabilityof the work of low-level workers in the labor field. The manufacturing industry inChina needs to grow in competition, and improving the human capital of industrialworkers is key to transformation. This raises higher requirements for vocational schoolstudents.Modern factories often exert complicated control over enterprises through division of labor and hierarchical system. The ruling class pursues two objectives when designingeducation policies: reproduction of labor and reproduction of production relations. Theoperating mechanism of “Correspondence Principle” at the school level plays it rolein secondary vocational schools in China: in terms of the education of knowledgetechnology, vocational school students tend to choose different professions due to theirdifferences in gender, family economic conditions, personal preferences and otherfactors, and these different choices influence the production positions they assume whenthey enter into manufacturing factories; in terms of personality traits, vocational schoolstudents are particularly subjected to discipline and internalized norms, which actuallycorrespond to their future work; in terms of strata consciousness, secondary vocationaleducation advocates blue-collar culture and shapes students’ values through hiddencurriculum. Under such education, vocational school students are divided into twogroups: positive manufacturing group and passive manufacturing group. After enteringthe factory, the vast majority of vocational school graduates (especially those workingon the assembly line) are arranged in the low level of labor hierarchy. Because factoriesraise more defined requirements on knowledge technology and personal traits for thehierarchical division of labor, vocational school graduates have to receive re-educationof factories and in this case vocational education plays its role again. Compared with therelative fairness of school education, the education in factories is more technical andmore inclined to bureaucratic control. With the structural limitation, some motivatedvocational school graduates seek vocational education resources outside the factory and try to meet the conditions necessary to boost their professional level throughimprovement of human capital.The material basis of factory regime is the capital ownership of means ofproduction and control of labor processes. Compared with the changed factory regimein developed countries, the manufacturing factories in the coastal zone of China areconvergent in division of labor, management systems, and segmentation of labor market,although they still have their own characteristics. The manufacturing industry in HEDAincludes four sectors and the types of production work in each sector can be basicallyclassified into general workers and technicians. The application mechanism of“Correspondence Principle” embraced new content during the process whenvocational school graduates are assigned to the eastern coastal zone, and these graduates,who are distant from manufacturing profession, are employed as ordinary operatingworkers in factories through labor dispatching. Regional differences become the basisfor working in the manufacturing sectors in different places. In the market environment,coercion alone is not enough to transform labor forces into labor in factories. Onlythrough combination and integration can effective production be achieved. Technicaland bureaucratic control become a widely used method prevailing in the manufacturingfactories in Xiasha and this method is legitimate because of theTechnocratic-Meritocratic School, a theory that is generally applicable in industrialsocieties. Factories would re-integrate the vocational school graduates who takedifferent positions in the hierarchical division of labor and urge them to develop strata consciousness associated with their work. The integration process is also a division one,and the vocational school graduates actually maintain the interests of the factory whilethey are taking the initiative to pursue their personal interests. As the pyramid structureof positions in enterprises is fixed, vocational school graduates finally end up as themainstream of production and part of them make it to be technicians or juniormanagers over time, thus realizing the objectives of secondary vocational education andreproduction of hierarchical division of labor that the “Correspondence Principle”reflects.To be real industrial workers, vocational school graduates from rural householdsneed the guarantee of a series of stability factors. Influenced by Gramscianism, Bowlesand Burawoy explored the functional mechanism of strata structure stabilization fromtwo aspects of educational process and labor process, and they emphasized that stateintervention was the cause of hegemony. Integrating young people into thesocio-economic structure is the function of the application mechanism of“Correspondence Principle”, and this function is closely associated with the changes infactory regime. The factory regime in HEDA is undergoing reconstruction, and its casereflects respective changes in government, employers, and workers. Generally speaking,the factory regime in HEDA is changing toward better, although a number of issuesinevitably arise during this development process. Profession is the main basis for socialstratification in industrial societies. Education profession class is the logic ofstratification and mobility. Survey data showed that vocational school graduates have been a preliminarily stable professional group in the manufacturing sector in HEDA,which marks their further transformation to industrial workers and further demonstratesthe effectiveness of secondary vocational education. The entire industrial society istrying to change their workers into industrial citizens that have both rights andobligations, rather than into class members. However,“Correspondence Principle”eventually reveals the social phenomenon that “a majority of production means arecontrolled by only a few people while most people remain labor forces”. To understandthis social phenomenon requires revisit to Marx.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

