

The Communication of Red Revolution in Modern Shanghai

【作者】 杨卫民

【导师】 忻平;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 本文以1920—1937年的都市上海为背景,以中共出版人的社会生活实践为研究对象,主要运用社会生活史理论和方法,论述中共出版人这一政治-文化群体在都市化进程中的生存、生命、生活和生态发展,剖析其社会生活实践的特质,进而揭示其进行红色革命传播的经验和价值。论文在导论部分,结合现实出版实践的认识、社会生活史研究方向的发展、中国近现代史学术领域中“革命史范式”和“现代化范式”两种模式之争,明确了本文的问题意识,提出了解决问题的思路和方法,即从革命性和现代性相结合的角度出发,考察中共出版人的社会生活实践,透视摩登上海红色革命传播的本质和精神。论文第一章交待了中共出版人社会生活实践的背景和概貌。文章认为,中共出版人脱胎于现代化、都市化、革命化的上海,是在多元的现代社会场景中诞生、成长和壮大的;其间,中共出版人在上海的红色革命传播,是一个与都市其他话语体系相博弈的过程。因此,中共出版人的实践品格中蕴含革命性和现代性交融的特征。论文在第二章对中共出版人的群体结构进行了总体考察。文章首次对中共出版人都市成长的阶段进行了详细的总结,并以作者搜集的统计样本,对该群体的年龄、籍贯、性别、教育状况、入党时间、所任职务、出版经历及社会关系等作了整体分析,从中发掘出其思想的时代性、联系的广泛性、生活的实践性等特征。论文在第三、四、五章,从宏观和微观两方面,考察了中共出版人在上海的社会生活实践。第三、四章从宏观论述了中共出版人在出版实践、社会运动和交往实践等方面的综合表现。从中可发现中共出版人革命理想和专业精神的契合、革命行动和角色转化的结合以及中共出版人群体和各阶层的融合。在红色革命传播主体上,以中共中央、团中央、总工会等系统为中心,中共出版人团结诸多商业出版人和先进分子,逐步建构了一个中央和地方、中心和外围紧密结合的红色革命传播网络;在传播主题上,中共出版人利用大革命和民族解放潮流,坚持让先进的思想文化走进工人、学生和市民等大众群体的生活,促进大众的觉醒和团结;在传播方法上,中共出版人利用公开、伪装、渗透和领导等多种手段,坚持红色启蒙,加强红色革命传播的力量;在传播过程中,中共出版人将革命追求和现实联系紧密结合,形成两大发展阶段:1920—1927年主要对工人和青年学生进行革命启蒙,1927—1937年主要深入到都市社会深处;在传播效果上,在摩登上海的多元话语体系博弈中,中共出版人越来越具有组织、领导能力和都市整合功能。第五章论述了中共出版人日常中的衣食住行、收支、修养和精神生活、婚恋和家庭等生活内容,分析该群体一边进行革命工作、建构着新的社会生态,一边为自身的生存、生命和生活而劳作的都市社会场景,揭示了其革命工作与日常生活品位之间不可分割的关系。总之,本文以社会生活史为主要视角,吸取思想文化史、中共党史和新闻出版史等领域研究成果,采用文献分析、分层分类、比较等研究方法,对诸多原始文献进行梳理和剖析,首次对中共出版人在上海的社会生活实践活动进行大样本总体分析,并始终将该群体作为一个整体进行分阶段、分层、分类考察。据此,论文首次提出,中共出版人在上海的社会生活实践,在性质上是一个进行红色启蒙运动的过程,充满着革命性和现代性的相互交织。以此观照摩登上海与红色革命传播的关系,论文首次认为,“红色启蒙”与“实践联系”的紧密结合,是革命传播者在上海的主要生活形态,也是其成功的重要法宝。由此,本文的研究意义或可继续深化:在加强社会生活史研究领域整体性探索的基础上,寻求中国近现代史领域中“革命史范式”和“现代化范式”的有效结合,从中共出版人群体看红色革命与现代性的共存与融合、红色革命群体与民族国家关系的交织与变动。

【Abstract】 The dissertation regards CPC publishers’ practice of social life as theresearch object from1920to1937in urban Shanghai. With the theory and methodof social life history, it describes this political-cultural group’s surviving,life, living and ecological development in the urbanization process, analyzes thequalities of social life practice, thus reveals the experience shaping and corevalues of red revolution communication.Introduction, combined with the direction of the development on social lifehistory studies and "revolutionary paradigm" and "modernization paradigm" in theacademic field of modern Chinese history, determines the awareness of this problem,and put forward the ideas and methods of problem-solving.That is, it would examineCPC publishers’ practice of social life and find the essence and spirit of redrevolution communication in modern Shanghai with the combination of revolutionaryand modernity.Chapter Ⅰ explains CPC publishers’ background of social life. The articlebelieves that the CPC publishers’ characteristics contains the blend ofrevolutionary and modernity, because this group emerged in urbanizing andrevolutionizing Shanghai, growed up in a wide range of modern social scene, andCPC publishers’participated in a lot of game of discourse.Chapter Ⅱ makes the overall study on CPC publishers. It for the first timedetails summary of the CPC publishers’ urban growth stage, makes the overallanalysis of their age, place of birth, sex, education situation, party time, anyduties, publishing experience and social relations, then finds theircharacteristics of the timing of thinking, the breadth of contact and practicallife.Chapter III, IV and V examines CPC publishers’ practice of social life inShanghai from both macroscopic and microscopic angle. Chapters III and IV discussesthe overall performance of the CPC publishers’ publishing practice, socialmovements and communicative practice from macroscopic angle. We can find the fitof the CPC publishers’ revolutionary ideals and professionalism, the combinationof revolutionary action and role transformation, and the integration of CPCpublishers and the other social strata. When it comes to communication subject,CPC publishers gradually united many commercial publishers and advanced elements,constructed a revolutionary communication network with the integratation of Central and local, the centeral and peripheral under the leadership of the CPCCentral Committee, the Chinese Communist Youth League, the All-China Federationof Trade Unions and other systems. When it comes to communication theme, CPCpublishers continued to allow the advanced ideas and culture into the social lifeof the mass of workers, students and the public to promote public awakening andsolidarity with the trend of the Great Revolution and National Liberation; Whenit comes to communication method, CPC publishers used open, camouflage,infiltration and leadership means to adhere to Red Enlightenment, to strengthenthe spread of red revolution forces; When it comes to communication process, CPCpublishers made close connection with the pursuit of revolutionary and realisticContact:1920-1927mainly enlightened workers and young students and1927-1937focused on social depths; When it comes to communication result, CPC publishersshowed more and more function of the organization, leadership and urban integrationin Shanghai. Chapter V discusses CPC publishers’ daily basic necessities of life,income and expenses, training and spiritual life, marriage and family life, revealsthe inseparable relationship between the revolutionary work and the quality ofeveryday life.In conclusion, the dissertation absorbes the research of intellectual andcultural history, the Communist Party history and the press and publishing historystudy from the perspective of social life history. It for the first time discousesCPC publishers’practice of social life in Shanghai with the overall analysis ofa large sample and always inspects the group as a whole with document analysis,hierarchical classification, comparison and other research methods. Thus, thedissertation for the first time puts forward that CPC publishers’practice ofsocial life in Shanghai is a Red Enlightenment in nature, full of revolutionaryand modern intertwined. About the relationship between modern Shanghai and the redrevolution spread, the dissertation for the first time believes that the closeintegration of "Red Enlightenment" and "practice contact" is CPCpublishers’lifestyle in Shanghai and is also an important weapon for success. Onthis basis, the significance of this study is to continue deepening. It strengthensthe integrity of the social life history research, seeks effective combination of"revolutionary paradigm" and "modernization paradigm" in the field of modernChinese history, explores red revolution and modernity coexist and fusion from theCPC publishers, the relation’s interwoven and change between Red revolutionarygroups and nation-state.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

