

On Foster’s Ecological Marxism

【作者】 胡莹

【导师】 衣俊卿;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当下日趋恶化的生态困境不再是危言耸听与空穴来风,它不仅已经构成人类经济发展的主要障碍之一,甚至威胁着全人类的未来。因此,如何走出生态困境,构建人类与自然的和谐统一成为当下的热议论题之一,而从马克思主义理论当中寻求解除生态困境的方法也就成为理论界的一个主要研究路径。在生态学马克思主义理论内部,福斯特的生态学马克思主义思想以其独特的理论视角占据着重要的地位。福斯特面对文明招致的新困境,既没有对传统理论进行简单粗暴的全盘否定,也没有将马克思主义与绿色理论进行机械化的组合,而是以生态学视角重新解读马克思主义理论,在马克思主义理论内部,特别是在马克思的辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义理论当中,梳理出逻辑清晰、思想鲜明和体系相对完整的生态学马克思主义思想学说。该学说旨在为如何使人类走出当下的自然生态困境提供一种思路与方案。具体而言,福斯特通过生态学视角的重新解读,在马克思的辩证唯物主义理论内部挖掘出了“自然、人与社会有机统一”的生态唯物主义与生态辩证法,为生态学马克思主义思想学说奠定了坚实的哲学基础;此外,福斯特通过“新陈代谢断裂”理论,全面阐述马克思对资本主义社会现实的生态批判,道出资本与生态相冲突的本性和生态革命与社会主义革命之间的相同本质。基于以上理解,本文在福斯特对马克思主义理论的生态解读启示下,进一步深化了对马克思主义理论的生态学分析与阐释,指明马克思主义生态学思想的理论基础不仅在于生态唯物主义与生态辩证法,而且,在马克思的异化理论当中,也存在着完整的社会生态学维度;除此之外,在福斯特阐述马克思对资本主义社会现实的生态批判启示下,通过对马克思主义将生态危机的根源归结在资本主义社会制度的分析理解,阐明马克思主义生态思想之资本逻辑的深刻性。虽然,福斯特的生态学马克思主义思想已经明确了马克思恩格斯对生态危机之资本主义社会制度根源的分析,但未能在深刻阐释马克思对资本逻辑剖析与批判的基础上,将此批判深入到社会分工的领域。为此,本文认为福斯特对马克思主义生态思想的理解还不够深刻,也未能穷尽马克思与恩格斯的生态关怀。但他建构的生态学马克思主义思想学说却开启了研究马克思主义理论的新路向,也为我国马克思主义的中国化、本土化提供了新视角,并为当下国际、国内日趋严峻的生态问题指明了马克思主义现实批判的独特路径,那就是人类与自然双重解放的共产主义。

【Abstract】 Severe ecological crisis is not only one of the main obstacles to economicdevelopment, but also threatens the future of all mankind at present. So how to get outof the ecological dilemma and build the harmony of human and nature become one ofthe hottest topics. Seeking relief from Marxism becomes a major theory research path.Foster’s ecology Marxism ideology of its unique theoretical perspectives inEcology Marxism occupies an important position. Foster does not negate thetraditional theory simply and crudely, nor combines Marxism and Green Theorymechanically, but re-interprets Marxism of ecological perspective. He teases outlogical thinking distinct and relatively complete system of Ecological Marxismideological doctrine within the Marxism, especially in the theories of Marx’s dialecticalmaterialism and historical materialism. The doctrine is designed to provide an idea forhow to make the human out of the current natural ecological predicament with theprogram. Specifically, mining a “natural, human and social organic unity” ecologicalmaterialism and ecological dialectics in Marxist dialectical materialism theory, and thislies a solid philosophical foundation for Ecological Marxism. Moreover, Fosterexposits Marx’s realistic ecological critique of capitalism comprehensively through the“Metabolism Rift”, explains capital conflicts with nature, the same between ecologicalrevolution and social revolution.Based on understanding above, this article further deepens the interpretation ofecology in Marxism, specifies the philosophical foundation of Ecological Marxism liesnot only in ecological materialism and ecological dialectic, but the social ecology isalso in the alienation theory. In addition, in the revelation of Foster, this articleultimately classifies the causes of ecological crisis as "capital", not only Fosterunderstanding "capitalist system". In spite of Foster’s Ecological Marxism ideology isnot deep enough, and fails to exhaust the ecological concern of Marx and Engels, but he opens a newway forward for the study of Marxism, provides a new perspective of localization ofMarxism for China, and specifies realistic critique of Marxism unique path for thecurrent international and domestic worsening ecological crisis, that is, communism ofhuman and nature double liberation.

【关键词】 福斯特生态学马克思主义
【Key words】 FosterEcologyMarxism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

