

Metaphor and Irony: Richard Rorty’s Theory of Liberal Utopia

【作者】 张智宏

【导师】 丁立群;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 外国哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 罗蒂的自由主义乌托邦,即自由主义的反讽主义乌托邦为解决公共正义和私人完美之间的关系问题而构想,缘起于传统哲学基础主义情结和分析哲学基础主义底蕴的困境。反讽是罗蒂自由主义乌托邦的核心要素,而隐喻则是反讽的工具。罗蒂的反讽继承了苏格拉底,以及日常和文学语境下反讽概念的基础蕴涵。他的反讽主义者是彻底的反基础主义者、反本质主义者。最典型的反讽主义者是彻底的非形上学家。归根结底,反讽主义者就是一个后现代的解构者。他对传统哲学中基础、本质、中心、二元对立、终极真理、终极语汇,乃至最终对哲学本身进行解构。解构的同时,追求持续的个人自律与个人创造的过程,使自己的精神摆脱现实、物质、任何绝对之物或既定角色的羁绊与束缚,获得自由狂放的激情。在这种持续、彻底的质疑与解构交互过程中,通过对话不断获取新的自我认识以及自我身份。而反讽主义者用来进行生生不息的自我创造的工具,就是隐喻,也即隐喻的重新描述。罗蒂的隐喻观一方面放弃了传统哲学中语言作为媒介的观念,从而摆脱了共通人性作为道德基础的观念;另一方面,也使罗蒂把各种理论家、思想家的著述宽泛成文学文本,为自我创造的重新描述提供新可能性的参照,并把所有的文本植入历史的脉络中进行隐喻、反讽的重读,以及重新描述,因此,文化被文学化。这种观点一方面促进了文化融合;另一方面,改变了文化格局,不论神学、科学、哲学或是文学,没有哪一个学科能够充当大写的权威,占据统摄地位。罗蒂的隐喻是构造世界的重新描述,描述性的文学叙述,而不是理论性的哲学论述,对乌托邦公民道德教化的贡献更大,因而罗蒂的实践是一种诗学的表达。罗蒂的隐喻同反讽一样是对偶然的强调,是对传统哲学确定性寻求的反叛,因而也是反基础主义、形而上学的。隐喻与反讽都是自由主义乌托邦所必需的文化要素,用以促进宽容、减少残酷。同反讽一样,隐喻也标志着主体性的觉醒。隐喻的重新描述是乌托邦反讽主义者自我创造的工具,而反讽则使隐喻复数化与多元化。罗蒂的自由主义的反讽主义乌托邦与其说是一种政治理论,不如说是一种新文化格局的构建。其乌托邦性在于对传统哲学的替代。是后现代主义与自由主义之间的一个中间道路。自由主义与反讽主义相结合不仅使文化文学化,而且创造了一种新的阅读视角和方法,挖掘文学著作中反讽主义与自由主义并置的特征,即作品一方面揭示人类存在之偶然性的深刻洞识;另一方面,对人类残酷进行展示,提示人们自我认识与自我创造的觉醒意识,同时扩展人类团结所需要的宽容、理解与同情共感。自由主义的反讽主义乌托邦的立足之本是公共、私人领域的划分。罗蒂的公私划分不是传统二元对立式的划分,也不是家庭与社会相对的物理区域的划分,更不是割裂自我的划分,而是一种按照隐喻构造世界之目的所做的划分。公共的隐喻有助于人类团结,私人的隐喻促进个人创造。反讽主义者同时也是自由主义者的身份,使他在自我创造追求中植入了对其再描述之人会造成侮辱的危险感和恐惧感,所以,他关心团结并避免会削弱团结的重新描述,同时将反讽的一面私人化,使其不会在公共一面造成残酷和削弱人类团结。公共正义与个人完美相携而生,各得其所。罗蒂在解构了基础主义、形而上学的同时,提出了人类生活新的希望与可能性,使他跻身于富有建设性的后现代思想家之列。

【Abstract】 Rorty’s liberal utopia or liberal ironist utopia is conceived with the intention tobalance the relationship between public justice and private perfection. Its genesis is outof the respective predicaments caused by the fundamentalism complex of the traditionalphilosophy and the fundamentalist foundation of analytical philosophy. Irony is the coreelement of Rorty’s liberal utopia while metaphor is the tool of irony.Rorty’s irony inherits the original implications from Socratic irony and irony inliterary or daily context. His ironists are the radical anti-fundamentalists andanti-essentialists and the most typical ironist is a thorough non-metaphysician. All in all,an ironist is a postmodern deconstructionist, who deconstructs any fundamental, central,essential, binary or ultimate stuff of traditional philosophy, and even philosophy itself.Meanwhile, he pursues an incessant process of autonomy and self-creation, getting outfrom under the fetter and constraint of reality, material, any absolute stuff or the givenrole to gain the liberated, unrestrained passion. In the course of such continually radicaldoubting and deconstructing, he secures fresh self-recognition and new identity throughdialogues. The tool that an ironist uses to go in for such never-ending self-creation ismetaphor, or, metaphorical redescription.Rorty’s view of metaphor, on the one hand, drops the traditional idea of languageas a medium, thus getting rid of the view that there exists a common human nature toserve as the foundation of morality. On the other, it enables Rorty to include all thebooks by all theorists as literary texts, to provide examples for new possibilities ofself-creating redescription and to put all the texts into historical context for metaphoricaland ironic rereading and redescription. Thus the culture is reconstructed towardliterature-oriented structure. Such a view, on the one hand, promotes the merging ofculture, and on the other, changes the structure of culture, making it impossible fortheology, science, philosophy or literature to dominate as capitalized authority over all the other disciplines. Rorty’s metaphor is the world-making redescription. It is literarynarratives which are descriptive rather than philosophical arguments which aretheoretical that makes much greater contribution to the moral edification for the utopiancitizens. Therefore, Rorty’s praxis is an expression of poetics.Like his irony, Rorty’s metaphor also emphasizes on contingency and is a rebellionagainst the traditional philosophy’s pursuit for certainty, thus being alsoanti-fundamentalism and anti-metaphysics. Both metaphor and irony are culturalconstituents to promote tolerance and reduce cruelty and they both symbolize theawakening of subjectivity. Metaphorical redescription is a powerful tool for Rorty’sironists to engage in self-creations while irony pluralizes and diversifies metaphors.Rorty’s liberal ironist utopia is more of a new construction of cultural structurethan a political theory, the utopian nature of which is its substitution for traditionalphilosophy. It is a middle way between postmodernism and liberalism. Thejuxtaposition of liberalism and ironism not only generates a literature-oriented culture,but also creates a new perspective of and a new approach to literary reading to make itpossible to reveal the coexistence of both ironism and liberalism in literary works. It, onthe one hand, discloses the acute insight to the contingency of human existence, and onthe other, demonstrates human cruelty, so that man’s consciousness of self-recognitionand self-creation could be awakened and at the same time, the sense of tolerance,sympathy and empathy that are necessary to human solidarity could be expanded.The foothold of Rorty’s liberal ironist utopia lies in the public/private division,which is not a traditional binary-opposition style of division, or the family/society kindof physical area division, not to mention the self-splitting division. It is the division ofdifferent purposes of metaphorical world-making. Public metaphors enhance humansolidarity and private metaphors promote self-creation. The identity of ironists beingliberals and ironists all at once implants a sense of danger and fear of bringinghumiliation to those they redescribe, so they care about human solidarity and avoid any potential undermining of it. In the meanwhile, they privatize their irony so much so thatit won’t cause cruelty in the public to weaken solidarity. Public justice and privateperfection harmoniously coexist, each getting its due. Rorty brings forth a new hope andpossibility of human life while deconstructing fundamentalism and metaphysics. Thismakes him one of the outstanding constructive postmodern thinkers.

【关键词】 罗蒂反讽隐喻自由主义乌托邦公私划分
【Key words】 Rortymetaphorironyliberal utopiapublic/private division
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】D091;B712.59
  • 【下载频次】303

