

The Research on Civilizing Thoughts and Methods in Ancient China

【作者】 王司瑜

【导师】 张锡勤;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 伦理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 所谓“教化”,即“以教化民”、“以教道民”之意。中国自古就有重视道德教化的悠久传统,把教化看作是社会治理的重要手段,教化论也因之而成为中国伦理思想史的重要议题。本文认为,中国古代的教化思想以人性论为元点,尊天道论为基础,与刑罚论互表里,教化的目的是为了移风易俗,导人向善,使社会由秩序而和谐。在此基础上,形成了独具特色的中国传统教化方式。其中,官方教化作为教化的主导方式,在社会道德治理中发挥着重要的作用;重视乐教,是中国古代教化论的重要特色;所谓“神道设教”,是利用天命、鬼神之道来对百姓进行教化,宣扬统治权利来源的合法性、神圣性和权威性,以达到教化天下的目的;从社会结构上来看,传统的中国社会是熟人社会,乡规民约是熟人社会的教化形式;作为最基本的社会细胞,家庭承担着十分重要的教化重任;传统道德教化采取多种方式进行,蒙书、善书、通俗小说等道德读物是教化的重要载体;旌表是社会道德教化的制度化方式,发挥了重要的社会教化作用。本文认为,挖掘中国传统教化思想及其方式的有益资源,对于我们理解中国传统伦理文化的基本精神,认识古代教化思想及其方式的价值合理性和历史局限性,汲取其中的合理因素,具有重要的启发意义。中国古代的教化思想与中国传统伦理基本精神相一致,蕴含着浓厚的人文关怀。中国古代的诸种教化方式,以及在推行教化的过程中所形成的一套成功经验,某种意义上反映了道德教育的一般规律,对于我们今天进行道德建设及道德教育,具有借鉴意义。古代教化论对知识教育与品德教育关系的论述,对现今的道德教育具有启发意义。

【Abstract】 Civilizing aims to enlighten and moralize people with education. Civilizing haslong been stressed in China since ancient times and been regarded as an importantmeans of social governance. Therefore, civilizing theory has been one of the mostimportant theories in the history of Chinese ethical thoughts. In this dissertation, theauthor holds that the civilizing theory in ancient China is one with traditional Chinesefeatures, for it takes the theory of humanity as the main focus, the theory of natural lawas its theoretical foundation and the theory of penalty as its complement; and that thetheory aims to transform the outmoded habits and customs, guide people to be kind,thus building a society of order and harmony. Among all the ways of civilizing people,official civilizing plays a dominant role in the moral governance of the society. Musiccivilizing is also a striking feature of the ancient civilizing theory. The so-called“spiritual civilizing” is to influence people with the concepts of destiny and supernaturalbeings, and to advocate the legality, holiness and authority of the power of reign. Interms of social structure, traditional Chinese society is a kind of acquaintance society,whose civilizing form is the local norm. As the most basic social elements, familiesshoulder important responsibilities of civilizing. Traditional moral civilizing is carriedout in various ways, among which moral reading materials like children’s books, moralbooks, and popular novels are important carriers of civilizing. Inscribed board forhonoring is institutionalized since it is also an effective way of civilizing people byhonoring moral models. The author puts forward that it is of significance to trace backthe beneficial resources of traditional Chinese civilizing thoughts and their ways, tounderstand the basic spirits of traditional Chinese ethical culture, and to know its valueand historical limitations and absorb the reasonable elements. Civilizing thoughts inancient China, which features in humanistic care, are consistent with the basic spirits oftraditional Chinese ethics. Various kinds of civilizing ways in ancient China and a seriesof successful experience formed in the process of implementation reflect the generallaws of moral education and have special reference to our moral construction and moraleducation at present. The statements of ancient civilizing thoughts on the relationship between knowledge education and moral education are of enlightening significance totoday’s moral education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】B82-092
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】896

