

On Thelogics of Main Agents Involving the Home-based Elderly-Caring Service Purchased by the Government

【作者】 张旭升

【导师】 林卡;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文以行动者为中心的制度主义理论为指导,对M市Y区政府购买居家养老服务的制度建构与实践进行了深度剖析。文章分析了各参与主体的参与动机及其在参与过程中的矛盾、冲突、信任、合作等行动与策略,揭示了各参与主体的行动逻辑,探析了各参与主体的行动对该项制度的建构与消解作用,以期呈现制度建构与运作的复杂性和内在关联。在此基础之上,反思制度体系存在的缺陷与不足,思考如何进一步完善该项制度。本研究试图达到以下目的:一是认识多元主体参与该项制度建构及其运作的行动逻辑,在此基础上探讨各主体行动逻辑之间的内在关联;二是分析参与主体的行动与策略对该项制度运行的影响,指出该项制度运行过程中存在的问题与不足;三是提山进一步完善政府购买居家养老服务的政策建议。本研究发现,“底线安全”和“制度创新”是福利行政者的行动逻辑;“彰显公益”和“互利共赢”是民间养老组织的行动逻辑;“养家糊口”和“兼顾家庭”是服务投递者的行动逻辑;“受惠感恩”和“宽人克己”是服务接受者的行动逻辑。该项服务的“免费性”、“私密性”、“多重代理关系”等特性是左右参与主体行动、行动策略选择的基本因素;参与主体间利益的“双向依赖”是制约参与主体行动和行动策略选择的关键因素;中国的养老文化和宗法文化是影响参与主体行动和行动策略选择的重要因素。本研究发现,该项制度较有效地支援了城市弱势老年群体,缓解了家庭照顾的压力,提高了公共服务的效率,赢得了社会各界的肯定与支持。但还存在以下儿个方面的问题:如一些人将制度的高效率等同于低成本运作,民间养老组织的服务等同于高效率服务,“免费服务”等于“免责服务”;竞争性购买的局面尚未形成;服务的层次相对较低;服务内容的供需存在“错位”问题:服务资格的遴选中还存在“政策偏离”现象等。为此,本研究最后提出,基层政府在推进养老服务社会化进程中,应进一步探索政府购买民间组织运作的服务模式,大力加强政策支撑体系的建设,在向服务双方赋权的同时,还需要推进服务标准体系建设等政策建议。

【Abstract】 Under the direction of system theory that centers on actors, This article takes the system of the home-based elderly-caring service purchased by the government as the object of study, instancing Y district in M city to analyze deeply the construction and practice of this system, and to illuminate the motivations and strategies of the participational action as well as the contradiction, conflict, trust, cooperation and so on,of various main agents in this process.We reveal the action logic of each participational agentand their constructive and resolutive functions upon the system, representing the complexity and intrinsic link among several factors that work in the process of the system’s construction and operation.. On the basis of above all, we rethink the deficiency of this system text, and tsuggest the further countermeasures that could improve the system. This research attempts to achieve the following goals.First, to interpret the logics of multiple agents who participate in the construction and operation of this system, and to explore the intrinsic connections among these diverse logics; Second, to explain the influences that the participational agents’actions and strategies exert on the operation of this system, then find out the questions and insufficiency in the system’s work.. Third, to put forward further the policy alternatives which can ameliorate the conducts by which the government purchases the service of home-based on for the aged.The dissertation discovers four kinds of logic:pursuing "the base line safety" and "institutional innavation" is welfare administration’s action logic, the private non-enterprise organizations’are to manifest justice and gain"win-win",while service transporters are in pursue of personal and family survival and development,,’and service clients put emphasis on gratefulness and self-control.It is the features of welfare service such as "freeness","privateness","multi-agent relationship" that restrict and affect the participational agents’ actions and their choice of strategies. The power and interests of the "two-way dependency" is the key factor that constrains and impacts the actions and strategical choices of the participators.In this aspect the culture of elderly-caring and patriarchal clan has its own significance.We demonstrates that the system of the service of home-based care for the aged purchased by the government supports fairly effectively the urban vulnerable elderly, alleviates the pressure of family care that should be afforded by the family members, improves the efficiency of public services, wins the affirmation and support from all walks of life.. However, there are various problems in the system yet:some people regard the high efficiency of the system as low costs, the private non-enterprise organization’s service as efficient service, free service as the services with right of exemption; the competitive situation that several private non-enterprise organizations co-participate in service delivery has not been formed as yet; the service level is relatively low; there still exists "malposition" problem in the services of supply and demand; and the selection of service qualification cannot be effectively carried out and so on.Therefore, this paper finally proposes that we should quest for further the modes of the cooperation between non-government organizations and governmental ones, improve the policy to support system sustainablly, upgrade the moral level of institutional service; promote the normalization and standardization of the system with empowerment to supply and requisition parties

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】D669.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1169

