

The Study of the Issues on Indigenization of Sociology in China——History and Theoretical Reflection

【作者】 李宗克

【导师】 曹锦清;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会学及社会科学本土化是中国学术史上一个屡屡提及的重要论题。近年来,由于国内外政治、经济、文化环境的变动,本土化呼声重新兴起。尤其是17大以来,关于中国道路的讨论高涨,核心议题之一是:虽然中国在发展上取得了成功,却始终面临文化、理论话语上的挑战和困境,建立中国社会科学主体性的任务凸显。这些理论任务被认为关联着社会学和社会科学的本土化建构。但是,围绕本土化论题,仍然存在巨大分歧和含糊,“何为本土化”以及“如何本土化”等基础性问题仍然有待深入探讨。我们认为,要回答这些问题,首先必须更系统地回顾学术史上“本土化”论题的演进,概括出“本土化论”的基本类型。同时,还要进入到更基础的层面,从知识论的视角剖析各种本土化主张的理论逻辑。目前,国内学界关于社会学本土化论题的研究,尤其是对其理论基础的研究,还比较薄弱。既有的一些成果主要集中在港台学界,大陆社会学界的研究成果相对较少。本研究力争在既有研究的基础上,深化围绕本土化论题的学术讨论。本研究主要围绕“史”和“论”两条线索展开讨论。首先,我们分阶段回顾了中国社会学本土化论题的历史演进,并概括出了本土化主张的若干种主要类型;其次,我们以“普遍性与特殊性”的辩证关系为主线,梳理了社会科学史上反思普遍主义知识论的主要视角,并把它们与不同类型的本土化主张相联系。我们力图呈现不同主张背后的基础预设和理论逻辑;第三,在上述研究的基础上,我们讨论了与社会学本土化有关的方法论议题。关于中国社会学本土化论题的学术史演进,我们梳理了不同阶段本土化讨论的主要观点,概括出五种类型的本土化主张:1、学科引入/应用论:主要从学科引入的视角入手,强调教材、教学内容、研究对象等的中国化;2、理论验证/修正论:主要从实证主义的视角入手,强调对西方理论进行修正,吸纳中国的特殊性;3、问题意识本土论:主要从价值关联的视角入手,强调社会学研究在问题意识上的特殊性;4、社会/历史特殊论:主要从方法论整体主义的视角入手,强调中国社会在整体上的历史独特性;5、文化/学术自主论:主要从文化复兴的视角入手,强调中国社会科学主体性和话语权的建构。关于本土化论题的理论逻辑,我们首先回顾了现代社会科学上的德国“历史主义之争”。以此为起点,吸收社会科学史上多次“方法论争论”的成果,梳理出科学哲学和知识社会学中“反普遍主义”科学观的不同进路。这些知识论反思大致可以分为如下四种视角:1、解释学视角:主要从意义诠释的视角入手,强调社会事实的建构性;2、复杂性视角:主要从复杂科学的视角入手,强调社会实在因“开放性”而形成的历史独特性;3、实践论视角:主要从社会实践的视角入手,强调实践知识与静观知识的差异以及知识地方性;4、权力论视角:主要从知识与权力关系的视角入手,强调知识的权力属性和文化话语权建构。在此基础上,我们进一步讨论了与本土化论题有关的若干方法论议题,如量化方法与质性方法、理论研究与应用研究、方法论整体主义与方法论个体主义等。最后,我们还建立了一个基于“普遍—特殊”和“价值—事实”两个维度的坐标系,对诸种本土化主张重新进行了评析,每个维度上均有“极端立场”和“温和立场”的差异。我们不主张那种引向“相对主义”的后现代极端立场,而主张从“温和立场”出发,吸取各个视角的合理成分,把握普遍性与本土性的辩证关系。我们认为,应该从方法论和价值论两种意义上去把握本土化论题。从方法论角度看,应该关注整体主义视角下中国问题的历史特殊性等方面;从价值论角度看,应当注重强化中国研究的自主问题意识,以及中国文化话语权建构等问题。

【Abstract】 Indigenization of sociology is an important topic in the history of Chinese academic. In recent years, with the domestic and international environments’changes, the calls for indigenization resurge. Especially after The eighteenth National Congress of the CPC, around the Chinese road debate, such an issue arises:why China always faces the challenges in cultural field when an economic success is made. So there is an urgent need for the indigenization in sociology and other disciplines. which is closely related to the prosperity of the Chinese social sciences.However, there is huge diversity of opinion on the issues of indigenization. The questions such as "What is the indigenization" and "How to do" and other issues remain to be further explored. In my opinion, this topic should be explored at a more basic level from the perspective of the Theory of Knowledge. Currently, the study carried out from this perspective is far from systematic. Few achievements have been gained in sociology in mainland of China.This study focuses on the two aspects of such a topic——history and theory. Firstly, we make an systematic review on the issues of Indigenization of sociology in China, and summerised the history by five stages. Based on it, we made an classification of the opinions about this topic. We categorized five types of indigenization advocates:1. Introduction and Application of the Discipline:2. Validation and Correction of the Theories.3. Localization of Consciousness of Problems;4. Chinese History and Society Particularism;5. Culture and Academy Autonomism.Secondly, we tried to disclose the fundamental logic of those different types of opinions. This study began with the review of the Dispute of Historicism in German social science history. Then, we examined from different approaches in the theory of knowledge related to this topic. All these perspectives argue a specific kind of viewpoint opposite to universalism in social science. These epistemological reflections can be roughly divided into the following four perspectives:1, hermeneutic perspective;2,complexity perspective;3, practical perspective;4, powers perspective.On this basis, we further discuss a number of methodological issues related to the indigenization topics, such as quantitative methods VS. qualitative methods; fundamental researcn VS. applied research, methodological holism VS. methodological individualism, etc. Finally, we have also established a coordinates based on such two dimensions:one is from the particularity to the university, the other is from the factuality to the value. The five types of opinions of indigenization can each take a position in this coordinates.At last, we pointed out that three aspects should be paid attention to when we put forward the movement of academic indigenization:1, Enhancement of Chinese autonomy;2, Perspective of methodological holism;3, the historical particularity of the real problems under the cotemporary context.

  • 【分类号】C91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】548

