

【作者】 姚贱苟

【导师】 党秀云;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族地区公共行政管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 丘吉尔说:“高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。”责任并不是人类追求的终极目标,而是人类实现幸福的根本途径。尊严和幸福是人类社会永不褪色的理想,它们可以成为个人生存和发展的状态,但个人无法单独实现它们,需要一个彼此负责的社会。公共服务是现代社会中人的尊严和幸福的基础,是现代政府的主要职能和现代社会的主要领域,其发展水平是考量现代政府责任品质和责任能力的根本标尺。社会需要的发展推动公共服务改革,公共服务改革是在理论与实践互相扬弃的过程中实现的。公共服务是在近现代西方社会语境中产生和发展的。西方国家在公共服务发展中进行了政府化、市场化、社会化等主要途径的实践,并伴随着公共服务的理论本土化创新。工具理性与价值理性的交替与融合是西方公共服务理论创新和实践探索的共同轨迹,也反映西方公共服务发展的责任取向的演变。从根本上看,责任实现是西方公共服务理论和实践的共同追求,西方公共服务发展在于责任实现的程度。我国公共服务发展存在着理论和实践的两方面不足,不少公共服务的理论和实践与公共服务的本质和发展存在着偏离,对关系到公共服务目标最终实现的责任机制研究不够。甄别西方公共服务中的责任理论和审视西方公共服务中的责任治理实践,全面深入分析我国公共服务中的责任困境和责任实现的出路,是我国公共服务改革发展中一项紧迫、重要的课题,也是本论文研究的意图所在。论文从公共服务理论确立和发展逻辑的基石—人性假设的讨论和预设为起点,以公共服务中的责任机制为主线,分析论证责任与公共服务的内在关系,并结合对西方主要公共服务责任机制的理论演变的分析和总结,构筑论文研究的理论前提;进而以我国公共服务发展中责任履行呈现一种多维交织、内外相扣的系统困境为主要问题,利用系统的方法分析我国公共服务责任履行的弊端;并通过制度的方法分析我国行政体制多元化下的公共服务责任机制特征和优劣,把握公共服务责任机制是一种多元多层的制度体系,制度的有效性对公共服务责任机制起决定作用;实践是理论的来源,案例研究是获得科学认识的有效方法,剖析我国发展不同程度的地区公共服务责任改革,透视西方主要国家公共服务责任治理的实践,是我国公共服务责任机制创新必要条件。综合理论与实践的分析,尝试构建我国公共服务责任机制及有效性的一般框架,并提出相应对策。本论文主要围绕以下方面内容逐步展开:首先是理论评析,包括公共服务责任机制的人性假设讨论、预设和西方公共服务责任机制的主要理论考察。对于公共服务理论中的常见的却取向截然相反的“经济人”和“公共人”人性假设进行合理评析,在综合这两类人性假设基础上,根据公共服务的本质及发展规律,尝试提出“责任人”作为公共服务理论逻辑前提的设想,并论证公共服务与责任的内在关系;同时,对西方公共服务责任机制理论形成和发展的理论渊源、理论概貌、理论演变的特征和趋势进行较详细的分析,并对西方公共服务理论所存在的共性、价值及限度给予较全面的评价。其次是问题及其分析,包括我国公共服务中的责任困境和围绕责任困境的三个角度的分析,分别是系统、制度、实践的分析。责任困境是我国当前公共服务继续发展面临的主要问题,在描述我国公共服务责任制度现状基础上,从内外两个维度系统地探讨了我国公共服务责任体制及责任治理存在的多方面的弊端;责任机制是一种有机结合的制度体系,从制度的角度分析了我国特别行政区、普通行政区及民族地区三元行政体制下的现有公共服务责任机制的制度环境、制度构成及优劣;公共服务责任机制的发展是具有很强的实践属性,从责任的视角介绍和分析了我国发达地区、欠发达地区以及西方主要国家不同类型的公共服务改革的案例,并对中西两域公共服务责任治理进行比较。最后是构建和对策,包括我国公共服务责任机制一般构建和创新公共服务责任机制的对策。一般构建主要围绕公共服务中责任的界定、发现、责任的履行和监控、公共服务责任机制有效性来展开;综合论文前述各章节的分析和论证,并结合我国公共服务的发展实际,提出创新我国公共服务责任机制,需要从公共服务的人性理念、理论发展、系统革新、制度变迁和绩效评估五个方面进行改革。本论文以公共服务中的责任机制为研究对象,认为西方公共服务责任理论和实践都沿着工具理性和价值理性的交替与超越演变轨迹,我国公共服务责任履行面临是一种系统困境。公共服务发展的根本在于完善公共服务责任机制,责任实现的效果在于责任机制包含的制度体系有效性程度。采用广视域、多方法的分析和论证,使公共服务的责任机制的研究全面性、系统性、深入性都有一定的提升,利于促进我国公共服务责任机制的创新,对我国公共服务发展具有一定的实践和理论价值。

【Abstract】 Churchill said:"The price of nobility and greatness is responsibility." Responsibility is not the ultimate goal of human beings, but is the fundamental way to realize the happiness of mankind. The dignity and happiness of human society are never fading ideals, and they can become the state of personal survival and development, but the individual cannot achieve them, they need a responsible society for each other. Public service is the foundation of human’s dignity and happiness in modern society, and it is the main function of modern government and the main field of and the modern society, its level of development being the fundamental target considering modern government responsibility quality and ability.The development of social need promotes the reform of public service, and public service reform is realized in the process of theory and practice subletting each other. Public service is produced and developed in the modern western social context. Western countries practice the main ways of government, marketing, socializing and so on when developing the public service, and they are accompanied by the localization innovation of theory of public service.The alternation and fusion of Instrumental rationality and value rationality is a common path of the theory innovation and the practice exploration of western public service, it also reflects the evolution of responsibility orientation of the development of western public service. From the fundamental point of view, responsibility realization is the common pursuit of the western public service theory and practice, and the development of western public service is the degree of responsibility. There are two defects of theory and practice in the development of public services in our country. There is a deviation between the theory and practice and the nature and development of public service, it is not enough to research the responsibility mechanism concerning the ultimately achievement about the goal of public service. It is an urgent, important project in the development of public service reform in China to screen the responsibility theory of western public service and to examine responsibility governance practice in western public service, and to analyze comprehensively and deeply the way of plight of responsibility and responsibility implementation of public service in China, and it is also the intention of the research. The dissertation starts from the basis of the theory establishment of public service and development of logic, i.e., human nature assumption discussion and presupposition, and it takes the responsibility mechanism in public services as the main line, and it analyzes and proves the relationship between the responsibility and public service, combined with analysis and the summary about the evolution of western public service responsibility mechanism theory, then it constructs the theory prerequisite of the research. The dissertation takes the multidimensional interleaving, buckled system dilemma when performance our country’s public services’ duty as the main problem. it analyzes the disadvantages of public service responsibility in China by system method; And it analyzes the characteristics and good and bad of mechanism of public service responsibility under the diversified administrative system in our country by system method. and grasp that public service responsibility mechanism is the system of a multi-component and multilayer, and the validity of the system decides public service responsibility mechanism; Practice is the source of theory, and case study is an effective way to gain scientific it is necessary for our country public service responsibility mechanism innovation to analyze public service responsibility reform in the area of different levels of development our country, and to perspective the practice of public service responsibility governance in major western countries. According to the comprehensive analysis of theory and practice, the dissertation tries to construct the general framework of the public service responsibility mechanism of our country and its validity, and it puts forward the corresponding countermeasure. This paper mainly focuses on the following aspects gradually:The first is the theory evaluation, including human nature assumption, discussion of public service responsibility mechanism and the main theoretical presupposition of the western public service responsibility mechanism. It analyzes the human nature assumption between the common but opposite value orientation "economic person" and "public man", in the public service theory. by synthesizing the two types of human nature assumption, according to the nature and law of the development of the public service, it tries to put forward the "responsibility" as the idea of public service theory logic premise, and demonstrate the inner relationship between public service and responsibility; At the same time, gives a detailed analysis of the characteristics and trend of theoretical origin, formation and development of the theory of western public service responsibility mechanism theory, and give a comprehensive evaluation to the similarity, value and limitation of the western theory of public services.The second is the analysis of the problems, including the responsibility dilemma analysis of public service in our country and analysis of three angles around the responsibility dilemma:the system, institution, practice. Responsibility dilemma is a major problem in our current development of public service, on basis of the description of the current situation of the public service responsibility institution in China; it explores many aspects of malpractice of public service responsibility system in our country and the responsibility of governance from two dimensions of internal and external system. The responsibility mechanism is an organic combination of system, from the perspective of the system; it analyzes the system environment, system structure and quality of the existing public service responsibility mechanism of the three-element administrative system including special administrative region, the ordinary administrative region and ethnic area. The development of public service responsibility mechanism has the attribute of practice, from the visual angle of responsibility, the dissertation presents and analyses the case of all kind of public service in developed area, underdeveloped area and western main countries, and compares the two public service responsibility governance of china and the western countries.The last is to construct and make countermeasures, including the general construction of public service responsibility mechanism of our country and the countermeasures of innovating public service responsibility mechanism. general construction spread mainly around the definition, discovery of the responsibility of public service, the performance and monitoring of responsibility, and validity of public service responsibility mechanism comprehensive analysis and demonstration of the foregoing chapters, and combined with the practical situation of the public service in China, the dissertation puts forward that in order to innovate public service responsibility mechanism of our country, we need to reform in five aspects in the area of public service the concept of humanity, the public service theory development, system innovation, institutional change and economic performance evaluation.This dissertation takes the responsibility mechanism in public services as the object of research, thinking that the western public service responsibility theory and practice evolutes all along the alternating and transcendence of the tool rationality and the value rationality.public service responsibility in China is facing a kind of system trouble. The basic of public service development lies in the improvement of public service responsibility mechanism, and the effect of achieving responsibility lies in the effectiveness the system of responsibility mechanism contains. By analysis and demonstration of the wide field of view and multi method, they will promote the comprehensiveness, systematic, deepness of the research about responsibility mechanism of public service it will benefit to promote the innovation of public service responsibility mechanism of our country, and it has very practical and theoretical value for the development of public services in china.


