

【作者】 轩传树

【导师】 徐觉哉;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我们走出了一条中国特色社会主义道路。在这条道路上,我们取得了令世人瞩目的巨大成就,同时也面临着一系列不容回避的现实问题。面对“成就”和“问题”,我们习惯于用“中国道路”、“中国特色”来解释,国际社会往往用“中国模式”、“中国奇迹”来描述。一时间,“社会主义”似乎成为言说话语中最为熟悉的“陌生人”。那么,改革开放后所形成的“中国道路”还是社会主义的吗?对此,国际社会表示怀疑,即使我们自己也开始将信将疑。从表象上看,这种怀疑是由于我们长期奉行“不争论”、强调“特色”而回避“社会主义”的结果;从学理上看,则是由于我们囿于“制度—手段”的思维逻辑和解释框架而难以解释清楚同为社会主义的前后不同发展阶段所致。就人类发展道路的一般而言,是指在理论指导下、以现有社会条件为起点、通过包括制度在内的一系列手段而走向理想目标的过程。这个过程是目标与手段的统一,也是价值与制度的统一。相比较而言,价值、目标相对稳定,反映的是普遍性问题,而制度、手段相对易变,反映的是特殊性问题。因此,判断一条道路的基本性质,主要依据在于前者而非后者。如果说改革开放之初强调“不争论”主要是为了给改革开放扫清障碍、开辟道路,如果说当时之所以这么处理现实问题主要是因为社会主义的名和实之间尚存在很大距离,那么在改革开放已经走过30多个年头并已取得巨大成就的今天,我们有必要,也有条件创新意识形态,建构一种可以向国人也向世界解释中国的话语系统。这种“创新”不是从无到有的另起炉灶,而是在旧有理论基础上建构一种基于“价值—目标”的话语系统;这里的“理论基础”不是别的,正是已经成为“中华民族传统的最新成分”的社会主义。从社会主义思想史的角度来看,西语中的社会主义总是和现代性问题联系在一起,在那里社会主义首先是一种目标,一种“永恒的超越”和“乌托邦”,然后才是一种手段;在中国这样的后发的东方国家,社会主义在某种意义上首先是作为实现赶超式现代化的手段,其次才是一种目标样式。如果对现代有影响的各种社会主义学说和实践进行追问,对各种社会主义学说和实践所追求的目标以及用来实现目标的途径、政策和用来诠释这些目标、途径的意识形态进行辨别,不难发现,其间最大共识在于价值追求而非具体制度和手段。当然,价值只有在其可以运用于现实世界时才有意义。“今日之世界”是以发展为主题的世界,发展实际上是一个动态过程,它涉及包括物的生产、人的生产和社会关系的生产在内的整个社会生产的四个环节。联系时代发展主题,从社会生产关系的角度可以将社会主义的核心价值追求大致归结为:“持续健康”、“共同富裕”、“合作”与“和平”、“人的自由全面发展”等四个维度。从价值维度来审视“中国道路”的社会性质,除了明确社会主义“价值原则”和“价值目标”,还得选择合理的“参照坐标”。比较的对象要么是同一空间环境下的时间上的前后比较,要么是具有相似时间性的空间上的横向比较。基于世界的、历史的、现实的视野,将社会主义价值“四维度”理论框架运用于中国现实,以反观改革开放的历史进程,不难看出,无论是相比西方现代化走过的路还是相比我们自己的前30年,无论是相比原来模式相似但后来剧变的原苏联还是相比发展基础相似但是路径选择截然不同的印度和拉美,我们都可以自信且负责任地说,我们党的纲领政策的目标指向与社会主义价值原则更契合了,我们的综合发展成效相对于社会主义核心价值目标更接近了,而不是相反。我们说改革开放后的中国道路超越了马克思等经典作家的理论预设,超越了民主社会主义等西方实践,超越了苏联式的传统社会主义,也有别于我们自己的过去,这种“超越”或者“区别”,主要体现在“制度—手段”上,而非“价值—目标”上。前者可以是“特色的”,而后者则应是“普世的”。从社会主义价值维度来考察中国道路,不仅仅在于肯定成绩,明确方位,更是为了在肯定实然的同时直面发展中的问题,直面我们当前与社会主义应然之间的差距。当前的“问题”和“差距”主要表现为经济发展还不够平衡、协调和可持续,居民收入差距还很大,道德滑坡、生态恶化以及腐败等现象还很严重。这些问题是“出口导向型”经济增长方式的产物,也是“政府主导”的市场化改革的副产品。面对这些问题,如果还继续改革之初“摸着石头过河”的准则,我们将丧失话语权,也很容易为其他思想或思潮所干扰而迷失方向。现实而可行的,是以社会主义价值原则为标准来准确判断现实问题的性质和程度,既不因忽视问题存在而错失改进机会,也不因夸大问题严重性而惊慌失措。如果说改革开放以来之所以形成中国特色社会主义道路并在这条道路上取得巨大成就,是因为我们坚持了社会主义价值目标并不断改革实现目标的制度和体制,包括那些曾经被视为社会主义本质特征的制度和体制,那么中国道路的未来必将在于继续深化改革,破除一切不利于社会主义价值目标实现的制度和体制障碍,包括那些在改革过程曾经发挥过积极作用但现在已不合时宜的制度和体制。相比价值,制度与体制只是阶段性存在。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, we have found a road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, on which we have made great achievements, meanwhile, we are also facing lots of realistic unavoidable problems. We usually use "China Road" or "Chinese characteristics" to explain these "achievements" and "problems", while the international community often use "China model" or "China miracle" to explain them so that "socialism" seems to be a most familiar stranger in our discourse. Is "China Road" after the reform and opening up still socialism? The international community used to doubt that, and even we begin to take it with a grain of salt ourselves.Apparently, it is because of our long-held principle of "not arguing" and emphasizing the "characteristics" to avoid the "socialism". Academically, it is because we are limited to the thinking logic and interpreting framework of "system-means", which is difficult to explain the different developing phases of the same road called socialism. Generally speaking, the road of human development means the process that starts from the existing social conditions to the desired objectives by a series of measures including systems and under the guidance of theories. This process is the unity of goals and means, and the unity of values and systems as well. Relatively, the value and goal is relatively stable, which reflects the common problems, the system and means is relatively volatile, which reveals the special problems. Therefore, it is the former not the latter that could be used to determine the basic nature of a road. Emphasizing on "not arguing" at the beginning of the reform and opening up was to remove the obstacles, because there was still a great distance between the name and the nature of socialism. Since we have made great achievements during the past30years of the reform and opening up, it is necessary for us to innovate ideology, to construct a discourse system which can explain China Road to ourselves and the world. This kind of "innovation" is not to start all over again, but to construct a discourse system of "value-goal" based on the old theory of socialism, which has become the "latest component of Chinese traditional".From the view of socialist ideas history, socialism in western discourse has always been linked to modernity issues, where socialism firstly means a goal of a "eternal transcendence" and "Utopia", then it is a kind of means. In a subsequent eastern countries like China, the socialism is firstly a means to catch up with modernity, then it is a goal style. If we examine the various socialist doctrine and practice which have still influenced on modern society, identify the goals pursued by various socialist doctrine and practice, the means and policy to achieve the objectives and ideology to interpret these goals and means, obviously, the greatest consensus is the pursuit of value rather than a specific system and means. Of course, the value makes sense only if it can be applied to real world. According to the theme of modern development, drawing on the "quartering method" about the social relations of production factors, we can summarize the core values which socialists pursuit as sustainable and healthy development, common prosperity, peace and cooperation, free and comprehensive development of human.If we examine the social attributes of "China Road" in the dimension of value, it’s necessary to select reasonable "coordinate system" in addition to clear the "principle of value" and "the value goals" of socialism. The comparison may be studied longitudinally in the same environment according to the time, or done horizontally in a similar time. Based on the view of world, history and reality, if "the four-dimensional" theory of the socialist value is applied to the realities of China to study the historical process of reform and opening up, it can be said confidently and responsibly that the goals of CPC’s program are fitter to the socialist principle of value, and its comprehensive development achievements are closer to the goals of the socialist core value, no matter compared to the Western history of modernization, to New China’s first30years, to the Soviet Union’s similar pattern or to India or Latin America which choose distinct roads. If we say that China Road after the reform and opening up is not only beyond the theory of Marx and other classical writer’s theory, beyond the practice of democratic socialism in the west, beyond the traditional Soviet-style socialism, but also different from our past, the "beyond" or "different" is mainly reflected in the "system-means", rather than "value-goal". The former can be "characteristic", while the latter must be "universal".To study China Road from the dimension of socialist value, we should not only affirm the achievements and find a clear orientation, but face problems in the development and the gap between today’s socialism and it ought to be. The "problems" and "gap" are mainly manifested as the imbalance of economic development, not-coordinated and sustainable-enough development, great gap in residents’ income, moral decline, ecological degradation and corruption. Partly, these problems are a product of "export-oriented" mode of economic growth, and they are also a by-product of "government-led" market-oriented reforms. If we keep the criteria of "cross the river while feeling the stones" at the beginning of reform today, we will lose the right to speak, and lose our direction due to being disturbed by other ideas or thoughts. It is realistic and feasible to judge the nature and extent of the real problem from the dimension of socialist value. Only in that way, neither could we miss opportunities for improvement by ignoring the problem, nor be panic because of exaggerating the seriousness of the problem.The reason why the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics has made great achievements since the reform and opening up is that we adhere to the socialist value-goals and continue to reform the system and institutions, including those used to be regarded as a socialist essential characteristics. The future of China Road is bound to deepen reform, get rid of all system’s and institutional barriers that are not conducive to the achievement of the socialist value goals, including those which have played a positive role in the reform process but is now outdated. Compared to the value of socialism, the system and institution are periodical.

【关键词】 中国道路社会主义制度手段价值目标
【Key words】 China RoadSocialismSystem-meansValue-goal
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【下载频次】369

