

【作者】 王永乐

【导师】 徐觉哉;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 马克思主义中国化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义中国化早期历史进程,就是把马克思主义,尤其是理论形态的列宁主义、实践形态的俄国道路应用到中国革命中。十月革命的胜利证明了马克思主义的科学性,也确立了列宁主义的脉统承继性,及俄国道路的范式地位。因此,就马克思主义中国化早期历史进程而言,在很大程度上,中共以遵循历史规律和理论自觉的践行者,在理论自信、道路自信的前提下,把列宁主义的实践范式俄国道路移植到中国来。显然,马克思主义中国化早期历程进程是沿着二维路径行进的,而本该是重要的历史出场者中国实境维度却在一进程中缺失。沿着二维路径推进的马克思主义早期中国化进程势必在中国实境中受阻,要么历史和现实的选择是,所呈现的路径轨迹要么是硬着陆的历史硬伤,要么是软着陆的历史争议。而软着陆时,中国土壤则成为马克思主义中国化进程中不得不重视的一维。当然,历史倒逼机制的选择并非是对选择机制的内在认同。本论文选定或截取早期这一历程进程,就是因为早期是过去式,早期历程所演进的路径和进程所留下的载体呈现为定论之文本,易于考证和探究中共集体和瞿秋白等个体在二维路径向三维路径渐变过程中,所留下的实践和理论创新轨迹。另外,早期这一历史进程,是在共产国际主导和中共为主体,而一度是,国民党主导和中共辅助这一纠结不定的语境中进行的。不论是探究维度的转变,还是探讨历史的语境,而总结和挖掘马克思主义早期历史进程中所蕴含的一般性历史经验和特殊性历史经验,探寻镶嵌于其中的历史发展逻辑等尝试,才是论文真正的旨趣。论文最终提出“三个向度下”马克思主义科学内涵之建构,崇高理念之秉承和重塑,就是本着回应马克思主义中国化早期历史进程的历史必然性,回应国际共运跌宕起伏的内存原因,回应当下马克思主义所处的历史尴尬境地之缘由,以探索和引导人文社会科学发展的现实维度和未来向度。正是按照上述逻辑,本文始终围绕着制约马克思主义中国化之路径要素,即理论主体——马克思主义、实践主体——马克思主义者、实践客体——中国国情而展开。马克思主义中国化进程,尤其是早期历程进程,并非仅仅是探索到农村包围城市道路的历史定位,也不是对毛泽东思想的形成起了重大作用这么简单。就路径的二个要素中的理论主体而言,被中共所接受的马克思主义是十月革命炮声送来的列宁主义理论,及其实践形态。但由于马克思主义早期传入的路径和语境不同而导致过滤和变形的马克思主义版本在中共内部因不同实践主体之利益诉求,也有一定的市场。如果革命实践处于困境时,理解的来同会被放大和发酵,马克思主义的“不断革命论”与中共的“一次革命”、“二次革命”及“不间断革命”的历史纠结,就是目前学界也在分析和探讨内含于上述争论之革命延续性和间断性的关系。不仅如此,马克思主义理论在中国实践中所面临的历史课题在无法解决的情况下,国际共运对马克思主义原理、革命路径的争论,使中共对马克思主义的理解趋向复杂化。关于路径的第二个要素——实践主体,中共集体性格或个体之个性,受限于时代洞穴制约,也受制于主观的利益诉求,更受到所皈依于理论之世界观和方法论的影响,对实境的判断和马克思主义的理解往往带有鲜明的个性特征,而具有鲜明个性色彩的理论和实践旨趣与实境始终或分或合。显然,路径的第三个路径要素,实践客体一中国国情——所被界定的议题,所被定性的标尺也烙上了主观表达、主观建构的印记,如中国社会各阶级的分析所涉及经济机械决定论、富农焦点等。在这三个路径要素互动的进程中,形成了具有马克思主义中国化早期历史特征的,具有“硬化"或“软化”胎记的中国化马克思主义(这里主要是指是否考量到中国实境维度)之实践和理论形态。本文以中共集体的实践和理论创新之结晶,以瞿秋白等个体所作的“社会律”探究为文本载体,分析了三个路径要素在马克思主义中国化早期历史进程中的纠结互动,探析这一历史进程所内生的历史必然性,并据此反思马克思主义中国化的历史教训和经验,考量其当下意蕴。笔者选择瞿秋白个案,是因为瞿秋白作为不可复制的历史出场者,他见证、参与、甚至引领马克思主义早期中国化的航向,是探寻和构建马克思主义中国化路径要素中的先驱者,也是中共中央、共产国际和杰出个体的结合体,更是中国道路范式的首倡者。这主要体现在:瞿秋白在马克思主义中国化早期历程进程中,具有强烈的内驱力,主动有意识地探究和构建马克思主义中国化的路径——“我和马克思主义”,“中国革命之争论问题”,从而“理出一个相当的系统”:作为实践主体,历史选择瞿秋白个体担当了转换历史枢纽的使命,成为中共中央,共产国际,杰出个体的复合体、结合体,在短暂而不朽的革命生涯中,他协助鲍罗廷制定大革命的一系列决策,主管中共宣传阵地,领导大革命向土地革命转型,负责主持定位土地革命之中共“六大”的召开,作为中共驻共产国际代表团团长,及共产国际执行委员会主席等多重身份而决定中国革命的命运,纠正立三路线的“六届三中”全会所作的努力,制定、参与及纠错左倾盲动和左倾冒险主义,成为左倾机会主义的受害者,因此这些历史节点和历史症结选择了瞿秋白“不得不由我来开始尝试”;瞿秋白一再极力创造原型,一再论证各种范式,如“社会主义之‘国内’的范式”,中国的革命方式“可以成为世界一切殖民地半殖民地革命之范式”,经济生活之“工业的范式”等等,换言之,就是构建马克思主义中国化范式。而这是创造主体强烈创造意识的刻意指向,也是他高深的理论素养,尤其是中共早期马克思主义哲学理论的权威地位所决定的,也和他身处的历史平台有关。由此可见,在马克思主义中国化早期历史进程中,瞿秋白的历史地位是不可替代的,也是不可复制的。本论文按照上述行文思路,具体内容如下:论文引言和“特征”部分,着重梳理理论主体的争议性和不确定性,尤其是花费很多笔墨译介引人反思的“悖论说”所提出的经济决定论和社会行动主义的诘问,其实这一问题,如果仅从历史发展的规律而言,至今还很难从理论的高度给予答复。该部分,按照历史发展的逻辑,整理了中共集体以马克思主义思想武器的科学性批驳非马克思主义思潮的轨迹,也从哲学高度历史再现马克思主义中国化早期历史进程的场域。论文第二章和第三章为路径篇,即第二章“我和马克思主义”及第三章“中国革命之争论问题”,探讨马克思主义中国化路径要素维度。第二章主要围绕着马克思主义之历史谜团的成因,及相关联的拨乱反正、正本清源,重新建构科学的马克思主义的过程;第三章则阐述了“马克思列宁主义的中国国情观”,而着重论证了认识国情的范式,及归纳概括出当时历史语境下的中国国情之根本问题,并对这些根本问题进行了具体分析,涉及到政治、经济与文化思想及社会性质,中国革命的性质与阶段及前途,中国社会各阶级的分析,无产阶级领导权及策略等。论文第四章至第八章为社会律篇,即马克思主义中国化路径要素纠结互动而形成的中国化马克思主义之理论和实践形态。该部分是论文的主体部分,共有5章。第四章“历史工具的自我修葺:中国共产党自身的建设”,一方面阐述了在马克思主义中国化早期进程中,中共对无产阶级建党普遍原则的认同和固守,如阶级斗争和无产阶级专政的历史工具性是党建思想的核心:另一方面,中共集体或个体在实践中探索和总结出具有鲜明个性特点的建党思想;第五章“历史抉择之平台的搭建:党的武装斗争理论及实践”分为两个板块,第一板块梳理和论证了中共在国民革命时期和后国民革命时期武装斗争理论演进的历史性、必然性;第二板块重点凸显了瞿秋白个体所作的艰辛而具有重大理论和实践价值的探索,这包括论证了武装斗争的一般规律,阐述了农村包围城市的革命道路,提出了人民战争的思想。其中关于农村暴动独立担当中国革命一极,游击战争是中国革命战争的主要形式和载体,“游击战争必须进于革命地域之建立”等思想的形成,标志着实践语境中的农村包围城市理论的初步形成;第六章“历史转换的枢纽:土地革命理论和实践”重点探讨了主导和主体不能“化和为一”,而导致的土地革命理论和实践非共轭想象,及存这一现象中的运行态势,也分析了事关土地革命要素的新判断和新思考;第七章“历史发展的‘社会的基础’:经济理论及实践观”,该章论证了中共早期经济理论和实践,在承载这社会理想的同时,更多是面对根据地斗争之建构之路向,也关注和深挖瞿秋白等个体所提出的具有哲学指导意义,关切未来社会发展维度,尤其是在国际共运中及当下仍然保持强大生命力的经济理论,如商品经济不是社会制度属性的标尺,利用资本及重造资本的路径和机制,生产力标准之社会发展观,及社会主义之经济观;第八章为“文化、文艺思想理论之践行进路”,探讨了中共早期文化文艺之高度意识形态性,及在实践倒逼机制下的演进,同时更多探究文化文艺理论的内在理路,如创造旨趣,创造手段和创造路径等。第九章和第十章为反思与当代意蕴篇。其中第九章从实践主体的历史语境和个性特征维度,论证了马克思主义中国化早期历史进程的必然性、曲折性,凸显路径要素——实践主体——在马克思主义中国化进程中的独到地位;第十章“马克思主义中国化早期历史进程的时代意蕴",指出崇高理念是内嵌于马克思主义民族化和当代化进程中不竭的驱动力,审视和梳理马克思主义中国化理论主体一一马克思主义(实践形态为社会主义运动),在异质对立的社会形态,在同质的社会主义国度,在创始人的原始语境中,在当代现实主义和规律性视野的拷问中,总结、反思和还原马克思主义的本来面貌,提出了“三个向度视域”的马克思主义科学内涵之建构,这是论文的最终落脚点。

【Abstract】 Early marxism historical process, is the marxism, especially the theories of Marx, Lenin and Russian road is applied to the practice of Chinese revolution. The October revolution victory proves the scientific nature of marxism, Leninism pulse while inheriting system were established, and the Russian road status of paradigm. Therefore, in terms of early marxism historical process, to a large extent, the communist party of China to follow the rules of history theory and practitioners, in theory under the premise of confidence, roads, practice paradigm of the Leninist Russian road transplanted to China. Obviously, early marxist sinicization process is along the path of two-dimensional, and the Chinese reality dimension should be important historical appearance, there is no timely come on stage in a process.Along the2d path to promote the sinicization of marxist early process should in reality in China, so the choice of history and the reality is that of path trajectory so is the history of a hard landing for the shortcomings, either in practice flexible, soft landing of the historical identity and historical disputes. And soft landing, China’s soil has become in the process of sinicization of marxism have to attach importance to one dimensional. Historical reversed transmission mechanism of the choice is not, of course, the selection mechanism of internal approval.This paper selected or intercept early process, this story is because early is past tense, the early history evolution path and process appears as clear text, left by the carrier in order to research and explore the collective and individual qu qiu-bai path of in2d to3d gradient process, track left by the practice and theory innovation. Additionally, early this historical process, is dominated in the communist international and the Chinese communist party as the main body, and was once, the KMT dominated and the context of the auxiliary entangled with the uncertainty of the communist party of China. Both to explore the change of dimension, and to explore the historical context, and summarize and mining early contained in the historical process of marxism general history experience and the special historical experience, explores set in one of the historical development logic, true purport of the thesis. Paper finally put forward the "three dimensions" of marxist scientific connotation construction, uphold and reshaping of lofty ideals, is in response to the early historical process of sinicization of marxism historical inevitability, in response to the ups and downs of the international communist movement, in response to contemporary marxist’s historical cause of embarrassment, and guidance in the development of humanities and social science to explore realistic dimensions and direction in the future. In accordance with the above logic, this article is around the path to the factors of restricting the sinicization of marxism, the theory of subject-subject-marxists marxism, practice, practice object-China’s national conditions. Sinicization of marxism, especially in the early course of process, not only is to explore a way to rural areas to encircle the cities, historical position is not played a major role in the formation of MAO zedong thought so simple. In terms of three elements of the path, is the communist party of China accepted marxist is sent the marxism-leninism theory of guns, the October revolution and its practice. But as a result of early marxism was introduced into the path and the context of filtering and deformation resulted from the different version of marxism because of different practice subject interests within the communist party of China, also have a certain market. If revolutionary practice are in a dilemma, understanding the different will be amplified and fermentation, the marxist theory of "continuous revolution" and "a revolution" of the communist party of China, the "second revolution" and "continuous revolution" in the history of the struggle, is at present academia also in analysis and discussion is embedded in the above argument the revolution of continuity and discontinuity. Not only such, marxist theory in practice in China facing the historical task in the case of can’t solve, the international communist movement principle of marxism, the path of revolution debate, complicate the CPC’s understanding of marxism trend. About the second element of the path-the practice subject, the collective personality or personality of the individual, limited by age caves, is also subject to subjective interests, more affected by conversion theory of world outlook and methodology, the influence of the judgment and the marxist understanding of reality is often with a distinct personality characteristics, and has distinctive color theory and practical purport or divide or close ties with the reality. Path of obviously, the third elements of the practice object, China’s national conditions, by defining the issue, by qualitative scale are branded with the marks of subjective expression, subjective construction, such as China’s social class involved the analysis of the economic focus of mechanical determinism, the rich peasants, etc.In the interaction of the three path elements, in the process of formation of the early marxian historical characteristics, has a "hardening" or "soften" birthmark of the sinicization of marxism (here mainly refers to whether the concerns to the Chinese reality dimension) the practice and theory of form. Based on the party’s collective crystallization of the practice and theory innovation, with the individual qu qiu-bai made the text of the "social law" to explore for the carrier, analyzes the three path elements in the sinicization of marxism in the process of the early history of struggle interaction, analysis of this historical process the endogenous historical inevitability, and on the basis of reflection of sinicization of marxism historical lessons and experience, we consider the present meaning.I choose qu qiubai case, because of the history of qu qiubai as non-reproducible no-show, his testimony, participation, even leading the early marxism sinicization of course, is to explore and construct marxist sinicization of path elements of pioneer, also is the central committee of the communist party of China, the communist international, and a combination of outstanding individuals, but China road paradigm of the man. This is mainly embodied in:qu qiu-bai in the process of marxism in the early course and has strong drive and initiative to consciously explore and build the path of the sinicization of marxism,"I and marxism","dispute" of Chinese revolution, thus "out a rather system"; As the principal part of practice history choice qu qiubai individuals act as the hub of the transformation history mission, become the central committee of the communist party of China, the communist international, the outstanding individual complex, combination, in brief, the immortal revolutionary career, he helped borodin, revolution, a series of decisions, head of communist party propaganda position, lead the revolution to the agrarian revolutionary transformation, for positioning of the agrarian revolution the Chinese communist party held the "big six", as the communist party of China in the delegation of the communist international, and the chairman of the executive committee of the communist international multiple identities and decided the fate of the Chinese revolution, correct "six third plenary session of the li li-san line efforts to formulate, participate in and error correcting left-leaning reckless and leftist adventurism, become the victims of the left opportunism, therefore these historical node and the historical crux chose qu qiubai" has made me to start trying to "; Qu qiubai has repeatedly tried to create the prototype, has repeatedly demonstrated various paradigms, such as’ domestic ’paradigm of the "socialism", the Chinese revolution way "can be a paradigm of the world all the colonial and semi-colonial revolution", the economic life of the "industrial paradigm", etc., in other words, is to build a marxist sinicization paradigm. And this is creating main body creation consciousness strongly point to painstakingly, also is his profound theoretical attainment, especially of the communist party of China is determined by the authority of the early theory of marxist philosophy, and he also in the history of the platform. Thus, in the process of marxism in the early history, qu qiubai’s historical status is irreplaceable, and cannot be copied.Body, in accordance with the above style train of thought, specific content as follows:paper introduction part and "features", emphasis on combing the theory controversy and uncertainty, especially the translation cost a lot of ink is reflection of the "paradox" of economic determinism and cross-examined by the social activism, actually this problem, if only from the law of historical development, is still difficult to reply from theoretical height. This part, according to the logic of historical development, organize the ideological weapon of marxism in the collective to the scientific nature of criticism of the non-marxist ideological trend, is also highly from the philosophy history reappear early marxism history field.Path (chapter two and chapter three papers, namely, the second chapter "I and marxism" chapter iii "debate issues of China’s revolution," marxism path elements dimensions are discussed. The second chapter mainly around the marxism history mystery of the origin, and the associated thisstraight, radical, to construct process of marxist scientific; In the third chapter expounds the concept of China’s national conditions of marxism-leninism, and emphatically demonstrates the understanding the situation of paradigm, and a summary of the historical context of China’s national conditions at that time the basic problem, and gives a detailed analysis about these fundamental issues, involving political, economic, and cultural ideology and the social nature, the nature and stages and the future of the Chinese revolution, Chinese social classes analysis, proletarian leadership, strategy, and so on.Chapter4to chapter8for the social law of papers, namely marxism path elements with the sinicization of marxism, formed by the interaction between theory and practice of the form. This part is the main part of the paper, a total of five chapters. The fourth chapter "self repair history tools:the Chinese communist party’s own construction", on the one hand, this paper expounds the in early in the process of sinicization of marxism, the communist party of China to the common principle of proletarian party building, identity and adhere to, such as the history of class struggle of the proletariat dictatorship instrumental is the core of the party construction thought; The communist party of China, on the other hand, the collective or the individual to explore in practice and summarizes the distinct personality thought of party building; Chapter5"platform construction of historical choice:theory and practice of the party’s armed struggle" is divided into two sectors, the first comb plate and demonstrates that the communist party of China after the period of national revolution and the period of national revolution armed struggle theory evolution history, necessity; Key highlights the second plate qu qiubai individual works hard and has important theoretical and practical value to explore, this includes demonstrates the general rules of armed struggle, expounds the theory of surrounding the cities from the rural road, put forward the thought of people’s war. One about rural independence as the Chinese revolution, guerrilla warfare is the main form and carrier of the revolutionary war, guerrilla "should be changed into revolutionary region establishment of the formation of ideas, marked the practice in the context of rural areas to encircle the cities road theory formed; Chapter6"the historical transformation of hubs:land revolution" theory and practice mainly discussed dominant and main body can’t "and a" land revolution caused by the theory and practice of conjugated to imagine, and this phenomenon in the running situation, also analyzes the important elements of the new judgment is a matter of agrarian revolution and new thinking; Chapter7,"history of the development of the ’social’:the basis of economic theory and practice", the chapter demonstrates the early economic theory and practice of the communist party of China, while bearing the social ideal, more is the way of facing the construction of the base areas struggle, also pay attention to and dig qu qiubai philosophy guiding significance, proposed by individuals concern the future social development dimensions, especially in the international communist movement and the continued strong vitality of the economic theory, such as commodity economy is not a social attributes of the system scale, the use of capital and heavy build path and mechanism of capital, productivity standard of social development, and the economic view of socialism; Chapter8is "culture, the theory of literature and art thoughts of practice approach", discusses the early culture of the communist party of China highly ideology of literature and art, and reversed transmission mechanism of the evolution in practice, at the same time or more inquiry, literary theory, and cultural understanding, such as creation purport, creation means and creation path and so on.Chapters9and10for reflection and contemporary significance. The ninth chapter from the historical context of the practice main body and personality dimensions, demonstrates the necessity of early marxism history, twists, and highlight the path element-the practice main body-in the unique position of marxist sinicization; Chapter10"early marxism history era meaning", and points out that the lofty ideals is embedded in the nationalization of marxism and contemporary the inexhaustible driving force, in the process of review and combing marxism theory of main body--marxism (practice for socialism), in heterogeneous polarised society, the homogeneity of the socialist country, in the context of the original founder, in the contemporary realistic vision and regularity of torture and summary, reflection and restore the original visage of marxism, put forward the "three dimensions horizon," construction of the marxist scientific connotation, this paper finally embodied.

  • 【分类号】D092
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1043

