

【作者】 杨佳瑛

【导师】 方松华;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 作为中国的根本政治制度,人民代表大会制度的理论来源既有经典马克思主义的民主思想,也有中国共产党人在民主革命与社会主义建设过程中对民主理论的探索与思考:坚持政党政治、坚持国体与政体相统一、坚持维护多民族国家集中统一是创设人民代表大会制度的思想之源;一切权力属于人民是人大制度的价值之源;必须走符合中国国情的社会主义民主政治道路是人大制度的基本价值立场;分割而相互制衡的权力不利于权力的统一性原则是人大制度的基本价值判断。人民代表大会制度的制度偏好是:在国家政权建设中实行民主集中制,实行一院制,强调以法治保障人民民主。人民代表大会制度从萌芽到确立经历了一个相当长的发展时期,是中国共产党人,特别是毛泽东的理论阐述及其亲身实践的产物。基于土地革命时期工农兵代表大会制度、抗战时期参议会制度、解放战争时期人民代表会议制度的实践工作和经验总结,人民代表大会制度最终得以正式确立。由于受到大的政治环境的影响,建国后,人民代表大会制度也经历了一个辉煌初生(1954—-1957)、逐步削弱(1956—-1966)、遭受严重破坏(1966—-1978)、恢复发展和走向完善(1978—至今)的发展历程。人民代表大会制度近60年“曲折的发展过程”表明,如果它健康发展,人民当家作主就有保障,反之则人民当家作主就无法保证。人民代表大会制度能够在中国确立,是君主立宪制和议会民主制在中国失败之后人民的必然选择。它在制度和实际运行层面彰显出四个方面的民主特色和中国特色,即:既不同于议行合一制又异于三权分立制的崭新的体制理念特色;以典型的行业代表取向为主要特征的代表构成特色;以党的领导、人民当家作主与依法治国有机统一为重点的实践特色;以党内民主、协商民主等为辅助和补充的开放特色等。从根本上讲,人民代表大会制度总体适应国情,适应社会经济发展的要求,是个好制度,应该坚持之。但是,改革开放以来,由于社会矛盾趋于增多、公民民主法治意识不断增强等原因,它也表现出在局部层面的不适应性,亦即选举等具体制度滞后于社会结构变化,不能适应民主诉求,需要自我完善。只有不断完善人民代表大会制度,方能奠定宪法所赋予其的地位和功能,实现政治体制改革的总目标。完善人民代表大会制度,就要坚持民主和效能目标的统一,既要持续不断完善人民代表大会制度的民主性,同时也要不断提高其运行效率和能力。增强民主性,就需要在参与性民主层面,改进代表构成划分标准,优化代表比例,提高基层一线代表的比例;在程序性民主层面,完善人民代表大会的会议程序,改变以代表团为单位至以代表个体为单位,并延长人大代表的发言时间,为其提供更多发言机会;在选举性民主层面,扩大直接选举和差额选举的应用范围。增强效能性,就需要改变全国人民代表大会的规模;实行代表专职制,提高其政治能力;强化对人大选举和任命干部、重大突发事件、公共财政的监督职能,细化监督程序,凸显人民代表大会在社会生活中的政治存在;改革人民代表大会的会议机构,使代表大会成为常设机构。

【Abstract】 As China’s fundamental political system, People’s Congress system is guided by the classical marxism democracy thought, and the democratic theory exploration and thinking by communist party of China in the process of democratic revolution and socialist construction:adhere to the party politics, adhere to identity and unity, adhere to the maintenance of centralized and unified multi-ethnic country, is the thought source of establishing People’s Congress system; all power belongs to the people is the value source of People’s Congress system; must go socialism democratic politics road conform to China’s national conditions is the fundamental value of the People’s Congress system; power segmentation and checks against power unity principle is the basic value judgment of People’s Congress system. People’s Congress system preferences:practise democratic centralism in the state regime construction, practise a unicameral legislature, emphasize rule of law to safeguard people’s democratic.From sprout to establishment, People’s Congress system experienced a long development period, is the products of Chinese communists, particularly Mao zedong’s theories and practice. Based on the practices and experience summary for congress system of workers, peasants and soldiers in land revolution period, council system in Anti-Japanese War, people’s representative conference system in liberation war period, People’s Congress system eventually formally established. Due to the influence of the big political environment, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, People’s Congress system also experienced a glorious birth (1954-1957), and gradually weaken (1956-1966), the serious damage(1966-1978), make great development and perfection (1978-present). Development process of twists and turns in the past nearly60years suggests that if it’s healthy development, the people are masters of the country has the guarantee, otherwise can’t guarantee people became their own masters.Able to establish in China, People’s Congress system is the inevitable choice for Chinese people after the failure of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Highlight it in the system and the actual operation level features four aspects of democracy with Chinese characteristics:newer belief concept features not only different from separation system of powers, but also different from unity system of legislature and administration, typical industry representative features,Practice characteristics with the organic unification of party’s leadership, rule of law, people are masters of the country, open characteristic with inner-party democracy, deliberative democracy as the supplementary and complementary.Fundamentally, People’s Congress system is generally adapt to national conditions, to meet the needs of social and economic development, is a good system, should stick to it. However, since China’s reform and opening up, due to social conflicts and citizens’ consciousness of democracy tend to increase, etc, it doesn show adaptability in the part level:elections and concrete system lags behind the social structure change, can not adapt to democracy, needs to self-improvement. Only by constantly improve the People’s Congress system, in order to establish the constitutional status and function, to achieve the overall goal of the political system reform.Improve the People’s Congress system, will adhere to the unity of the democracy and efficiency goals, not only to continuously improve the democracy of People’s Congress system, but also to improve its operational efficiency and capability. Enhance democracy, it needs to improve representative division standard, optimize representative proportion, inhance the proportion of base line represents in participatory democracy level; needs to improve the conference program, change to the delegation to represent the individual as the unit for the unit, and extent the speech time, providing more speaking opportunities for every representative in procedural democracy level; needs to expand the application scope of direct election and multi-candidate election in electoral democracy level. Enhance efficiency, it needs to change the size of People’s Congress; carry out full-time system, raise representative’s political ability; strengthen the supervision function on cadres elected and appointed, major events, public finance, refine the monitor, highlight the People’s Congress in the social life and political; reform People’s Congress’s meeting institutional, made congress standing body.

  • 【分类号】D621
  • 【下载频次】1014

