

Research on Key Technologies of Educational Robots Based on Internet of Things

【作者】 葛艳红

【导师】 李文锋;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 早期现身于军事应用和工业应用的机器人,如今已走入寻常百姓家。机器人不仅改变了人类的工作方式,必将彻底改变人类的生活方式。只有开展机器人教育,研究教育机器人,才能顺应时代发展的潮流。机器人学已成为一个多学科交叉的新兴学科,其核心是智能技术,外延则涵盖了机械、电子、通讯、控制、生物等多个学科和技术领域,具有高度的渗透性、创新性和实践性,蕴含着丰富的教育元素。机器人在教育领域的应用表现出了无可比拟的教育价值和发展前景,其多学科交叉融合的特性为培养宽口径、高素质、复合型的工程人才提供了一个良好的平台。物联网的出现和快速发展为机器人教育和教育机器人研究提供了强有力的技术支持和环境支持,物联网教育机器人在这样的背景下应运而生。在教育机器人中引入物联网元素,不仅扩展了机器人的功能性、智能性和趣味性,更拓展了学生的创新思维空间,提高了创新积极性。这也正好吻合了高等教育学的理论要求,符合大学生的心理和智力特征。另外,基于网络的现代远程教育也迫切需要提升远程实验的可操作性以及远程设备的共享性。鉴于机器人技术人才的社会需求,机器人技术平台的教育价值,以及设备资源远程共享的发展要求,本文开展了物联网环境下的教育机器人关键技术研究,旨在构建一个以物联网技术为依托,以机器人为对象的可远程的实践教学系统,对其中的一些关键问题进行了研究和讨论。论文的主要内容有:1.论文在分析远程控制一般模式的基础上,研究了教育机器人的Web服务体系结构,构建了物联网环境下的教育机器人远程控制架构,给出了服务架构和运行流程。在此基础上,对物联网环境下的教育机器人远程控制策略进行了讨论和分析,确定了直接控制方式和监督控制方式相结合的远程控制模式。2.定位与导航是移动机器人的关键技术之一。论文就移动教育机器人在物联网智慧实验室环境下,基于WSN的信号接收强度的定位方法进行了理论分析,给出了加权的Euclidean定位算法,通过实验加以论证,并确定了传感器节点在实验室布放的合理距离。在定位的基础上,提出了基于物联网关键技术(WSN和RFID)的多传感器融合的机器人导航策略和实现方法。最后对教育机器人的“任意”路径跟踪展开了详细研究,综合采用PID控制和模糊控制相结合的控制策略,设计了相应的模糊PID控制器,进行了实验,实现了机器人任意路径的有效跟踪。3.群体机器人是机器人研究的一个重要领域。本文研究了群体机器人之间以及群体机器人与物联网环境之间的感知和交互,根据机器人的状态信息和相互作用的影响程度,提出一种表征群体模型的新手段——动态赋权图来控制无线传感网络产生“虚形体”,诱导群体行为,使其向期望的状态或目标演化。给出了“虚形体”产生的机制和诱导模型,通过典型的群机器人动态演化实例,仿真了群机器人的连通控制和合作控制。4.论文基于高等教育学理论和方法,以及高校学生的心理和智力特点,开发设计了符合高校学生特点的物联网教育机器人和实验平台。另外从物联网的“感知层、传输层、处理层和应用层”对教育机器人实验环境——物联网智慧实验室进行了详细设计,实验环境远程可监可控。特别在传输层设计中,提出了根据不同对象采用不同传输方式的理念和思想,并给出了传输模型。

【Abstract】 Robots which were applied in the domain of military and industry, have already entered into the daily lifes of the common familes. In addition to the changes of our working mode, the way we are living is also undergoing a complete change. Through encouraging related education of robots and carrying on relevant research on educational robots, we are able to conform to the irreversible trend. Robotics has become a newly emerging discipline with combining knowledge from multi-disciplines, of which technological core is smart technology. Its related research fields cover mechanics, electronics, telecommunication, intelligent control and biology, thus requiring extraordinary penetrability, innovativeness and practical property. Due to its profound resource in education and related areas, the performance of robots in education area has presented incomparable advantages in educational values and development future. The emergence and rapid development of IoTs has provided powerful technical and environmental support for robotics education and research of educational robots. The educational robot based on IoTs arises under the corresponding background. Through introducing the factors of IoTs into educational robots, the functions, entertainment and intelligence of robots are significantly extended, and creativity of college students can be also evoked, which perfectly accords with the concerns of higher education. Moreover, the modern distance education based on Internet also presented strong desire to raise availability of remote experiment and sharing of distance equipment.In view of the great demand of technical talents in robots technology, the educational value of robots platform and strong requirement of remote sharing in equipment and resources, this dissertation focuses on the research of key technologies of educational robots based on IoTs in order to build a remote practical platform for robot education and some key issues are also deeply researched and discussed. The major contents of the thesis are shown as below:1. In the thesis, a web service architecture of educational robots is researched based on the general model of remote controlling. A remote controlling architecture under the environment of IoTs is deeply researched and related details of service architecture and operational procedures are stated either. Based on the above research effort, the remote controlling strategy of educational robots under the environment of IoTs are discussed and analyzed, determining a mixed remote controlling model of which combine direct controlling method with indirect controlling method together.2. Positioning and navigation are always conceived as the key technologies in the research domain of mobile robots. In the thesis, the positioning method based on the strength of receiving signal is analyzed theoretically, proposing a weighting Euclidean positioning algorithm. Corresponding experimental tests are designed and carried on. The reasonable distance of deployment of sensor nodes is determined in the lab. On the basis of research of positioning technology, a navigation strategy and implementing methods of robots equipped with multi-sensors based on IoTs (e.g. WSN and FRID) is proposed. Finally, the researches on path tracking of mobile robots are deeply researched by combining with PID control and fuzzy control strategies. Through design of fuzzy PID controller, the random path tracking of mobile robots is effectively achieved and related experiments are designed and the effectiveness of proposed strategies is testified.3. Swarm robots are one of the most important research areas of robots. In the thesis, the interaction between swarm robots and swarm robots versus IoT environment are carried on. According to the influential extent of status information and interaction, a new method to describe swarm model-dynamic weighted graph is proposed. By applying dynamic weighted graph, WSN are guided to create "virtual entities" to induce generation of swarm behavior and thus contribute to the swarm behavior achieving to a certain goal. The production mechanism of and inducing model of "Virtual entities" are stated in the thesis. Through actual demonstration of dynamic evolution of swarm robots, the connected controlling and cooperated control of swarm robots are simulated.4. An IoT-based experimental platform is developed with concerning of the theory of higher education and physiological and intelligent characteristics of college students. Robots are always featured as high-tech, fresh creativity and free interaction. Besides that, the actual experimental environment-Smart lab of IoTs is designed and related details are also illustrated in the thesis. Through constructed environment, remote controlling and monitoring are achieved. Especially in the design of transportation layer, varieties of delivering method are adopted in terms of the service objects and relevant transportation models are presented.


