

Research on Fiscal Funding in Agriculture in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 娜仁图雅

【导师】 魏龙;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,我国农村经济政策发生了重大转折,政策的核心变为“少取、多予、放活”,集中体现在国家对“三农”的经济支持,其中最主要是财政支持。由此,各级政府越来越多地参与到对农业资源的配置与农村发展之中;政策的主要着眼点已转变为增加农民收入,推进农业现代化,建设社会主义新农村。在中国社会经济大转型时期,投资制度的变革必然与农村经济社会转型相适应,尤其是针对“三农”方面的投资政策应作适时调整,在“三农”上发挥更大作用。“三农”问题的存在,迫切需要从理论和政策上加深现有的研究。本文从运用公共财政学、产业经济学、公共物品、经济增长等相关理论和实证方法,探讨了内蒙古农业投入问题,初步构建了拓宽地方政府农业财政投入、优化投入结构的理论体系。本文研究的内容主要包括以下四个方面:第一,在充分借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,阐述了与农业财政投入相关的理论,为下一步的研究奠定了理论基础。第二,通过对新中国成立以来国家和内蒙古农业财政投入体制变迁、农业财政投入规模、结构的回顾分析,印证了农业财政投入对农业经济的影响。当农业财政投入规模适度、结构合理,必然提高农业经济增长;当农业财政投入规模不足、结构不合理,阻碍农业经济增长。在回顾中国农业财政投入问题的基础上,对世界主要国家和地区的农业财政投入政策进行比较分析,探讨了经验和启示。第三,在规范分析的基础上,利用线性回归模型、时间序列模型、扩展C-D生产函数模型等方法,对1985~2011年内蒙古财政支农支出规模、财政支农支出结构与农业增长之间的关系进行了实证检验。结果表明:内蒙古财政对农业的支持程度比农业对国民经济的贡献程度还低;农业基础设施建设与科技技术水平对农业GDP的贡献较低。第四,政策建议。本文的政策建议是:建立稳定财政投入机制,优化财政支农支出结构;提高财政支农资金使用效率;灵活利用农业财政投融资手段,促进农业投资的法制化与规范化进程;提高基层政府提供农村公共物品和服务的财政保障能力。本文研究了特定区域农业财政投入的命题。本文认为,在长期中,内蒙古农业财政支出是刺激农业经济增长的格兰杰因果关系;在短期中,农业财政支出与农业经济之间不存在格兰杰因果关系;内蒙古对农业基本建设的投资水平并不稳定,具有较强的波动性,农业基本建设稳定投资的长效机制始终未建立;农业科技对内蒙古农业生产率的增长还没有形成对劳动力投入的有效替代,科技技术水平对农业生产的贡献率较低。

【Abstract】 Since the21st century, China’s rural economic policy has undergone remarkable changes, the attetnion of the policy making turns to "taking less and giving more", which embodied in State’s economic support to the socalled three Issues of Countryside, Agriculture and Farmers, especially financial support. As a result, governments at various levels are increasingly involved in the allocation of agriculture resources and rural development. The main focus of the policy has shifted to increase farmers’income, promote agricultural modernization, and construct a new socialist countryside.During the period of the socio-economic transition in China, its reform of the investment system ought to be adapted to rural economic and social transformation, and especially the investment policy on "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers" should be made timely adjustments in order to play a greater role.The existence of three issues of countryside, agriculture and farmers has an urgent need to deepen existing theory and policy research. From the perspective of public finance, this dissertation discusses the Inner Mongolia agricultural investment issues by using theoretical and empirical methods of public finance, industrial economics and economic growth theory, and initially built a theoretical system to broaden the local government agricultural investment in finance, optimize the investment structure and increase input efficiency. Main research works have been onducted as follows:First, by referencing to the previous study at home and abroad, this dissertation elaborates related theories of public financial input in agriculture, which lays a theoretical foundation for further research.Second, based on a reviewing analysis of the system changes, scales, structure and efficiency of public financial input in agriculture in China as well as in Inner Mongolia since the founding of People’s Republic of China, this dissertation illustrates how the agricultural economy has been influenced by public financial input in agriculture. When the scale of public financial input in agriculture is suitable and its structure is reasonable, the agricultural growth will inevitably be accelerated. On the contrary, when public financial input in agriculture is insufficient and its structure is unreasonable, it will be hindered. Based on a review of the problems involving China’s public finance to agriculture, this dissertation makes a comparison of the policies concerning public financial input in agriculture in some other countries and regions and offers a discussion of the experience and enlightenment as well.Third, based on a normative analysis, the dissertation conducts an empirical test on the relations between the scale of fiscal expenditure for supporting agriculture, the structure of fiscal expenditure for supporting agriculture and agricultural growth in Inner Mongolia in1985-2011, using linear regression model (LRM), time series model, and extended Cobe-Douglas production function model. The result suggests that the level of fiscal expenditure for supporting agriculture is lower than that of the contribution of agriculture to the national economy in Inner Mongolia. The contribution of both the construction of agricultural infrastructure and science and technology to agricultural GDP is quite low.The Fourth part proposes the policy suggestions. This stduy establishes a stable financial input system so as to optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure for supporting agriculture, improving the efficiency of the use of fiscal fund for agriculture, flexibly using the means of agricultural financial investment and financing, promoting the process of the legalization and standardization of agricultural investment, improving the local government’s financial support capability of supplying public goods and services.This disseration carries out independent research, and puts forward a proposition from the perspective of public finance to study fiscal expenditure on agriculture in a particular area. The study results suggest that Grainger causality exists between Inner Mongolia fiscal expenditure on agriculture and stimulating the growth of agricultural economy in the long term. However, Grainger causality doesn’t exist between fiscal expenditure on agriculture and stimulating the growth of agricultural economy in the short term. The level of investment in agricultural infrastructure is not stable in Inner Mongolia, and has strong volatility, which long-term mechanism of the agricultural infrastructure has not been established; Agricultural Science and Technology has not yet formed an effective alternative to the labor input in Inner Mongolia agricultural productivity growth, the contribution rate of technology technical level is lower to agricultural production.


