

Study on Water Drive Development Characteristics Based on the Oil-water Two Phase Flow of Ultra-high Water Cut Stage

【作者】 邴绍献

【导师】 刘志斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 石油工程计算技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国大多数陆上油田开发都已经进入高含水甚至特高含水期。基于特高含水期油水两相渗流的水驱开发特征研究对保持油田高产、稳产具有重大意义。本文通过对特高含水期油田的油水两相渗流特征、油藏工程方法、开发动态指标特征和提高水驱采收率方法研究,揭示了特高含水期油田不同于中高含水期油田的开发规律;分析了不同动力条件对驱油效率及相对渗透率的影响;改进了油水两相渗透率数据处理方法;研究了特高含水期油田的相渗比值表征新方法;发展了适合特高含水期的油藏工程方法;提出了特高含水期提高采收率的主攻技术方向与建议。这些成果丰富了油田开发理论,对指导油田经济有效地可持续开发具有重要意义。本文主要研究内容如下:1.开展了特高含水期油水两相渗流特征研究分析了已有的室内油水两相实验方法,并对两种方法进行了改进。从相渗曲线变化特征及相渗曲线影响因素两个方面,分析了特高含水期油水两相渗流特征。2.改进了特高含水期油藏工程方法提出了特高含水期油田的相渗数学表征新方法,并以此为基础改进了分流量曲线、水驱特征曲线、井网密度等油藏工程方法。3.开展了特高含水期油田开发动态指标特征研究分析了产量递减、含水上升、产液量变化、单井控制可采储量等特征及其影响因素。4.研究了特高含水期提高水驱采收率的主要技术方向分析了水驱油效率特征及影响因素,再认识了极限水驱油效率,并开展了提高采收率方法、技术及发展方向研究。

【Abstract】 Currently, most onshore fields in China have been got into high water cut stage even ultra-high water cut stage. It is significant to study oil-water two-phase water flooding characteristics in ultra-high water cut stage to maintain high and stable oil production. In this paper, we studied the oil-water two-phase flow characteristics, methods of reservoir engineering, the development of dynamic characteristics of indicators and methods to enhance water flooding recovery in the ultra-high water cut stage of oil field. This study reveals the law of oil field development in the extra-high water cut stage which is different from the high water cut stage, analyzes the impact of the dynamic conditions of oil displacement efficiency and relative permeability, improves the data processing method of oil-water two-phase permeability and proposes a new method related to permeability ratio in ultra-high water cut stage. What’s more, this study updates the reservoir engineering methods which probably be used to guide the oil field development in ultra-high water cut stage, and proposes some recommendations in main technical directions of EOR in the ultra-high water cut stage. The results obtained in the paper lay a base for the effective and sustained development of oil field, and enrich the theory of oil field developmentThe main contents are as follows:1. Carry out the study of oil-water two-phase flow characteristics in the ultra-high water cut stage Contrast advantages and disadvantages of existing indoor oil-water two-phase test methods and improve these two methods, analyze the oil-water two-phase flow characteristics of ultra-high water cut stage from two aspects--relative permeability curve characteristics and relative permeability curves influencing factors.2. Improve reservoir engineering methods of ultra-high water cut stage Present the relative permeability mathematical characterization of ultra-high water cut stage, and improve reservoir engineering methods, such as the sub-flow curve, water drive characteristic curve, well spacing density and so on.3. Carry out the study of dynamic index features in the ultra-high water cut stage Analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of production decline, water cut, liquid-producing capacity, and single well controlled recoverable reserves.4. Start the EOR study in the ultra-high water cut stage Analysis the characteristics and influencing factors of water displacement efficiency, understand the limited water oil displacement efficiency and carry out studies on methods, techniques and the development direction to improve oil recovery.


