

【作者】 任宝磊

【导师】 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为欧亚草原地带兴盛一时的古代游牧民族,突厥人及其建立的游牧帝国不但深刻影响了当时亚洲内陆历史发展的进程,亦很大程度地改变了后世中、西亚地区的种族、文化格局。在其活跃于史的近四个世纪的时间里,同时代的中国、波斯、拜占庭、阿拉伯史家们从不同的视角记录了大量与突厥有关的史事;在其逐渐退出历史舞台销声匿迹千百年后,他们留下的碑刻、石人、墓葬、岩画、居址等遗存依然星星点点地散布在草原山谷之间,向后人无声的诉说着他们的沧桑往事。本文汲取百余年来突厥历史研究之成果,综合运用最新的考古资料与历史文献,结合笔者在新疆地区的实地调查经验,对突厥历史上的一些重要史地问题作出考释。在古突厥的发祥、勃兴之地这一问题上,本文认为,突厥起源传说中的高昌北山即今吐鲁番与吉木萨尔之间的博格达山,所谓突厥先祖隐匿的“突厥窟”,应在今吉木萨尔南山的水西沟、新地沟一带。这一时期,突厥先祖习得了金属冶炼技术,为后世的强大奠定了基础。但此时具备典型特征的突厥考古学文化很可能尚未形成。各方面的迹象表明,突厥人以傲然卓立的石人像与绵延排列的杀人石为标识的独特丧葬文化,很可能肇始于他们由高昌北山迁居阿尔泰山南麓之后。6世纪中叶,由于突厥汗国的兴起和柔然的灭亡。突厥考古学文化伴随着突厥人的对外征服迅速扩张到东起兴安岭、西抵阿姆河的广阔地域,整个欧亚草原东部迎来了突厥文化占据统治地位的新时代。突厥文化对包括铁勒、黠戛斯、契丹、高昌以及唐朝在内的周边部族和地区产生了诸多影响。但也要注意到,在突厥汗国内部,文化多元性依然存在。突厥汗国的分裂始于583年爆发的内战,但经过近二十年的混战后直至603年方形成为东、西突厥汗国以阿尔泰山为界分立对峙的局面。在史家素有分歧的西突厥早期王庭地望这一问题上,经过对小洪那海突厥可汗陵园及其周边突厥遗存的分析研究,我们可以排除空格斯河谷说和裕勒都斯河谷说,而将其锁定在今伊犁地区昭苏县南的特克斯河谷,其中又尤以阿克牙孜沟口西侧的山前坡地和阿腾套山南麓的阿克达拉乡一带最值得怀疑。与此特克斯河谷的西突厥早期王庭相对,曾经一度存在的西突厥“北庭”的重要地位长久以来一直被学界所忽视。本文认为,该北庭位于今新疆塔城一带,塔城东之吾尔喀夏尔山即史籍所云“乌镞曷山”,额敏河即“多逻斯川”,塔城一带不但是射匮可汗的北庭所在地,亦是西突厥分裂后北庭咄陆可汗的设庭之所,同样亦是阿史那贺鲁的根据地,苏定方破阿史那贺鲁于阴山一役和后突厥军破突骑施可汗娑葛一役都发生于这一地区。继射匮为可汗的统叶护时代,西突厥虽然迎来了其最为鼎盛的时代,但统叶护可汗将王庭西迁至中亚碎叶川却打破了汗国内部经济利益分配上的微妙平衡。西突厥的内战分裂自有其政治权力层面的原因,但其背后的经济动因亦是不能不考虑到的现实因素。汗国分裂后,碎叶一带的南庭和塔城一带的北庭作为对峙的两个统治中心各自发挥着作用。直到阿史那贺鲁叛唐后统治了大部分西突厥地区,他仍以这两个地区作为统治中心,同时亦在两地之间的双河设牙,似乎意在兼顾汗国东、西部之平衡。双河之地望,本文考证应位于伊犁河北今哈萨克斯坦的阿勒坦额墨尔(Altyn-Emel)。此外,本文还对西突厥汗国灭亡前,其辖境内的十四个突厥部落的驻牧地重新加以一一考证,对代西突厥而兴的突骑施、葛逻禄时代的统治中心碎叶、弓月城进行了说明。整体而言,在突骑施、葛逻禄活跃的两百年时间里,西突厥地区的文化面貌变化不大,到了9世纪中叶后随着回鹘西迁和喀喇汗王朝的兴起,尤其是10世纪后喀喇汗王朝奉伊斯兰教为国教,西突厥地区的文化迎来了一次大规模的转型。原来盛行一时的以石人墓为代表的古突厥文化就此逐渐消亡,转而被伊斯兰化的突厥文化所取代。

【Abstract】 As one of several strong ancient nomads of the Eurasian steppe zone, the Turks and their Khaganates not only had a great impact on historical development processes of the Inner-Asia at that time, but also profoundly changed national and cultural pattern of the Central Asia and the Western Asia since then. In nearly four centuries when the Turks play an active role on the history, contemporary Chinese, Persian, Byzantine, and Arabian historians recorded a large number of historical events about them from different angles; Disappeared gradually from the stage of history for thousands of years later, they still left old inscriptions, stone statues, tombs, rock art and the other living remains scattered in steppes and valleys, which are telling old stories silently to modern people.This paper is an integration research, trying to make textual research on Turkic history and geography, which absorbs the experiences of predecessor in this field and makes comprehensive use of the latest archaeological data and historical documents. Meanwhile, the author’s fieldwork experience in the Xinjiang region will advantage the research.On the issue of the birthplace and flourishing place of the ancient Turks, the author considers that the Northern Mountain of Gaochang(高昌)in the Turkic original legend now is the Bogda Shan (博格达山)between Turpan and Jimusaer, and so-called "Turkic Cave" where the ancestors of Turkic people hidden should be in the area of Shuixigou (水西沟) and Xindigou(新地沟)in the Southern Mountain of Jimusaer. During this period, the Turkic ancestors had learned metal smelting technology, which laid the foundation for their boom in the future. But at this time the typical Turkic archaeological culture is likely not yet formed. Many indications imply that the ancient Turks’ unique funeral culture, which can be identified by proudly standing stone statues and long-stretched balbals, impossibly came into being after they had moved from the Northern Mountain of Gaochang to the south of Altai.In mid-sixth century, as a result of rising of the Turkic Khanate and extinction of Rouran(柔然),Turkic archaeological culture became popular in wide terrain from the Greater Khingan to the Amu Darya, along with the conquest of the Turks. The entire eastern parts of the Eurasian Steppe entered a new era in which Turkic culture dominant. The Turkic culture had influenced Tiele (铁勒)、Kirghiz、Khita、Gaochang, Tang Dynasty and other neighboring tribes or regions in many aspects. On the other hand, we should not ignore that the culture in the Turkic Khanate still full of diversities.The civil war broken out in583led to the disintegration of the Khanate, however, after nearly two decades of scrimmage, the circumstances that the Eastern Turkic Khaganate confront the Western Turkic Khaganate by the Altai had been formed until603.For a long time, the location of the early Orda of the Western Turkic Khaganate has been a highly controversial issue. After analysis and research on ancient Turkic remains of Little Knonakhai(小洪那海)and its vicinity, now we can rule out two locations------the Kunkhays Valley(空格斯河谷)and the Yuledus Valley(裕勒都斯河谷),and confirm that the Tekes Valley in south of ZhaoSu(昭苏)was the most possible place, especially in the hillsides beside the Arkyarz River and the Akedala Village. As the correspondence of the early Orda, another important place called "the Northern Orda"has been ignored by modern historians. The author ascertains that the location of Northern Orda of the Western Turkic Khaganate should be in the vicinity of Tarbagatay(塔城), the Urkhashar Mountain located east of Tarbagatay was the Wu-Zu-He-Shan (乌镞曷山), and the Emil River was the Duo-luo-si-chuan (多逻斯川). Tarbagatay was not only the Northern Orda, but also a base area of A-shih-na Ho-lu(阿史那贺鲁).In the period of Tong Yabghu Qaghan, the Western Turkic Khaganate was once considered at the golden age. however the move of Orda to Sui-ye in Central-Asia broke power’s balance of the Khaganate. Following the death of Tong Yabghu, the might of the Western Turks largely collapsed. About another important places, the author made some new conclusions:Shuang-he(双河)could not have been Borotala, but must have been Altyn-Emel area in Kazakhstan; Jin-ya Mountain(金牙山)could been Jie-dan mountain called by Jia Dan of Tang Dynasty, located in the northern riverside of the Chu River.In addition, this paper also verified the residences of14turkic tribes one by one, and expatiated Sui-ye and Gong-Yue City(弓月城)as the centre of dominion in the times of Turgesh(突骑施)and Karluks. Generally speaking, during two hundred years when Turgesh and Karluks rule the Western Turkic peoples, their cultures had been little change. Until after the middle of9th Century, due to the migration of Uyghur(回鹘)and the rise of the Kara-Khanid Khanate(喀喇汗国),especially when the Kara-Khanid Khanate denounce Islam as the state religion in10th Century, the culture of Western Turkic region ushered in a large-scale transformation. The ancient Turkic archaeological culture identified by stone statues and tomb with balbals had been gradually disappeared, replaced by Islamized Turkic culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】K872;K289
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2624
  • 攻读期成果

