

A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test of the Human Capital Implications of a Rural Children Nutrition Improvement Project

【作者】 岳爱

【导师】 史耀疆;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 公共经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 中文摘要:中等收入国家中国正面临着下一个发展阶段的挑战。中国也在寻找进入高收入国家的有效途径。然而,其他国家在这个发展阶段已经步履蹒跚,增加了停滞或崩溃的可能性。当一个国家的经济增长放缓,并最终达到中等收入水平后发展停滞时,中等收入陷阱就会出现。中国经济的持续发展离不开教育和国民素质的提高,离不开人力资本的提升。现阶段中国人力资本高度的不平等,特别是农村和城市的不平等问题,这是高度不平等的征兆。人力资本不平等的来源除了结构性和体制性的障碍外,我们发现严重的营养和健康问题是影响人力资本积累的很重要的原因。这些营养和健康问题使中国贫困农村地区的人力资本积累严重不足,导致了几十年发展的不平等。因此,本论文旨在以贫困地区农村小学生贫血为例,探讨不同营养干预对改善贫困农村小学生贫血状况以及提高学业表现的影响,依据本研究结果,提出改善贫困农村小学生贫血状况,提高学业表现,促进农村小学生身心健康全面发展的政策建议。为了实现上述目标,本文主要包括以下研究内容:(1)分析我国贫困地区农村小学生贫血现状及其相关影响因素;(2)分析贫血对贫困地区农村小学生身心健康及学业表现的影响;(3)分析不同营养干预对贫困地区农村小学生改善贫血状况,提高学业表现的影响。本研究主要结论如下:(1)我国西北地区贫困农村小学生贫血现象普遍存在,且学校对学龄儿童的贫血现象缺乏一定的认识;(2)学生的性别,学生父母的教育程度,务农情况以及父母是否在家都对学生是否贫血有一定程度的影响;(3)贫血对农村小学生身体发育状况以及学业表现具有负面影响;(4)营养干预在一定程度上对农村小学生身体健康状况的改善与学业表现的提高具有正面影响,不同的营养干预方式对农村小学生身体健康及学业表现的影响具有不同的效果。基于以上研究结论,本文提出了如下政策建议:(1)拓宽“蛋奶工程”内涵,将它作为“营养工作”来抓,在蛋奶工程实施的过程中切实注意学生饮食供应的营养均衡,必要时可考虑为贫困学生提供多维元素片的方式;(2)加大对农村儿童饮食提供相关人员,特别是寄宿制学校食堂的相关人员的营养知识培训:(3)开展家校互动知识培训,平衡膳食共克儿童贫血。

【Abstract】 China, like other middle income countries, is facing the challenges of the next stage of development as its leaders seek to guide the nation into becoming a high income country. At this same point of development, however, other countries have faltered, raising the possibility of stagnation or collapse. The stagnation of growth after reaching a level of income high enough to be call "middle income" is a phenomenon which some observers call the Middle Income Trap.The sustainable development of China’s economic is inseparable from education and the improving of the people’s quality. We also document the high levels of human capital inequality in China today, a harbinger of high future inequality. In discussing the sources of the human capital inequality, in addition to the structural and institutional barriers that are discouraging many students (and their parents) from staying in school to achieve the levels of learning that we believe are necessary for preparing individuals for employment in the coming decades, we also identify severe nutritional and health problems. We believe that these nutrition and health problems, unless addressed, are creating serious China’s human capital deficiencies in poor areas of rural China and locking in decades of hard-to-address inequality. The paper ends with a call for leaders in China (and countries at the same level of income of China) to launch immediately a war on poor education, health and nutrition as one step in helping such nations avoid the Middle Income Trap in the future.The overall goals of this study are to examine the impact of Nutrition interventions on the anemia and academic performance of rural pupils, and provide policy suggestions for government decision makers on improving nutrition status and academic performance, promoting the physical and mental health of a comprehensive development of primary school students.To achieve th above goals, this study focuses on the following three specific objectives. First, analyze of the anemia status and associated factors of rural pupils in poor area. Second, examine the impacts of anemia on the physical and mental health and academic performance of rural pupils in poor areas. Third, investigate the effect of nutrition intervention on improving anemia status and academic performance of rural pupils in poor areas.The results of this study show that:(1) the anemia is widespread of rural pupils in China’s Northwest area, and there is a certain lack of understanding of the anemia among people.(2) Student accommodation, the diet of students, the educational level, the farming situation of parents and whether the parents are at home having impact on whether students are anemia.(3) Anemia has a negative impact on the physical development, mental health, and academic performance of rural pupils.(4) Nutritional interventions have a positive impact to improve academic performance and the health status of rural pupils, and different nutritional interventions have different effects.Based on the above conclusions, several policy implications are presented as following:(1)Widening the "egg and milk", we should take it as a "nutritional issue". It should be paid attention to balance the diet during the implementation of the project. Furthermore, it may be necessary to provide multivitamin pills for poor students;(2)Increasing the nutrition knowledge training to relevant personnel, for example, the cafeteria staff, etc. The training should be enhanced especially for the boarding school;(3)Carrying out the home-school interactive knowledge training to overcome anemia in children;(4)Establishing and improving the supervision and effective incentive mechanism during the implementation of nutrition improvement process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

