

The Transformation of Chinese Adult Literacy Education

【作者】 叶剑

【导师】 刘义兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 成人教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 扫盲教育是成人教育中的基础性教育,它在中国已经有100来年的历史,扫肓教育为提高我国国民素质做出过巨大的贡献。但是,扫盲教育进入二十一世纪后,随着文盲人群的减少,扫盲教育面临着发展的危机,因为在传统观念中把扫盲教育等同于识字教育,于是随着中小学基础教育的发展,文盲问题就自然得以解决,没必要再发展了。笔者借助文献研究和调查研究发现,文盲和扫盲教育的概念存在着多种角度的解释,国内外对文盲和脱盲的标准都有自己的判断,这说明扫盲教育不是一个静止或孤立的概念,它存在着发展和变化。因此,笔者将扫盲教育的转型问题纳入研究视野,通过对扫盲教育现状的分析、文盲概念和特征的认识以及对教育本质理论的梳理,揭示出发展性扫盲教育的本质;又通过引入社会转型理论、终身教育理论、批判教育理论和成人学习理论来探讨扫盲教育转型的理论支撑;同时又对扫盲教育的塑型探索进行了分析,并确定发展性扫盲教育作为转型的方向;然后在这个方向指引下,讨论需要转型的范畴和探寻实现转型的条件。围绕这个整体脉络,本研究共分为六个部分。各部分的研究问题可概括如下:第一部分导论。这部分为是正式研究的准备,首先叙述了传统的扫盲教育开展方式难以继续、扫盲教育的发展在理论研究上不足、在政策层面也不明确这三方面危机;其次,对扫盲教育、发展性扫盲教育、转型三个核心概念在本文中的适用进行界定;再次,通过文献研究发现已有扫盲教育发展问题研究中存在不足,由此提出扫盲教育转型这一新论题。第二部分扫盲教育的现状与转型的时代要求。从教育统计视野进行了扫盲教育的现状分析,并找寻背后的原因;也从国家指导思想中发现了扫盲教育转型是时代的要求。第三部分发展性扫盲教育的本质。文自其实是一种知识贫乏的状态,这种状态又具有相对性,在不同的区域乃至文化下有不同的衡量标准,并且这种状态本身也是可变的,这说明文盲是一个发展变化的概念。而扫盲教育是以对象进行定义的教育,所以对象的内涵和特征对扫盲教育的本质产生直接影响。综合教育本质和文盲问题的分析可以发现,发展性扫盲教育是基础性教育、是启蒙教育、是维护社会公正的教育和发展的教育。第四部分扫盲教育转型的理论基础和塑型探索。社会转型理论提供了社会变迁的基础理论,随着社会转型的推进,关于教育转型和人的转型问题自然就提上了日程。终身教育理论是成人教育变革发展的指导理论,该理论特别重视扫盲教育在整个教育体系中的地位和作用。扫盲教育作为一种成人学习,要凸显学习者的主体地位,唤醒低文化群体主体意识,离不开批判的思想,所以批判教育理论要求扫盲教育在价值追求上进一步提升。而成人学习理论证明了成人文盲一样具备学习能力,通过激发学习内在的动机、以自我导向为主要方法,能够实现在生产和生活中的改变。转型意味着一种变迁的过程,所以很难割裂历史地谈转型。教育转型概念的分析,为扫盲教育转型提供了一些方法和途径上的参考。笔者根据保罗·朗格朗对扫盲教育是一种文化转型的判断,从精神的、制度的和物质的三个层次上,去分析新中国成立后扫盲教育的塑型过程,提出了扫盲教育的两种同属工具性扫盲教育的类型划分,并发现发展性是现在转型的目标。第五部分发展性扫盲教育的转型分析。这部分是认识转型的重点,笔者先就发展性扫盲教育的内涵与特征进行揭示,然后对工具性向发展性转型分几个维度解读其中的内容和实现途径,同时也对转型动力场中的动力和阻力进行了分析。第六部分发展性扫盲教育转型的实现条件。扫盲教育转型实现条件的选择难以独立于历史分析和相关性分析之外,这种探寻既要明确探寻的结果,也要说明探寻的过程。通过制定扫盲教育规划、完善成人教育体系、建设扫盲师资队伍、鼓励民间组织参与等做法,可以为实现扫盲教育的转型提供条件上的保障。

【Abstract】 Adult literacy education is a kind of basic education which has been developed in china for about100years with tremendous contributions. However, Chinese adult literacy is facing the crisis of its development by the reduction of the illiterate in the21st century. Adult literacy education was equal to Chinese character-learning traditionally:many people thought that with the primary and secondary school expanding, adult literacy education would inevitably pass away. By discriminating the concepts of the adult literacy education, the author found that there existed huge difference between those concepts. That means the adult literacy education can not been recognized as a fixed or stationary issue, changing is a nature of it. So the author did research into it. unveiled the features of the illiterate, and the nature of the adult literacy education; analyzed the theoretic bases which including social transformation theory, lifelong education theory, critical educational theory and adult learning theory:made the definition of educational transformation and three kinds of adult literacy education modes, which one of them-the developing mode adult literacy education recognized as the future mode of the adult literacy education. Then the strategies would be discussed finally.The paper has six chapters; the main content of each chapter can be summarized as follows:Chapter one:the introduction. This chapter is preparing for the formal research works, firstly, it describes the three crisis in adult literacy education which consists of adult literacy education might be ended in history, adult literacy education lacks of theoretic direction, and adult literacy education face the greater challenges in practice. Secondly, the concepts of adult literacy education, transformation, sustainable development have been delivered. Thirdly, the theme is put out based on the analysis the related researches. Chapter two:the situation of adult literacy education and the requirements for the age. Based on the analysis of the educational statistics, we can figure out the reason behind it, find the requirements from the aunthority.Chapter three:the nature of developmental adult literacy education. Illiteracy is actually a lack of knowledge of the state, this state also has relative criteria, or in a different region and cultures the states have different criteria. With the state changing, the concept of state changes, and these changes also affects the understanding of the nature of adult literacy education. Based on the analysis of nature of educational and illiteracy, the adult literacy education can be found that it is the basic education, elementary education, education maintaining social justice and developing education. When the nature is not fit for the reality, the literacy needs the transformation.Chapter four:the theories supporting adult literacy transformation and the process of history of adult literacy education. the theories supporting adult literacy transformation. Social transformation theory provides the basis for the theory of social change. With the advance of social transformation, the educational transformation and the transformation of human beings naturally put on the agenda. Lifelong education theory is guiding the development of adult education, which specially emphasis on adult literacy education’s position throughout the educational system. As a kind of adult education, the adult literacy education is to highlight the dominant position of the learner, aim at awakening consciousness with critical thinking mode. Critical education theory requires enhance the value of adult literacy education. Adult learning theory has proved that illiterate adults also have learning ability, and with stimulating intrinsic motivation, self-directed learning method they can achieve many changes in their lives. the history of adult literacy education. This part is to answer the question that where the transformation is from and what’s the future of it. Transformation implies a change in the process; it is difficult to talk about it without the historic angle. Analysis of the concept of adult literacy education transformation provides a number of methods and means of the reference. According to Paul· Lang Gelang’s conclusion-adult literacy education is a cultural transformation, adult literacy education can be separated by spiritual, institutional and material levels. And those three levels’judgment can be used in comparison the different modes in the adult literacy education history, therefore, the passive, adaptive and developing modes have been revealed.Chapter five:the analysis of the transformation of developmental adult literacy. This part is the key for knowing how to transforme. Firstly, the author unveiled the context and features of the developmental adult literacy education, then analysis the process of transformation for2dimensions and the dynamic field of it.Chapter six:seeking paths to transformation. Adult literacy education transformation strategy is difficult to separate from historical analysis and correlation analysis. Seeking paths should explore the clear result as well as explaining the process. The adult literacy education will get it’s guidelines by developing literacy education programs, improve adult education system, train more literacy teachers and encourage NGO to participate in those programs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

