

Analysis of Urban Space Intensive Use under the Guidance of Rail Transit

【作者】 乔宏

【导师】 杨庆媛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 土地资源学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 城市空间是一个跨学科的研究对象,是城市的核心要素和物质载体,包括城市地理、经济、社会、文化等自然和人文要素综合的区域实体。长期以来,城市规划学、城市地理学对城市空间研究注重城市用地结构、地域空间的规划与演化等方面,主要关注城市的物质属性,强调以城市土地为基础的城市三维地理空间。随着全球城市化的快速发展,城市扩张(蔓延)、城市机动化以及私人小汽车拥有量的不断增加,城市空间发展问题和城市交通问题交织在一起,成为制约现代城市发展的主要瓶颈。伴随着可持续发展等核心发展理念的重构,中国城市发展战略正在经历一次历史性的转型,即城市空间利用方式由蔓延、粗放向紧凑、集约转型。国内外有关轨道交通与城市空间利用的理论与实证研究表明,轨道交通不仅是解决大都市区居民快速、安全、便捷出行的一种现代交通工具,在城市空间发展演化过程中一直扮演着重要的角色,对调整城市空间结构、缓解城市交通拥堵以及带动城市综合开发和提高人口容纳能力等方面具有重大作用,以城市轨道交通为主导的城市空间高密度发展方式已经成为现代大城市核心区空间开发与重构的一个重要趋势。纵观国内外相关研究,在研究视角、研究方法方面具有多层次、系统化、多学科交叉等特征。在研究范式上遵循理论与实证相结合,集中从城市空间形态、结构、布局演化等方面探讨城市交通对城市空间格局变化的影响,总结性、描述性研究较多,但综合性、框架性的分析成果不足,导致相关研究成果中一些控制性指标(如容积率、建筑密度、单位产值等)“地方性”特征较强,仍有待于进一步归纳与总结出具有普适性的评判准则。特别是中国大城市交通与空间利用演化的阶段性特征与西方城市发展历程不尽相似的情况下,其研究结论往往存在不一致现象。因此,在借鉴国内外有关轨道交通和城市空间利用方面的理论与实证研究成果基础上,以轨道交通对城市空间利用的导向效应为研究视角,从城市空间集约利用阶段目标对轨道交通需求出发,通过对城市轨道交通与城市空间利用的互动关系研究,分析城市轨道交通对城市空间集约利用的影响机制及其规划和管制应对,探索城市轨道交通导向下的城市空间优化策略。对于完善现有的城市建设规划与管理模式、丰富城市空间利用的科学内涵、提升城市建设管理的水平具有一定的理论意义。遵循“问题导向-理论解析-现状评价-规划应对-决策支撑”研究脉络,以城市规划学、城市地理学、城市交通学以及城市经济学等学科理论为指导,以城市轨道交通与空间利用互动机制研究为切入点,在回顾国内外有关问题的理论与案例研究基础上,构建城市轨道交通与空间集约利用互动机制分析框架。根据重庆市渝中区1995年、2000年、2006年、2011年四期TM遥感影像,利用ArcGIS9.3软件的空间叠加分析工具,运用信息熵、均衡度、优势度指数和分散度指数、重要度指数反映渝中区城市土地利用数量结构、空间格局特征;按照渝中区城市居住、商业主导功能原则,从空间利用强度、效益和配套水平三个方面构建地块尺度的居住、商业空间集约利用评价指标体系,探讨渝中区城市居住、商业空间集约利用程度及其影响因素。在分析重庆市渝中区城市交通发展特征及其居民出行模式选择基础上,并根据渝中区以轨道交通为骨架的城市交通系统(概括为轨道交通系统)和城市空间利用系统的多指标复杂系统综合评价要求,选择数据包络分析方法(Date Envelopment Analysis, DEA)从系统综合效率耦合度、纯技术效率耦合度、规模效率耦合度等方面分析轨道交通与城市空间利用系统互动关系,并诊断其系统耦合主要影响因素,为提出后续改进措施提供依据。根据城市空间集约利用内涵、发展阶段特征以及主要表征指标,按照城市土地利用主导功能和社会经济发展水平,结合城市更新改造,分别从城市物质空间改造提升和经济空间承载水平提升两个方面构建城市居住空间、商业空间集约利用目标体系,并以此分析不同阶段城市空间集约利用空间格局。基于城市空间利用产生的交通“源”及其居民出行结构,将重庆市渝中区划分为64个交通小区单元,对轨道交通站点直接辐射范围内的交通小区单元日均出行量进行测算,并预测轨道交通站点“流”的供给水平,通过对交通小区单元居民出行交通“源”的需求和轨道交通站点“流”的供给匹配程度分析,从“地面公交+轨道交通”出行方面提出轨道交通站点间接辐射范围内的交通小区单元运力匹配及线路规划布局。从错峰出行、不同时段交通流量优化以及地面公交与轨道交通的换乘和接驳等方面提出与城市空间高密度、集约化发展相匹配的大城市核心区交通管制策略。得到如下研究结论:(1)城市空间集约利用的本质就是以城市可持续发展为目标,以合理布局、优化城市土地利用结构为途径,以高密度、混合化、立体化开发为手段,强调与城市交通模式的互动选择,不断提高城市空间的利用效率和经济效益,实现城市规模的精明增长和城市空间结构的紧凑适度。城市空间集约利用程度作为城市空间利用结构、形态的外在表现形式,在时空尺度上表现出兴起、成长、繁荣、稳定和衰退等生命周期阶段特征,城市空间集约利用水平表现为粗放(低效)利用、中度(一般)利用、适度(较好)利用、集约利用、过度利用和通过更新改造向更高层次的集约利用演化。同时,城市空间利用与城市轨道交通之间相互联系、相互制约,是一种“源-流”循环作用与反馈关系。城市空间利用方式是城市交通需求的根源,对交通系统起着决定性作用。城市轨道交通建设运营需要大规模的交通“流”的支撑,进而要求沿线区域城市空间能够集聚产生大量交通“流”供给的商务服务业、批发零售业等现代服务业。(2)重庆市渝中区逐渐形成了以居住用地、商服用地为主导,以道路交通和公共服务用地为配套的用地结构。渝中区大坪、两路口典型街区居住空间集约利用总体水平较高且区域差异较大,呈纺锤形分布格局,在空间分布上大体呈现出沿长江二路从东北、西南两端向中间递减趋势,具有“点-轴”空间分布规律。渝中区298栋重点商业楼宇空间集约利用普遍较低且内部差异较大,存在着空间开发利用“强度大、经济效益差、配套不完善”等特征;在空间分布上存在东部>中部>西部、沿嘉陵江片区>沿长江片区的区域分布特征。(3)重庆市渝中区城市轨道交通系统和空间利用系统综合效率耦合度(μTL)整体较好,在空间分布上以菜园坝立交-牛角沱立交为界,西部片区耦合度高于东部片区,并呈现出片区化分布特征。渝中区轨道交通与空间利用系统的纯技术效率(αTL)处于完全耦合、耦合等级的决策单元数量占总数的81.25%,其纯技术效率耦合度较好,在空间分布上呈现间隔分布特征,且经济中心外围区以及正在开发区域的耦合度不高。渝中区城市综合交通系统与城市空间利用的规模效率耦合度(βTL)处于耦合、完全耦合的决策单元数量占总数的67.19%,其规模效率耦合程度不高;空间分布格局呈现出西部片区优于东部地区,其耦合度较低区域主要分布在两路口周边地区、解放碑街道、望龙门街道东部、朝天门街道西部地区。城市轨道交通系统的要素投入规模报酬较优,基本能够满足城市空间开发对交通的规模需求,但现有城市空间开发模式对城市轨道交通系统的促进效率不足。(4)从空间利用强度、空间承载强度和经济产出效益三方面构建了重庆市渝中区空间集约利用的目标体系,到2020年渝中区东、中、西部区域空间集约利用水平差距进一步缩小,呈现出“一极两圈三片”总体格局。就空间利用强度而言,解放碑商圈城市空间利用强度较高,大坪商圈其次,而原后勤兵工程学院、红岩村等区域较低。从空间承载强度来看,存在商业功能区>居住功能区的特征;就渝中区“东、中、西”三大商圈城市空间利用经济效益而言,存在金融业主导型>商贸业主导型>综合服务业主导型。(5)从空间利用强度、人口承载水平和经济产出效益3个方面确定各交通小区空间利用调整系数,建立基于城市空间集约利用的居民交通出行生成与土地利用关系模型,预测出2020年渝中区轨道交通需求量为80.45万人次/日。到2020年,渝中区将形成“三横四纵”网格型轨道交通网络格局,各交通小区到轨道交通站点距离在1500m范围内,基本上实现了轨道交通网络的全域覆盖。2020年渝中区各轨道交通站点的客流量为86.78万人次/日,渝中区轨道交通供求总体上处于可接受非均衡的状态。从轨道交通站点“源-流”匹配来看,渝中区大部分轨道交通站点的供给略大于需求,属于可接受非均衡的状态。渝中区轨道交通站点客流供给不能满足需求的站点主要分布在渝中区东部的临江门站、较场口站、七星岗站和西部的石油路站等4个站点,渝中区轨道交通供给明显大于需求的轨道交通站点主要有小什字、两路口、大坪等换乘枢纽站。针对渝中区部分轨道交通站点供需不平衡状况,在轨道供给运能剩余较多的轨道交通站点服务区和轨道供给不足的服务区之间规划9条快速地面公交线路,将轨道交通站点供给不足区域的客流引导到轨道交通站点供给充足区域,以实现渝中区轨道交通运能的最大利用。并从城市空间与轨道交通联合开发模式、城市公共交通系统换乘与接驳路径以及居民错峰出行经济激励机制等方面构建了促进城市空间集约利用的轨道交通系统管制策略。通过上述研究,基于大城市核心区城市空间利用主导功能划分,从地块尺度探讨了大城市核心区居住、商业功能区城市空间集约利用现状评价方法和阶段性目标体系构建;基于城市空间集约利用生命周期阶段特征,从城市地上、地面、地下物理空间开发利用强度、经济空间利用效益以及配套水平等方面进一步丰富和完善城市空间集约利用内涵及其评价指标体系;基于城市空间利用与城市轨道交通之间的“源-流”循环作用与反馈关系,构建了城市轨道交通与城市空间集约利用互动机制分析框架,为城市空间集约利用研究提供了新的研究视角。从“现状评价-互动影响-目标体系-规划应对-管制策略”等方面提出了城市轨道交通导向下的城市空间集约利用研究路径,为整合城市公共交通系统与城市空间开发利用模式研究提供了新的研究思路。同时,由于城市空间集约利用系统和城市轨道交通系统动态过程的复杂性,需在精准地定量描述两者之间影响关系和作用机制基础上,建立动态仿真模型,从时空尺度揭示城市轨道交通与不同城市功能空间集约利用演化阶段性特征及其规律,进而提炼出具有可操作性、可复制性的促进城市空间集约、高效利用的对策措施。

【Abstract】 Urban space is an interdisciplinary research object, which is the core element and material carrier of urban, and it is synthetically regional entity of natural and human elements including urban geography, economy, society and culture. For a long time, the subjects of urban planning and urban geography have paid more attention to the urban land structure and planning of regional space in the study of urban space, and those studies mainly has focused on urban physical nature and three-dimensional geographic space based on urban land. With the rapid development of global urbanization, urban expansion, urban motorization and private car ownerships have kept increasing, the problems of urban space development and urban traffic have become main bottleneck restricting modern urban development. As core development concepts like sustainable development have been reconstructed, Chinese urban development strategy has experienced a historic transformation, so the utilization method of urban space has been changed from spreading and extensive use to intensive use. Theoretical and empirical studies of rail transit and urban space use at home and aboard have shown that rail transit has played an important role in the process of urban space development evolution, and it not only is a kind of modern transportation helping residents’travel fast, safe and convenient, but has a significant function of relieving urban traffic jam, promoting urban comprehensive development and rising population capacity. Therefore, high density urban space development based on urban rail transit has already become an important trend of Metropolis’ space development and reconstructed. Looking at domestic and international researches, the characteristics of research perspective and research method are multi-level, systematic, and multidisciplinary. Theoretical and empirical perspective combined should be obeyed by in paradigm, and it discusses the influence of urban spatial patterns changes by urban traffic in the aspects of urban spatial morphology, structure and layout evolution. More existing studies are summative and descriptive, while fewer studies are comprehensive and analytical framework, which directly cause obvious local characteristics of some controlling indices in relative studies, like floor area ratio, building density and unit of economic output, therefore it still needs to make further effect to conclude universal evaluation criterion. Evolution proceeding-phase characteristics of urban traffic and space use in Chinese Metropolis are not similar with western cities’development process, so inconsistent phenomena are existed in research results. Therefore, referencing the theoretical and empirical research results of rail transit and urban space use, taking guiding effect on urban space use by rail transit as study perspective, and according to the rail transit demands of urban spatial intensive use’stage goals, make an analysis of mutual interaction between urban rail transit and urban space utilization, and analyze the influencing mechanism of urban space intensive use and its planning suggestions, and then make a discussion of optimizing strategy of urban space based on urban rail transit. This study has the certain theoretical significance of completing existing urban construction planning and management models, enriching scientific connotation of urban space utilization, developing urban construction management level.Following the study thought "problem-orientated-theoretical analysis-current situation evaluation-planning countermeasures-decision supporting", guided by the theories of urban planning, urban geography, urban traffic and urban economics, and taking interactive mechanism between urban rail transit and space intensive use as breakthrough point, construct analysis framework of interactive mechanism between urban rail transit and space intensive use based on the domestic and international theoretical and case studies. From the urban land use database, which is interpreted by hand held, of Chongqing YuZhong District’ remote sensing image in the years of1995,2000,2006and2011, make an analysis of quantity structure and spatial pattern of urban land use reflected by information entropy, balance degree, dominance index, dispersibility index and importance index based on spatial intersect analysis tool in ArcGIS9.3software. Based on the principle of residential land and commercial services land being of primary importance, separately construct evaluation index system of residential land and commercial services land intensive use to analyze the degree of YuZhong district’ residential and commercial services land intensive use and those influencing factors from the aspects of space utilization intensity, use efficiency of economic space, and service facilities supporting level at parcel scale. According to the analysis of development characteristics of urban traffic in YuZhong district of Chongqing and residents’ travel pattern, and Date Envelopment Analysis is employed to analyze the interaction between rail transit and urban space use from the aspects of the coupling degree of system integrated efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency based on the urban traffic system, which rail transit is of primary importance, and comprehensive evaluation requirements of complex multi-index system in urban space use system, and diagnose the influencing factors of system coupling, and them provide basis for improvements in the future. According to the connotation of urban space intensive use, proceeding-phase characteristics and leading indicators, following by dominant function of urban land use and social-economic development level, and combining urban renewal and reconstruction, construct target systems of residential and commercial services space intensive use in the aspects of urban space renewal upgrade and economic space carrying capacity upgrade, and then analyze the spatial pattern of urban space intensive use in different stages. Dividing YuZhong district into64traffic zone units based on traffic source produced by urban space utilization and the structure of residents travel, make a calculation of resident trips per day in traffic zone units where are directly influenced by rail transit station, and then predict the "flow" supply level of rail transit station. Through the research on matching between the demand of analysis of residents travel source in each traffic zone unit and the supply of rail transit station flow, put forward line planning layout for traffic zone units where are indirectly influenced by rail transit station based on the idea of ground-transit plus rail transit. And then provide traffic regulation strategy in panel zones of Metropolis which can be matched with urban space high density and intensive development in the following aspects:staggered shifts, the optimization of traffic flow in different times, and the transit and connection between ground-transit and rail transit. The conclusions can be summed up in the following aspects:(1) The essence of urban space intensive use is taking urban sustainable development as goal, regarding rational distribution and optimizing urban land use structure as approaches, taking high-density and three-dimensional development as measures, focusing on mutual interaction with urban traffic patterns, and increasing urban space utilization efficiency and economic benefit to achieve urban-size increased and urban space structure moderate compacted. Urban space intensive use degree is an external form of structure expression, and it has shown the characteristics of life cycle including stages of rising, growing up, booming, stabilizing and recession at spatial and temporal scale, and the urban space intensive use generally can be shown:extensive use, low intensive use, moderate intensive use, high intensive use, over intensive use and higher intensive use though urban renewal. Meanwhile, urban space use not only can make an interaction with urban rail transit, but can make mutual suppression with urban rail transit, and they can make feedback with each other. The origin of urban traffic demand is urban space intensive patterns, which can play a crucial role of traffic system. The construction and operation of urban rail transit need the support of large-scale urban traffic flow, and require urban space along the line gathering large traffic flow to offer modern services like commercial service industry, wholesale and retail trades.(2) Gradually YuZhong District’ land-use structure has been in the pattern of residential land and commercial services land being of primary importance, while road traffic land and public services land being supplementary. And the general space intensive use of living area in Da Ping Street and Liang Lukou Street has been in a high level with regional diversity, showing a pattern of spindle distribution, and the level has shown north-east and southwest area much higher than the middle area in spatial distribution, which has a spatial distribution regulation of "Pole-Axis". The space intensive use of298key commercial premises in YuZhong District are in a low level generally, but large diversity of intensive use still exists among those buildings, and it has the characteristics of heave intensity, bad economic benefit and uncompleted facilities in space development. And in spatial distribution, the intensive use level in east area is higher than the middle area; the intensive use level in middle area is higher than the west area, while the intensive use level in areas along the Jiangling River is higher than the areas along the Yangtze River.(3) The coupling degree of general efficiency (μTL) between urban rail transit system and space utilization system in Chongqing YuZhong District is high in general, and viewed from spatial distribution, the coupling degree of general efficiency in west area is higher than east area bounded by Cai Yuanba interchange to Niu Jiaotuo interchange, which has shown a district characteristic. The coupling degree of pure technical efficiency (αTL)of those two systems is perfectly coupling, and the decision unit quantity of coupling grade is about81.25percent of the total, and coupling degree of pure technical efficiency is moderate high, which shows a characteristic of spaced distribution, while the coupling degree in periphery area and developing area is not high. The coupling degree of scale efficiency (βTL) of those two systems is also moderate high, and the decision unit quantity of total coupling is about67.19percent of the total, which its coupling degree of scale efficiency is not high, and west area is higher than east area in spatial distribution, while the areas with low coupling degree are mainly distributed in surrounding areas of Liang Lukou, Jie Fangbei street, east areas of Wang Longmen street, west areas of Chao Tianmen street. The input benefit of urban rail transit traffic system is well, and can meet the traffic scale demand of urban space development, but current urban space development models cannot promote efficiency well.(4) Construct target system of space intensive use in Chongqing YuZhong district from three aspects, which are space utilization intensity, space capacity and economic benefit. In2020, it will narrow the gap of space intensive use level among east, middle and west areas of Yu Zhong district. From the aspect of space utilization intensity, the urban space utilization intensity of Jie Fangbei CBD is comparably higher, followed by Da Ping commercial areas, and the areas of Logistical Engineering University and Hong Yan village are comparably lower. From the aspect of space capacity, the commercial function zones are higher than residential function zones; from the aspect of economic benefit of urban space utilization in three commercial areas of Yu Zhong district, financial guided zones are higher than commercial guided zones, while commercial guided zones are higher than comprehensive services guided zones.(5) Make space utilization adjustment factor of each residential area from three aspects:space utilization intensity, population carrying capacity and economical benefit, and establish a model to analyze the relationship between residents’ travel and land use based on urban space intensive use, it can predict the rail traffic demand of YuZhong district will reach to804.5thousand people a day in2020. And the rail traffic net pattern will be in three lengthwise and four transverse roads. The distance between residents’ living area and rail transit station site being less than1500meters can realize global coverage of rail transit net. In2020, the passenger flows of each rail transit station sites will reach to867.8thousand people a day, and the demand and supply of rail transit of YuZhong district generally will be in an uneven state which is acceptable. From the "source and flow" matching of rail transit station sites, the supply of rail transit station sites of most rail transit station sites is a little more than demand, being an uneven state which is acceptable. The supply of rail transit station sites in LingJiangmen station, JiaoChangkou station, QiXinggang station, where are in the east of YuZhong district, and ShiYou road station, where is in the west of YuZhong district, cannot meet the demand of rail transit station sites, while the demand of rail transit station sites XiaoShizi station, LiangLukou station, DaPing station obvious more than the supply of rail transit station sites. According to demand-supply uneven situation of some rail transit in YuZhong district, nine fast ground lines will be planned between rail transit station, where sites are abundant, and rail transit station, where sites are insufficient, and it will guide passage flows from insufficient sites of rail transit station to abundant sites of rail transit station, and finally realize the most intensive use of rail transit capacity. Meanwhile, construct rail transit traffic control strategy to promote urban space intensive use from the following aspects:the joint development models of urban space and rail transit, the transference path of urban public traffic system, and residents travel in different time.Above all, this paper has discussed the evaluation method and periodical target system of current urban space intensive use of residential and commercial services zones in Metropolis’ panel zone, and further enriched the connotation of urban space intensive use and its evaluation index system from the aspects of utilization intensity of spatial development, use efficiency of economic space, and service facilities supporting level among three dimensions of over-ground, ground, and underground. According to the feedback relationship between urban space utilization and urban rail transit and the essence of urban space intensive use and its life cycle, this paper constructs analysis framework of interactive mechanism between urban rail transit and urban space intensive use, which can provide visual angle of research for urban space intensive use research. And it proposes an analysis path of urban space intensive use under the guidance of urban rail transit, following the study thought "problem-orientated-theoretical analysis-current situation evaluation-planning countermeasures-decision support", which can provide new study thought of urban public traffic system and urban space development integrated. At the same time, because dynamic progress between urban space intensive use system and urban rail transit system is complex, it need to accurately quantitative describe the relationships between them, and construct dynamic simulation models, and then analyze the evolution phase of different urban rail transit and urban space intensive use at temporal and spatial scales, finally it would put forward to measures, which are maneuverable and duplicated, to promote urban space intensive use.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2304
  • 攻读期成果

