

Study on Land-sea Overall Management Zoning about Nitrogen Pollution of Bohai Sea Rim

【作者】 康敏捷

【导师】 栾维新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 渤海污染问题严重,恶化趋势尚未遏制,氮是渤海污染面积最大的污染要素,80%的氮污染物来自陆源水污染,陆域社会经济活动是产生氮污染的根源,从根源入手管理调控是解决渤海氮污染问题的关键,陆海统筹的管理分区是从渤海氮污染的根源入手进行管理调控的基础。本文以环渤海三省两市为空间范围,以氮污染要素为研究对象,从渤海氮污染形成的自然过程出发,通过陆海统筹管理分区研究寻求从解决渤海环境问题的途径,对于渤海环境管理工作具有重要意义。围绕渤海氮污染的陆海统筹管理问题,本文主要做了以下工作:(1)采用高分辨率DEM和矢量河网数据,应用地形修复技术和河网校正技术,有效解决平原地区流域划分问题;通过定义汇水单元和近岸分区单元,以及先细化再归并的分区技术流程,实现水陆交界区域的水污染输出分区的清晰界定;基于上述方法在环渤海地区划分出119个入渤海河流流域。(2)采用用地面积权重法实现社会经济数据在行政单元内的不均匀分布模拟,及社会经济数据在不同分区间的转换。该方法较传统方法能够呈现社会经济数据更真实的空间分布特征,不同分区间转换时准确度更高,较简单面积权重法平均误差综合降低52%,能够更客观的表现区域差异。以流域分区为基础,通过用地面积权重法分析了陆域总氮及其产生相关的主要经济指标的空间分布特征。(3)以基于流场的空间插值方法为基础,进行海域污染响应分区研究。基于流场的空间插值方法较一般的空间插值方法能够客观的表现海洋流场水动力作用下污染物的扩散特征,能够提高水质监测数据空间插值准确度,较普通反距离加权插值方法提高27%。通过对插值结果分区,研究了海域氮污染的响应特征,并在此基础上分析了氮污染状况与水质管理要求的矛盾。结果显示:海域氮污染状况与水质管理要求矛盾显著:首先,48%的区域水质氮污染状况达不到海域功能水质管理要求的区域,有些区域水质状况与海域功能水质管理要求相距甚远;其次,不同功能类型区的矛盾特征突出,保护区和保留区总体上有大面积符合度低的区域,水质状况与水质管理要求严重不符的区域主要位于保护区和农渔业区。第三,存在矛盾的区域空间位置相对集中。(4)探索了陆域社会经济活动影响海洋环境的陆海统筹分区管理的方法,首次将环渤海的陆域和渤海海域统筹划分为23个氮污染管理分区,为实现环渤海地区氮污染的统筹分区管理奠定了基础。现有分区研究在空间范围上陆海分离,渤海环境管理缺少陆海统筹管理的基础。本文以流域分区单元及其对应的近岸海域单元为分区单元,以氮污染要素的岸线压力-响应特征为纽带构建氮污染的陆海统筹管理分区,在遵循氮污染自然过程的基础上,实现了从海域追溯陆域,从陆域社会经济活动入手进行管理调控的管理路径。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen pollution is a serious problem in Bohai Sea, which is mainly from terrestrial water pollution. Strengthen the control of nitrogen pollution in Bohai Rim and implementation of land-sea overall management is the key to solve the problem of nitrogen pollution of Bohai Sea. Implementation of land-sea overall management is based on zoning. In this paper, Bohai Rim is spatial extent, nitrogen pollution is object for study, following the natural process of water pollution, search for a way to solve Bohai Sea environment problem by land-sea overall zoning, which is significant for Bohai Sea environment management. Thesis contents and conclusions are as follows:(1) Using high resolution DEM and vector river data, through terrain revise technique and river correction technique, solve the problem of watershed extraction in plain ground. Through a process of refinement and generalization after defined of catchment unit and coast unit, clearly defined boundary in coastal area. Based on the method above,119watersheds is extracted in Bohai Rim.(2) An uneven distribution simulation of socio-economic data is implemented by land-use area weight method, and achieved socio-economic data transition between zoning systems. Compared witch traditional method, it presents more real spatial distribution, is more accuracy, shows more objective regional differences. Based on watershed area, spatial distribution analysis on TN and related socio-economic data is taken by land-use area weight method.(3) Sea area nitrogen pollution response zoning is carried out on the basis of spatial interpolation based on following field. Compared with common spatial interpolation methods, spatial interpolation based on following field presents more real characteristics of pollutant dispersion driven by sea fluid power, gains more accuracy. Sea area nitrogen pollution response zoning is analyzed based on the interpolation result. Analysis of contradiction between sea water management requirements and sea water status is taken on sea area nitrogen pollution response zoning. It is concluded that44%areas cannot reach the management requirement, which is significant difficult in some areas, different functional zones shows different characteristics, preserve area and protection area has large areas of low conformity, protection area and fishing area has very low conformity, contradiction areas is spatially concentrated. (4) It is finished land-sea overall zoning of Bohai Rim, which integrated source area and influence area of nitrogen pollution, provide spatial bases for land-sea overall management. Water quality management objective is defined which characterized as continuous and practical, and conformity between water quality objective and water quality status is improved. Management key points, strategies and suggestions are studied and listed in the end.


