

Study on International Legal Issues of Corruption Proceeds Related Crime for Recovery of Cross-Border

【作者】 魏晓倩

【导师】 翟云岭;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 跨境转移腐败犯罪所得已成为当前腐败犯罪的一种惯有模式。跨境转移腐败犯罪所得的社会危害性极其严重,不仅给腐败犯罪所得流出国带来危害,而且给腐败犯罪所得流入国的经济安全等带来危害,更给国际社会全球治理带来危害。从20世纪90年代起,国际社会开始关注和打击腐败犯罪所得跨境转移行为。2003年制定的《联合国反腐败公约》首次以专章规定了“资产追回”机制,创新性地以国际法律规范形式规定和涵盖了通过非定罪没收、民事确权之诉、民事侵权之诉、确权决定程序等途径追回跨境转移的腐败犯罪所得,并系统全面地规定了与腐败犯罪所得跨境追回相关的内容、步骤、缔约国权利和义务。本文在分析当前跨境转移腐败犯罪所得的现象及其危害的基础上,介绍了国际社会、相关国际组织及国家(地区)惩防跨境转移腐败犯罪所得行为的具体做法及法律规范,分析了UNCAC公约第31条、第54条和第55条之间的关系,分析了学界关于追回途径的划分,分析了跨境追回腐败犯罪所得的政治因素阻碍、事实因素阻碍及法律因素阻碍,并在分析UNCAC公约第5章的贯彻实施、国家司法系统的能力建设、国际合作的持续推进、相关制度的修改完善等在跨境追回腐败犯罪所得过程中的重要作用的基础上,分别就其具体内容进行研究,最终提出完善中国跨境追回腐败犯罪所得面临的法律对策。本论文共分十个部分。前言介绍本论文写作的意义、拟研究的内容、采取的研究方法和拟解决的问题。第1章至第8章是本论文的正文。第1章分析了腐败犯罪所得跨境转移的现象及其危害,指出腐败犯罪所得跨境转移对流入国可能存在短时期内的促进经济发展的作用,但从长远来看,腐败犯罪所得跨境转移给流入国带来的危害是极其严重的。第2章介绍了与跨境追回腐败犯罪所得相关的国际法律规范、示范法、各国国内法等内容,指出全球范围内已建立起以《联合国反腐败公约》为核心的腐败犯罪所得跨境追回的法律网络。第3章分析了跨境追回腐败犯罪所得的法律途径,批判当前学界对《联合国反腐败公约》规定的法律途径的分类错误认识,对民事诉讼(民事确权诉讼和民事侵权诉讼)、刑事附带民事诉讼、确权决定程序、基于没收事宜的国际合作等途径的内容、特征、要件进行了探讨。第4章介绍了腐败犯罪所得跨境追回国际合作互助措施,旨在指明腐败犯罪所得跨境追回本身特征决定了唯有通过国际合作互助才能实现最终消灭腐败及其犯罪所得跨境转移现象。第5章分析了腐败犯罪所得跨境追回的成效,指出尽管国际社会建立了较为完善的法律网络,积极开展国际司法互助和合作,但从整体来看,腐败犯罪所得跨境追回效果差强人意,《联合国反腐败公约》第5章条款的执行情况并不乐观。在上述内容基础上,第6章详细分析了跨境追回腐败犯罪所得的政治因素阻碍、事实因素阻碍及法律因素阻碍。第7章提出跨境追回腐败犯罪所得的法律对策,指出需要进一步协调《联合国反腐败公约》与国内法之间的关系,重视对腐败犯罪所得跨境转移的反洗钱法律预防,对法制水平较低国家(地区)持续提供法律技术援助,进一步加强腐败犯罪所得跨境追回的国际法律合作,整合腐败犯罪所得跨境追回联络点网络。第8章结合中国国情和已采取的措施,从一个负责任的大国和国际反腐败的重要力量角度出发,分析中国跨境追回腐败犯罪所得面临的新形势、新挑战,并提出完善中国跨境追回腐败犯罪所得面临的法律对策。本论文最后是结论,对上述内容作一简要总结。

【Abstract】 At present, cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime has become a common pattern. It is a severely dangerous issue for society, not only to harm the country which flow out of corruption proceeds related crime, but also to endanger the economic security of country which flow into corruption proceeds related crime, more to got detriments for global governance of international community. From1990s to nowadays, the international community started to pay attention and to fight the behaviors of cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime. The United Nationals Convention against Corruption which was enacted in2003, firstly provides for a special chapter "asset recovery" mechanism, innovatively takes the international legal form to regulate or to cover for cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime, which include non-conviction forfeiture, litigation of civil right affirmation, litigation of tort, simple return and so on, systematically and roundly regulate the contents, steps, right and obligation of signatory country which are related cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime. In this paper, on the basis of analysis of the phenomena and dangers about the cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime, introduce specific practices and legal norms of international community, relevant international organizations and countries (regions) related the fight and prevention of cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime, analyze the relationship of between the article31, article54and article55of the United Nationals Convention against Corruption, criticize the unreasonable divide of academia about the recovery ways. Probe the political impediments, fact blocks and legal obstacles of cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime, at the same time, on the basis of analysis of the important role among the cross-border transfer of corruption proceeds related crime about the implementing of chapter5of the United Nationals Convention against Corruption, capacity building of the judicial system, promotion of international cooperation, modification and perfection of relevant institution, make a respective research by specific contents. The paper includes ten parts. Preface introduces the significance of paper, study contents, study methods and the issues the paper want to solve.Paper’final is conclusion, make a brief summary of above.


