

The Formation Mechanism and Evaluation of Chinese Airports’Competitiveness

【作者】 崔强

【导师】 武春友;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 大型民用机场也称为空港,它不仅是交通运输体系中非常重要的组成部分,而且是整个国民经济体系中非常重要的一环,对国民经济的发展具有非常重要的作用。近年来,随着中国经济的快速发展,空港也得到了很大的发展,空港总量初具规模,空港密度逐渐加大,空港服务能力逐步提高,现代化程度不断增强。但是与美国等发达国家相比,空港的整体竞争力仍显不足。以2010年各国旅客周转量的统计数据为例,我国(不含港澳台)空港的定期航班总旅客周转量排名世界第2,仅次于美国,是美国的30.8%;而在国际航线的旅客周转量中排名世界第10,为排名第1的美国的18.6%。虽然有地理位置等客观因素,但是2010年我国(不含港澳台)的国际航线旅客周转量为73488百万人公里,而香港地区的国际航线旅客周转量为85811百万人公里,大于我国全部机场的国际航线旅客周转量!这说明我国空港在国际航线网络中的枢纽地位仍有待提高。提升空港竞争力是中国各空港的必然选择。那么如何识别提取中国空港竞争力的根本型影响因素?中国空港竞争力的动态形成机理是什么?如何评价竞争合作环境下的空港动态竞争力?鉴于以上疑问,本文进行了一系列的深入研究。首先,对空港竞争力在空港联盟决策中的作用进行了分析。认为众空港在博弈中的收益为不等值,从区域发展、生产要素、需求状况、支撑产业和环境影响五方面建立空港联盟收益的指标体系,将空港网络抽象成小世界网络,结合熵值Topsis和小世界网络博弈动力学建立空港联盟决策算法,并且运用2010年我国25个空港的实证数据进行研究。结果表明,在选取的25个空港中,北京、上海、广州、天津和深圳等国际枢纽空港和大型区域性枢纽空港都选择不联盟策略,且在空港网络博弈稳定后的收益计算中,这些空港的博弈收益仍然是最高的。而一些区域性枢纽空港、区域干线空港及支线空港则都选择联盟策略,这说明相比于大空港,中小空港的联盟积极性更高,但是虽然选择联盟,但是在相互之间的博弈中,仍处于不利位置。这说明空港联盟只能解决一时的问题,空港自身的竞争力仍是主导空港未来发展的根本性因素。其次,提取空港竞争力的根本型影响因素。空港竞争力影响因素众多且相互关联,如何识别和区分其影响因素是学术界研究的焦点。针对传统决策试验与评价实验室方法(DEMATEL)的缺点进行了改进,提出了适合于影响因素识别的BP-DEMATEL方法,利用BP神经网络计算目标指标和影响因素指标之间的权值来得到直接关联矩阵,然后利用传统DEMATEL方法分析影响因素。本文利用BP-DEMATEL和空港实证数据进行了实证分析,结果证实了方法的可行性。结果表明,影响空港竞争力的原因型因素为GDP、高等学校毕业生数、年投资额、旅客吞吐量、城市居民交通支出、服务半径和公路、铁路、水路总客运量等7个指标,而对空港竞争力影响最大的3个因素是旅客吞吐量、资产总额和服务半径。再次,本文对中国空港竞争力的动态形成机理进行了研究。随着中国经济的快速发展,人们对航空运输的需求增长迅速,空港面临着激烈的竞争,所以如何增长空港竞争力成为人们关注的焦点问题。空港竞争力的形成机理非常复杂,现有文献对其研究不足。本文首先从区域发展、生产要素、需求状况和支撑产业四方面构建了空港竞争力的指标体系。利用2006年到2010年25个中国空港的实证数据,通过结构方程和系统动力学研究了空港竞争力的动态形成机理。利用Vensim软件分析了空港竞争力几个重要影响因素的影响机理,也验证了模型的可行性。结果表明,空港自身投资和城市R&D投入是空港竞争力最主要的两个影响因素。本文的结论可以为决策者提供培育空港竞争力方面的参考和指导。最后,本文对竞争合作环境下的空港动态竞争力评价进行了研究。针对空港动态竞争力具有多维性和复杂性的特点,构建了考虑竞争合作的改进的双链量子遗传算法建立优化BP神经网络的算法,并利用我国2011年和2012年长三角地区的8个空港的实证数据进行研究,得到2013年-2015年8个空港的竞争力表现,弥补了现有研究只评价静态竞争力的不足。结果表明:①改进的双链量子遗传算法建立优化BP神经网络的算法在误差精度、运行时间等方面,它都优于现有的遗传算法优化BP神经网络的算法。②长江三角洲地区的空港差距在缩小,竞争合作呈现愈演愈烈的趋势。

【Abstract】 Airport is defined as big-scale civil airport. It is more than an important part of transportation system but is an important part of total national economy system, which has very important influence on the development of national economy. In recent years, Chinese airports have developed greatly with the rapid development of Chinese economy. The total amount of airports begins to take shape, airports’density is becoming bigger, airports’ service ability is improving and the degree of modernization is strengthening. However, compared with USA and other developed countries, the total competitiveness of Chinese airports is still limited. The data of passeneger turnover volume in2010is taken as an example. The total passenger turnover volume of China (Excluding HongKong, Macao and Taiwan) ranks second, who is less than USA and is20.8percent of USA; however, the passenger turnover volume of international flights of China ranks tenth, which is18.6percent of USA. Although some factors such as geographical position could result in this situation, China’s (Excluding HongKong, Macao and Taiwan) passenger turnover volume of international flights in2010was73488million passenger kilometres. HongKong’s passenger turnover volume of international flights in2010was85811million passenger kilometres, which was more than total airports in Chinese Mainland! It can be concluded that the hub situations of Chinese airports must be improved eagerly. It is necessary for Chinese airports to improve airport competitiveness. How to identify the basic influencing factors for Chinese airports? What is the dynamic formation mechanism of airport competitiveness? How to evaluate airports’ dynamic competitiveness under competition and cooperation? In view of above questions, this thesis carries out a series of researches.Firstly, the function of airport competitiveness in the alliance decision-making is analyzed.airport alliance is an important way for airports to reform the resource, but airport’ positivity is different due to its own ability, so it is a common concern that how an airport will decide when facing alliance problem. The goal of this paper is to offer alliance decision-making suggestions for airports under the precondition that the alliance game benefits of airports are not same, and the game benefit evaluation index system is built from the aspects of regional development, production factors, demand conditions, support industry and environmental effect. Then the airport network is abstracted as a Small-World network and the airport alliance decision-making problem is studied using Game Dynamics on Small-World Network combining with Entropy Topsis model, then the main factors influencing airport alliance are summarized based on the empirical study of the25big airports in2010. The results show that in the25airports, all international hub airports and big regional hub airports choose non-alliance such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen. And when the airports network is stable, their benefit is bigger than other airports. Some regional hub airports, regional main airports and brank airports choose alliance strategy. Although these airports choose alliance strategy, their benefit is lower. It can be. concluded that airports’ competitiveness is the basic factor in airport’s future development.Secondly, the basic influencing factors for airport competitiveness are extracted. It is a hot academic topic to identify the influencing factors of airports competitiveness which are numerous and interrelated. This study improves the traditional Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method according to its limit and proposes BP-DEMATEL method that is suitable for the influencing factors identification. It exploits BP neural network to calculate the weights between object index and influencing factor index and uses the weights to get the direct-relation matrix, then takes advantage of DEMATEL method to study the influencing factors. The empirical analysis of airports competitiveness shows that this method is feasible and can supply theoretical support. The results show that the reason-type factors for airport competitiveness are GDP, Number of graduated students of colleges, investment amount, passenger throughput, traffic consumption of urban residents, service radius and passenger throughput of roadway, railway and waterway. The most influencing factors are passenger throughput, total assets and service radius.Thirdly, the dynamic formation mechanism of Chinese airport compeititveness is studied. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the demand of air transportation has increased enormously and airports are facing intensive competition, so the issue of how to enhance airport competitiveness has attracted serious concern of the public. The formation mechanism of airport competitiveness is very complex and the research is insufficient on this topic. In this paper, index system of airport competitiveness is built from four aspects: Regional Development, Production Factors, Demand Conditions and Support Industry. Dynamic formation mechanism of airport competitiveness is studied through Structure Equation Model as well as System Dynamic with the historical data of twenty five Chinese airports from2006to2010. Then the influencing mechanism of some important influencing factors is analyzed with the help of Vensim software, which verifies the rationality of the model. The results show that airport investment and city R&D inputs are the two most important influencing factors of airport competitiveness, which could provide guidance for decision makers on airport competitiveness cultivation.Fourthly, the dynamic competitiveness of airports is evaluated. Aimed at the multi-dimensional and complex characteristic of airport competitiveness, a new algorithm is proposed in which BP Neural Network is optimized by Improved Double Chains Quantum Genetic Algorithm (IDCQGA). The empirical data of eight airports in Yangtze River Delta in2011and2012is used to verify the feasibility of new algorithm, the competitiveness of eight airports in2013-2015is gotten through the algorithm. The results show:①The new algorithm is better than the existing optimization algorithms in the aspects of error accuracy and run time;②The gaps of the airports in Yangtze River Delta are narrowing, the competition and cooperation are getting stronger and stronger.


