

Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Concrete Filled CFRP-Steel Tubular Beam-Columns

【作者】 车媛

【导师】 王庆利;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 结构工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 钢管混凝土的诞生已有100多年的历史,其在力学性能和施工工艺等方面具有明显的优势,因此在超高层建筑、桥梁工程、工业厂房以及地下工程等领域得到了广泛地应用。随着现代结构技术的发展,大型的钢管混凝土建筑物也随之出现,这就要求必须使用厚壁钢管或高强钢管以提供给混凝土足够的紧箍力,也因此增加了工程造价。碳纤维增强复合材料是由碳纤维材料与基体材料按比例混合并经过一定工艺复合形成的一种高性能新型材料,它以其轻质高强、抗腐蚀、抗疲劳等优点开始在工程领域得到应用并受到广泛关注。21世纪初,CFRP4冈管混凝土这种新型结构形式被提出,CFRP不但可与钢管共同对核心混凝土提供约束力,而且可以延缓或避免钢管的局部屈曲,使结构的承载力更高、耐久性更好。对CFRP-钢管混凝土结构的研究已在国内外形成一个热点,随着初步理论基础的奠定,这种新型结构形式也于2012年开创性地应用到我国的道路工程中,为这一结构的理论研究与工程实际应用建立了联系,同时也证明了此结构良好的应用前景。国内外对CFRP-钢管混凝土的研究主要集中在轴压性能和受弯性能,而结构构件的受力形式是多样的,随着CFRP-钢管混凝土应用的推广,现有的结构理论已无法满足对实际工程指导的需求。因此本文在以往研究的基础之上,通过试验研究、有限元法模拟和理论分析的方法对CFRP-钢管混凝土压弯构件的力学性能展开了研究,完成了以下主要研究内容:(1)进行了CFRP-钢管混凝土压弯构件静力性能的试验研究。根据试验结果,总结了长细比、偏心率对试件承载力和力学性能的影响规律。将试件的荷载-跨中截面挠度关系曲线划分为弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段、下降段三个阶段。试件在达到极限荷载之后进入承载力下降段,试件在保持一定承载力的同时经历较大的变形,这是典型的延性破坏。根据试验结果可知:CFRP和钢管在加载之初至失效后退出工作,在纵向和横向都能较好地协同工作。根据试验结果分析了钢管的内力重分布情况。钢管纵向应变沿截面高度的分布基本符合平截面假定,试件的挠度曲线与正弦半波曲线基本吻合。(2)进行了CFRP-钢管混凝土压弯构件静力性能的理论分析并提出了承载力计算公式。通过大型有限元软件ABAQUS模拟了CFRP-冈管混凝土压弯构件的荷载-跨中截面挠度关系曲线和破坏模态,模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好。分析了CFRP-冈管混凝土压弯构件及其各组成材料在受力全过程中的应力、应变、相互作用力等的变化规律,分析结果和试验结果吻合良好。通过分析发现钢管与混凝土之间的粘接强度对试件承载力、弹性阶段的刚度、钢管与核心混凝土之间的相互作用力基本没有影响,加载路径对试件的静力性能影响不大。分析结果还表明:受压区横向CFRP对试件有明显的约束作用,并且延缓了受压区钢管的鼓曲;受拉区纵向CFRP提高了试件的抗弯承载力,延缓了试件的弯曲变形。在系统参数分析结果之上,针对不同的截面形式,提出了适用于CFRP-冈管混凝土压弯构件的承载力计算表达式,应用该式的计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。(3)进行了CFRP-钢管混凝土压弯构件滞回性能的试验研究。分析了轴压比和纵向CFRP增强系数对试件的跨中荷载-挠度滞回曲线、跨中荷载-挠度骨架曲线、弯矩-曲率滞回曲线、弯矩-曲率骨架曲线、刚度、刚度退化、强度退化、延性系数、累计耗能、等效粘滞阻尼系数等的影响规律。试验结果显示:CFRP对试件有很好的横向约束和纵向增强作用,钢管的局部屈曲得到了延缓或消除;在往复荷载下钢管和CFRP在纵向和横向同样能够协同工作;所有试件的跨中荷载-挠度滞回曲线和弯矩-曲率滞回曲线均较为饱满,没有捏缩现象,表现出良好的滞回性能:在加载后期,轴压力对试件承载力影响明显。滞回性能指标分析结果显示:圆截面试件的强度退化不显著,方截面试件均出现强度退化;轴压比和纵向CFRP增强系数的增大均可以提高试件的抗弯承载力和刚度,并且可以延缓试件的刚度退化趋势,但会降低试件的累积耗能和延性;总的来说,轴压比在一定范围内有利于试件的抗震。

【Abstract】 Concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) structures have been presented more than100years. Because of significant advantages in aspect of mechanical properties and construction technology, concrete filled steel tubular structures have been widely used in bridges, factories, high-rises, underground structures, and so on. With the development of the modern structural technology, large-scale concrete filled steel tubular structures appeared. Only thick-walled steel tube and high-strength steel tube can provide sufficient constraining force to concrete. And therefore the cost of project will be increased. Carbon fiber reinforcement polymer (CFRP) which is composited of carbon fiber material and substrate material at a certain ratio through certain technique is a high-performance novel material. CFRP gets attention with its advantages such as lightness, high strength, corrosion stability and fatigue resistance in engineering. Concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular (CFRP-CFST) structures were proposed in the early21st century. CFRP can provide constraining force with steel tube together to core concrete and can substantially delay and even completely suppress the development of local buckling deformation in the steel tube. Make structures have higher bearing capacity and better durability. Hot spot of research on concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular structures were formed at home and abroad. With theoretical foundation established this new structural form was pioneered the application in road engineering in our country in2012. Connection between theoretical research and engineering application was established. Meanwhile, the potential application of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular structures was proved.Domestic and international researches focused on axial compressive behaviour and flexural behaviour. But the load-bearing form of structural members is various. With application of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular structures popularized, existing structural theory could not meet the demands of guidance for practical engineering. Based on researches in being, study on mechanical behaviour of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns was expanded through ways of experimental research, simulated method of finite element and theoretical analysis. The main aspects of research work in this thesis are listed as follows:(1) Experimental study on static property of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns was carried out. Laws of bearing capacity and mechanical property affected by slenderness ratio and load eccentricity ratio were investigated. The axial load versus displacement of mid-span curves of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns can be divided into three stages:elastic stages, elastic-plastic stage and decline stage. Failure mode of specimens belongs to ductility damage. Because undergoing of larger deformation specimens can sustain a certain bearing capacity. Experimental results reveal that steel tube and CFRP can cooperate in both longitudinal direction and transverse direction from initial of the test to the end. The redistribution of internal force of steel tube was analyzed based on the test results. Longitudinal strain of steel tube accords basically with plane section assumption along the height of cross section; distribution of deflection along member height of specimens approximates half sine wave.(2) Theoretical analysis on static behaviour of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns was conducted and the formula of ultimate bearing capacity was proposed. Axial load versus deflection of mid-span curves and failure mode of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular structures were simulated quite well through large finite element software ABAQUS. The results of simulation agree well with test data. The change regularities of stress, strain and interaction of specimens and combined materials such as CFRP, steel tube and concrete, were analyzed. The analysis results agree well with experimental results. It is found that adhesive strength between steel tube and core concrete dose almost not influence the bearing capacity, stiffness in elastic stage and interaction between steel tube and core concrete of members slightly. And loading path affects static performance of specimens slightly. The analysis results also reveal that transverse CFRP in compressive areas constrains specimens obviously and delays outward buckling of steel tube, longitudinal CFRP in tensile areas improves bending capacity and delays bending deformation of specimens. Based on analysis of systematic parameters, the bearing capacity calculating expressions for circular section and square section respectively were proposed herein for concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns. The predicted results are in good agreement with experimental results.(3) A series of concrete filled CFRP-steel tubular beam-columns under cyclic load tests were carried out. Laws of lateral load versus displacement of mid-span hysteretic curves, lateral load versus displacement of mid-span envelope curves, moment versus curvature hysteretic curves, moment versus curvature envelope curves, stiffness, stiffness degradation, strength degradation, ductility index, accumulated energy dissipation and equivalent viscous damping coefficient affected by axial compression ratio and longitudinal reinforced coefficient of CFRP were investigated. Experimental results reveal that CFRP shows the mechanical property of transverse confinement and longitudinal strengthening for specimens, steel tube and CFRP can identically cooperate in longitudinal direction and transverse direction under cyclic load, the lateral load versus displacement of mid-span hysteretic curves and the moment versus curvature hysteretic curves of all the specimens display perfect hysteretic behaviour without pinch, Axial compressive load affects load bearing capacity obviously during the later loading period. Analysis results of hysteretic performance index show that the strength degradation which is not obvious for circular specimens happens in all square specimens, as axial compression ratio and longitudinal reinforced coefficient increase, the bending capacity and stiffness are enhanced and the stiffness degradation is delayed, but it can decrease accumulated energy dissipation and ductility, generally speaking, axial compression ratio is beneficial to seismic behaviors in certain range.


