

Relationship between Modern Technology and Luxury Consumption From the Perspective of Philosophy

【作者】 王娜

【导师】 王前;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 现代技术的高速发展给人类带来了富足,也使一些人的生活方式逐渐走向奢侈。近年来,奢侈消费在我国迅速蔓延。多项市场调查表明,我国已经迈入奢侈消费大国的行列。奢侈消费的盛行会给社会生活和人们的精神世界带来哪些影响,不仅是一个重大的社会问题,更是一个不容忽视的哲学问题。现代技术在奢侈消费的产生与发展中扮演着十分重要的角色,同时又受到奢侈消费的深刻影响。本文将从哲学的本体论、伦理学和美学三个维度透视现代技术与奢侈消费的关系。奢侈是一种超越人类基本需求的欲望。奢侈消费作为一种社会行为,既指向人们物质层面的欲求,又指向符号、政治、文化等领域的精神层面欲求。从技术与奢侈消费关系历史发展过程来看,两者关系在不同时期呈现出不同的思想文化特征。在技术生产方式相对单一,现代市场经济尚未出现的社会条件下,技术尚未成为控制和操纵人类生活实践的力量,技术与奢侈消费的关系问题长期被纳入政治和伦理的框架中进行探讨。现代技术与奢侈消费的关系具有不同于以往的新特征。从本体论层面看,现代生产方式的变革带来了技术的社会功能的改变。技术成为一种控制社会的力量,而奢侈消费则是一种受到现代技术操控的社会存在;它同时又反作用于现代技术,使之朝向多元化发展。现代技术的批量生产方式逐渐使奢侈消费面向社会大众,技术设计作为一个独立的部门不断为社会大众设计消费的符号,并借由现代传媒技术造就符号化的消费方式,品牌符号的出现不断建构新的消费需求。奢侈消费的增加不仅为商家带来了巨大收益,也使奢侈品的研发和生产有了强大的经济支持。现代技术与奢侈消费关系的本质特征,具体表现为符号化、时尚化、大众化和休闲化。从伦理学层面来看,由于现代奢侈消费的本质是由技术建构出来的一种符号消费,它所满足的并不只是人们的基本物质生活需要,还包括人们在符号消费中获得的自由和富裕的象征。技术的符号操纵能够成为一种异化的力量,带来有关自由、公正和社会风尚方面的伦理问题。商家利用技术手段控制着消费者的意识、观念和行动,这是对社会个体自由的压制。现代奢侈消费的盛行,一方面扩大了社会贫富差距,使社会个体间的公正问题凸显;另一方面使人类的技术活动加重了对自然的破坏,出现了诸如权利、责任和代际公正等伦理争议。由于消费主体“去道德性”的自我实现方式获得了某种认可,社会认同越来越依附于技术所建构的符号,而非一种普适性的道德选择。现代技术所建构的符号不仅以观念文化的形式作用于人的意识形态,而且以经验的形式干预人的审美感受,使审美不再是一种“无功利的观照”,而是服务于消费目的的社会活动。现代技术的社会控制使审美的主体性不断被消解,审美标准走向多元化,形成一种碎片化审美活动。现代技术与奢侈消费的互动使审美实践陷入前所未有的困境之中,因此,必须在现代技术背景上进行审美意识的重建,恢复人的审美自由和判断力,实现审美活动的理性回归。在奢侈消费日益盛行的今天,对现代技术与奢侈消费关系的哲学透视不仅为这一问题的研究提供一种实然的阐释,而且从伦理和审美的维度反思了现代技术与奢侈消费的应然关系,这对分析和解决现代奢侈消费所带来的社会问题具有不可忽略的价值。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of modern technology brings wealth to human while it also makes some people’s lifestyle gradually get luxury. In recent years, luxury consumption has spread quickly in China. According to many market investigations, China has been a big country of luxury consumption. What impacts will the prevalence of luxury consumption bring to social life and spiritual word? It is not only a major social problem, but also an important philosophical problem. Modern technology has played a very important role in the production and development of luxury consumption which has deeply influenced modern technology itself. This article will research on the relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption from the dimensions of ontology, ethics and aesthetics.Luxury is a desire beyond the basic human needs. As a kind of social behavior, luxury consumption means people possess themselves of the materialized needs which point to both the material desire and the spiritual desire about symbol, politics and culture. The relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption shows different characteristics of spirit and culture in the process of their historical development. In the social condition that the way of production was relatively single and modern market economy had not yet appeared, technology had not become the power that controlled and manipulated human life and practice, and the relationship between technology and luxury consumption was explored in the frame of politics and ethics.The relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption has been endowed new characters different from before. In the facet of ontology, the transformation of the way of modern production brings the transformation of social function of technology. As a kind of social existence, luxury consumption is manipulated by modern technology which has become a power of social control, as the same time, luxury consumption also reacts to modern technology and makes it diversified. The way of batch production of modern technology gradually popularizes luxury consumption. Independent technical design department continuously provides symbol of consumption to the public, and try to formulate a symbolic consumption pattern by modern media technology. The emergence of brand symbol brings about new consumer demand. The increase of luxury consumption is not only proving quite profitable to businesses, but also providing great support to the R&D and production of luxury goods. The relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption is characterized by symbolization, fashion, popularization and leisure.In the facet of ethics, since modern luxury consumption is essentially a kind of symbolic consumption constructed by technology, it not only satisfies people’s basic material needs, but also contents them with symbols of freedom and wealth during symbolic consumption. The symbolic manipulation of technology can be an alienated power that brings many ethical problems about freedom, justice and social conduct. Businesses have controlled consumer awareness, attitudes and actions by modern technology, which suppresses the individual freedom. The prevalence of modern luxury consumption, is exacerbating the social wealth gap and protruding the justice issues between social individuals on the one hand, aggravating the destruction of natural by human’s technology activities which lead to the controversy about rights, responsibility and justice between generations on the another hand. It is recognized that consumers choose the way out of morality to achieve self-fulfillment, and people more and more depend on symbols constructed by technology to get social recognition rather than a universal moral choice.The symbols constructed by modern technology have both affected social ideology in the form of culture idea and meddled in people’s aesthetic feeling with experience, as a result, aesthetic activity is no longer "reflecting without utilitarian", but severing the aim of consumption. The social control of modern technology is constantly dispelling the aesthetic subjectivity, which leads to diversified aesthetic standards and fragmented aesthetic activities. The interaction of modern technology and luxury consumption has got the aesthetic practice into an unprecedented trouble, therefore, it is necessary to rebuild aesthetic, restore the freedom and judgment of aesthetic and restructure the rationality of aesthetic activities in the context of modern technology.In luxury consumption increasingly prevalent today, studying on the relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption from the perspective of philosophy has not only provided a comprehension of ontology for the issue itself, but also reflected on the relationship between modern technology and luxury consumption ought to be from the perspective of ethics and aesthetics, which is of great value for analyzing and solving the social problems brought by modern luxury consumption.

  • 【分类号】N02;B832.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】525
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