

Methods and Strategies for Short-term and Real-time Energy-saving Generation Dispatch Control of Power Grid with Rich Hydropower

【作者】 李树山

【导师】 程春田;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水利水电工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 节能发电调度是电力行业促进完成我国节能减排战略目标的重大举措。我国电网能源结构以水火电为主,节能发电调度的关键是研究行之有效的水火电调度方法,充分体现安全、经济、节能、环保原则。与火电占主导地位的电网不同,富水电电网的特点是水火电能源互补性好,节能减排潜力大,开展富水电电网节能发电调度控制研究,对节约化石能源,促进国家节能减排目标的完成具有重要的理论意义和工程实用价值。本文围绕节能发电调度背景下富水电电网短期和实时调度控制中存在的关键科学问题和技术难题,以运筹学、水电能源学、数学组合等基础理论为支撑,以水电富集的云南电网、贵州电网为工程背景,以节能调度电源发电顺序为主线,开展了大规模小水电发电调度、特大流域梯级水电站群调峰优化调度、火电系统节能优化调度、梯级AGC协调优化控制建模和求解方法研究。取得了一些有理论意义和工程实用价值的成果,主要内容概括如下:(1)通过对小水电调度管理现状和运行特性的分析,提出大规模小水电群多级断面控制负荷分配方法。该方法规范了小水电日前调度计划制定流程,摒弃了由调度机构单方编制计划的传统模式,根据小水电调度关系,对发电计划实行分级制作。在深入分析小水电运行特性基础上,引入自定义调峰规则,提出调度指令负荷分配方法,充分发挥小水电在电网中的调峰作用。采用集合理论对小水电群多级嵌套的并网结构进行描述和解析,并基于公平调度原则,提出多级超载断面计划校正方法,消除超载输电对电网安稳运行的风险。所提方法已在云南电网小水电管理技术支持系统中得到应用(管理电站1789座),德宏地调小水电群的实际调度结果表明,所提方法可以有效提高小水电调度计划的安全性和准确性。(2)针对我国电网负荷峰谷差日趋增大,电网调峰困难的问题,构建特大流域梯级复杂异构并网水电站群短期调峰电量最大模型。该模型以系统剩余负荷最大值最小为目标,为了便于优化求解,采用凝聚函数法建立替代优化目标。对于特大流域梯级水电站群存在的电站与机组分区并网问题,提出以电站和机组为调控对象,耦合改进的逐次切负荷方法、坐标轮换法、逐步优化算法、惩罚函数法、启发式策略的混合优化方法进行求解,充分发挥有调节能力大水电优质调峰作用,使剩余的系统负荷过程满足火电机组高效运行要求。乌江梯级水电站群的计算结果表明,所提模型和求解方法具有良好的调峰效果,是一种切实可行的方法。(3)以富水电电网中燃煤火电为研究对象,构建火电系统耗煤量最小节能发电调度模型,并提出一种动态机组组合与等微增率法相结合的混合求解方法。为了防止火电机组出力过程频繁波动,在模型中引入出力持续时段约束,并结合机组发电排序表设计了动态机组组合算法,为等微增率法在负荷动态分配过程中确定满足持续时段要求的节能机组组合。采用启发式的迭代修正策略对传统等微增率法进行改进,使分配结果满足机组爬坡速率、出力限制、出力变化趋势等复杂不等式约束。所提方法已应用于贵州电网节能发电调度计划生成系统,贵州电网汛期和枯期典型日实际调度结果表明,所提方法具有良好的节能效果,能够切实满足电网实际运行需求。(4)自动发电控制(automatic geration contral,AGC)是短期调度计划得以实施的执行环节。以特大流域梯级AGC协调控制为研究对象,综合考虑AGC中电网安全、振动区、调节速率、机组启停等约束,以梯级各电站日前计划电量为控制目标,构建电网AGC与梯级AGC协调控制模型。针对模型中厂间负荷分配、联合避开振动区、稳定断面超载控制等关键问题,引入AGC投入序位和相对耗水率比例,并结合数学组合和集合运算理论,系统地提出了电网与梯级AGC协调控制策略,主要包括AGC投入序位计算方法、电站组合确定策略、厂间负荷分配方法、组合振动区求解及联合避开策略、超载断面动态校正控制策略。乌江梯级AGC模拟闭环运行结果表明,所提策略是有效的,可以更好地实现实时在线控制与短期离线调度有机衔接,能够满足AGC安全性、时效性、实用性、经济性的要求。最后对全文做了总结,并对有待进一步研究的问题进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Energy-saving power generation dispatch is a major move in the power industry to promote to complete the strategic goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction. In China, power energy structure is given priority to with thermal power and hydroelectric. The key of energy-saving power generation dispatching is to research the effective hydrothermal scheduling method, in order to fully embody the principle of safe, economic, energy conservation and environmental protection. Different from the grid where thermal power is dominated, the characteristic of the grid with rich hydropower is that hydropower is plentiful, and the thermal power and hydropower have very good complementarity in it. The potential of energy conservation and emissions reduction in the grid with rich hydropower is considerable, so to carry out energy-saving power generation dispatching and control research of the rich hydroelectric power grid has important theoretical significance and engineering practical value for saving fossil energy and promoting the completion of the national energy conservation and emissions reduction targets. This research arises under the background of key science and technology problems of short-term operation and real-time control in the grid with rich hydropower. Based on fundamental theories of Operations Research, Science of Hydropower Energy and Combinatorial Mathematics, this research takes the grid with rich hydropower, such as Yunnan power grid and Guizhou power grid as its engineering backgrounds and takes energy-saving dispatching order of power generation as its main line to carry out large-scale small hydropower generation scheduling, devastating cascade hydropower station group of load optimization scheduling, thermal power system scheduling and the modeling and solving method of cascade AGC coordinated optimization control. The author has made some achievements for the theoretical significance and engineering practical value and these achievements can be wrapped up by presenting four points:Firstly, by analyzing the characteristics of small hydropower and operation rules, large-scale small hydropower generation scheduling method is proposed with the consideration of multistage section safety constraint. This method regulates the processes of making plans, abandoned the traditional way of planning models solely by related scheduling institution and carried out making plans by multi-institutions or related department for power generation. Load distribution method based on dispatching order and custom order of peak regulation are adopted to fully display ability of small hydropower in power grid in peak load regulation. The description and analysis of complex nested multistage interconnection structure of the small hydropower is based on the set theory. Besides, following the principle of the fair scheduling, transfinite section plan correction and proofreading method is designed to eliminate risk of stable operation of power grid caused by transmission in transfinite section. The above-mentioned method has been used in the management technology support system of Yunnan power grid including1789small hydropower stations, where the effectiveness has been verified available by the practical engineering.Secondly, with regard to the increasing gap between power grid load peak and valley in China and the problem of peak regulation, the maximum electricity short-term peak regulation model of complex hydroelectric power stations is established. This model is to minimize the maximum value of system remaining load. For the sake of optimal solution, the adoption of aggregate function replaces of optimal goals. As for the distribution and combination of the present power stations and power unit in extra-large watershed cascade hydropower stations, the regulation objects has shift to the combination objects of power stations as well as power units. A series of methods are adopted, including improved cutting load method, coordinate alternation method, progressive optimal algorithm, penalty function method and optimization by heuristic strategy. The aim is to make full use of large hydropower to regulate peak load and adjust remain system load to efficient operation of thermal units. The calculation results from Wujiang cascade hydropower stations indicate this model takes a good effect on peak regulation. Therefore, it is a feasible way to solve the existing problem.Thirdly, with thermal units in rich hydropower grid as the studying object, the minimum coal consumption generation scheduling model is constructed of thermal power system. A hybrid method of incorporating dynamic unit commitment into equal incremental principle is proposed in this paper. This model introduces duration period requirements in order to prevent thermal power unit from frequently fluctuating during output. Based on the unit power generation sequence, the dynamic unit commitment algorithm is designed so as to let the equal incremental discharge criterion meet the needs of sustained period of time demand for energy conservation unit commitment during the process of dynamic load allocation. With the adoption of heuristic iterative modification strategies, the traditional equal incremental principle is improved in order that the allocation results meet the needs of unit commitment complicated inequation limits including operation ramp rate limit, output limits constraint and generation variation constraints. This method has been applied to energy-saving power generation dispatch decision support system of Guizhou power grid. The practical scheduling results in typical day of flood season and dry season in Guizhou power grid has been taking good effect in energy conservation and proved to meet the practical operation needs of power grid.Fourthly, automatic generation control (AGC) is the essential condition to realize short-term scheduling. Relying on cascade AGC coordinated optimization control of extra-huge basin, the model of coordinative control power grid AGC and cascade AGC with taking into consideration of the constraints in power grid safety of AGC, vibration area, adjusting rate and unit commitment is built. Energy of day-ahead generation schedule of cascade stations is used as the control target, In view of the key problems of models on load distribution among factories, the joint avoidance with vibration area, stability of overload control, and relative proportion of water rate is brought in and grid coordinate with cascade AGC control strategy is proposed and connecting with the combination of mathematical theory, the coordinative control strategies of power grid AGC and cascade AGC is put forward systematically with the application of combinatorial theory in math. The control strategies include AGC input sequence method, unit commitment strategy, load distribution method among factories, the joint avoidance strategy with vibration area and stability of overload control strategy. The simulative closed-loop running results of cascaded AGC of Wujiang river main stream show that the proposed strategy is effective and it can better realize the organic link between the real-time online control and the short-term scheduling, which in turn can satisfy the AGC needs of security, timeliness, practicality and economics.Finally, a summary is given and some problems to be further studied are discussed.


