

Thermodynamic and Transport Performance for a High Temperature Absorption Heat Transformer

【作者】 郝兆龙

【导师】 马学虎;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 化学工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 能源紧缺和全球变暖已经引起世界各国政府和学术机构的高度关注,提高能源利用率、减小单位产值能耗已经成为世界范围内能源战略的重点之一。吸收式热变换器(Absorption heat transformer, AHT)作为热泵技术的一种,主要以废热源为驱动将低品位能量提升温度后重新利用,是一项节能环保的余热回收利用技术,具有广阔的市场和应用前景。为了扩展AHT技术工业余热回收利用的温度范围,实现高温热量的梯级利用,本文对高温吸收式热变换器(High temperature absorption heat transformer, HT-AHT)的热力和传递进行了较为系统的理论分析和实验研究。建立高精度高温溴化锂溶液相平衡实验系统,实验测定水和溴化锂溶液相平衡饱和蒸汽压与文献值吻合较好。测定了温度范围为156.06-257.84℃,浓度为43.14%、52.67%、54.26%、59.33%和65.26%的溴化锂溶液相平衡饱和蒸汽压数据,并对实验数据进行拟合,得到高温范围溴化锂溶液相平衡P-T-X计算式,为工业应用中运行在高温范围(150-250℃)吸收式系统的设计和运行扩展了溴化锂溶液基础物性数据的范围。提出(?)平衡-能级分析方法并建立了HT-AHT循环热力学模型,应用能级差表征能量传递过程中不可逆因素强度,将系统能量传递过程中(?)损失的数量因素和不可逆因素((?)损失机理)剥离,对系统(?)损失分布及机理进行全面的分析。结果表明,吸收器是(?)损失最大部件,大约占系统总(?)损失40-50%,其进出口流体温度差引起的不可逆因素占主导且受操作温度影响较小;其次是再生器,大约占10-40%,其进出口溶液浓度差引起的不可逆因素占主导,且受操作温度影响较大。低温工况下系统性能系数(COP)和(?)性能系数(ECOP)分别为0.25-0.48和0.4-0.7;高温工况下系统的COP和ECOP分别为0.4-0.46和0.8-0.9,HT-AHT在热力学第一和第二定律性能方面都明显优于常规温度下AHT系统。提出了HT-AHT-HP(高温吸收式热变换器-热泵联合循环)对高温热源能量梯级利用策略,在给定工况条件下,大约46%输入能量以205℃高温输出,98%输入能量以70℃的中温输出;高温输出(?)值占输入(?)的49%,中温输出(?)值占30%,实现了高温热源能量利用效率的最大化。应用VOF (Volume of Fluid)方法建立了三维功能涂层管外降液膜流动的CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)模型。模型中引入了表面张力动量源项来考察壁面疏水性对降液膜过程的影响。结果表明,液膜在涂层上端交界处形成积液环,达到一定厚度后以滴状流和溪流方式通过涂层区域,在涂层下端交界处液膜重新铺展为薄液膜形式。在积液过程、溪流过程和重新铺展过程中,液膜内部在轴向和径向两个方向实现了有效地扰动掺混。设计了两种涂层构型并对其降膜流动形态和内部流场进行分析,结果表明积液环液膜通过导流区域汇合后,#1构型涂层液膜重新分流为两条溪流,有效的减小了积液环厚度且增加了液膜润湿面积;#2构型涂层液膜再一次发生积聚过程,溪流厚度进一步增加,该过程进一步增强了径向方向液膜内部掺混作用。两种优化构型在液膜内部流场方面均实现了强制掺混的目的。实验考察了光滑管和优化设计功能涂层构型管传热传质特性,结果表明,#1和#2涂层管总传热系数较光滑管分别提高了21.47%和24.25%。设计和建立了HT-AHT实验系统,经过调试运行该实验样机各项性能指标均达到设计要求。其主要部件在150-205℃的高温高压操作,系统温升大于40℃,并辅以表面抗蚀技术,实验过程中系统设备没有明显腐蚀现象。实验结果表明:随着蒸发温度增加,COP和Qa(吸收器热负荷)增加;随着吸收温度增加,COP和Qa先增加后减小;随着再生温度增加,COP和Qa先是增加后略微减小;COP和Qa随着系统温升增加而减小;随着蒸发温度和吸收温度的增加,ECOP先增加后减小;随着再生温度增加,ECOP整体上呈现增加的趋势;当系统温升增加时,ECOP开始略微增加而后急剧减小。

【Abstract】 The continued rising of energy prices and global warming is remarkably attracting the attention of governments and academic communities around the world. Energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption per unit output has become the focus of world’s energy strategy. The absorption heat transformer (AHT) mainly driven by waste heat source for low grade energy reuse after ascending temperature is an energy conservation and environmental protection technology and has a broad market and application prospect. In order to extend the temperature range of industrial waste heat recycling of AHT technology, and realize the cascade utilization of high temperature heat, in this paper, the thermodynamic and transport performance for high temperature absorption heat transformer (HT-AHT) are investigated theoretically and experimentally.A high precision experiment system for vapor-liquid phase equilibrium of lithium bromide solution at high temperature is established and the results of saturation vapor pressure of water and lithium bromide solution obtained by experiment are in good agreement with the results in literature. The data of saturation vapor pressure of lithium bromide solution at the temperature ranging from156.06-257.84℃, the concentration of43.14%,52.67%,54.26%,59.33%,65.26%are measured. The fitting curves of P-T-X from experimental results for lithium bromide solution at high temperature are obtained. The scope of existing data is extended and these physical property data of lithium bromide solution are significant for the design and operation of high temperature (150-250℃) absorption system in industry.The exergy balance-energy level analysis method is proposed and the thermodynamics model of HT-AHT cycle is established. The energy level difference is applied to investigate the intensity of the irreversible factors in the process of energy transfer. The exergy loss distribution and its mechanism are comprehensively analyzed by separating the number factors and irreversible factors (exergy loss mechanism) of exergy loss in energy transfer process. The results show that the absorber is the element with the highest exergy loss, about40-50%of total system exergy loss. Irreversible factors caused by the temperature difference of input and output fluids are dominated and less affected by the operation temperature. The exergy loss of the generator is about10-40%. Irreversible factors caused by the concentration difference of import and export solution are dominated and significantly influenced by the operating temperature. The COP and ECOP of the AHT system are0.25-0.48and0.4-0.7at low temperature and are0.4-0.46and0.8-0.9at high temperature. This suggests that the performance of HT-AHT is superior to conventional AHT system in the first and second law of thermodynamics aspect. In the proposed combined cycle, a high temperature absorption heat transformer and an absorption heat pump (HAHT-HP) are employed to reuse the high temperature waste heat for higher thermal and exergy efficiencies. The energy distribution results of waste heat in the cycle show that around46%of the total input energy is available as a useful energy output at high temperature (205℃), about98%is available at intermediate temperature (70℃) and around43%waste heat at low temperature (40℃) is recovered by the cycle. The exergy distribution shows about49%is useful exergy output at high temperature.The three-dimensional CFD model is established to simulate falling liquid film flow on functional coating tubes with VOF method. The momentum source term with respect to the surface tension is introduced into the model to examine the influence of the surface wettability on falling liquid film flow. The results show that the effusion ring is formed at the top boundary of coating area. The liquid film flows through the coating area via droplet and rivulet flow after reaching a certain thickness and then liquid film spreads out as thin liquid film at bottom boundary of the coating. The intensified disturbance mixing effect of the axial and radial directions are formed within the liquid film during the effusion, passing and spreading processes. The mixing effect is beneficial to enhance the heat and mass transfer. The falling film flow pattern and internal flow field on the two kinds of designed coatings are analyzed. The results indicate that the liquid film is separated as two streams after the convergence of the liquid film with effusion ring by two diversion areas on#1configuration coating. The thickness of the effusion ring decreases and thus the mixing effect inside the liquid film is enhanced. The liquid film on the#2configuration coating converges into a rivulet flow again after a diversion area. The internal liquid film mixing effect in radial direction is enhanced although the thickness of the liquid film in rivulet flow increases. The forced mixing effect inside the liquid film is obtained by the above optimization configuration coatings. The heat and mass transfer properties of the smooth tube and the optimized design tubes with functional configuration coating are investigated experimentally. The results show that the total heat transfer coefficient of#1and#2coating tube are21.47%and24.25%higher than that of the smooth tube, respectively.The high temperature absorption heat transformer (HT-AHT) system is designed and built. The experimental investigations proved that all the properties of this prototype approach to the designed value. The experimental system is operated at the temperature of150-205℃and high pressure, the gross temperature lift of the system is over40℃. The corrosion phenomenon is insignificant due to the usage of surface anti-corrosion technology. The experimental results show that the COP and Qa increase with the increase of the evaporating temperature, and increase firstly and then decrease with increasing the absorbing temperature, and increase firstly and then decrease lightly with the increase of generating temperature, and decrease with the increase of GTL. The ECOP increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of evaporating temperature and absorbing temperature, and increases with the increase of generating temperature, and increases firstly and then decreases rapidly with the increase of GTL.


