

Research on Key Technology and Equipments for Advanced Support Used in the Ends of Fully Mechanized Mine Face

【作者】 张鹏程

【导师】 孟国营;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 机械电子工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前综采工作面使用的端头及超前支护装备存在空顶面积大,支护区域小,巷道宽度适应性差等缺点,制约了工作面安全高效生产。论文以济二矿井23下07工作面运输顺槽为应用背景,基于虚拟样机技术,研究了一种新型端头及超前支护装备。该装备一组由5个具有齿形边缘顶梁的支架组成,各支架顶梁之间彼此啮合,实现长达12m的总体支护长度,支护宽度3.5m,高度3.7m,同时设有直角式双侧可调护帮机构,对巷道两帮进行支护。论文应用Pro/E对该装备进行了运动学仿真,验证了设计的合理性。另外,根据行业标准,针对顶梁均载等7种工况,应用Ansys进行了有限元强度分析,结果表明装备整体强度及关键部件的强度均满足设计要求,安全系数合理。同时论文研发了新型支护装备的液压系统,配合四连杆机构,可有效控制支架,避免反复支撑破坏顶板。工业性试验表明,采用本新型超前支架,对顶板及两帮的维护效果优于传统的单体液压支柱支护方式,工作面采煤推进速度相对较快,支护设备的维护强度较低、安全性高。

【Abstract】 Most ends support and advanced support applied currently, with such shortage aslarge suspending roof area, small supporting area and hard adaptability to the changeof road width, have limited production in safety and efficiency.This dissertation studies a new type of ends and advanced support equipmentusing virtue protype technology, with application background of Ji-er coal mine23-07mining face, which is comprised of five single support with top beams mesh eachother through tooth-like edge, so it has the whole protecting length of12m, width of3.5m and height of3.7m. The top beam also have right angle sprag units adjustable inboth sides to support wall.The result of kinematic simulation of the equipment by Pro/E prove thereasonability of this design. In addition, finited element analys is applied on theequipment strength by ANSYS, under seven conditions of top beam. The results showthat strength of both the whole equipment and key components meets the requir ofdesign with reasonable safe coefficence. Also, it developes a set of hydraulic systemwhich together with the four-bar linkage, could control avoid repeated supporting tolead to roof beakage.The results of industrial shows that, this new-type equipment, has better effecton roof and wall supporting than the traditional supporting method of single hydraulicprop, leading mining face move more fastly, and the support equipments are of lessmaintenance strength and of more safety.


