

Excavation and Utilization on Tourism Resouces in Nanjing Yeshan Mine Wasteland

【作者】 汪静

【导师】 胡振琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 土地资源管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国矿山开采完毕后留下的废弃地,面临着资源利用转型的困扰。本文以南京市冶山铁矿区为例,以景观生态学等多个学科为基础,以可持续发展等理论为核心,针对冶山矿废弃地旅游资源进行挖掘和利用。首先,采用2006年及2013年Landsat系列影像资料,综合应用RS技术、GIS技术,从时间和空间上对矿区生态及土地利用状况进行动态监测,并利用调查所得地质分析图等图件建立地理信息数据集;选取旅游相关的景观指数,在土地利用变化图的基础上,分析研究区景观格局,并论证矿山与外部的关联性对旅游资源开发的影响;调查汇总研究区内旅游资源类型与分布,建立了评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析法及德尔菲法对矿山旅游资源进行评价与分析;提出矿山旅游资源的具体空间组织与优化对策,得出针对冶山铁矿区的旅游资源开发与保护策略及具体的生态修复方案。研究充分证明,利用冶山周边的旅游集聚圈区位优势,合理利用特色旅游资源符合冶山矿的资源利用转型的需要。

【Abstract】 The abandoned mines left behind mining in our country are facing challenge of changingutilization stytle. This study take Yeshan mining area as an example, based on landscape ecology,with the sustainable development theory as the core theory, excavating and utilizing the tourismresouces in Yeshan mine. Firstly, based on GIS and RS technology, process the images from landsatin2006and2013to monitor the changes of land use. And use the relative datum to establishpreliminary geographical information system. After selecting tourism landscape index, analyzing thepattern and distribution of this study area and making a discussion about the effects of correlationwhile excavating the Yeshan tourism resource. Based on the summary of the tourism resourses indifferent types and distribusions, establish a series of assessing system to analyze the Yeshan minetourism resources by using AHP and Delphi method. This study also comes up with acountermeasure which is related to specific spatial organization and optimization on Yeshan miningarea. In order to protecting the tourism resources, a specific plan has been made according to thecountermeasure mentioned above. This study strongly proved the fact that taking advantage of thecharacteristical mining tourism resources and the tourism gathering circle effection, excavating andutilizing the tourism resouces in Yeshan mine is an appropriate thought to satisfy the need oftransformation of resource utilization.


