

Comparative Study between Urban Morphology of the Historical Districts in Guangzhou and Birmingham

【作者】 姚圣

【导师】 田银生;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 源于西方的城市形态学,为研究城镇景观形态构建了完整的理论和方法体系,并不断加强城市形态学研究和城市保护规划之间的联系。城市形态学已经开始突破欧洲城市的研究局限,正在向世界范围内其他不同的文化环境中扩展。其中,康泽恩城市形态学派的研究学者们已经在中国开展了一系列的案例研究。面对中国城市形态的研究困境,本文试图将城市形态研究方法调整后,应用到广州的历史街区研究中,同时选取英国伯明翰的历史街区进行跨文化对比研究,挖掘形态差异背后的动因。最后,在形态研究的基础上,归纳出历史街区形态演变的规律,并对城市保护规划提出建议。本文的核心是中英历史街区形态的跨文化比较研究,伯明翰和广州案例的城市形态比较研究是全文的主体部分。本文分别选取了代表广州和伯明翰的传统历史街区——塞利奥克街区和荔湾宝华路街区,运用城市形态区域化理论进行对比研究:从平面单元、建筑类型、土地和建筑利用及其内部细分的形态要素分别展开比较分析,梳理中英案例区域不同的城市形态演变过程,挖掘其背后不同的社会经济动因,最终形成整体的城市形态区域理解。本文在第一章的绪论中,首先会阐述本文的研究意义和目的,然后评述了中国的城市形态学和历史街区方面的研究状况;在第二章中,首先会介绍西方城市形态学的概况,包括城市形态学的概念、发展历程、当代各学派的整合等;同时进一步阐述了康泽恩城市形态理论及其相关应用,并重点讨论了城市形态理论在城市保护规划中的应用,这也是城市形态学未来发展的重点方向。之后说明了康泽恩城市形态理论在中国应用的困境及其破解方法。最终确定本文的研究方法及框架。从第三章到第六章是本文的案例研究部分——“塞利奥克街区”和“荔湾宝华路街区”的比较研究。第三章解答了“为何选取这两个案例”的问题,分别叙述了两个案例的历史地理背景,说明两个案例区域的选择缘由和比较研究的意义:两者是在相近时间跨度,相同城市区位下形成的传统商住混合街区,分别代表了伯明翰和广州的典型街区形态。第四、五、六章分别从城市形态区域的三要素:平面单元、建筑类型、土地和建筑利用的角度对中英案例进行比较分析。第四章的平面单元研究中,平面单元被继续细分为街道系统、地块模式、建筑平面布局等形态要素,通过不同层次的形态对比分析,挖掘背后的动因:英国城市在精细化的规划控制下形成了规整稳定的形态肌理,而中国城市在粗放式规划管理下,以民间自主性的开发为主,因此形态肌理相对混乱。第五章的建筑类型研究中,发现塞利奥克街区内形成了一套完整的建筑类型体系;而荔湾宝华路街区中,晚清民国时期形成的传统岭南建筑类型体系,建国后却出现了断裂,建筑类型体系陷入混乱。在土地和建筑利用的研究中,塞利奥克案例大致属于“功能微调”的发展过程,而荔湾宝华路案例属于“急剧变化”的发展过程。最终在综合形态三要素的研究结果基础上,总结得出第六章的城市形态区域:塞利奥克案例在“渐进式”发展过程中,形成了“分区状”的城市形态区域;荔湾宝华路案例在不断“重复改造”的过程中,形成了“拼贴状”的城市形态区域。城市形态背后反映出的是两者不同的城市发展命运:伯明翰幸运的平稳年代和广州遭受的动荡年代。第七章首先探讨了城市发展与保护之间的关系;然后对历史街区的形态演变规律进行了总结,强调了平面单元,尤其是街道系统对城市形态的控制力;同时分析了中英城市不同的发展政策和管理制度对城市形态的影响,检讨了近年来国内旧城改造过程中所犯的错误;最后提出历史街区形态保护的建议:认为城市形态具有极强的历史地域特征,历史街区形态的保护应该以城市形态区域为基础,建议形态要素的保护次序:街道——地块——建筑——土地利用。论文最后的总结中,认为塞利奥克区域在伯明翰相对平稳、持续发展的社会经济环境下,遵循了“先规划,再建设,后控制”的发展顺序,城市形态呈现出渐进式发展的特征,并形成了历史时段特征明显的城市形态区域。而荔湾宝华路案例在广州相对波动、剧烈变化的社会经济环境下,遵循的是“先建设,后规划,再改造”的发展顺序,城市形态在重复性的城市改造活动下,形成了历史类型混杂的城市形态区域。本文的创新在于,调整西方城市形态学的研究理论以适应中国城市的文化环境,选取中英城市案例区域,在微观形态层面进行跨文化比较研究,并建立城市形态研究与城市保护规划之间的联系。

【Abstract】 Urban morphology which is originated in the west, constructed a system of theory andmethod to analyze the urban landscape, and strengthened the relationship between theresearch of urban morphology and urban conservation. The research has breakthrough thelimit of just European cities, is now extending to the other different cultural environment inthe worldwide. The research scholars of Conzenian school have done a series of case studiesin China. Facing the difficulties of research in China, this thesis tries to adjust the method tothe environment of Chinese cities, then apply it to the case study of historical district inGuangzhou, and carry out a cross-cultural research between the cases in Birmingham andGuangzhou, and find the causes of urban form. At the last, it tries to generalize the rules of theevolution of historical district, and put forward suggestions for the urban conservationThe core of this thesis is Sino-British cross-cultural research of historical district, themain part is the comparison between the case studies in Guangzhou and Birmingham. Thisthesis chooses the typical traditional historical districts in Guangzhou andBirmingham----Selly oak area and Baohua Road area. This thesis apply the method of urbanmorphological regionalization to the comparison: compares the two cases from the point ofview of plan units, building types, land and building utilization, combs their differentevolution of urban morphology, excavate the different Socio-economic motives, try tounderstand the urban morphological regions.Chapter1is introduction. First, it will elaborate the purpose of my research. Then, it willintroduce the situation of the research of urban form and historical district in China. InChapter2, firstly it is the overview of western urban morphology, including the concepts,developments, and the integration of different schools. Meanwhile, it will further elaborate thetheory of conzenian school, and focus on the application of the theory into urbanconservation which is the emphasis of the research of urban morphology in the future. Then, itillustrates the difficulties to apply the conzenian theory to the research of Chinese cities andhow to solve it. At the last, it will talk about the method and framework of this thesis.Chapter3to6is about the comparison of the two cases----“Selly oak area” and “LiwanBaohua Road area”. Chapter3answers the question of “why choose these two areas”. Itrelates the background of the two areas, and explain the reason of choosing these them andthe meaning of comparison: they are both the traditional areas of mixture of residential andcommercial land in Birmingham and Guangzhou, which are in the similar time span,and in the similar urban regaining. Chapte4、5、6will compare the two cases from the point of viewof plan units, building types, Land and building utilization which are the three factors ofurban morphological region. In the analysis of plan unit in chapter4, plan unit is subdividedinto three form elements of street system, plot pattern, building arrangement. On the basis ofdifferent levels of morphological comparison, it will excavate the different form of the twocases, and then find the causes of urban form. Under the control of elaborate planning, Britishcities formed a regular stable morphological texture. And under the management of extensiveplanning and autonomy folk development, the form of Chinese cities become relativelyconfusion.Chapter5is the analysis of “building type” and “land and building utilization”. There is acomplete set of building type system in Selly oak. On the other hand, from Qing to Minguoperiod, there is a traditional lingnan building type system in Baohua road area. But it fracturedafter1949, and the building system fell into disorder. In the research of land and buildingutilization, selly oak area is in the process of “functional trimming”, and baohua road area isin the process of “rapid change”. At the last, on the basis of the three components, it gets theurban morphological region in chapter6. In the process of “gradual development”, it formsthe shape of clear zoning of urban morphological region in Selly oak area. And in the processof “repeat transformation”, it forms the shape of “piece collection”. The different urban formreflects the different social-economic evolution process: the peaceful decades of Birminghamand the unrest decades of Guangzhou.In the chapter7, firstly it investigates the relationship between urban development andurban conservation; and then it summarizes the rules of the evolution of historical district,emphasizes that plan units especially the street system has great controlling force for theurban form; meanwhile it analysis the influence of development policy and managing systemfor the urban form; and criticizes the mistake of urban conservation in Chinese cities theseyears. Then I think urban form has strong historical and geographical features, and theconservation of historical district should consult the urban morphological region, and supposethe protection order of form element: street—plot—building—land utilization.At last, it is the conclusion. First, it summarizes the conclusions of comparison of the twocase studies. In the relatively stable, sustainable developmental social-economic environmentin Birmingham, following the order of development which is“planning—construction--control”, the urban form of Selly oak areas shows thecharacteristics of “gradual development”, and the urban morphological region shows obviouscharacteristics of historical period. In the relatively fluctuated, dramatically changing social-economic environment in Guangzhou, following the order of development which is“construction—planning--transform”, the urban form of Baohua road area shows thecharacteristics of mixed historical types, which is in the repetitive urban transformation mostof the time. And the innovation of this thesis is that it tries to adjust the method to theenvironment of Chinese cities, carry out a cross-cultural research between the cases inBirmingham and Guangzhou, and establish the relationship between urban morphologicalresearch and urban conservation.


