

Study on the Pendulum Wave Energy Converter

【作者】 邱守强

【导师】 叶家玮;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 海洋波浪能是海洋能源中最为丰富的能量形式之一,它是一种可再生能源,开发利用波浪能进行发电已经有二个多世纪。目前随着人口增加,能源消耗量的上升,石油、天然气等常规能源的消耗殆尽以及环境污染的日益严重,人们不得不开始关注新的能源形式,这种能源形式的开发利用必须是符合环境友好、经济可行的可再生能源以及可持续发展的理念。因此时代呼吁新能源技术的高速发展,新能源能量的转换、存储和传输的理论与技术是21世纪能源与工程的前沿性课题。选择海洋波浪能的利用开发作为博士课题是对人类社会发展中能源问题的深刻思考与正确认识,更是时代背景赋予当代青年的重任与义务。相信未来属于可再生能源,我们需要创新的技术途径。相信波浪能转换技术将在未来的能源市场中将发挥至关重要的作用。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上对当前波能转换装置的研究进展以及现状进行了解,对波能转换装置的技术难点和关键点进行分析的基础上选择摆式波能转换装置作为研究对象。首先开展了固定铰接摆式波能转换装置的物理模型实验研究,对不同模型形状进行优化筛选,对负载阻尼进行寻优,对不同压载工况进行比较并研究了装置系统不同能量转换阶段的各级转换效率。其次基于势流理论对物理模型进行了二维和三维分析计算;从理论角度研究了固定铰接摆式波能转换装置的水动力性能并和实验结果进行了比较分析。再次从实型设计和开展装置实海况试验的目的出发,在实验室进行了基于漂浮阵列布置的摆式波能转换装置的实验研究,进行了不同的模型组合排列布置方式下波浪能的总转换效率的大小比较,得出了在实验排列组合范围内的最佳波能转换形式。并且对传统的摆式波能装置的能量吸收方式进行了改进,提出了“摆式振荡浮子”的方案,即同时对摆式模型进行摇摆和垂荡两个自由度方向上的能量进行吸收,试验证明这种方案是可行的,进一步为实型设计、制造以及实海况实验提供了依据和参考。最后在上述大量试验和理论研究的基础上,进行了波能装置的实型设计、施工和实海况试验。采用了“摆式振荡浮子”的方案,对部分摆式波能装置进行了摇摆和垂荡两个自由度的复合波能吸收。通过实海况实验,突破了若干关键技术,对装置设备的各项性能进行了海试,主要有阵列装置的独立稳定发电能力;水下可靠的控制与监控性能;适应不同海况的升沉压载性能;具有一定抗浪能力的系泊与自保护系统;可靠的结构形式及生存能力等。并进一步改进了波浪发电设备,提高了发电效率,降低了建造成本。实海况试验证明了基于漂浮阵列布置的摆式波能转换装置的可行性,为该种形式的波能转换装置的实用化和工程化提供了技术支持和工程经验。综上,基于自主创新漂浮阵列布置的“摆式振荡浮子”方案多种组合的实验优化,结合中国沿海波浪能密度较低以及远海波能资源比较丰富的现实,提出并成功实现了适用于海上布放的漂浮式阵列摆式波能转换装置。首次实现了对该种装置的远程操控,视频监控,通讯监测等主动控制方式,提高了系统的安全性和人机互动性。区别于传统的摆式波能转换装置的单一运动模态,首次实现了对波能转换装置进行摇摆和垂荡两个自由度方向同时进行波能转换的复合模式实海况实验。通过对浮式基础的压载主动控制,实现了对波能转换装置系统适应不同波况和吃水的灵活性掌握,克服了传统固定式装置对岸基的依赖,使其更加适应环境潮位的变化。

【Abstract】 As a kind of renewable energy and one of the richest forms among the oceanenergy, it has been exploited for more than two centuries. Renewable energy has beengiven a good deal of attention with the development of the world such as populationgrowth, increasing energy demand, exhausted conventional energy resources, pollutionof the environment and so on. Moreover, the exploitation of the new energy form mustcoincide with the concept of the sustainable development and be nonpolluting andlow-cost. Rapid development of the new energy technology has being a call of thetimes, and theory and techniques of the conversion, storage and delivery of the newenergy is a frontier subject. It is a deep thinking and correct understanding to take theexploitation of the wave energy as a Ph.D topic, and arduous task the era gives to theyouth. It is believed that the renewable owns its prospective and play a important rolein the near future.Fully understanding about the research progress and status of the wave energyconverters has been done on the base of abundance of literature and document. Thependulum wave energy converter has been chosen as the study objects after thecomprehensive techniques and key knowledge have been understand. Firstly, modeltest of the fixed type pendulum wave energy converter articulated against bottom shaftwas carried out. Two different model shapes were compared for optimization, inaddition, optimization of the damping and ballast condition were also processed, withthe study of the separate energy conversion efficiency. Secondly, two and threedimensional calculation of the model about the hydrodynamic characteristics was doneon the base of the potential theory, and the results were compared with those of themode test. One more, model test of the floating type array arrangement pendulum waveenergy converter were launched in the lab. The overall conversion efficiency was takenas the indexes to compare several permutations and combinations of the wave energyconverter, the optimal scheme was obtained among the selected permutation andcombinations, the results can be an important reference to the real sea test. The schemenamed "pendulum oscillating buoy" was proposed against energy conversion pattern of the conventional pendulum wave energy converter, which can be illustrated to achievethe energy absorption by integration of the pitching and heaving freedoms and it hasbeen verified feasible in reality. Finally, the prototype was constructed and real testwas conducted on the base of the above studies. And the scheme of "pendulumoscillating buoy" was applied in the prototypes. Several key techniques were brokenthrough in the real test and tests on the equipments for particular use were conducted,mainly on the independent and stable power output, underway reliable control andmonitoring system, sinkable ballast control system, robust and self-protect mooringsystem strong survivability in storms and so on. And at the same time, improvementson the generation assembly were carried out to increase the efficiency of power outputand reduce the cost. It has been demonstrated by the real test that the floating typearray arrangement pendulum wave energy converter system was a success and had itsunique advantages, a lot of experience were gathered and several key techniques weregained to put this type of wave energy converter to practical use and engineeringapproaches.In short, multi-composition optimization based on the independent innovationfloating type array arrangement scheme of "pendulum oscillating buoy" wereconducted experimentally. The scheme was proposed and achieved in the real sea testsuccessfully combined with the fact that the low density of the ocean energy in Chinacoastal area. The active remote control of the converter was obtained for the first timeso that the safety was maintained friendly. Energy conversion of two different freedomssimultaneously was also achieved successfully in the real sea state, which wasdescribed as composite mode. Meanwhile, the floating type array arrangementpendulum wave energy converter can sink and rise freely regardless of the tidalfluctuation depending on the ballast control, which wouldn’t be a realist for a fixedashore wave energy converter.

【关键词】 波浪能摆式波能转换阵列装置漂浮
【Key words】 Wave energypendulumwave energy conversionarrayconverterfloating
  • 【分类号】TM612;P743.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】418
  • 攻读期成果

