

Research on Optimization&Regulation of Land-use around Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 王成芳

【导师】 孙一民;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前,中国城市轨道交通进入一个快速发展期,但关于轨道交通沿线站点土地利用相关理论研究相对滞后,国内相关实证研究和量化研究较薄弱。广州近十多年来轨道交通发展迅猛,现已初步形成轨道交通网络,通过轨道交通引导城市格局和空间形态转变的指导思想初现端倪,沿线站点地区联合开发方面积累宝贵的经验和教训,具备当前中国轨道交通快速发展下的许多大城市轨道交通站点地区建设的典型特征和共性问题。本文从实证研究的角度出发,以广州市现有开通运营的110个地铁站点周边用地为研究对象进行基础调研和相关深入研究,从多学科交叉的研究视角探索轨道交通站点周边用地优化策略,以期为未来广州城市轨道交通建设及周边用地优化调控提供相关建议,也为国内其他大城市轨道交通周边土地利用协调发展提供相关实证参考和借鉴。论文主要分为三个部分展开阐述:第一部分为基础研究,对目前国内外关于轨道交通站点地区用地与交通互动反馈相关研究若干文献资料进行梳理和分析,对国内外典型城市的相关建设实践或实证研究进行解析,并从理论基础、实践借鉴、研究视角和技术支撑四个方面构建城市轨道站区用地优化研究的框架,此外还结合广州轨道交通发展历程解析城市轨道站区优化的趋势与挑战,为后文实证研究及优化对策奠定坚实的基础。第二部分为实证研究,是本论文的研究核心,主要结合广州既有地铁站点周边用地展开实证调研,通过实地踏勘摸查,采集第一手数据,基于城市设计视角解析站点地区空间要素,并基于GIS空间分层的思路构建站区GIS综合数据库;同时,充分利用GIS平台及各种空间统计分析,从不同空间尺度(城市尺度和站点街区尺度)展开多维度实证研究------从社会维度分析站点网络与城市公共中心的空间耦合关系,从经济维度分析站点网络与城市基准地价的关系,从空间维度分析不同类型站点地区用地空间布局和不同时期典型站点空间形态演变特征等,针对广州既有地铁站点周边用地现状特征和存在问题进行深入剖析,为下一步提出用地优化对策提供有力的实证研究。第三部分为策略研究,是基于上述实证研究的重要延伸与拓展,基于轨道站区具备节点和场所的双重特性,分别从宏观、中观、微观三个层面提出相关优化对策,建议打造与城市公共中心高度耦合的轨道网络体系,构建凸显公共中心特征的站点分类体系将交通节点和城市节点融为一体,提出以轨道交通站点为触媒通过站区场所营造从多个维度将城市轨道交通站区优化与城市更新有机结合,并结合广州市既有轨道沿线站点土地利用进行反思或提出优化建议。

【Abstract】 Currently, urban rail transit has entered a period of rapid development in China metropolises.However, the theoretical research on land-use along urban rail transit corridor is relativelylagging behind. In the past dozen years, rail transit has sprung up in Guangzhou, and initiallyformed a rail transit network. Meanwhile, the guidelines of transforming the urban structure andspatial design through the rail transit began to take shape.In terms of joint development, the areasalong the the urban tranist have accumulated a lot of valuable experience and lessons, and havethe typical characeteristics and common problems which are also possessed by many metroplis inthe urban transit area development under the rapid development of rail tranist in China. Thispaper, from the perspective of empirical research, had a survey and related research on theland-use surrounded110subway station in Guangzhou, explored optimization strategy ofsurrounding land-use from a multi-disciplinary overlapping aspect. The aim is to provide someadvices for the future construction of Guangzhou rail transit and surrounding land-use optimizingcontrol, and also offer empirical reference to the other metroplis of China on this hand.This pager is mainly divided into three parts as follows:The first part is the basic research, which has analyzed a number of document literatureabout the study of the current rail transit station land-use and traffic interactive feedback at homeand abroad, and some practice or empirical study about relevant construction in typical citiesnationwide and worldwide. It has built the framework of study about land for the urban ratiltransit station from the following four aspects: theoretical basis, practical application, researchperspective and technical support. Moreover, it has combined the develop history of Guangzhourail transit, analyzed the optimizaing trends and the accompanying challenges of urban rail transitstation area. It established a solid foundation for later empiracal research and optimizing strategy.The second part is the empirical research, which is the core of this paper. It is mainly tohave the empirical research on the surrouding land-use which is combined with the existingsubway station and collect the first-hand data through the on-the-spot reconnaissance. It analysedspatial elements of site area, and built GIS integrated database based on the idea of GIS spatialstratification. At the same time, it made full use of GIS platform and all kinds of spatial analysisto conduct a multi-demenstional empirical study from the different spatial scales, including urban scales and site blocks scales. From social dimension, we studied the spatial coupling relationshipsbetween site network and urban public center. From economic dimension, we studied therelationships beetween site network and benchmark land price of the city. From spatial dimension,we studied the spatial layout of different kinds of station land use and the characteristics ofevolution of typical spatial form in different times, and so on. Th paper had a thorough analysison the current features and exiting problems of land use around the existing subway staion inGuangzhou. It provided a powerful empirical research for the next part.The third part is the strategic study, which is based on the above important extension andexpansion of empirical research and the dual charateristics of rail station area-node and site. Itprovided relevant optimazing counterplan from the macro, meso and micro levels, and suggestedto build a rail network system highly coupled with the urban public center and establish a siteclassification system with apprarent public center characteristics blended the traffic node and citynode together. It proposed to combined the optimization of urban rail transit station areasproperly with the regeneration of the whole city through building station placemulti-dimensionally, which is assisted by rail transit station. It also had a reflection and providedoptimizing ideas combined with the land use around the existing subway station in Guangzhou.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2231
  • 攻读期成果

