

Research on Realistic Design Thoughts of Lingnan Architecture School

【作者】 陈吟

【导师】 唐孝祥;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 岭南建筑学派的建筑师秉承岭南文化开放、务实、兼容、创新的精神,立足现实条件、直面现实问题、把握现实矛盾,以高扬现代主义理论旗帜、凸显地域文化特色为基点和起点,历经近一个世纪的历史变迁和社会发展,薪火相传,一脉相承,形成了具有丰富内涵的现实主义创作思想。基于建筑史学和建筑美学的视角,本文以岭南建筑学派的创作思想为研究对象,梳理出自现代主义建筑思想传入岭南起至今近百年间的发展轨迹及阶段特色,以期将个体建筑师的自我思想表述串“点”成“线”、连“线”成“面”,既可更真实地还原历史全貌,又可促进未来建筑创作实践以及建筑史学研究、建筑设计理论研究、建筑美学研究等的繁荣发展。首先,第二章针对“岭南建筑学派”这一尚未在学术研究中正式立论的概念进行辨析。通过明确现代科学学派成立的基本标准、论述学派存在的重要价值,论文尝试从岭南建筑学派的学术阵地、代表人物、学术思想、代表作品、学术影响等多个方面较全面地论述了“岭南建筑学派”的学理合法性。其次,第三章从宏观上提出岭南建筑学派创作思想具有“现实主义”特色,并引入“现实主义”美学理论、阐释了论文的基本认知和立场,进而,就岭南建筑学派创作思想萌生的时代契机、继承的地域文化传统、引进的建筑思想来源进行了解析,认为其创作思想具有现实主义导向。再次,通过归纳、整理、提炼相关素材,第四章、第五章、第六章深入分析了功能现实主义、地域现实主义、文化现实主义三个维度的创作思想探索,提出其分别体现了技术理性、风格自律、体系建构的阶段性特征,表现出岭南建筑学派现实主义创作思想逐步丰富、完善、体系化的过程。最后,基于上述内容,第七章展开了关于岭南建筑学派现实主义创作思想的评论,勾勒出其创作思想的发展脉络,挖掘出现实主义创作思想对于岭南建筑学派的价值,揭示出其整合技术理性与价值理性的未来走向。本文的目标在于论析“岭南建筑学派”的学理合法性,揭示岭南建筑学派创作思想的逻辑层次、内容特征,阐释岭南建筑学派创作思想的现实主义特色和现实主义精神,进而提出尚有深入到个体建筑师研究、学派整体性研究、各地域建筑思想比较研究等理论拓展空间。

【Abstract】 The architects of Lingnan Architecture School consistently uphold the openness,pragmatic attitude, compatibility and innovative spirit in Lingnan culture, basing on practicalconditions, facing practical problems, solving practical contradictions, has formed a realisticdesign ideology in the long course of development over the past century, which is famous forits modern standpoint and regional characteristics. From the perspective of architecturalhistory and architectural aesthetics, this dissertation studies the design thoughts of LingnanArchitecture School, aims to analyze its development track and various qualities since modernarchitectural theory was introduced into Lingnan, so as to integrate thoughts of all distinctiveLingnan architects, to rehabilitate its true history, as well as to promote the prosperities ofresearch in architectural history, architectural design and architectural aesthetics.Chapter2defines the concept of Lingnan Architecture School, which has not beenofficially recognized in academic writings. Through discussing the standards for a School andthe significance of a School, the author concludes that the concept of Lingnan ArchitectureSchool could be established for its solid academic basis, including its academic base, majorfigures, academic views, representative works, and academic influences, etc.Chapter3puts forward that the design thoughts of Lingnan Architecture School havedistinct realism characteristics. Thus, the author analyzes the Realism theory, and furthermore,deals with the era chance, regional cultural tradition and intellectual origin of this designthoughts.Chapter4, Chapter5and Chapter6make a profound analysis on era background andideological connotation of the three dimensions of its design thoughts, which are functionalrealism, regional realism and cultural realism, and then respectively demonstrate their distinctfeatures, which are technology rationalism, style self-discipline and system construction,exhibiting a process of being enrich and improved gradually.Lastly, based on above analysis, Chapter7makes some comments on realistic designideology of Lingnan Architecture School, hopes to sketch the thread of its development, toexplore its value, and to predict its future trend objectively.This dissertation aims at establishing the academic validity of Lingnan ArchitectureSchool, revealing the contents and realistic characteristics of its design thoughts. Ultimately,the author points out that there still are expanding space on this research, such as onindividual architect, comprehensive study on Lingnan Architecture School, and comparativeresearch on design thoughts of different region, etc.


