

Research on High-voltage Transmission Line Condition Monitoring Based on Optical Fiber Sensing Technology

【作者】 罗健斌

【导师】 李立浧;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “西电东送”工程中长距离的高压架空输电线路大多需要穿越高海拔、多积雪、重覆冰的地区。这些地区的地形地况复杂,给线路巡视带来了极大困难,耗费大量的人力物力进行检测,也难以及时准确地获得监测数据。采用可靠、有效的方法对长距离高压架空输电线路进行监测,是实现电力系统安全、稳定运行的重要措施。近年来,国内外高校、研究机构越来越重视输电线路状态监测设备的研发。现有的监测装置多采用电子式传感器,存在使用寿命短、恶劣环境下性能劣化,需要采取额外的取能和通讯装置的问题;电子式传感器易受高压输电线路强电磁场干扰,长期运行存在诸多不稳定因素。因此,急需研究新型的监测的方法和装置,满足电力系统对于输电线路实时状态监测的需求。随着光纤传感技术的发展,测量性能的提高,光纤传感器相对传统电子式传感器的优势日益显现。电力系统中光纤通信的广泛使用,有利于光纤传感技术应用于电力设备的状态监测。为此,本论文针对光纤传感技术应用于输电线路状态监测以及其应用进行了科学性的探索,依托中国科学院上海光机所与华南理工大学光通信材料研究所,研制了适用于输电线路状态监测的光纤传感设备,主要研究工作和成果如下:1.研究了光纤光栅传感器测量输电线路荷载的方法。分析了输电线路荷载变化时,绝缘子金具受力产生的微应变;研制了应用于输电线路荷载的光纤光栅传感器及其配套金具;研究了传感器金具与光纤光栅传感器的应力传感系数;采取温度补偿的措施以消除温度变化对光纤光栅传感器测量的影响;并进行了应力的校准试验,拟合出测量精度与测量量程之间的关系。2.试验研究了光纤光栅传感器测量高压架空输电线路荷载。在南方电网特高压工程技术国家工程试验室的±800kV直流输电试验线段上进行了光纤光栅传感器测量输电线路模拟覆冰真型试验;采用小波分析对试验数据进行处理,确定输电线路荷载变化的时间点;提出了可变时间窗口算法对输电线路荷载的变化进行分析和预警;验证了光纤光栅传感器测量输电线路荷载变化的可行性。3.提出了高压架空输电线路状态监测分布式布里渊光纤传感技术。研制了适用于高压架空输电线路状态监测的分布式布里渊光纤传感装置;采用CUDA(Compute UnifiedDevice Architecture),通过GPU对分布式布里渊光纤传感装置采集得到的高频数据进行FFT频谱分析,大大提高了计算速度,减小了测量的响应时间;理论研究了分布式布里渊光纤传感装置测量输电线路温度和应力的可行性。4.试验研究了分布式布里渊光纤传感装置测量光纤复合相线(OPPC)、光纤复合地线(OPGW)温度和应力。在人工气候室内,模拟不同温度以及覆冰条件下,采用分布式布里渊光纤传感装置测量OPPC/OPGW温度;模拟OPPC/OPGW受不同外力时,采用分布式布里渊光纤传感装置测量OPPC/OPGW所受应力的变化。5.研究了输电线路光纤传感技术的应用。建立了输电线路舞动的三维模型,模拟了线路舞动时各个位置的力学关系;提出了采用分布式布里渊光纤传感器测量输电线路分布应力变化,通过光纤光栅传感器测量和记录输电线路荷载变化,实现舞动的测量;提出了采用分布式布里渊光纤传感器测量输电线路分布温度,实现弧垂监测、覆冰预警以及动态增容。

【Abstract】 In the West-East electricity transmission project, most of the long-distance overheadtransmission lines need to cross high altitude, snow cover, and ice coating areas. These areasare generally coupled with complex topographical conditions, which bring great difficulties totransmission line patrol and maintenance. Even a lot of manpower and material resourceswere costed to detect the overhead lines, it is difficult to obtain and feedback accuratemonitoring data in time. Hence, reliable and effective method for on-line monitoring of thestatus of the long-distance transmission lines is an important measure for power systemsecurity, stability, reliability and other operational targets.In recent years, domestic and all over the world universities, research institutions, andcompanies have paid more and more attention to research and development the monitoring ofoverhead transmission line. Electronic sensors are used in most of the existing transmissionline monitoring devices. However, electronic sensor will bring a lot of problem, such as shortlife, deterioration of performance in harsh environments. In addition, the electronic sensor issusceptible to strong electromagnetic interference of high-voltage transmission lines, andadditional energy supply and communication devices were needed to install, which may causemany factors of instability to affect the long-term reliability of existing transmission linemonitoring device. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study the new transmission linecondition monitoring method and device to meet the requirments of the real-time monitoringof the transmission line.With the development of optical fiber sensing technology, the measuring performance ofoptical fiber sensor is improved rapidly. Compared with the traditional electronic sensors,optical fiber sensor’s advantage is increasingly emerging. Optical fiber communication hasbeen widely used in power system, which is very convenient for the optical fiber sensingtechnology used in the on-line monitoring of transimission line. Therefore, this paper makescientific exploration of optical fiber sensing technology and its application used intransmission lines online monitoring, the research work and achievements are as follows:1. A fiber grating sensor measure the overhead transmission line load was researched.The overhead transmission line load change and the insulator fittings micro-strain generatedby the load were analysed; The FBG (fiber Bragg grating) sensors and its ancillary fittingsused in overhead transmission line load were developed; The transfer coefficient between thesensor fittings and FBG stress sensors was researched; Temperature compensation was taken to eliminate the influence of temperature change in the measurement of the FBG sensors; andthe stress calibration experiment was carried on, the relationship between the measurementaccuracy and measurement range was fitted.2. Experimental Study of the FBG sensors measure the overhead transmission line load.The prototype experiment of FBG sensors measuring transmission line simulation ice coatingwas carried on at the±800kV DC transmission test line in the Southern Power Grid UHVEngineering Technology National Engineering Laboratory; wavelet was used to analyse theexperimental data to determine the time point of the transmission line load changes; variabletime window difference algorithm was presented to analyse and early warning the loadchanges of the transmission line; the feasibility of fiber grating sensors measure thetransmission line load change was verified.3. The online monitoring of the distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing technologyused in overhead transmission lines was presented. Distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensingsystem for the online monitoring of the transmission line was developed; GPU was used toaccelerate the FFT spectrum analysis of the Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensing systemthough CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), which greatly improved thecomputation speed and response time of the measurement; Theoretical discuss the feasibilityof the distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing system measuring the transmission linetemperature and stress.4. Experimental research of distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing system measuredtemperature and stress of OPPC (optical fiber composite phase line) and OPGW (fibercomposite ground wire). In in artificial climate room, different temperature and icingconditions were simulated, the distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing device was used tomeasured OPPC/OPGW temperature; OPPC with different external force was simulated, thedistributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing device was used to measure the stress change ofOPPC/OPGW.5. The application of optical fiber sensing technology for transmission line was discussed.Established a3D model of conductor galloping, simulate the mechanical relationship ofvarious locations when the conductor galloping. Theoretical Study on stress distributionmeasurment of conductor galloping, which was monitored by overhead transmission linedistributed Brillouin fiber sensor; FBG sensors measure and record the overhead transmissionline load changes wrere used to estimate the frequency and amplitude of conductor galloping.The sag, the icing warning, dynamic capacity increase was proposed by using overheadtransmission line distributed Brillouin fiber sensor temperature distribution measurement.


