

【作者】 薛军

【导师】 汪戎;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 政治经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 土地是人类社会发展不可缺少的生产资料。随着经济的不断发展,土地的稀缺性愈发突显。近年来,我国由土地引发的各种问题也越来越受到社会的关注,特别是伴随着对土地的巨大需求,土地征用问题愈发突出。因此本文将研究视角集中在对于我国征地制度的研究上。我国现行征地制度尚存在,如公共利益界定不清,征地补偿标准过低等缺陷,而这些缺陷又引致一系列的社会问题,引发社会矛盾。征地制度的问题究其原因,就在于没有找到效率目标与公平目标实现的均衡点。具体而言,政府征地的首要目的在于通过土地使用权的转移提高土地利用效率,但是在提高土地收益的同时,征地制度安排没有妥善处理好土地增值收益在利益主体间的分配问题,这一问题导致了征地过程中,政府与农户之间冲突矛盾加剧,征地制度公平问题产生。而公平问题的产生又会引发大量的交易成本,影响征地制度效率的提高。因此,什么样的制度安排可以解决效率目标与公平目标的均衡点问题,构成本文研究的主要内容和意义所在。主要研究内容及形成观点包括:一是,对征地制度变迁进行分析。通过对我国建国至今的征地制度演变分析,可以看出,尽管一直以来我国征地制度试图解决征地制度效率与公平目标的均衡问题,但是探寻至今,我国现行征地制度依然无法很好的将征地中的外部成本完全的内在化,导致我国征地制度在实现效率与公平的目标均衡中仍存在若干问题。二是,基于效率与公平的视角对现行征地制度存在的问题进行分析。从效率角度看,征地制度存在补偿标准低、征地管理不完善导致征地制度低效率,加之因征地制度所引发的延迟开发,在出让环节的政府干预,以及征地过程中利益主体的道德风险问题都导致征地制度低效率运作。从公平角度看,通过对云南省被征地农户对征地制度公平性评价的调查,可以看出,大部分被征地农户认为征地制度有失公平。主要表现在为,现行征地制度缺乏对被征地主体征地意愿的考虑;现行征地制度没有赋予农户应有的参与权;征地后收入水平不升反降;与相邻被征地农户征地补偿标准存在差异。三是,制度根源分析。之所以存在上述问题是由于中央政府、地方政府与被征地农户之间复杂的制衡关系以及各自的行为决策所导致的。就中央政府而言,中央政府试图参与土地收入分享的举措,法律规定中存在的诸多漏洞,以及中央政府监督机制的不到位,加大了征地制度的运行成本,阻碍了效率与公平的实现;就地方政府而言,财政制度“激励”、中央政府与地方政府权力结构变化、地方政府的财政幻觉、经济主体间利益目标差异、政绩引导惯性以及利益集团的影响是导致地方政府征地制度目标偏离的主要原因。就失地农民而言,激励严重不足、免费搭车普遍化及少数食利集团的存在,农民与地方政府间的制衡关系以及失地农民的反抗方式是增加了征地制度的交易成本,阻碍目标实现的根源。四是,基于效率和公平的视角对征地补偿机制进行探讨。基于上述分析,本文试图在征地补偿机制上实现效率与公平目标均衡。由于征地问题集中体现在征地补偿问题上,解决了征地补偿制度效率与公平目标均衡点问题在很大程度上解决了征地制度问题。为此,通过构建实现均衡点的货币化补偿模型,并补充以制度化的非货币化补偿方式可以实现上述目标。理论研究显示,当征地补偿比例为s时,货币补偿可以将外在交易成本全部内在化。由于补偿实践中单一的货币补偿不一定能够满足农民的多元化的公平需求,因此,理论上存在的均衡点需要现实中制度化的非货币补偿机制,如采取留业安置、土地入股分红安置、就业技能培训等的补充得以实现。最后,对本文主要观点进行总结,并提出基于宏观层面及微观层面的政策建议,以及研究展望。

【Abstract】 Land is indispensable means of production in the development of human society.With the development of the society, land scarcity becomes obvious.In recent years,the problems caused by land concerned by the societyespecially with the huge demand for land,land expropriation issues become prominent. There fore, this paper focused on the study of land expropriation system.The existing land expropriation system still has some defects such as ill-defined public interest, low land expropriation compensation standard and these defects have gave rise to a series of social problems,led to social coflicts.The reasons of the above problems are because the balance point of the goals between efficiency and equity is not found.So, what kind of institutional arrangements can address the equilibrium of efficiency and equity constitute the main content of this paper.The main contents and ideas are as follows.Firstly, analysis of land expropriation institutional changes.By analyzing the institutional changes of land expropriation,it can be seen that although the system has been trying to balance the efficiency and equity objectives,but so far,the existing system still not be able to internalize external cost fully. There for, there are still a lot of problems.Secondly, Anlyze the problems of the existing land expropriationg system from the perspective of efficiency and equity.From an efficiency point of view,the drawbacks of the system are as follows, low compensation standard, poor management,delayed land development, inappropriated government intervention and moral hazard of stakeholders. From an equity point of view,the majority of the farmers whose land is expropriated by the government believe that the system is not fair.Because the existing land expropriation system lacks of considering the willingness of the farms; the existing land requisition system didn’t give farmers the right to participate; the income of the farmers decreased rather than increased;different compensation standard between the adjecent land.Thirdly,root cause analysis. The reasons of the above problems are due to the complex relationships between the central government, local government and farmers whosed land was expropriated and their behavior decisions.For the central government,the initiatives of trying to share the land revenue with local government,management loopholes in laws,inadequate supervision increase the operating costs;For the local governments,the incentive of the financial system,the changes of the power strcture between the central government and the local government,fiscal illusion of the local government,the interest objectives differences between the economic agents,the inertial performance guidance and the effect of the interest groups are the main reasons.For the farmers whose land were expropriated,lace of incentives,free rider,the presence of rentier group,the complex relationship between the farmers and local government,the way of revolt increase the transaction cost of land expropriation system.Forthly, discussion on the land expropriation compensation mechanism from the perspective of efficiency and equity.Based on the above analysis, this paper attempts to balancing efficiency and equity objectives by land expropriation compensation mechanism.Since land acquisition issues embodied in the issue of land compensation,by achiving the equilibrium between the efficiency and equity objectives frome the land expropiration compensaiton mechinism can also achive the goal of land expropriation system largely.Therefore,by building the monetary compensation model, and adding to the non-monetary compensation can achieve these goals. Theoretical studies show that when the proportion of land compensation is the specific value, the monetary compensation can internalize all external transaction costs. As single monetary compensation may not be able to meet the diversified fair demand of the farmers,therefore, in order to meet the equilibrium point, the settlements non-monetary compensation mechanism, such as leaving some land, sharing land dividends,training employment skills are needed.Finally, summarize the main points in this paper, and propose policy recommendation based on the macro level and micro-level, and then propose research prospects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

