

Study on Influencing Factors and Improving Countermeasures of Economic Benefit of Animal Husbandry in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 汤洋

【导师】 李翠霞;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “十二五”以来,黑龙江省畜牧业稳步发展,产业规模迅速扩大,产业素质持续提高,核心竞争力不断增强,重点发展奶牛、肉牛、生猪三大主导品种,深入推进《黑龙江省五千万头生猪规模化养殖战略工程规划》与《黑龙江省千万吨奶战略工程规划》的“两个千万工程”建设,畜牧业获得长足发展,为调整优化黑龙江省农业和农村经济结构、维护国家食品安全、促进农民增收做出了重要贡献。但目前黑龙江省依然面临畜牧业发展方式落后、科技支撑不足、组织化程度不高、标准化规模化养殖亟需提高等问题,尤其是畜牧业与种植业结构优化、畜牧业经济效益水平提升等问题亟需解决。因此,深入研究黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素及提升对策问题具有重要的战略意义与深远影响。本文针对黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益问题,以经济效益理论、投入产出理论、结构优化理论、市场需求理论为基本理论依据,运用经济学、运筹学、统计学相关分析方法,基于大量数据资料和过往相关研究成果,揭示黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益变化趋势、特征与存在问题,明确黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素,从畜牧业投入因素、市场需求因素以及畜牧业结构因素等多角度进行分析研究,为促进黑龙江省畜牧业的优化发展,为政府部门提供畜牧业优化发展的决策依据。本文首先阐述了畜牧业经济效益影响因素及提升对策研究的相关概念界定及理论基础,在此基础上分析黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益水平发展现状,利用灰色关联分析方法求得各影响因素的重要性排序,然后从畜牧业投入因素、市场需求因素、结构因素三个维度对黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素问题深入剖析,借鉴发达国家畜牧业经济效益提升的先进做法与有效经验,最后提出黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益提升的对策建议。本文清晰地对畜牧业经济效益概念进行了界定。即:畜牧业生产活动的劳动成果与劳动消耗(占用)之比,或产出的经济成果与消耗的资源总量(包括劳动力资源、资本资源、自然资源)之比,可简称为畜牧业的“成果与消耗之比”、“产出与投入之比”,“所得与所费之比”,以此反映畜牧业生产活动中产生的经济效率及其相应的收益,就是畜牧业经济效益。同时,本文明确了畜牧业经济效益影响因素分析的三个主要对象。一般看来,畜牧业经济效益影响因素分析主要包括如下三项内容:畜牧业经济效益的投入因素;畜牧业经济效益的市场需求因素;畜牧业经济效益的结构因素。三项内容相辅相成,共同影响畜牧业经济效益水平。本文应用灰色关联分析方法实现对影响畜牧业经济效益的主要因素的重要程度排序。同时,本文通过将畜产品产值、总成本、成本利润率三大指标统筹考虑加以分析,摸清成本利润率变化规律,准确把握黑龙江省畜牧业成本收益动态变化中的重要特征。即:高产值伴随着高成本;控制成本是保障畜牧业收益的关键;奶类成本收益能力处于领先水平。同时,本文准确把握黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益的基本现状。包括:黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益总体水平不高;成本增长过快制约黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益提升;黑龙江省畜牧业总体收益稳定性较差;畜产品总体收益率偏低应引起关注。黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素之一即为投入因素,本文通过分析得出物质与服务费用、人工费用均对畜牧业成本水平产生重要影响,进而对畜牧业整体经济效益水平产生明显影响。黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素之二即为结构因素,重点为畜牧业与种植业结构优化问题,即采取何种方法测算二者的比例比重问题。本文创新应用运筹学中的优化模型实现了基于黑龙江省种植业与畜牧业效益最大化的种养殖结构优化,求得了规划最优解,取得了较好的优化结果。具体来说,该结构优化模型能够在满足所有约束条件的可行解中求得最优解,表明该规划模型的目标函数设定正确,约束条件设置合理,能够顺利求得最优解,达到了预期目的。黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素之三即为市场需求因素。本文以黑龙江省畜产品的市场需求变化特征与影响因素作为研究对象,通过多维度、多角度梳理黑龙江省畜产品的总体市场需求变化情况,总结黑龙江省城乡市场畜产品消费特征。在此基础上,以猪肉市场消费为突破口,研究畜产品总体市场需求变化的影响因素,主要从市场价格水平因素、区域经济发展水平因素、居民消费价格水平因素、市场发育程度因素、居民收入水平变化因素、人口数量变化因素的角度加以分析,明确各要素影响市场需求的主要途径。本文在多角度剖析黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益影响因素的基础上,最终提出了黑龙江省畜牧业经济效益提升对策建议,为政府部门制定畜牧业经济效益水平优化的措施提供支撑依据。对策建议:有效控制投入要素成本;合理优化种植养殖结构;妥善配置畜禽内部结构;适当简化流通环节链条;积极强化市场体系设置;不断加强价格调控能力;有力增强科技支撑能力。本课题在前人研究的基础上,力求突破与创新。在种植业与畜牧业结构优化分析过程中,创造性地应用运筹学中的结构优化分析方法,建立了规模模型,合理设置目标函数与约束条件,求得了规划最优解,取得了较好的优化结果。虽然本文是针对黑龙江省的种养结构优化,但从结构优化模型解决某一固定地区种养结构问题能力的角度考虑,该结构优化模型具有较强能力,值得在全国范围内深入推广。同时,本文充分借鉴发达国家先进管理经验,在宏观上提出要做好畜牧业发展的7项对策建议,具有一定的现实意义与参考价值。因此,希望通过本课题的研究,可以为各级政府制定有关畜牧业宏观政策提供科学的理论依据和决策参考,为国内其他相关课题的研究奠定坚实的理论基础,也使畜牧业生产者懂得各类因素影响畜牧业经济效益的渠道,及时发现效益变动的苗头,能够做出最正确的生产经营决策。

【Abstract】 "Twelve Five-Year" since the steady development of animal husbandry was in Heilongjiang Province, industry has expanded rapidly, industrial quality continued to improve, and constantly enhance the core competitiveness, focusing on the development of dairy cattle, beef cattle, pigs three leading varieties, further promote the "Heilongjiang fifty million scale breeding pigs strategic project planning" and "ten million tons of milk in Heilongjiang Province strategic project planning ", two million project construction, to obtain rapid development of animal husbandry for the adjustment and optimization of Heilongjiang Agricultural and rural economic structure and safeguarding national food security, increase farmers’ income has made important contributions. Heilongjiang Province, but is still facing backward mode of development of animal husbandry, science and technology support inadequate level of organization is not high, standardized scale farming urgent need to raise other issues, especially livestock and crop structure optimization, enhance the level of economic issues such as animal husbandry should be solved. Therefore, in-depth study of Heilongjiang Province Animal Husbandry economic optimization influencing factors and improving measures has important strategic significance and far-reaching impact.In this paper, Aiming at the problem of economic benefit of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province, take the input-output theory, structural optimization theory, the theory of market demand as the basic theoretical basis, the use of economics, operations research, statistical correlation analysis method, based on large amounts of data information and past relevant research results reveal economic trends Heilongjiang animal husbandry, characteristics and existing problems, clear economic benefit of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang province influence factor, analyse and research from animal husbandry input factors, market demand factors and the structure of animal husbandry factors such as multi angle, to promote the optimal development of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province, to optimize the development of animal husbandry departments to provide basis for decision making.This paper first describes the economic optimization influencing factors and improving measures of livestock related concepts defined and theoretical foundation, based on this take the analysis of the level of economic status of livestock development in Heilongjiang Province. Then carry on the analysis of the various factors affecting the importance ranking using grey correlation, from the three dimensions of input factors, market demand factors and the structure factors to carry on in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of animal husbandry economic benefit in Heilongjiang province, learning advanced experience from developed countries economic benefit promotion and effective experience, finally puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to the economic benefit promotion of the animal husbandry of Heilongjiang province.This paper describes the economic optimization of animal husbandry related concepts defined and theoretical basis. This paper argues that the labor of animal husbandry production activities and labor consumption (occupied), or the ratio of output and consumption of economic outcomes of total resources (including labor resources, capital resources, natural resources) ratio can be referred to as animal husbandry "results and the ratio of consumption","the ratio of output to input"," the fee income and the ratio" in order to reflect animal husbandry production activities which are economically efficient and their corresponding income is animal husbandry economic benefits.Meanwhile, the paper identified three main target of economic factors affecting livestock, General view, animal husbandry economic influencing factors include the following three elements:livestock inputs factors, market demand factors and structural factors. Three elements complement each other, the combined effect of the level of economic efficiency of animal husbandry.This paper realizes the important degree sort of the main factors to influence on the economic benefit of animal husbandry. According to the gray correlation calculation results, take the achievement of important factors sort. Meanwhile,this paper accurately grasp the important feature of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province dynamic changes in the cost and income. The output value of animal husbandry, product total cost, cost profit rate of the three indicators into consideration to analyze, find out the cost profit ratio variation, lays the foundation for the follow-up study. The main features include:high value with high cost; the cost control is the key to ensure the animal husbandry income; milk cost profit ability is in the leading level. Meanwhile, the paper accurately grasp the basic economic status of livestock in Heilongjiang Province. Include:general economic Heilongjiang Animal Husbandry level is not high; costs of excessive growth of Heilongjiang Province Animal Husbandry enhance economic constraints; Heilongjiang Province Animal Husbandry overall income is less stable; low overall yield of livestock should be cause for concern.One of the influencing factors of economic benefit of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province is the inputs factor. This paper analyzes derived material and service costs and labor costs, the two have a significant impact on the level of livestock costs, and produce significant economic impact on the overall level of animal husbandry.The second influencing factor of economic benefit of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province is the structural factor, the key is the structure optimization problem between livestock husbandry and farming, is that which measure adopted to measure the ratio of the proportion of the problem between the two. This paper used the optimization model to realize planting and breeding structure optimization based on the Heilongjiang Province maximizing the benefits of planting and breeding, and seek the optimal solution for planning, achieved better optimization results.Specifically, the structure optimization model can satisfy all the constraints in the feasible solutions optimal solutions, indicating that the programming model is set up correctly the objective function, constraints set reasonable, optimal solutions can be successfully reached the intended purpose.The third influencing factor of economic benefit of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province is the market demand factor.The paper took animal husbandry products in Heilongjiang Province characteristics and changes in market demand factors as the research object, multi-dimensional, multi-angle comb Heilongjiang overall market demand for animal husbandry products changes, summarized in Heilongjiang Province livestock consumption characteristics of urban and rural markets.On this basis, take the pork market consumption as a breakthrough, to study factors affecting the change of the overall market demand of animal husbandry, mainly from the market price level factors, the level of regional economic development factors, the consumer price level factors, market factors, resident income level factors, population factors analysis, clear the factors affecting the main way of market demand.This paper put forward the implementation of animal husbandry of Heilongjiang province economic benefit optimization. Key work:effective control of cost;optimization of planting and breeding structure; properly configure the internal structure of livestock; optimizing the circulation link chain; optimize market system; optimize price regulation mechanism.This paper on the basis of previous studies, tries to break through and innovation. In the process of farming and animal husbandry structure optimization analysis, creatively applied the structure optimization of analysis method, established the scale model, a reasonable set of target function and constraints, the programming optimal solution, achieved better results. Although this paper is planting structure optimization in Heilongjiang Province, take the structure optimization model of the solution of a fixed area planting structure problem ability into consideration, the structure optimization model has strong ability, worthy of further promotion in the national scope.Meanwhile, fully learn the advanced management experience of developed countries, put forward the seven suggestions at the macro to support livestock development, so this study has certain practical significance and reference value.Therefore, I hope that through this topic research, can provide theoretical basis and decision-making reference to scientific macro policy for all levels of government to formulate animal husbandry, lay a solid theoretical basis for the study of other related subjects, make the livestock producers know the channel that all kinds of factors influencing the economic benefit of animal husbandry, discover the benefit changes sign, to make production and management decision.


