

Evaluation of Ecological Competitiveness of Coal Enterprises and Empirical Research

【作者】 王文良

【导师】 杨昌明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 节约资源,保护环境是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径,是我国一项长期的基本国策。生态建设是以改善生态环境、提高人民生活质量,实现可持续发展为目标,并以科技为先导,把生态环境建设和经济发展结合起来,促进生态环境与经济、社会发展相协调。国家经济建设和社会发展必须与环境保护和生态建设相协调。煤炭开采是一个高耗能、高污染、高风险的行业,在煤炭开采中,如何贯彻《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》和《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》,如何正确引入“绿色开采、生态和谐”的发展理念,构建绿色矿山、和谐矿区,是煤炭行业可持续发展面临的一个重要课题之一。煤炭是我国的主要能源,煤炭行业属于我国重要的能源基础行业,也是我国经济可持续发展战略中的一个关键行业。这主要是由我国的国民经济发展趋势和资源禀赋条件决定的,并且还使我国以煤为主的能源消费结构在较长的时期不会发生根本变化。然而人们将煤作为能源,在其被利用的过程中,势必释放出大量的SOx、烟尘、NOx等污染物,造成环境不断污染、生态日益恶化等问题。由于煤含碳量较高,为产生同样热量,其与石油、天然气相比,所排放的C02是最高的,因此,C02作为温室气体,其大量排放造成全球变暖、气候反常。随着人民生活水平的提高,人们对环境的要求越来越高,因此煤炭作为主要能源资源,其利用、排放都需要控制,也需要对煤炭企业的生态竞争力进行客观的考量,从而保证生态环境的可持续发展。义马煤业集团股份有限公司提出总体发展战略思想,即一个友好和谐的科学发展,两大跨越;产业聚集的大型集团,相关的多元扩张;煤的基础设施升级,企业员工的高效运行;“本质安全,安全义煤”。以科学发展观为指导,提出“三步走”的发展战略,2007-2010年强势起步,2011-2015年科学跨越,2016-2020年强势腾飞。2010年初,义煤集团及时调整了“三步走”发展战略,给第二阶段赋予了新的位置和要求,即科学的飞跃:注重安全生产的部署和同一时间的快速发展的追求,明确提出要坚持发展和可持续发展的质量,重视制度文化建设,义马煤炭特色文化的形成;注重职工和提升幸福指数,逐步改善工作环境和生活环境;注意对环境和资源的保护,大力推进循环经济的发展;积极倡导绿色经济,低碳发展,实现人与自然的和谐,努力使义煤集团成为国内领先的,可持续发展的品牌企业。义煤集团是国有特大型煤炭企业,主要生产贫瘦煤、焦煤、无烟煤和洗精煤,它们广泛应用于炼焦、造气、发电、工业锅炉和建材等行业,产品广销国内20多个省区,同时还涉足制造、发电、水泥、氧化铝、煤化工等领域。煤炭企业生态竞争力评价研究是一个全新的课题,内容涉及生态经济理论、企业竞争力理论及企业生态竞争力理论等。煤炭企业注重生态、发展清洁生产技术、走循环经济发展道路,实现绿色发展,是中国走新兴工业化道路,实现经济社会可持续发展,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的必然选择。为了实现煤炭企业转变经济增长方式,发展生态经济,创新建设资源节约型环境友好型企业,最终改变竞争格局,丰富基于现有研究理论和企业生态竞争力评价的理论和方法,以促进煤炭企业的生态竞争力的提升。煤炭企业生态竞争力评价即运用循环经济、生态经济等相关理论,分析煤炭企业运行中导致高耗能、污染大、超排放等影响因素,构建指标体系和模型以评价煤炭企业生态竞争力,分析影响煤炭企业生态竞争力之因素,培育与提升煤炭企业生态竞争力,最终实现煤炭企业的绿色发展。论文在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,针对煤炭企业的特点,首先,明确基于生态经济的煤炭企业生态竞争力的内涵,界定了煤炭企业生态竞争力的相关概念;其次,通过影响煤炭企业生态竞争力的要素的分析,从生态环境、经济、管理水平、企业核心能力等维度构建煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系,运用分类树法、灰色系统理论和模糊综合评价模型评价煤炭企业生态竞争力;开展义煤集团生态竞争力评价实证研究;最后提出了培育与提升煤炭企业生态竞争力的对策与措施。本论文的整体结构分为七章,主要研究内容如下:第一章是绪论,主要指出了论文选题的背景及研究意义。首先综述了国内外学者对企业竞争力概念、企业竞争力理论、企业竞争力评价、企业生态竞争力理论及煤炭企业竞争力的研究现状;其次阐述了本文的研究思路、主要研究内容和方法,最后概括了本文取得的主要研究成果和创新点。第二章是企业生态竞争力相关理论概述。该章阐述了企业生态竞争力的相关理论内容,从企业竞争力的角度分析,并切入到企业生态竞争力的相关内容。叙述了企业竞争力的基本内容,提出了企业生态竞争力的重要性及现实意义,探讨了构建煤炭企业生态竞争力评价模刑的理论基础:可持续发展理论、绿色发展理论、循环经济理论、低碳经济理论等,这些理论为煤炭企业生态竞争力评价研究奠定了坚实基础。第三章对煤炭企业生态竞争力有关内容进行了分析研究。首先指出煤炭企业发展过程中面临的主要问题,引出煤炭企业生态竞争力研究的迫切性;然后论述了煤炭企业生态竞争力的基本概念、内涵以及评价指标的确立、评价方法等。煤炭企业生态竞争力的核心就是可持续发展理论,因此,要实现煤炭企业的可持续发展,要使企业更长久的生存,获取更大的经济利益,应该不断减少生产带来的污染,为经济社会做出更大的贡献。第四章构建了煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系。本章首先分析煤炭企业生态竞争力的影响因素,其次结合煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系设计原则及设计方法,构建煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系。第五章构建了煤炭企业生态竞争力评价模型。首先研究了企业竞争力评价方法,并对各种评价方法进行对比分析,其次分别运用分类树、灰色系统理论及模糊综合评价模型对煤炭企业生态竞争力进行了研究,并分别构建了相应的评价模型。第六章是义煤集团生态竞争力评价实证分析。首先分析了义煤集团生态竞争力现状,然后分别运用分类树理论、灰色系统、模糊综合评价模型对义煤集团生态竞争力进行了实证研究,最后提出义煤集团生态竞争力培育与提升对策。第七章是全文总结与研究展望。总结本文研究内容,并对研究中发现的问题及研究缺陷提出展望。本文在生态经济理论、企业竞争力理论、企业生态竞争力理论的指导下,紧紧围绕煤炭企业生态竞争力这一主题,以理论知识为指导,采用系统分析、因素分析、定性和定量、实证相结合的分析方法,对煤炭企业生态竞争力分析方法的选择、影响因素的确定、评价指标的建立、评价模型的构建进行了深入研究。同时,根据煤炭企业的特点,构建了煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系,并根据企业生态竞争力评价理论,构建了煤炭企业生态竞争力评价模型,同时进行了实证分析,力争在指标体系的构建和评价方法等方面有所创新。(1)提出了煤炭企业生态竞争力的概念论文基于原有的企业生态竞争力的内涵,针对煤炭企业的特点,提出了煤炭企业生态竞争力的概念,明确了煤炭企业生态竞争力基本特征、基本意义、应用范围、竞争力的评价指标体系以及评价方法等内容。(2)构建了煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系和评价模型针对煤炭企业实际,以生态经济理论为指导,构建了由5个一级指标和29个二级指标组成的煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系;在分析比较各种评价方法的基础上,从实际出发,选择分类树、灰色系统和模糊综合评价作为煤炭企业生态竞争力评价模型。(3)运用煤炭企业生态竞争力评价指标体系和评价模型,开展了义煤集团企业生态竞争力评价实证研究。评价结果显示,义煤集团生态竞争力处于良好状态,符合企业实际。从义煤集团生态竞争力的现状及问题出发,通过对义煤集团的企业生态竞争力的实证研究,提出了增强义煤集团生态竞争力途径与方法,期望对义煤集团生态竞争力的培育和提升起到实质性的推动。

【Abstract】 Saving resources and protecting the environment is a strategy of sustainable development, an important part of the national economy, is a long-term basic national policy. Whether it is in the economic construction and social development, ecological construction goals and motivations will lose, on the contrary, do not consider the ecological construction and environmental protection, economic and social sustainable development is an empty phrase. The country’s economic construction and social development must be coordinated with environmental protection and ecological construction. Coal mining is a high energy consumption, high pollution industry, coal mining, and how to implement the "Circular Economy Promotion Law in the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China Clean Production Promotion Law", how to correct the introduction of the "green mining, ecological harmony" philosophy, ecological harmony mine important measures to build an ecological civilization development and building a harmonious society, from a new road to industrialization resources coal consumption is low, less environmental pollution, high technological content, good economic returns, the coal industry is facing an important issue.Coal is the main source of energy in our country; the coal industry is China’s important energy infrastructure industry, China’s economic sustainable development strategy in a key industry. This is mainly decided by China’s national economic development trends and resource endowments, and also in a longer period of time will not be a fundamental change in China’s coal-based energy consumption structure. However, the people of the coal as an energy source, its use, is bound to release large amounts of pollutants such as SOx, soot, NOX, causing environmental pollution, ecological issues such as deteriorating; due to the higher carbon content of coal, to produce the same heat, with petroleum, natural gas, compared to the CO2emissions are highest, CO2as a greenhouse gas, and its large number of emissions that contribute to global warming and climate anomalies. With the improvement of people’s living standards, people have become increasingly demanding environment, therefore coal as the main energy resource, its use, emissions need to be controlled, objective consideration of ecological competitiveness of coal enterprise, in order to ensure the ecological environmental sustainability.Meaning of Coal put forward the overall development of the strategic thinking that a friendly and harmonious scientific development, the two spans; industry gathered a large group, multiple expansion; the coal infrastructure upgrades, the efficient operation of the employees; intrinsically safe Anquan Yicoal, to the scientific development concept as a guide, the "three-step" development strategy, were strong start:2007-2010,2011-2015the science across,2016-2020strong take-off. In early2010, the meaning of Coal timely adjustment of the "three-step" development strategy, given a new position and requirements to the second stage, that scientific leap:the focus on safety in production deployment and the same time the pursuit of rapid development, clearly stated To insist on the quality of development and sustainable development, emphasis on the institutional culture, Yima coal formation characteristics and culture; emphasis on workers and enhance the well-being index, and gradually improve the working environment and living environment; attention to the protection of the environment and resources, and vigorously promote the circular economy the development; actively advocate green, low-carbon development, human and natural harmony, and strive to become the leading brand of sustainable development enterprise Coal justice.These topics from the long-term scientific research accumulation and professional research directions. Yima Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned coal enterprises, major production and meager lean coal, coking coal, anthracite coal and washed coal, which is widely used in coking, gas production, power generation, industrial boilers and building materials industries, the products are widely sold more than20domestic provinces, autonomous regions, and also involved in the manufacturing, power generation, cement, alumina, coal, chemical and other fields. Eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises to study a new subject, covering ecological economic theory, enterprise competitiveness theory and corporate eco-competitiveness theory. Coal enterprises to focus on ecology, the development of clean production technology, and take the path of the development of recycling economy, green development is the inevitable choice of China to take a new road to industrialization, to achieve sustainable economic and social development, building a resource-saving society. In order to achieve the coal enterprises to change the mode of economic growth, the development of eco-economy, innovation and building conservation-oriented enterprises, and ultimately change the competitive landscape, rich theories and methods of evaluation based on existing theory and corporate eco-competitiveness to promote eco-competitiveness of coal enterprise enhanced training. The common problem of coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation of the use of the cycle of economic, ecological and economic theory to solve the operation of the coal enterprises of high energy consumption, pollution, ultra emissions, nurture and enhance the competitiveness of coal enterprise ecosystem, and ultimately achieve green development of coal enterprises.Paper summarizes relevant research on the basis of the characteristics of the coal enterprises, first of all, a clear connotation of ecological and economic competitiveness of coal enterprise ecosystem-based, definition of the concept of competitiveness of coal enterprise ecosystem; Second, by affecting the ecology of the coal enterprises analysis of the competitive elements, from the dimensions of the ecological environment, the economy, the level of management, enterprise core competencies to build coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system, the use of the classification tree method, the gray system theory and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to evaluate the coal enterprises ecological competitiveness. And evaluation of empirical research carried out ecological competitiveness of Coal justice; Finally, the proposed strategies and measures to cultivate and enhance the competitiveness of coal enterprise ecosystem.The overall structure of this paper is divided into seven chapters, were:The first chapter. This study pointed out the background and significance of the topic of this article, respectively, concept, theory of competitiveness of enterprises, enterprise competitiveness evaluation of domestic and foreign scholars on the competitiveness of enterprises and the theory of eco-competitiveness of enterprises and coal enterprise competitiveness Research; elaborated ideas, research content and methods, and concluded that the major achievements and innovations of this article.The second chapter of the enterprise eco-competitiveness related theoretical overview. Expounded the theory of enterprise ecological competitiveness content analysis from the point of view of the competitiveness of enterprises, and cut into the enterprise ecological competitiveness. Describes the basic content of the competitiveness of enterprises, enterprise ecological importance of competitiveness and practical significance, the theoretical basis of build coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation model:theory of sustainable development, green development theory, the theory of circular economy, low the carbon economic theory, these theories pointed the way for the development of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprise.Chapter competitiveness of coal enterprises ecological theory analysis. First, that the main problems facing the development process of the coal enterprises, leads to the urgency of the eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises, and then given the basic concepts of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises, meaning as well as the establishment of the evaluation, the evaluation methods. Core competitiveness of coal enterprises ecological sustainable development theory, to achieve the sustainable development of the coal enterprises, to make the long-term survival of the enterprise, to obtain greater economic benefits, should continue to reduce the production of pollution, for economic community to make a greater contribution.Chapter coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index design. First, the analysis of the competitiveness of coal enterprises ecological impact factors, followed by the combination of the coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system design principles and design methods to build coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system.Chapter coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation model. The first study enterprise competitiveness evaluation methods, and comparative analysis of various evaluation methods, followed by the use of the classification tree, the gray system theory and fuzzy theory of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises, and the evaluation model were constructed.Empirical Analysis of the sixth chapter of the meaning of Coal ecological competitiveness evaluation. First analyzes the status quo of ecological competitiveness of Coal justice, then, respectively, using the classification tree theory, gray theory, fuzzy theory of coal enterprises Ecological competitiveness evaluation model ecological competitiveness of the meaning of Coal empirical research, came to the conclusion of the ecology of the meaning of Coal Competitiveness and Promotion Countermeasure.The text in Chapter7Summary and Research Prospects. Summary of the content of this paper, and the study found the problems and defects put forward.Under the guidance of the theory of the ecological and economic theory, the theory of the competitiveness of enterprises, enterprise ecological competitiveness closely around the theme of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises, theoretical knowledge as a guide, using system analysis, factor analysis, qualitative and quantitative, empirical The combination of analytical methods, the choice of coal enterprises ecological competitiveness analysis method, the determination of the influencing factors, the establishment of the evaluation, the evaluation model to build depth study. Eco-competitiveness evaluation index system based on coal enterprises build the principles and methods of constructed coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system, and evaluation theory based on eco-competitiveness of enterprises, build eco-competitiveness of coal enterprise integrated evaluation model, and the empirical analysis, and strive to be innovative in the construction of the index system and evaluation methods.(1) The theoretical innovation:the concept of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprise. Based on the original connotation of the competitiveness of the enterprise ecosystem, the characteristics of the coal enterprises, proposed the concept of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises, clear the basic characteristics of the coal enterprises ecological competitiveness basic sense, the range of applications, competitiveness evaluation index system, and evaluation methods. Definition of eco-competitiveness of coal enterprises derives formed in the meaning of corporate eco-competitiveness, innovation, and also to make the theory pave the way for future related research.(2) Innovation:to build a coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system and evaluation model. Quantitative analysis method, using a classification tree, gray theory, fuzzy comprehensive theory constructed coal enterprises in eco-competitiveness evaluation index system and evaluation model, and the meaning of Coal enterprise ecosystem competitiveness classification trees, gray theory, fuzzy comprehensive theory empirical research. Evaluation index system is designed according to the design principles and the current situation of coal enterprises, the three methods of classification trees, gray theory and fuzzy comprehensive theory on the basis of comparison of various evaluation methods to choose from, so use of three kinds of innovative methods for the study of the coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation.(3) The application of innovation:carry out the evaluation of empirical study of the meaning of Coal enterprise eco-competitiveness, and achieved good results. To use built coal enterprises ecological competitiveness evaluation index system and evaluation model of the enterprise ecosystem Coal justice competitive conduct empirical research, and proposed the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the Status and Problems of Coal justice ecological competitiveness, while exploring the ecological competitiveness of the Group to improve the ways and methods, and to cultivate and enhance the ecological competitiveness of the Group to play a substantial boost.


