

The Research on the Economic Division and Management Policy of Mineral Resources in Hubei Province

【作者】 王来峰

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 未来20-30年,在我国完成工业化、城镇化和全面建成小康社会的过程中,矿产资源开发供给的形势依然严峻。保障我国矿产资源安全、提高矿产资源利用水平、维护矿山生态环境,不仅需要发挥市场的调节作用和企业的主动性,还需要提高各级政府的宏观调节和矿政管理水平。矿产资源规划是我国进行矿产资源开发和矿产品供给宏观调节和矿证管理的重要依据、施政纲领和行动指南。从20世纪初开始,我国共进行了2轮矿产资源总体规划,形成了较为完备的矿产资源专项规划和区域规划,这对保障矿产资源可持续供给、保护与集约节约利用矿产资源、保护矿山与地质生态环境发挥了巨大作用。要做好矿产资源规划,必须加强矿产资源经济分区工作。这不仅是由于不同矿种的储量、资源禀赋、需求规模和开发布局存在差异,需要设置不同的勘查、开发规划区,来优化矿业权布局,调控矿产资源开发总量;还由于不同矿种的紧缺程度、工业价值和国防价值存在差异,需要采用不同的矿产资源开发与保护政策,实现战略矿产的不间断和大宗矿产资源的可持续性;还由于资源富裕地区矿产资源开发与区域经济发展联系程度紧密,矿业经济对工业经济贡献程度较高,需要通过矿业经济区“顶层设计”,引导和促进矿业经济的发展。本研究以丰富矿产资源规划理论,规范矿产资源经济分区体系,为更有效率的利用好、保护好有限的矿产资源,优化各级政府进行矿产资源开发、矿产品供给宏观调节和矿证管理职能为目的,以湖北省为案例,构建了包括有矿产资源战略区、矿产资源规划区和矿业经济区三个方面、多层次的矿产资源经济分区框架,为我国矿产资源开发利用和矿政管理提供理论和经验支持。论文共分为七个章节,其中,第一、二、七章为绪论、理论基础和结论与展望,第三至六章为核心章节。论文研究的主要内容如下:第一章绪论。介绍了选题研究的背景和意义。通过对矿产资源规划和矿产资源经济分区研究的文献综述,归纳现有矿产资源经济分区理论研究的不足和理论研究滞后于实践的现实情况,提出本文的研究内容、研究方法和创新点。第二章矿产资源经济分区理论基础。矿产资源经济分区是矿产资源规划的一项重要内容。矿产资源经济分区,在理论方面涉及到地域分工与经济区划理论、区位选择理论、区域经济扩张理论、区域规划理论等理论。其中,区域规划理论中涉及到主体功能区规划、城市规划、产业规划和矿产资源规划等规划内容。第三章湖北省矿产资源经济分区的资源基础与分区框架。湖北省成矿地质条件优越、矿产资源储量较为丰富,矿业已经成为湖北省的支柱产业之一。湖北省实施矿产资源经济分区的目标包括,保障矿产资源可持续供给、矿产资源开发总量控制、优化矿产资源开发布局、矿产资源保护与高效利用、矿山环境保护和矿业技术进步等6个方面。湖北省矿产资源经济分区是包括有矿产资源战略区、矿产资源规划区和矿业经济区等三个方面、多层次的框架体系。湖北省实施矿产资源经济分区的程序流程是:数据采集与专题分析→明确矿产资源经济分区目标→制定矿产资源经济分区方案→实施分区及配套保障措施制定→→分区方案修编。湖北省矿产资源经济分区协调机制,包括宣传与培训、行政协调机制、强化分区监管等内容。第四章湖北省矿产资源战略区划分及管理政策。湖北省矿产资源战略区是基于维护国家战略矿产安全和省内大宗优势矿产可持续供给,以省内具有丰富储量的战略矿种和与工业经济紧密联系、工业价值较高的大宗优势矿种为对象的资源富集区,建立的矿产资源战略区。湖北省矿产资源战略区对国家矿产资源战略和湖北省社会经济需求具有重要意义。湖北省矿产资源战略区分区的原则包括,宏观性与方向性原则、矿业服从经济战略原则、质量与数量兼备原则。湖北省矿产资源战略区包括基于国家战略的矿产资源战略区和基于省域优势矿产的矿产资源战略区。其中,基于国家战略的矿产资源战略区包括湖北省稀土矿战略分区、湖北省钛矿战略分区、湖北省钒矿战略分区、湖北省铁矿战略分区。基于湖北省优势矿产的战略分区包括湖北省磷矿战略分区、湖北省盐矿战略分区、湖北省水泥用灰岩战略分区。湖北省要按照在保护中开发矿产资源的原则,在满足战略矿产和大宗优势矿产资源可持续供给的同时,实施一定的矿产资源储备。第五章湖北省矿产资源规划分区与勘查开发基地建设。湖北省矿产资源规划区是湖北省优化矿业权布局,合理调控矿产资源开发总量,承担矿产资源勘查、开发职能的区域。矿产资源规划区包括重点规划区、禁止规划区、限制规划区和一般规划区,每一个规划区都包括勘查区和开发区。做好矿产资源规划区的标准化问题,需要考虑到矿种勘查、开发政策、矿种总数量调控政策、矿业权设置政策和矿山最低规模政策等方面。湖北省矿产资源勘查开发基地承担了湖北省矿产资源勘查开发的主要责任。湖北省矿产资源接续区是保障近期湖北省矿产资源开发规模稳定的重要主体。湖北省可以建立13个矿产资源勘查基地、13个矿产资源开采基地和25个矿产资源接续区。湖北省每一种勘查区或开发区的矿业权准入制度,是矿业投资的制度准则。湖北省要采取实施多部门综合协调措施、优化矿业权布局、加强矿区生态环境保护、加大矿产资源勘查重点工程推进等途径保障湖北省矿产资源规划区的可持续发展。第六章湖北省矿业经济区划与促进矿业经济发展措施。矿业经济区即是矿产资源开发与地区工业联系程度紧密,矿业经济对区域经济发展的贡献程度较高的资源富裕地区。建立矿业经济区有利于提高矿产资源利用效率和效益,优化矿产资源开发利用格局。湖北省矿业经济区包括国家级矿业经济区和湖北省矿业经济区。湖北省国家级矿业经济区包括宜昌磷矿业经济区、云应盐硝矿业经济区和鄂州-黄石铁铜金矿业经济区。湖北省省域矿业经济区可以采用矿山规模、矿产资源集聚度和矿业经济对工业经济的贡献度三大类指标评价,并以大中型矿山矿业经济状态确定矿业经济区。根据湖北省13个地市州、3个省管县和1个林区的评价结果和大中型矿山经济分析,湖北省矿业经济区包括黄石铜铁金-建材矿业经济区、鄂州铁矿-建材矿业经济区、黄冈建材矿业经济区、宜昌磷矿-建材矿业经济区、孝感盐化-建材矿业经济区和神农架磷化矿业经济区6大矿业经济区。湖北省要以这6个矿业经济区为重点,促进矿产资源的开发与矿业经济的发展,同时也要加强襄阳市、荆门市、潜江市、恩施市、咸宁市、武汉市等地区的矿业经济发展。此外,湖北省还要通过提高矿业经济效益、改善投资环境和公共工程建设等方面内容促进矿业经济的发展。第七章全文总结与研究展望。文章的创新点包括三个方面:(1)构建了包括有矿产资源战略区、矿产资源规划区和矿业经济区三个方面、多层次的矿产资源经济分区框架。该框架兼容性强、技术规范合理,因而实用价值高,不仅丰富了矿产资源规划中矿产资源经济分区理论,规范了矿产资源经济分区体系,还可以为矿产资源开发利用和各级政府矿政管理提供理论和经验支持。(2)提出了矿产资源战略区概念和矿产资源战略区划分思路。矿产资源战略区是基于维护国家战略矿产安全和省区大宗优势矿产可持续供给,以省内具有丰富储量的战略矿种和与工业经济紧密联系、工业价值较高的大宗优势矿种为对象的资源富集区。矿产资源战略区分为国家层次和省域层次,即,基于国家战略的矿产资源战略区和基干省域优势矿产的矿产资源战略区。(3)拓展了矿业经济区层次,提出了矿业经济区分区方法。将矿业经济区从国家级矿业经济区拓展到包括有国家级矿业经济区、省级矿业经济区、市级矿业经济区、县区级矿业经济区四个层次。矿业经济区即是矿产资源开发与地区工业联系程度紧密,矿业经济对区域经济发展的贡献程度较高的资源富裕地区。国家级矿业经济区是基于大型成矿地带的矿产资源赋存条件好、基础设施配套好、开发利用活动相对集中的区域。对省级及市级和县区级,主要是从行政区域边界范围内,从矿产资源集聚度、矿山规模和矿业经济对工业贡献度三个指标进行评价,并根据所评价较优地区大中型矿山经济数据,来划分矿业经济区,同时也可以根据大中型矿山开发状态,采用有针对性措施促进各地区矿业经济发展。

【Abstract】 In the next20-30years, the mineral resources development and supply situation will keep severe when China is in the process of industrialization, urbanization and building a moderately prosperous society. To protect mineral resources safety, improve the utilization of mineral resources and maintain ecological environment of mining, not only needs to play the role of market regulation and initiative of corporate, but also needs to improve the government’s macro regulation and mine administration and management. Mineral resources planning is the important basis, policy agenda and action guide for China’s macro regulation and management to mineral resources development and minerals supply. Since the beginning of the20th century, China have been carried out two round overall mineral resources planning, formed a relatively complete mineral resources special planning and regional planning, which has played a significant role in guarantee sustainable supply of mineral resources, protection and intensive utilization of mineral resources and protection of the mining and geo-ecological environment.China has to strengthen economic regionalization of mineral resources if to finish mineral resources planning. That is not only because different types of mineral has a lot of differences in mineral reserves, resource endowments, requirement size and development layout, so that needs to set a different exploration, development planning zone to optimize the mining layout and total control of mineral resources development; there are also differences in shortage degree, industrial value and defense value, that needs to adopt a different mineral resources development and protection policies to achieve strategic minerals continuously and the mail mineral resource sustainability; but also because the development of mineral resources is relatively close to regional economic development in resource-rich zones, and mining economy has the higher economic contribution to industrial economy, that needs to guide and promote the development of mining economy through "top-level design" in mining economic zonesThis research aimed at enriching mineral resources planning theory, regulating economic division of mineral resources system, the efficient utilization and protection of the limited mineral resources, and optimizing the government’s macro regulation and management functions on the development and supplement of mineral resources. Take Hubei Province for example, it built a multi-level framework for mineral resource economics division which includes strategic zones of mineral resources, planning zone of mineral resources and mining economic zone that is the theoretical and empirical support for China’s development and utilization of mineral resources and mineral political management.This study is divided into seven chapters, of which the first, second, seven chapters were the introduction, theoretical basis and conclusions and outlook, from the third to the sixth chapter are the core chapters. The main contents of the research are as follows:Chapter1. Introduction. This part introduces the research background and significance of the topic. Through the literature review on the mineral resources planning and economic division, it summarizes the deficiencies about existing theoretical research on mineral resource economic division, and the reality of theoretical research behind the practice, and then proposed research contents, methods and innovations.Chapter2. Theoretical basis on mineral resource economic division.Mineral resource economic division is an important content of mineral resource planning, in the theoretical aspects, it related to geographical division and economic division theory, location choice theory, regional economic expansion theory, regional planning theory etc. Among them, the regional planning theory involved in the main functional zones planning, urban planning, industrial planning and mineral resource planning and so on.Chapter3. Resource basis and division framework of mineral resource division in Hubei Province..Hubei province has favorable mineral geological conditions and abundant mineral resources; mining has become one of the pillar industries in Hubei Province. The objectives of the implementation of the mineral resources economic division includes6aspects, guaranteeing the sustainable supply of mineral resources, total quantity control of mineral resources development, optimizing the exploitation layout of mineral resources, conservation and efficient use of mineral resources, mining environmental protection and mining technological advances. Mineral Resource Economics division in Hubei province is a multi-level framework which including three aspects, mineral resources strategic zone, mineral resources planning zone and mining economic zone. The program flow of implementation of economic mineral resource division are:data collection and thematic analysis→clear the objective of mineral resource economic division→formulate scheme on mineral resource economic division→carry out division and set out supporting measures→edit and revise the division scheme. The coordination mechanisms of mineral resource economics division in Hubei province including publicity and training, administrative coordination mechanisms and strengthen supervision partition etc.Chapter4. Strategic division and management policy of mineral resources in Hubei Province.Hubei strategic zone of mineral resources is a mineral enrichment region which is based on safeguarding national strategic minerals’ security and sustainable supply of bulk advantaged mineral, and with rich reserves of strategic minerals, closely linked to the industrial economy and as the higher industrial value for the objects. Hubei strategic zone of mineral resource has an important significance for national mineral resource strategies and socio-economic requirement of Hubei province. Strategic zone division principle including macro with the directional principle, mining obey economic strategy principle, quality and quantity principle. Hubei strategic zone of mineral resource including national strategy based mineral resource zone and provincial advantages based mineral resources zone. Among them, national strategic mineral resources zone includes Hubei rare earth mine strategic division, Hubei titanium mine strategic division, Hubei vanadium mine strategy division, Hubei iron ore strategy division. Based on the advantaged mineral, strategic zone of Hubei Province is divided into Hubei phosphate strategy division, Hubei salt mines strategic division, Hubei cement with limestone strategy vision. Hubei Province should accord to the protection principle when exploits mineral resource, and carry out the certain mineral resources reserve when meet the sustainable supply of strategic minerals and bulk advantaged at the same time.Chapter5. Hubei mineral resources zoning and exploration and exploitation base contribution. Hubei mineral resources planning zone is the region that optimize mining right layout, reasonable regulate the total mineral resources development; undertake mineral exploration and development function. Mineral resources planning zone includes key planning zone, prohibited planning zone, restricted planning zone and general planning zone, and each planning zone includes exploration and development zone. In order to complete standardization of mineral resources planning zone need to be considered the minerals exploration, the development policy, the regulatory policy of total quantity minerals, the mining right access policy and the minimum scale mining policy and other aspects. Mineral resources exploitation and development base has taken the primary responsibility for exploration and exploitation in Hubei. Hubei mineral resource continuum is the key body to protect the stability of mineral resources exploitation scale in recently. Hubei province can create13mineral resource exploration bases,13mineral resources exploitation bases and25mineral resource continuums. The access system of each of the mining exploration or development zone is the regime criteria of mining investment. Hubei Province should adopt multi-sectoral coordinating measures, optimize the mining layout, and strengthen mine ecological environment protection, increased mineral exploration and other ways for key projects to promote sustainable development of mineral resources planning zone.Chapter6. Mining industry economics division and measures to promote mining economic development in Hubei Province. Mining economic zone, that is to say, mineral resource exploitation is relatively close to regional industry development and mining economy has the higher degree of economic contribution to industrial economy in resource-rich regions. Mining economic zone established is favour of improving mineral resource use efficiency and optimizing structure of mineral resource exploitation and utilization. Mining economic zone in Hubei including national level mining economic zones and provincial level economic zones, national level mining industry economic zone in Hubei province including Yichang phosphate mining economic zone, Yunmeng-Yingcheng saltpetre mining economic zone and Ezhou-Huangshi iron-copper-gold mining economic zone. Hubei provincial mining economic zone can take mine size, concentration degree of mineral resources and mining economic contribution as the evaluated indicators, and take the state of medium-sized mining to determine the mining economic zone. According to the evaluation result of13level cities,3provincial governing counties and1forest and medium-sized mining economic analysis, we can see that, Hubei provincial mining economic zone including Huangshi copper-iron-gold-building Materials Mining Economic Zone, Ezhou Iron-building Materials Mining economic Zone, Huanggang building materials mining economic zone, Yichang phosphate-building Materials Mining economic Zone, Xiaogan salt-building Materials Mining economic zones and Shennongjia phosphate mining economic zone etc. Hubei province should focus on those6mining economics zones and promote the mineral resource exploitation and mining economic development. Meanwhile, it should strengthen the mining economic development, such as Xiangyang city, Jingmen City, Qianjiang City, Enshi City, Xianning City, Wuhan City and other zones. In addition, Hubei province should improve mining economic efficiency and improve the investment environment and public works construction for promoting the development of mining economyChapter7Overall conclusions and research outlook.Innovations of this research includes three aspects:(1) It built a multi-level framework for mineral resource economics division which includes strategic zones of mineral resources, planning zone of mineral resources and mining economic zone. The framework has good compatibility, reasonable technical specifications, so it has the higher practical value, which not only enriched mineral resources economic division theory in the process of mineral resource regionalization and standardized mineral resource economic division system, but also provided theoretical and empirical support for development and utilization of mineral resources and administration and management of governments.(2) It proposed the concept of mineral resources strategic zone and thinking of mineral resources strategic zone division.Hubei strategic zone of mineral resources is a mineral enrichment region which is based on safeguarding national strategic minerals’security and sustainable supply of bulk advantaged mineral, and with rich reserves of strategic minerals, closely linked to the industrial economy and as the higher industrial value for the objects. Mineral resources strategy is divided into national level and provincial-level, that is, national strategy based mineral resources strategy zone and provincial advantaged based mineral resources strategy zone.(3) It expanded the level of mining economic zones and proposed the division methods of mining economic zone.It expanded the mining economic zone from the National Mining Economic Zone to4 levels that includes national mining economic zones, provincial mining economic zones, municipal mining economic zones and country and district level mining economic zones. Mining economic zone, that is, mineral resource exploitation is relatively close to regional industry development and mining economy has the higher degree of economic contribution to industrial economy in resource-rich regions. National mining economic zone is based on large-scale mineralize with good conditions; great infrastructure facilities, relatively concentrated zone for development and utilization. As for provincial and municipal and county level, it is evaluated mainly from the boundaries of administrative region, concentration degree of mineral resources, mining scale and the contribution to industry, and according to the evaluated superior data from medium-sized mine to divide the mining economic zones, and also according to the development status of medium-sized mine, adopt targeted measures to promote mining economic development in regions targeted measures.


