

The Research on Eco-service Function Oriented Coastal Geopark Exploitation and Protection

【作者】 高燕

【导师】 李江风;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 滨海是涉及到陆地、湿地、海洋三大生态系统的复合地带,生境复杂,生态脆弱,同时这里又是人类开发利用最为频繁的地区。随着人口增长,城市扩张、海岸自然侵蚀、自然灾害泛滥等问题的出现,我国1.8万km的海岸线面临着来自自然和人为因素的威胁,滨海地带的生态环境不断受到挑战。以地质公园为载体发展滨海地质旅游不失为一条既能保护滨海生态,又能合理科学利用滨海资源,促进地区经济发展的有效途径。地质公园建设自2000年在我国大力开展以来,以保护地质遗迹及其所依存的生态环境、为大众提供地学及自然科普教育场所,促进地区经济发展为三大宗旨,基本上以政府为主导进行开发和建设,在政府主导下的地质公园开发和保护传统模式从申报到审批,从规划到实施,政府完全主导其中,这在一定程度上促进了地质公园建设的规模化,但是也带来了诸如规划模式化、划界随意、增长过快、缺乏自然科学内涵、科普落后、公益性不足、保护不力等问题。究其缘由,主要有两点:一为部分地方政府因片面地追逐经济利益,而对生态关注程度较低;二为政府主导下的公园开发和保护传统模式缺乏科学理论指导,而导致公园规划处于政策性的指导层面。因此,政府主导下的滨海地质公园开发和保护的传统模式并不能有效地保护滨海生态。基于以上缘由,本研究提出了生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护这一新模式,由于生态服务功能导向模式更加重视滨海地质公园生态系统的生态服务功能,以最大化地发挥和实现公园生态服务功能为规划目的,因此能在很大程度上解决公园规划模式化和规则化、地质遗迹及生态环境保护不力、公园自然科学内涵缺乏等问题,不失为保护滨海生态的有效途径,同时也能为目前政府主导下的地质公园传统规划方式提供科学的理论指导。本研究以地质学、生态学、环境生态学、生态经济学等学科以及生态经济协调理论、生物多样性和生态系统稳定性理论、外部性理论、资源产业经济学相关理论作为指导,综合运用文献回顾、层次分析法(AHP)、专家意见法、专家打分法以及李克特量表(Likert scale)、GIS软件、Yaahp软件等工具。研究目的在于构建生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护新模式。为此,研究分为五大步骤进行:首先阐明构建生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护模式的依据,包括政府主导模式下公园建设的特点及不足、滨海生态环境的复杂性和脆弱性以及滨海生态环境的影响因素,由此提出生态服务功能导向的开发和保护模式是对政府主导模式的完善。第二步,构建滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系。这是对滨海地带生态服务功能现状进行评价以及建设后效果检验的有效工具,同时,对滨海生态服务功能现状的评价也是对该地区生态问题诊断的基础,在此基础上才能更有针对性地进行公园开发和保护规划。第三步,利用生态服务功能评价体系,同时结合该地区土地利用、地形地貌、水系分布、资源分布等生态格局因子诊断研究区生态问题,建立战略性生态格局,继而构建生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架。第四步,将海南省万宁市小海-东山岭滨海地质公园这一具体案例应用于前导研究所构建的生态服务功能导向的开发和保护规划理论框架。最后针对案例,提出进一步优化生态服务功能导向模式理论框架的政策、管理等制度方面的措施。本研究以提出问题-分析问题-解决问题(理论框架构建-案例应用-理论优化)的逻辑思路,将全文分为八章节。第一章绪论:主要内容包括选题背景、相关研究综述、研究思路和研究内容、技术路线及方法;第二章相关概念及理论依据:厘清了与本研究相关的地质公园、生态系统、生态服务、生态服务功能、滨海地带等概念,同时阐明了本研究的相关理论依据,主要包括生态学、环境经济学、生态经济学等。相关概念的厘清和理论依据的阐明是本研究的基础:第三章政府主导下的地质公园开发和保护传统模式;第四章滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系构建;第五章生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架;第六章案例应用——海南省小海-东山岭滨海地质公园;第七章生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护模式优化;第八章结论、不足与展望。研究表明:1.我国目前的地质公园建设为政府主导下地质公园开发和保护传统模式,具有层级化网络结构、申报动因多样化、管理体制混乱等特点。2.滨海生态系统极为复杂和脆弱,其生态环境影响因素主要来源于三方面:地质因素、人为因素、自然因素。其中,多次突发性的地质事件导致自然景观及生态系统发生重大变化,对地质公园成景作用突出;地形地貌上,由于海拔和坡向不同而形成不同植被类型甚至不同的自然生态系统:气候变化导致滨海地带遭受洪水、风暴等自然灾害,影响生态环境;城市化等人类活动导致滨海生态恶化等等。3.滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系不仅是生态服务功能导向模式构建的基础和前导研究,同时也是诊断公园生态建设效果的有效工具之一。本研究在识别滨海地质公园生态服务功能的基础上,构建了以滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价为目标层,以社会经济文化服务功能、供给服务功能、调节服务功能、支持服务功能等4项基本生态服务功能为准则层、以地质遗迹生态保护功能等20项为指标层的生态服务功能评价体系。同时,针对具有公园属性的社会经济文化服务功能,又进一步筛选出24项方案层指标。将专家对指标重要性两两衡量的打分结果,通过AHP层次分析软件Yaahp进行分析,最后赋予每项指标权重。社会经济文化功能权重为0.2265、供给服务功能0.1602、调节服务功能0.1602、支持服务功能0.4531。研究也给出了所有指标的评分细则,对于每一项指标的评估分值则采用五分制的李克特量表(Likert scale)进行测量,量表测量对象为生态学、旅游学、地质学、地质公园规划等方面的专家。4.生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架是公园规划的理论依据,以此为框架进行滨海地质公园开发和保护规划,以期最终达到既促进滨海地带生态环境的保护,又通过地质公园开发发展地方经济的目的,是保护滨海生态的有效途径之一。在生态格局存在的前提下,通过滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系对公园现状进行评估,诊断当前存在的生态问题,在此基础上,建立战略性生态格局,构建生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架。生态服务功能导向的规划项目共计有13项,其中,以供给、调节和支持服务功能为导向的规划项目包括生态功能分区规划、生态环境承载力体系规划、濒危珍稀动植物保护规划、水资源保护规划、地质及自然灾害防治规划、土地利用规划等6项;以社会经济文化服务功能为导向的规划包括地质旅游游憩产品规划、地质遗迹景观保护规划、旅游基础服务设施规划、地质解说系统规划、地学及相关研究规划、科普教育规划、相关产业规划等7项。5.生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架在小海-东山岭滨海地质公园规划中的运用,是理论在实践中的检验,是优化生态服务功能导向模式的现实基础。该公园位于海南省万宁市万城镇、后安镇和和乐镇交界之处,东濒南海,是典型的城郊地质公园。公园以东山岭花岗岩古海蚀地貌和小海现代潟湖地质遗迹为主。首先,利用生态服务评价体系对其生态服务现状进行评估,小海园区和东山岭园区生态服务功能评估值分别为1.1378和1.0713,诊断出公园调节和支持服务功能在逐步减弱,供给服务功能不足,而社会经济文化服务功能亟待保护和加强,同时结合小海-东山岭土地利用现状、地形地貌、水系分布、资源分布等生态格局相关因子,确定“三源一廊”这一战略性生态格局,其中,“三源”为东山岭生态源地、小海入海口生态源地以及大长岭-多德湿地生态源地,“一廊”为小海潟湖,通过小海渴湖这一生态廊道连接呈三角分布的“三源”,并实施严格的生态保护,共同抵御来自万城镇、和乐镇、后安镇、港北渔港工业园区、春园湾房地产开发的城市化威胁。最终根据这一生态格局分别对公园进行以社会经济文化服务功能、供给服务功能、调节服务功能和支持服务功能为导向的13项规划。6.生态服务功能导向模式与政府主导下的传统模式相比较,还存在实施保障、管理体制上的不足之处。因此本研究对生态服务功能导向的开发和保护规划理论框架,提出了制度方面的优化措施,如生态补偿机制的建立、生态项目在缓冲区的优先落地政策、管理体制的科学设计等。本研究力图在滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系构建、生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架上有所创新。首次将本研究构建的滨海地质公园生态服务功能评价体系应用于案例中,并倡导推广。首次构建了生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架,并应用于具体案例——海南省小海-东山岭滨海地质公园,对其进行了以生态服务功能为导向的13项开发和保护规划。生态服务功能导向的滨海地质公园开发和保护规划理论框架在实践中不仅是保护滨海生态环境的有效途径之一,同时也为目前我国地质公园规划提供了科学理论指导。

【Abstract】 The ecosystem of coastal zone involved in the three ecological systems of land, wetlands, ocean compound is so complex and fragile, at the same time there is also the most frequent areas of human development. Ecological problem of coastal zone have become increasingly prominent with the population growth, urban sprawl, coastal natural erosion, natural disaster.18000km of China coastline is faced with the threat from natural and human factors. Geopark as the carrier to develop coastal geo-tourism is the effective ways to protect coastal ecosystem and scientific use of coastal resources. The geopark that is for the purpose of protecting the geo-heritages and eco-environment, providing the public places for geological and natural science education, promoting regional economic development, is basically dominated by the government since2000. So, this to a certain extent, promote the scale of geopark, but also brought a series problems, such as estimation of the planning, demarcation at will, growing too fast, lack of natural scientific connotation, the popular science behind, lack of public welfare. This research puts forward the eco-service function orientation of the development and protection pattern, due to pay more attention to the eco-service function of coastal geo-park, thus can solve the problems such as estimation of the planning and the lack of natural scientific connotation, be regarded as an effective way to protect coastal ecosystem, but also provide scientific theoretical guidance for the geopark construction.The research is guiding by ecology, environmental ecology, ecological economy and eco-economic coordination theory, biodiversity and ecosystem stability theory, externality theory, integrated use of the method of literature review, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), expert scoring and the tool of Likert scale, GIS, Yaahp, and so on. The research purpose is to build the pattern of eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection. Firstly, to state the basis of eco-service function oriented pattern of coastal geopark construction. Including the characteristics and disadvantages of government dominant mode in the construction of the geopark, the complexity and vulnerability of the coastal eco-environment, and the influence factors of coastal eco-environment, thus it puts forward the model of eco-service function orientation of the development and protection is for the perfection of government dominant mode. Secondly, build the evaluation system of coastal geopark eco-service function which evaluating the status quo of the eco-service function and testing the effective of after construction. And also, the present eco-service function evaluation is the basis of the eco-problems diagnosis in the region. Thirdly, using the eco-service function evaluation system, and combining with pattern of eco-factors such as the regional land use, topography, water distribution, resources distribution, to diagnosis the eco-problems in the study area, establishing strategic eco-pattern, and then build the eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection theory framework. Fourthly, the Hainan Wanning Xiaohai-dongshanling coastal geopark as a case is applied to the eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection theory framework. Finally, based on case studies, further optimization measures are put forward to improve the eco-service function oriented pattern of coastal geopark development and protection, such as policies, laws and regulations.The logical thought train of the research based on questions put forward-theory framework build-case applications-theory optimize, the full text is divided into eight chapters.Chapter1:Introduction. The main content including the research background, related research review, research thought and contents, technical route and method.Chapter2:The concepts and theory basis. Clarify the concepts of geo-park, ecological system, eco-service, eco-service function, coastal zone. State the theory basis of this study, mainly including ecology, environmental economics, ecological economics and so on. Of concepts and theory basis to clarify is the basis of the research.Chapter3:the geopark development and protection of government dominate pattern. The research analyzed the characteristics of government dominate pattern.the eco-service function orientation pattern is put forward to improve government dominate pattern.Chapter4:the Construction of coastal geo-park eco-service function evaluation system. On the basis of identifying coastal geopark eco-service function, building coastal geopark eco-service function evaluation as the goal layer, with the social economy and culture service function, supply services, adjusting services, support services as the criterion layer., giving the weight of each indicators by AHP software Yaahp and expert opinions. Social economic and cultural weight of0.2265, supply services weight of0.1602, adjusting services weight of0.1602, support services weight of0.4531. The research also gives the grading rules of all indicators.Chapter5:eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection theory framework. Diagnose the current eco-problems by coastal geopark eco-service function evaluation system, establishing strategic eco-landscape. Building eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection theory framework. In this theory framework, eco-service function contains a total of13planning projects.the supply, adjust and support services oriented program including6items:ecological function regionalization, eco-environmental capacity system planning, rare animals and plants protection planning, water resources protection planning, geological and natural disasters prevention and land use planning. Social economic and cultural service oriented planning including7items:geological tourism leisure product planning, geo-heritage landscape protection planning, tourism infrastructure planning, geo-interpretation system planning, learning and research planning, popular science education planning and the related industry planning.Chapter6:case application. Xiaohai-dongshanling coastal geopark which located in the Hainan province Wanning, east faces the south China sea is a typical suburban geopark. The present eco-service function of the case is assessed by ecosystem services evaluation system, then gave the value of1.1378and1.0713corresponding to Xiaohai park and Dongshanling park, respectively. Combining the Xiaohai-dongshaning present situation of land use, topography, water distribution, resources distribution, the strategic ecological pattern of the "three eco-sources and one radiating routes" is put forward, Dongshanling, the entrance to South China sea and Dachangling-duode wetland were considered as "eco-sources", the lagoon was considered as radiating routes. Urbanization is resistance by this strategic eco-pattern. Ultimately, on the basis of the strategic eco-pattern, the coastal geopark planning was carried by social economic and cultural services function oriented, supply service function oriented, adjust service function oriented and support services function oriented.Chapter7:optimization of eco-service function orientation coastal geopark development of geological parks and protected pattern. Such as the establishment of eco-compensation, eco-project priority landing in buffer policy, management system of scientific design, etc.Chapter8:conclusion, deficiencies and prospect.The research has two innovative achievements:1. The coastal geopark eco-service function evaluation system was established. The eco-service function evaluation of the present situation is the precondition of the geopark planning, and also, eco-service function evaluation system is the standard to examine the effects of the geopark after implementation.2. The eco-service function oriented coastal geopark development and protection theory framework was established. This is a new planning theory framework


